

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    monaghme wrote: »
    Hello ladies over 50. I'd like to join your group please. I've been on MFP a couple of times but haven't been here in several years. Two ladies that I work with just joined WW and they inspired me to get back to healthier eating. I've lost 6 lbs. in the last two weeks. I will be away on vacation 4 days to Maine with a couple of girlfriends starting Sunday so that's going to be my upcoming struggle. I will try to read back a few days on this thread to get an idea of how many are in the group currently. Are there any things that I should post each day or is it just for fun? I didn't see a post for August, hope I'm in the right place?? Maureen

    This is the thread for August (see title of thread). :)


    And it is just for fun. Post whenever you want.

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited August 2019
    Meg Omaha- Take your measurements.Every 2 weeks take them again! Neck,arm,leg,hips,waist,boobs then see if theirs a change sooner or later. Take before pictures one by one see if your face changes shape to maybe arms look skinnier. Look at the scale but remember some folks remain their weight yet their pants get looser y looser or even their bra size shrinks.
    Take a look at what your eating does anything need to be changed? Too high in sugar/carbs but not in protein y veggies? How many calories are you going for? 1200cal normal amount for us menopausal gals if sedentary or low exercise,but if your weight lifting to strength training that changes what you need may need to increase. Gastric bypass changes the rules again.
    Some folks have to stick with it awhile before results I hit hard plateaus then bam finally go down then plateau gets me awhile then finally go down.My plateaus are up y down like 160-170 bouncing around like a ball lol. Up wheeeee down up down up up y away then plummets down then up...until I finally go down.Just do your best watch YouTube videos to articles on how to eat healthier.Gives good ideas to recipes that way even products to help. Salads healthy until you pour a ton of high calorie dressing on it.I changed to a 0 cal dressing watch my serving of it.

    Amber Tx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,867 Member
    Taught water exercise this morning. It was really hot in there and the group was too large for me to get in the water so I got in afterwards. It felt really good.

    I usually get carrots for the horses and cut them in pieces for them at the evening feeding. I get evening feeds ready when I go out at 3:00 or so to check water, etc. The last few days something has been stealing the pieces of carrot and last night some apple treats I had gotten ready. I wish I had a motion sensitive camera to find out who is so bold as to come right in the barn to get treats. Doesn't take any feed just the treats. LOL

    Barbie and others - Thanks for the new link.

    Rebecca and Connie - Sending healing angels to your loved ones.

    Tracey - take care of that hip.

    I am like Lisa I need to concentrate on just one thing. This month it is going to be no eating between meals. That is when I am most likely to eat sweets and I just need to get rid of the sugar.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,646 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Thank you Barbie for setting up the month and Machka for posting the link.
    I really need to get my act together, I'm still not gaining but I'm not losing either, so time to straighten up and fly right! I think I too need to focus on just one thing and this month it shall be logging my food, the good, the bad and the ugly....
    As some of you may remember, I bought a bike a few weeks ago after having borrowed a friends bike for a few weeks, the idea being I could ride to work. Well, the borrowed bike gave me a pain in the "you know", but I rode my bike on Sunday and felt great! The seat is a bit wider than the borrowed bike and I also have dual suspension, so that, I think, makes a HUGE difference! My backside felt just fine when I got home, such a relief! I have been on holiday all week, but back to work tomorrow and will be riding. It's a great calorie burn and I'm feeling much more confident. Need to make sure I don't get over-confident tho, I can see bad things happening to me if I do that! lol
    So sorry to hear of people's loved ones having medical issues, hoping that everyone receives good treatment and that the healing is speedy.
    Rebecca, that photo of Athena in her oh-so-comfy looking chair made my heart smile.
    Too many posts to try to comment on, sorry, please know that I still read everything and laugh, smile and commiserate with each and every one of you. I celebrate your successes and sympathize with your setbacks. Now, since I decided that my goal for this month is to log every day, I must go and log today's food and exercise!
    Hugs for those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    August goals
    ✔️ = 1 day in the week
    HEALTH :

    1. Write what I'm grateful for daily, here or elsewhere
    2. Five minutes meditation 4 days a week ✔️
    3. Write feelings here or somewhere ✔️

    5. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week ✔️✔️
    6. Go to gym 2x a week
    7. Use city bike 1x

    8. Track all ✔️
    9. average less than 100 carbs per day ✔️
    10. Take measurements 1x
    11. Eat fresh leafy greens 2x a week

    Eating and movement
    13. Lose a kilo (from average 59.13 over past 7 days on Aug 1)

    12. 15 min a day ✔️
    13. Produce at least 1 rough page per day

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning ✔️✔️

    15. 15 min/day paperwork most days ✔️✔️

    17. taxes done
    18. pay 1 bill per week ✔️

    remaining from may see dentist 2

    time to take care of little things
    nice people at scooter shop
    cleaning person coming today
    back better today than 2 days ago (less pain)

    Challenges: feeling a little better emotionally than yesterday. Still have on and off mystery allergic reaction, most often after eating various simple foods I've been eating for years. (today, soy coconut no sugar yogurt, gomasio, squash seeds, half banana, spirulina, vitamin, almond butter, and sudden runny nose). Mild back pain, doctor said to avoid exercise other than walking for a few days; foot issue (very minor scooter accident last week), so don't want to walk too much... No weight loss to speak of in months.

    Accomplishments or successes: Got one admin thing that took lots of calculating done, and sent off; sent off insurance papers for water damage (paperwork!), Weight is stable. started back in on thesis even if only a few minutes.

    Wow 54 posts since yesterday same time! I don't know how some of you guys are able to read all. I used to be able to read and respond to all in other threads, but I am never able here w 54 posts in 24 hours and then It seems so random otherwise. I find it very frustrating.

    Going for a espresso coffee (that's often my treat on non-working days, 1.20 for a coffee standing/sitting at the bar, reading the paper), then pick up scooter, then see banker (see if I have any credit possibilities, for possible investment), then 2h cleaning session w cleaning woman (I clean and tidy at same time). I find since about age 50 I'm not able to keep up w housework. I'm working more than full time (120%-130% due to very low salary). I was able to stay on top all through my 40s.

    Overall feeling: a bit groggy, but could be worse. Any tips for feeling energised when advised not to get much exercise?

    I'm thinking of going to the low chlorine pool to patter about but 1) I'm afraid it'll be packed, by the time I'm able to go, 2) it's a bit of a hike, maybe 20 min on scooter....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    August goals
    ✔️ = 1 day in the week
    HEALTH :

    1. Write what I'm grateful for daily, here or elsewhere
    2. Five minutes meditation 4 days a week ✔️
    3. Write feelings here or somewhere ✔️

    5. At least 30 min exercise 6 days a week ✔️✔️
    6. Go to gym 2x a week
    7. Use city bike 1x

    8. Track all ✔️
    9. average less than 100 carbs per day ✔️
    10. Take measurements 1x
    11. Eat fresh leafy greens 2x a week

    Eating and movement
    13. Lose a kilo (from average 59.13 over past 7 days on Aug 1)

    12. 15 min a day ✔️
    13. Produce at least 1 rough page per day

    14. Average at least 15 min/day of cleaning ✔️✔️

    15. 15 min/day paperwork most days ✔️✔️

    17. taxes done
    18. pay 1 bill per week ✔️

    remaining from may see dentist 2

    time to take care of little things
    nice people at scooter shop
    cleaning person coming today
    back better today than 2 days ago (less pain)

    Challenges: feeling a little better emotionally than yesterday. Still have on and off mystery allergic reaction, most often after eating various simple foods I've been eating for years. (today, soy coconut no sugar yogurt, gomasio, squash seeds, half banana, spirulina, vitamin, almond butter, and sudden runny nose). Mild back pain, doctor said to avoid exercise other than walking for a few days; foot issue (very minor scooter accident last week), so don't want to walk too much... No weight loss to speak of in months.

    Accomplishments or successes: Got one admin thing that took lots of calculating done, and sent off; sent off insurance papers for water damage (paperwork!), Weight is stable. started back in on thesis even if only a few minutes.

    Wow 54 posts since yesterday same time! I don't know how some of you guys are able to read all. I used to be able to read and respond to all in other threads, but I am never able here w 54 posts in 24 hours and then It seems so random otherwise. I find it very frustrating.

    Going for a espresso coffee (that's often my treat on non-working days, 1.20 for a coffee standing/sitting at the bar, reading the paper), then pick up scooter, then see banker (see if I have any credit possibilities, for possible investment), then 2h cleaning session w cleaning woman (I clean and tidy at same time). I find since about age 50 I'm not able to keep up w housework. I'm working more than full time (120%-130% due to very low salary). I was able to stay on top all through my 40s.

    Overall feeling: a bit groggy, but could be worse. Any tips for feeling energised when advised not to get much exercise?

    I'm thinking of going to the low chlorine pool to patter about but 1) I'm afraid it'll be packed, by the time I'm able to go, 2) it's a bit of a hike, maybe 20 min on scooter....

    I skim the thread during my half hour bus ride home after work and pick out one or two things I'd like to respond to. Then I might respond when I 'm on the bus as I am now or I might wait till I get home.

    Are you allowed to walk?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    Word for July:-
    ENJOYMENT! Life is for living. 😂
    Goals for JUNE
    • Weigh/Post in JGM10Ds Except on holiday week, when I forgot to take my scale with me.😂😂😂
    • Prelog food, balance macros/micros 😁
    • follow through 🤪 Mostly!!!
    • Hydration 😄

    • 6000+ steps 😁
    • 15+ mins strength 😁
    • 15+ mins flexibility 😁

    • Meditation 😁
    • Post in UAC/Post Sole Mates Evening Reminder 😁
    • Read/Comment in Women Over 50 thread 🤪 mostly!!!

    Word for August is REFLECTION
    The beginning of a new month seems an appropriate time to rethink goals.

    Scale Goals progress:
    SW: 227 (Mar 2014) Worsening hip problem made weight loss imperative.
    Jan 2015: 220: -7lbs; Struggled on my own to lose that 7 lbs. Joined MFP on daughter's recommendation.
    UGW: 153 (losing 1 lb per week)
    Sept 2015: 189:✅ -38; Had my hip replacement op.
    Oct 2016: 153:✅ -75: My lowest weight in a long time. It was a really struggle losing the final few lbs.
    Nov 2016: 160:🤦🏼‍♀️ -68: A holiday and several family celebrations later.
    Feb 2017: 164:🤦🏼‍♀️ -64 Christmas and more celebrations!
    Aug 2017: 159.2:✅ -68.8 I seem to have reached an equilibrium around 160/5.
    Jan 2018: 165: 😏 Still working on discarding that last 12 lbs.
    Jan 2019: 165: 😏 Still working at it.
    Goal for Dec 2019: 155
    Apr 2019: 162.4: 😄 Decided to concentrate more on health and fitness. I am increasing my strength training.
    Jul 2019: 166.2: 💪🏻 Muscle % increasing, but so is weight. Measurements are decreasing. Holiday 20 - 27 July Is bound to push it up more!
    28/07/2019: 169.6: 😜 Holiday baggage is the pits! This morning My Scale informed me that I was 'Overfat'. Let's see what I can do in 4 days to bring this back down!
    1 Aug: 167.8

    August goals
    • Start each day with Meditation/Reflection
    • Have as much fun as possible every single day
    • Prelog food/follow through/hydrate
    • Weight less at the end than at the beginning
    • 30+ minutes intentional exercise + 6000 steps
    • Continue to work on improving strength. (As of today, Muscle Mass has increased 3%)
    • Continue to do Physio for knee and shoulder. (Both of these are slowly improving)
    • Keep on top of laundry/general housework/chores
    • Spend quality time with DH
    • Work in the garden (weather permitting)
    • Work on completing crochet projects
    • Declutter 15+ minutes per day

    Added one more goal to my list! 😂

    ☘️ Irish Terri

    Go Terri!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    edited August 2019
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Aside from exercise, this month will include ...

    -- work
    -- attending uni
    -- doing 2 of my 3 assignments
    -- doing several things for my cycling club
    -- attending a whole pile of different physio appointments and other medical appointments. I really need to make a dentist appointment!!! There is not a single week without a medical appointment of some sort.
    -- and sorting out the things associated with something I posted last month, as follows ...

    Machka in Oz

    Tonight is "doing several things for my cycling club" night. I've got a list.

    Got a bit of a headache because the last couple days have been quite intense at work working with code, submitting data to those who need it, having the data rejected, revisiting the code, resubmitting, etc.

    But it's Friday night, and we've been watching Bargain Hunt over dinner. Easing into the weekend. :)

    Next I need to remember how I converted my files in Ride with GPS from my own account to my cycling club's account. I've done it several times over the last month or so, but it has been by accident each time!! :astonished: I need to figure out how I actually did it!

    M in Oz

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    edited August 2019
    Rebecca and Connie: Sending positive vibes to you both, for DDiL and Mama respectively. Also to anyone else with health issues for themselves/family members.
    Rebecca: Communications with DH re trashed lunch cracked me up. I don't think they do intuitive! 😂

    DH and I are very conservation minded. We use fabric shopping bags and I take my own reusable bags for loose produce to the supermarket. We garden organically, and grow some of our own veg. This year I made a pact with myself that I wouldn't buy anything new unless it was absolutely necessary. Have kept to that fairly well. (I did weaken before the holidays and bought myself a new pair of sandals.) I love thrift shops. They kept me well dressed as I dropped to my present weight.

    Ginny: I have also been concentrating on strength/flex this last few months. Pleased to have noted this week that my muscle mass percentage is up 3%.

    Machka: I often find I have done something but don't know how I achieved it. 😂 Bargain Hunt is one of my favs for chilling out!

    Lisa: Every one of us is different, so the 'one size fits all' approach is a blunt instrument at best. I tend to take some of the research results with a pinch of salt (low sodium, of course! 😂) as much research is funded by pharmaceutical/food industries with vested interests.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    NYKAREN - Really envious of your 'Into The Woods' experience. Have a wonderful time. <3

    Rebecca - Glad the op went well. Hope she has a quick recovery. :flowerforyou:

    My knee is still not 100% . Bit clicky and stiff. I might try a run as I haven’t done one since Sunday. Missing it.

    Plastic bag use in the UK has fallen by 95% since they started charging for them. Most of that fall has been in the last year since David Attenborough 's programme on plastic in the ocean.
    I do wish supermarkets packaged things better. Locally I can buy package free fruit and veg, also pasta, nuts etc, but often I'm too lazy and just pick up stuff I know is over packaged. :/
    I'm very good about making my clothes last a long time and we rarely replace household items. But I know there is much more to do.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,393 Member
    It's Friday, Peeps! <3

    NYKaren - so glad the Cipro is doing the trick. So glad it's not a kidney stone, whew.

    Ginny - Lisa covered the BMI discussion very well. B) It was a topic on this thread a while back, and many of us opt for top of BMI or a bit over for bone health. Evidently fat cells produce some estrogen which helps protect our bones. And not only that, if we do get sick or have a health challenge where we can't eat for a few days, we have some reserve.

    Do any of you watch "Alone"? I find it so fascinating to watch these folks survive by their wits and how they burn body fat when they can't find food. And how important it is for them to eat fat if they can find it. Eskimos ate blubber and some more primitive tribes throughout the world eat toasted fatty grubs. There's a reason for that.

    Lisa - thank you for all of those links B) I always look forward to your input.

    Heather and Katla
    - so sorry to hear about your achy knees. Does icing them help?

    Connie in KY - so glad the house situation has settled down for your mom and crossing fingers your sis stays sober! If your sis was still insisting on being a pill, I was ready to put our Pip on a plane with her boot to have a "discussion" with her. "Put the fun in dysfunctional" LMAO!!

    - so sorry to hear about your DIL's sudden surgery. So happy Athena is here! And your DH tossing the box - I am still amazed at how their brains are wired, lol. I can see mine doing the exact same thing.

    I have an appointment with the surgeon in 2 weeks to check out my belly button. It's not urgent so no biggie right now. Wish I didn't have to wait so long but our rural community hospital has gone from 3 general surgeons 10 years ago to 1 plus a part-timer.

    In the meantime I continue with the low-carb in hopes of reducing the belly fat & pressure. I am getting full of chicken - I discovered our local Safeway removes the meat from the left-over rotisserie chickens and sells it as "shredded" at the same price per lb as a whole chicken. Perfect and I don't have to get all greasy, lol. Also am working down my stack of canned salmon. I don't eat much beef or pork but will get some off-bone ham at the Safeway, I see it's on sale.

    Thankful for avocados. I make huge frittatas with diced bacon, cheese, mushrooms, and often chopped kale so have it on hand for a quick breakfast or snack. I need to take some time and go thru the menu suggestions on the Diet Doctor.

    Time to get the dog up. The CBD treats seem to be helping her limping a bit. I know she's faking at times just to get a treat. Smart dog!

    Those of you who are using CBD on your dogs.... do you find it takes several days or weeks to take effect?

    Make it a great day ladies! <3 Over and out!

    Warm and sultry SW WA State

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :) I stopped drinking coffee in 2009 in part because I was following an eating plan that didn't include coffee and in part because I realized that I liked coffee a lot because of the flavored creamer I put in it. I have not returned to drinking coffee because I noticed that it took a lot of my time in the morning and made it difficult to walk the dogs for long without needing a potty break. Not drinking coffee is also frugal since I now drink water with nothing added to it. My decision has nothing to do with whether coffee is good for me or bad for me. I don't suggest to anyone else that they do without coffee. It's just something that works for me.

    :) We bring our own bags to the grocery store. I am considering buying bags for veggies so we don't have to use the plastic bags in the stores.

    :) I read everything that everyone writes and comment on topics when I have something to stay. I love you all and welcome you to my life each morning as I eat my breakfast.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited August 2019
    Barbie <3

    Lanette When Farley was still alive, I noticed hints of improvement within days after starting CBD, but it was 2 weeks before I was certain. I believe I told this story before, but he was a kidney failure dog and had gotten so skinny, & weak in his back legs. He had bad knees from botched knee surgeries. Plus he had arthritis in joints & spine. It had gotten to the point where he couldn't get his back quarters over the threshhold from the deck into the house without banging his knees, stumbling, and sort of scrambling/crawling into the house if I wasn't ready to give him an assist. Poor sweet little doggie. 2 weeks after starting CBD, he hopped over the threshhold like my old Farley. I was elated. It improved his quality of life in other ways, too. His appetite improved, pooping was easier, he gained a little weight, his coat regained its shiny quality, his dry skin improved...and he was just perkier, friskier, more playful. Obviously feeling much better. I miss my Farley. I realize CBD doesn't work for every pet or person. I haven't given it to Bailey, my dog with heart failure, yet, but may try it to see if it will improve his appetitite.

    Heather & Terri I woke up thinking about plastic bags this morning. I need to get a life, LOL! Specifically, the ziplock type, not the grocery bags. We usually use cloth bags & insulated soft-sided "coolers" when we get groceries these days to avoid bringing home those plastic bags. But I would like to minimize or eliminate the ziplock-type bag. I do like them for keeping (non-food) stuff dry & dust-free & sorted, but I want to eliminate their use for food storage. I have Rubbermaid containers, but wondered if any of you have A) completely eliminated use of plastic food storage bags, and/or B ) tried those silicone reusable zip-type food storage containers, or C) have any other thoughts/ideas about this topic.


    I wrote a thank you note to my Biology professor from college (1973-76). I have been thinking of the pivotal role she played in my life as I get nearer to retirement, and went looking to see if she was still alive, which she is. Another beloved professor I would have liked to thank succumbed to pancreatic cancer 5 years ago, I found, which saddened me immeasurably. At any rate, I called my alma mater and explained what I was up to. I told them I had found a possible address on line but wanted to verify it. They said they'd get back to me in a day or so, which they did! The woman at my alma mater asked if I could just say the address I had found...& then she just sort of murmured assent. I was so grateful; I know they can't just give out information willy-nilly on emeritus professors and alumni. I have written my thank you note & will post it today. My professor is 79 now! Just 14 years older than I am. The age difference seemed much greater back then.

    Karen in Virginia