Starting for the 88th time.



  • TrishV87
    TrishV87 Posts: 4 Member
    I want as many friends as possible on here. I also starting for the 387r73732 time.
  • Soof65
    Soof65 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in, been dieting for the last 30! years, lost so much weight over the years should be invisible but it keeps going back on!!! Yesterday, I started again, went to the gym, logged by food and am taking it day by day. Little goals, trying to lose a stone (14 lbs) in the next 6 weeks so only just over a couple of pounds a week. I CAN DO IT IF I TRY!!!!!!!!!! I think the trick is finding something to occupy your mind when you want something unsensible, it might not work for everyone but I find painting my finger nails helps if I'm really struggling as they take ages to dry and you cant touch anything, or I tidy a cupboard out. Stupid but sometimes stupid wins! Good luck everyone
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Soof65 wrote: »
    I'm in, been dieting for the last 30! years, lost so much weight over the years should be invisible but it keeps going back on!!! Yesterday, I started again, went to the gym, logged by food and am taking it day by day. Little goals, trying to lose a stone (14 lbs) in the next 6 weeks so only just over a couple of pounds a week. I CAN DO IT IF I TRY!!!!!!!!!! I think the trick is finding something to occupy your mind when you want something unsensible, it might not work for everyone but I find painting my finger nails helps if I'm really struggling as they take ages to dry and you cant touch anything, or I tidy a cupboard out. Stupid but sometimes stupid wins! Good luck everyone

    Great idea! Exercising and logging daily is the key
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    If an idea works and is not harmful, it isn't stupid. It's what works for you. Just keep logging. Depending on your starting weight @Soof65, over two pounds a week may be a bit aggressive.
  • tmanross
    tmanross Posts: 35 Member
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    ginnytez wrote: »
    My regain started when logging stopped. Not as good at eyeballing portions as I thought!

    I am not good at eyeballing either!
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    Hi everyone, so I am in another group and I have realized once I become "disqualified" I stop logging on to post in groups. I need to stop this, as I really need the support that I can find on here because no one in my family is interested in weight loss.

    Today's goal is to finish this week's homework for my class and drink my water.

    Happy Thursday!!
  • Kerri_Hussey
    Kerri_Hussey Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone. Just starting back. Looking for some accountability. I do so much better when I have someone to hold me to it. Would love to have some people on here add me.
  • seramachickens
    seramachickens Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Kerri
    Me too!
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Every day I reset, recommit and restart! For me, it's the only way to keep my new healthy, mindful eating, lifestyle going. Yesterday is behind me... now it's what i do today right now!that i have control over. MFP and the friends I've made here are helping me stay on track. 31 down, 26 to go! Gonna go drink some water now and get busy on my to-do list. Happy Friday everyone! We can do this!!! 😎💪💦👍
  • algrif37
    algrif37 Posts: 107 Member
    I need friends desperately!! Please add me
  • Berutiel91
    Berutiel91 Posts: 4 Member
    I Am here... again... I really nerd some support
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    I agree with @karenesg -everyday is a reset, recommit, restart. I won't succeed and maintain unless I treat everyday important.
  • KCJen
    KCJen Posts: 1,089 Member
    I am here...I promise. Been busy with class, but I am starting the last week for the summer class on Monday! Yay.
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    Good Morning!! I would LOVE to have the time to read over all the most recent posts...…..but I've been away from work for 10 days so I'd better get some work done lol.
    I have gone up 2.2 pounds since my last weigh in. A little disappointing, but not bummed. After the July we've had with three deaths and a busy family vacation and reunion, I am content, but back to work! Tracking and exercising again!!
    Hope everyone has been well. When I read the posts on the main page it sounds like everyone has been doing great, great attitudes!
    Jen, I see you are back to classes. Good for you for getting your education in as a top priority!! Do continue to take care of yourself also ;)
    Have a great hump day everyone!!
  • kjaispuro
    kjaispuro Posts: 5 Member
    It sounds like I have found my tribe of fitnesspal-er's. I have been on and off here for...well forever. I got divorced this last year and lost 20 lbs, still have lots to go and have totally plateaued, but my next goal is to lose 10lb. I would be under 200lbs for the first time since I got pregnant! I would love the support, and a revenge bod, lol!
  • kjaispuro
    kjaispuro Posts: 5 Member
    What are people making for dinner? that is when I struggle the most, after a long work day when I am tired and the kids and I are hungry...
  • theUndauntedMom
    theUndauntedMom Posts: 18 Member
    The summer has been hectic with travel but I back online with our community! Hope all is well with everyone. I look forward to seeing posts from new friends.
  • Longing4Maui
    Longing4Maui Posts: 51 Member
    Catching up on some posts, seems I don’t get on the community as much as I initially did. Lots of newbies, just know that this app can be of great help on your journey, but ultimately you have to ‘just do it’ to make a choice to eat better and get healthy. It is a hard journey, and I know even when I reach my goal it will be a hard lifetime committment to making better choices as I don’t ever plan to gain this back. The past few weeks have been hard, finally had a small loss a few days ago after plateauing for awhile. I know that I am allowing myself some ‘goodies’ that I need to stay away from; and that because I am feeling better about how I look and what I can wear I am feeling more content with where I am at. BUT I still need to lose at least 20 more pounds to get to my goal that my MD and I set together. That goal of 170 is still 20 pounds over ‘charts’, but something that is more ‘real’ for me to attain and stay at. I bought a few new clothes and want to get more, but HAVE TO STOP myself and wait till I get to goal. All of you that have friended me in the last 200 plus days have been my buddies with your tips/tricks and daily encouragement. I DO read your daily comments and try to note on your statuses some positive helps too. We can do this, just need to stay focused.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    :) It's getting boring - I want to red what's happening the 89th time... :)