

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Pip - There are days your stats keep ME going, and knowing that, if I want it MOST, I'll be able to do what you do. Well, some of what you do. :) 'Cuz you're flipping amazing. When your genuine smile pops out in a picture, you shine like a new penny. You deserve the compliments, and you also deserve the success you've found in your health, in how you look, and in your life with the amazing Kirby. You've worked so incredibly hard to get there, and deserve every moment of happiness.

    Heather - love the picture of you and your hubby. Have to join the chorus of "I never wear white," for similar reasons. It seems to literally make me clumsier than usual, and I'm clumsy enough.

    Weird day - the husband seldom works on weekends... felt like my wheels were spinning without anything happening, although I did get groceries bought.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    thanks so much.... u r sweet to say such nice things, all of you are
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,753 Member
    Well long long day..
    First Pip- that I think that is the most opened up I have ever heard you speak . Ans as everyone else said you are just super amazing .. you truly are.. beautiful smile,great body that you work very hard to maintain and a wonderful loving husband that you do very much deserve.. you know I love ya girl....
    I cant remember who asked but no my boss not going anywhere he owns the practice
    So until I find somethingnor he would actually lay me off I'll keep trucking along. Though I cant stand it..
    I went to Tom and Elena's picnic today and helped out..I wanted to be a support for her as she was meeting most of his family for the first time.. I helped get food out and Elena and I got to know each other alot better.. she really is a sweetheart and I was able to fill her in on the background of everyone and who was related to who.
    Tom thanked me for helping but felt Elena should have done this with him on there own..
    I apologized to Elena saying I was just there for moral support and she she doesnt think she have gotten through it without me.
    So I'm glad I was a help somwhere.. did stop to feed DFIL at lunch and he told me to get lost but I shoveled mash potato in ,2 bowls,ice cream,sliver of cheesecake and root beer..lol
    Didnt sleep great at night.but I feel I sent a fair and honest email so we shall see.
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 476 Member
    I’m giving myself a total guilt-free day off today. Zero demands on myself. Vegging on the sofa watching TV. But, I noticed some habits are... habits. I automatically did my usual morning routine to reset our home. Auto pilot? Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. And I rebooted laundry.
    I’m thinking about making a pot of chicken vegetable soup. Cabbage, kale, broccoli, carrots, celery, onion. It just sounds good to me - even though we’re here in a hot Texas August. Maybe because I had such intestinal distress yesterday that I couldn’t sleep last night and was awake until 7am this morning. I think the sauerkraut and sausage didn’t agree with me yesterday. I haven’t eaten anything today. Maybe I’ll make some soup.

    Hope you all are doing well today.

    Ginger in a Texas
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited August 2019
    This Texas Soldier deserves an award! Saved 11-14kids ages 5-7yrs old out of 45abandoned in the Walmart/Mall shooting that had been abandoned by adults! He wanted to go back for more but cops 👮 took his gun asked him to stay outside.He made multiple trips to get as many as he did.Yet he blames himself for not going back after being disarmed for more! Definitely a Hero that needs to be remembered! What’s wrong with adults now he even said adults he asked to help just ignored or said no kept running! Where were the parents? Sad every video I see anymore 1 person stands up the rest abandon the kids! I’ve taken broken bones y worse to save kids don’t understand why others don’t also! He was carrying holding hands if they slipped he went back ASAP he did a lot in my opinion!
    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Ginger Texas - I keep some off brand gas-X, Tums type meds,y acid reflux ready in case Something veggie to new product bucks back lol.

    Amber Tx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    my heart goes out to the victims, families and first responders.
    :'( kim in northern california
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,340 Member
    Had a productive day. Got basic Saturday chores in. Got a 20,000 step day in (one of two of my goal for the month). Had a nice dinner of strip steak and green beans. Got caught up on reading here. Too many varied things to comment on tonight. Good to hear about people's medical conditions improving. In March, my blood pressure was starting to trend a bit high (18 lbs, ago). Had a slight headache today so thought I would check blood pressure. 107/66 -back to my normal. Do not want to medications for anything. I know it is the weight and regular exercise. Amazing the difference a relatively small amount of weight loss can make.

    Am saddened by events in El Paso today. Too much hate everywhere.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    I have had an unexpectedly wonderful day. At the last minute my supervisor asked me to swap my scheduled shift for one next week, so I had a totally unplanned day off today. It was a gorgeous day weatherwise until it finally got too hot in the afternoon, so I was able to weed the garden & mow the lawn...then my 10 year old granddaughter called up to see if she could spend the afternoon with us. Yes!!!! We cut doggie toenails, bathed 2 doggies, she ate 2 hamburgers (swimmer - burns tons of calories) and said they were among the top 5 burgers she's ever eaten, then she played Garage Band on my iPad while I cleaned up the kitchen. My partner had worked hard (physical work) all morning, so decided to take a nap. Granddaughter asked if I'd take her to see Toy Story 4, so off we went. Such a heartwarming, delightful movie! I loved it so much, and my granddaughter is so dang fun to be with. This has been one of the best days ever! Now I'm home watching TV with my partner & getting caught up with all of you. Happy. Back to the grind in the morning (work) but this day has been a gift.

    Karen in Virginia

    <3<3<3 Love this..."one of the best days ever!!" <3<3<3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Making some chocolate chip cookies right now for this weekend when Ken & Lynette come over and for the neighborhood party (who knows how many people will be here? Probably not many)

    Lanette – that book “always hungry”, is that the book by David Ludwig?

    KJ – what your daycare kiddo said to you reminds me of what this one guy who is in my water aerobics class said as we entered the Y at the same time. “So that’s what you look like with your clothes on”….lol

    Got back from Jess’ storage unit. Moved things around, what she’s taking to Iowa, what’s staying here and what she needs to go thru. I sweat so much! Think I’ll go in the pool for a bit to cool off

    I remember reading a book called “200 Ways to save the Earth” and I realized that my grandmother did practically all of them!

    Allie – that was so nice of you to do for Elena. Did Tom think you did too much and should have taken more of a back seat?

    Michele in NC
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 389 Member
    ALL of y’all are Soo beautiful,I could not begin to imagine myself half as beautiful.You should appreciate where you all are and Love every minute.
    Debby In Va
  • jojoSwanson
    jojoSwanson Posts: 5 Member
    That you Debbie
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    Michele - that Always Hungry book is by David Ludwig. Have you read it?

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member