Less Alcohol - JULY 2019 - One Day at a Time



  • pennyks88
    pennyks88 Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning everyone! I've been on a beer kick the past few nights. I'm not usually much of a beer drinker, but when my pumping output is a little less than normal, beer will kick it back up! I'm going to the beach in a week, so I plan to be AF until then. I am so ready for a vacation.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.
    July 19 - AF - I always feel like having drinks the day after having drinks, but I like not having a puffy face and belly better and I have somewhere to go tomorrow, plus I have tentative plans for Mojitos some time this weekend so needed to rack up an AF day. Also, no drinks 2 days in a row or the 3rd day is really tough to accomplish.
    July 20 - AF - Had another fake beer. Pretty good. The Labatt kind comes in a 6 pack bottles and is $7.99, which is way cheaper than real beer in Canada. I think for the real Labatt Blue it might be around $14.00, but I am not sure, I don't think that I have ever bought it. Booze is very expensive in Canada for those of you that didn't know that. I may just have another, kind of thirsty and only 50 calories ; - )
    July 21 - 4 drinks! - They were spaced out, but anything over 3 drinks and I puke usually. Of course I feel yucky today. I did not throw up, but had to lay down with bed spins. I definitely did not eat enough yesterday which contributed.
    July 22 - AF
    July 23 - AF - still haven't had a Mojito yet, I had probably had 50 of them by this time last summer. Hopefully the mint doesn't wilt before I finally have one. I have tried them with grocery store mint, and it does not taste good. The mint in my garden is so much better. This year on top of my perrenial mint, I am growing some interesting varieties in pots, like Strawberry mint and Berries and Cream, along with the usual Orange Mint and Chocolate mint. I have been chewing it all, just haven't turned any of them into a cocktail yet. Not the same without the rum. Hmm, maybe rum extract? I will think about that.
    July 24 - 3 drinks

    Running total: 16 AF days out of 24 days so far.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all, I started back with MyFitnessPal a week or so ago. I've gained a lot of weight and need to get it off. I love this idea of AF days and am planning to try it. I drink way too much wine and it's showing like a wine barrell around my waist. I've been lurking the past few days and reading your posts. I love my wine but I need to go AF through the week and only enjoy a glass or two on the weekends.

    I'm the biggest I've ever been and honestly need to shed about 50 pounds.

    Welcome! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ I found this group a couple months ago and only this month did I really start working hard at going AF and honestly this group is my biggest help, there's no judgement at all and that really helps me too. I think drinking has been a huge part of my stubborn weight as well. I'm still working on my ability to have a glass or two at a time. Hopefully joining in on this group helps you too! ๐Ÿ˜
  • NotButtUgly
    NotButtUgly Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I started back with MyFitnessPal a week or so ago. I've gained a lot of weight and need to get it off. I love this idea of AF days and am planning to try it. I drink way too much wine and it's showing like a wine barrell around my waist. I've been lurking the past few days and reading your posts. I love my wine but I need to go AF through the week and only enjoy a glass or two on the weekends.

    I'm the biggest I've ever been and honestly need to shed about 50 pounds.

    Welcome! ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ I found this group a couple months ago and only this month did I really start working hard at going AF and honestly this group is my biggest help, there's no judgement at all and that really helps me too. I think drinking has been a huge part of my stubborn weight as well. I'm still working on my ability to have a glass or two at a time. Hopefully joining in on this group helps you too! ๐Ÿ˜

    Thank you! I definitely need a support group. :)
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.
    July 19 - AF - I always feel like having drinks the day after having drinks, but I like not having a puffy face and belly better and I have somewhere to go tomorrow, plus I have tentative plans for Mojitos some time this weekend so needed to rack up an AF day. Also, no drinks 2 days in a row or the 3rd day is really tough to accomplish.
    July 20 - AF - Had another fake beer. Pretty good. The Labatt kind comes in a 6 pack bottles and is $7.99, which is way cheaper than real beer in Canada. I think for the real Labatt Blue it might be around $14.00, but I am not sure, I don't think that I have ever bought it. Booze is very expensive in Canada for those of you that didn't know that. I may just have another, kind of thirsty and only 50 calories ; - )
    July 21 - 4 drinks! - They were spaced out, but anything over 3 drinks and I puke usually. Of course I feel yucky today. I did not throw up, but had to lay down with bed spins. I definitely did not eat enough yesterday which contributed.
    July 22 - AF
    July 23 - AF - still haven't had a Mojito yet, I had probably had 50 of them by this time last summer. Hopefully the mint doesn't wilt before I finally have one. I have tried them with grocery store mint, and it does not taste good. The mint in my garden is so much better. This year on top of my perrenial mint, I am growing some interesting varieties in pots, like Strawberry mint and Berries and Cream, along with the usual Orange Mint and Chocolate mint. I have been chewing it all, just haven't turned any of them into a cocktail yet. Not the same without the rum. Hmm, maybe rum extract? I will think about that.
    July 24 - 3 drinks
    July 25 - AF - I have passed my AF tally of last month which ended with 16AF days. Planned Mojito making on Saturday, so want to be AF tomorrow too.

    Running total: 17 AF days out of 25 days so far.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time for 2 drinks
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks!
    7/17 - AF
    7/18 - 1.5 drinks
    7/19 - 1.5 drinks
    7/20 - ๐Ÿ˜ถ bad
    7/21 - 1 ๐Ÿ˜•
    7/22 - AF
    7/23 - AF
    7/24 - AF
    7/25 - AF - woohoo! Feeling good and proud of not drinking all week.

    With not drinking I have so much more energy, I'm sleeping better and waking up early, and I dont wake up bloated! I've considered getting alcohol free wine for the weekend. Guess we shall see ๐Ÿค” goal for today is AF then limit myself to 3 drinks tomorrow. I want to try giving myself a numbered limit and not over do it.

    Happy Friday everyone! ๐Ÿ˜
  • forestdweller1
    forestdweller1 Posts: 366 Member
    Have we now turned into NA beer conny-sewers ?? :smiley: If the AF Coors or Amber O'D keeps me from going down to my wine cellar to fetch a bottle of Chianti, pass me my brass fish church key one more time !! It seems to help me to KNOW I have a few bottles stashed down there...allays the panicky " want-it-don't-have-it-and-I've-already-drunk-the-sherry-I-store-my-fresh-ginger-in " feeling.
    Stopped counting days since I had alcohol. It's been weeks and now I wish I had marked a calendar so I could pat myself on the back like I used to when I had about 7 months AF. [smiling and shaking my head at my own stupid]. Then I tried moderation a few times and found that THAT is sometimes harder than abstinence.

    About the mint. One year I had a bumper crop [Ha !! when is mint NOT a bumper crop] and hung huge stems of it under a porch roof to dry. Now it goes on an ironing board in an unused room where I dry my oregano and thyme...Makes a terrific tea. Especially when combined with loose Belgian Chocolate tea. Maybe will try to grow more "flavors" if summer lasts a few more weeks here.

    @NotButtUgly ...love your avatar ...LOL...water is your friend...I actually kept a 24 ounce glass on my kitchen counter at all times when I lost 30 pounds during my 7 month AF period. Very Alice In Wonderland DRINK ME on the side. Sip, refill, repeat.

    Finally a few cool days, time to go out and stack some more wood for the winter.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    @forestdweller1 "NA beer conny-sewers?"
    You crack me up! ๐Ÿ˜† no one is coming to take away your stash of Chianti. Lol

    Lovin my mint. Good for a quick breath fresher as I get into my car, since the last mint tic tac broke one of my teeth.

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.
    July 19 - AF - I always feel like having drinks the day after having drinks, but I like not having a puffy face and belly better and I have somewhere to go tomorrow, plus I have tentative plans for Mojitos some time this weekend so needed to rack up an AF day. Also, no drinks 2 days in a row or the 3rd day is really tough to accomplish.
    July 20 - AF - Had another fake beer. Pretty good. The Labatt kind comes in a 6 pack bottles and is $7.99, which is way cheaper than real beer in Canada. I think for the real Labatt Blue it might be around $14.00, but I am not sure, I don't think that I have ever bought it. Booze is very expensive in Canada for those of you that didn't know that. I may just have another, kind of thirsty and only 50 calories ; - )
    July 21 - 4 drinks! - They were spaced out, but anything over 3 drinks and I puke usually. Of course I feel yucky today. I did not throw up, but had to lay down with bed spins. I definitely did not eat enough yesterday which contributed.
    July 22 - AF
    July 23 - AF - still haven't had a Mojito yet, I had probably had 50 of them by this time last summer. Hopefully the mint doesn't wilt before I finally have one. I have tried them with grocery store mint, and it does not taste good. The mint in my garden is so much better. This year on top of my perrenial mint, I am growing some interesting varieties in pots, like Strawberry mint and Berries and Cream, along with the usual Orange Mint and Chocolate mint. I have been chewing it all, just haven't turned any of them into a cocktail yet. Not the same without the rum. Hmm, maybe rum extract? I will think about that.
    July 24 - 3 drinks
    July 25 - AF - I have passed my AF tally of last month which ended with 16AF days. Planned Mojito making on Saturday, so want to be AF tomorrow too.
    July 26 - 3 drinks. Had planned on AF, but didn't. All of you in the East have been having a heat wave all summer and we pretty much just got summer here in the West today. Will power failed. Planned Mojito day tomorrow, so it will be two in a row which should be avoided because then day 3 it is too easy to have drinks. But yay, we finally got summer here! Went to the lake, resisted the first 5 drinks that I was offered, but then just decided to have a few. All good.

    Running total: 17 AF days out of 26 days so far.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time for 2 drinks
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks!
    7/17 - AF
    7/18 - 1.5 drinks
    7/19 - 1.5 drinks
    7/20 - ๐Ÿ˜ถ bad
    7/21 - 1 ๐Ÿ˜•
    7/22 - AF
    7/23 - AF
    7/24 - AF
    7/25 - AF - woohoo! Feeling good and proud of not drinking all week.
    7/26 - 3.5ish drinks
    7/27 - 3 drinks

    Okay so I was going to do M-F alcohol free but decided along with my husband to do Sun-Th and have our allowed drinking days Friday and Saturday that way we wouldn't be drinking on a work night Sunday. I did allow some drinks over the weekend and did alright. Waited till the evening and only had a few, I should have done a little less on Friday but I still felt find the next morning. No drinks today and into the week. Back to the workouts today (took yesterday off).

    Hope everyone had a good weekend! ๐Ÿค—
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,657 Member
    edited July 2019
    I am going to continue into July with a goal of 4-5 AF days per week. It is great to be able to check in here each day. Thank you for looking after us @MissMay : - )

    May - 18 AF days
    June - 16 AF days - Really had to backload that one! It was nearing the end of the month and I was only at 12 AF days. Maybe going to try to get more in at the beginning of the month this time, so if invited for wine or a cocktail party with gfs later in the month I can actually go.

    July 01 - AF
    July 02 - AF - Guess that I will start my tally at the bottom : - ) I realize now that 16AF days (4 per week) in a 31 day month is like having drinks every second day!
    July 03 - AF - Today was no problem to be AF, but yesterday was a long hard day and I really felt like kicking back and having a couple of drinks - I just didn't. I even bought some of that fake beer that I have heard some of you talking about (I got Grolsch) - but it didn't occur to me to go to the fridge and have it. I am not a beer drinker, so I guess that it wouldn't have really been a substitute for a brandy or a glass of red wine : - P
    July 04 - 3 drinks
    July 05 - AF
    July 06 - 3 drinks
    July 07 - AF
    July 08 - AF - Um, I saw Kombucha being made on a TV show, sorry y'all that like it, but whoa, ick! : - P
    July 09 - AF
    July 10 - AF - I had a nice steak for dinner and wanted a glass of Merlot or Cab with it, but didn't want to open a whole bottle (partially to prevent having drinks 2 days in a row) to have a glass or two. So I remembered the fake beer that I bought, the Grolsch and thought that might be a different thing to have. Firstly, it is 150 calories for one! I don't really drink beer anyway, but a light beer has like half of the calories of that. I figured maybe I would just drink half of it to save calories. Anyway, I poured out a bit in a glass and tasted it. Oh my, it was a Radler! I didn't like it, so didn't drink it. I may buy some more fake beer, but will be more careful at looking at the label. is there fake wine? Lol, I know that there can't be fake brandy, which is what I really prefer.
    July 11 - 3 drinks
    July 12 - AF - Had a fake beer, Labbatt Blue. It was actually pretty good. 50 calories, so it didn't break the bank. Mojitos planned for tomrrow, my mint is perfect in my garden. By this time last year I had many many Mojitos. This will be the first for this summer.
    July 13 - 3 drinks - haven't had the mojitos with my own mint yet, maybe next weekend.
    July 14 - AF
    July 15 - AF
    July 16 - 3 drinks - I think that if I am going to have a few drinks a couple of days a week Tuesdays have to be included. It is my long tough day of the week, and I have so far not allowed myself to have drinks on Tuesdays even though that is the day where I really really feel like it. I must say that it was really nice to have a few. Good taste, nice relaxing feeling, great sleep. It was better than a chamomile tea. Time to rack up some ore AF days now. I feel confident that I will reach the 16-20 AF days for the month.
    July 17 - AF
    July 18 - 3 drinks - It showed on the scale this morning. My objective for drinking less is to lose weight, and this affirms it.
    July 19 - AF - I always feel like having drinks the day after having drinks, but I like not having a puffy face and belly better and I have somewhere to go tomorrow, plus I have tentative plans for Mojitos some time this weekend so needed to rack up an AF day. Also, no drinks 2 days in a row or the 3rd day is really tough to accomplish.
    July 20 - AF - Had another fake beer. Pretty good. The Labatt kind comes in a 6 pack bottles and is $7.99, which is way cheaper than real beer in Canada. I think for the real Labatt Blue it might be around $14.00, but I am not sure, I don't think that I have ever bought it. Booze is very expensive in Canada for those of you that didn't know that. I may just have another, kind of thirsty and only 50 calories ; - )
    July 21 - 4 drinks! - They were spaced out, but anything over 3 drinks and I puke usually. Of course I feel yucky today. I did not throw up, but had to lay down with bed spins. I definitely did not eat enough yesterday which contributed.
    July 22 - AF
    July 23 - AF - still haven't had a Mojito yet, I had probably had 50 of them by this time last summer. Hopefully the mint doesn't wilt before I finally have one. I have tried them with grocery store mint, and it does not taste good. The mint in my garden is so much better. This year on top of my perrenial mint, I am growing some interesting varieties in pots, like Strawberry mint and Berries and Cream, along with the usual Orange Mint and Chocolate mint. I have been chewing it all, just haven't turned any of them into a cocktail yet. Not the same without the rum. Hmm, maybe rum extract? I will think about that.
    July 24 - 3 drinks
    July 25 - AF - I have passed my AF tally of last month which ended with 16AF days. Planned Mojito making on Saturday, so want to be AF tomorrow too.
    July 26 - 3 drinks. Had planned on AF, but didn't. All of you in the East have been having a heat wave all summer and we pretty much just got summer here in the West today. Will power failed. Planned Mojito day tomorrow, so it will be two in a row which should be avoided because then day 3 it is too easy to have drinks. But yay, we finally got summer here! Went to the lake, resisted the first 5 drinks that I was offered, but then just decided to have a few. All good.
    July 27 - 3+? drinks. 3 types of Mojitos - Strawberry mint, chocolate mint, Berries and cream mint - but I poured less rum into my shakers, later on I have a couple of other things. So from noon until 10pm, I am not sure exactly how much I consumed. I had water in between and after, and feel okay today. The strawberry mint was getting to the flower stage, so that was the end of that. By this time last summer I had probably had more than 50 Mojitos, so I have definitely used some discipline.

    Running total: 17 AF days out of 27 days so far.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    Good Monday morning~
    Last week of July. I can see so many successful check ins this month. It has been a great to read everyones posts. Input is output which helps us all in some small way.

    Looking forward to moving on over to the August thread in a few days. I will be posting the new link in few minutes to that.

    @ItsAJourny congrats on over coming the usual drinking pattern when surrounded by family. 12 hours would have been tough and you stuck it out for 12 days . Bravo to you.

    @everydaywechoose glad you enjoyed the alcohol experience and found helpful ways to rewire as you called it.
  • beebva4
    beebva4 Posts: 130 Member
    edited July 2019
    7/4 - AF
    7/5 - bad :(
    7/6 - kept to my goal of waiting till night time for 2 drinks
    7/7 - AF
    7/8 - 3 drinks
    7/9 - AF - YAY! :)
    7/10 - 1 small drink
    7/11 - drank
    7/12 - drank
    7/13 - AF
    7/14 - AF
    7/15 - AF
    7/16 - 1.5 drinks!
    7/17 - AF
    7/18 - 1.5 drinks
    7/19 - 1.5 drinks
    7/20 - bad
    7/21 - 1 drink
    7/22 - AF
    7/23 - AF
    7/24 - AF
    7/25 - AF - woohoo! Feeling good and proud of not drinking all week.
    7/26 - 3.5ish drinks
    7/27 - 3 drinks
    7/28 - bad ๐Ÿ˜”

    Accountability check. On impulse I had a drink yesterday but it lead to a little more. Ugh. I've been dwelling on it all morning but I know I just need to make up for it today. I look forward to August because these last few weeks I've been learning a lot about myself and what works for me and what doesn't. I think I can move into next month with a little more positivity and a better plan. But on the plus side, this month I've had skin many more AF days than I have in the last year or so!

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    Here is the link to the AUGUST thread.

    EVERYONE welcome ~ past...present...future....or pending, that want to have less alcohol in their lives.

    Two more days here and then pop on over to: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10756844/less-alcohol-august-2019-one-day-at-a-time#latest