Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Good morning All~~

    It's a beautiful day here, but I missed my window of opportunity to go walking. I got caught up with bookkeeping chores. Dang. It'll have to be the pool today for exercise, and jeez am I lazy in the pool.

    Holy Nightmare Batman!
    LaPesadilla means the nightmare! Heavens to Betsy! Well, welcome my dear!
    Fight hunger with plenty of clean protein at every meal and cut out soft drinks, sugars, corn syrup, and breads and pasta and candy. Those carbs can make you hungry! Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are your friend.

    Dawn - Congratulations on your raise.
    Interesting about Mr. Grinch moving to another shelter.

    Lynn, you are doing great! You'll pass 183 soon!

    Kathryn - Sorry to hear about work. That must be so stressful.
    As for making yourself comfortable at night, you will find what works for you. My bed has a cotton mattress pad; the sheets are cotton. I put a really soft, smooth, pretty cotton beach towel on my side of the bed, and a similar hand towel on my head pillow. It's really important to have a cool bed. I wore nothing when sleeping because then there was no clothing to become and stay wet. I kept nearby a change of that beach towel and hand towel in case I wanted to change it in the middle of the night.
    I tied a big pink ribbon onto my top corner of the comforter, so that, after tossing it off of me because I was roasting, I could feel for it and find it easily in the dark when I was freezing again.
    My sister and I both found that any stressful thought or dream would bring on a hot flash. So being able to meditate or talk yourself down, was helpful.
    During the day, I would do something minor such as stubbing my toe, and then say to myself: 3, 2, 1,'s the hot flash. I would drop something, and again 2 seconds later, there's the hot flash. Even a worrying thought would bring one on.
    I kept an Ace flexible reusable cold pack in the freezer, and during the day at least, I would grab it and put it on the very upper part of my back, just below the neck at the first sign of a hot flash. That would shut down that hot flash almost immediately. At work, I kept small water bottles in the freezer, and kept one on a coaster on my desk: hot flash came.....I would hold bottle on the back of my neck or up against one side of my throat.
    What a dance, and I'm doing it all over again in my 60s because my anti-cancer meds further suppress estrogen. Gah.

    Oooooops, that turned out to be very long. Hope some of it might help.


    249.4 today
    250.0 highest
    179.0 goal
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Tomorrow is the start of my weekend Girls' Trip. Now, I'm dreading it. We had an organizational meeting last night to be sure we take all the supplies we need and work out the travel arrangements.

    They (one in particular) have already started in on me about my food. I have packed a bag with sufficient snacks heavy enough to be a meal if necessary. My food safety comes before my socialization. That makes some people confused or even angry.

    Some are upset that I won't be bringing alcohol for my own use. It's totally BYOB, so it's not like I'm depriving someone else of their consumption. Plus, we will be going to the Lodge on Saturday night and I will likely have a drink or two at their full bar there. I only drink when I feel like it. Right now, I don't feel like it. Is that wrong? Am I being a party pooper?

    Other than that, we are taking games, music, and swimsuits. Most of that should be fun.

    I've lost track of my days, but I know I have been back on my proper way of eating since Monday, maybe longer. Finally shed that last pound of my binge gain.

    Wishing everyone a fantastic weekend! I will be logging in whenever I have service just to make sure I keep my streak, but I may not be able to keep up with posts over the weekend.



    SW 222
    CW 152
    GW 145
    UGW 100

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Tracy your diet is medical and byob is just that, let them wallow in their own calories/booze. Stand firm for your health and have a great time.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member


    okay squirrel fix for the day
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Tracy, I do hope that you have a good time. Evidently the organizational meeting got a little twisted, eh? People can get weird whenever someone (you) doesn't do exactly as they are going to do. This is the Girls Weekend version of Thanksgiving when a health-conscious family member doesn't want to eat the stuffing, potatoes, gravy, butter, rolls, and multiple pieces of pie.

    Enjoy yourself!
    - - - - -

    Sara - the squirrels are cute!!

  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Lana- thanks for all the great ideas. I have found that Clary Sage as an essential oil works pretty good for regulating hormones. I have not had them hit me hard though - my body is still fluctuating back and forth. The ribbon and blanket idea is fabulous.
    Now for my long post:
    Sarah- I was able to lose some weight for the wedding because #1 - it was my daughter's wedding and I am vain and wanted to look as good as possible in the pictures :wink: but my father also had a triple bypass/valve replacement open heart surgery and I looked at him and decided I did not want to go in that direction. I honestly do love veggies and fruit, whole grain bread, etc. I just have to force myself to prepare it. I turned to mostly whole foods - no processed food. I listed what I thought were my main binges (to me that was salty snacks, wine and chocolate) I removed them from my menu. When I wanted them I made myself stop and think about why I wanted them and if I did not have them would I be deprived. And finally I asked myself would I rather live lean or eat my main binge. All of that I got from a short educational program here and work and it worked for me. When I wanted those things I reminded myself that I really wanted to look good in my dress at the wedding while I talked and danced. So I created a vision.
    So there you go - long story :smile: It is a bit amazing though how easily I fell off that routine. Last couple days I just want to eat junk.
    Tracy - people can be so weird sometimes. Likely...they are fully aware they will over indulge this weekend and are a bit jealous that you have a plan to keep on track? Have fun and don't worry about what others are thinking! Enjoy the friendship -those are important.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Sorry Lynn, you did ask, essential oil both Lavender oil and "blends" one that works really well has Rosemary as well as Lavender and I did have one with clary/sage - the post Lana posted "in fun" this company has a wide variety and while I havent ordered any, I will let you know when I do.
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement! Trying to get out of my own head is the longest part of the upcoming trip.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    edited August 2019
    Two possible cboy sightings today wowie how did I get so lucky?

    One was a late 20-early 30's waiting in lobby for interview, tie/shirt/suit. Couldnt resist and told him "nice suit", young men in suits??? So rare anymore.

    On afternoon walk in parking lot UPS driver stops and asks me if he has the correct address. I told him a good place to park and to check at the front desk for packages..... If you remember the Village People, he could have been in that group with at little weight training.

    Okay here is a third - going to complex office to pick up some water the guy above the manager was leaving and I held the door - he had nice shoes on so I told him. Trifecta!! Just my lucky day.

    Not that I am ungrateful, but job news would be more appreciated.

    9888 total steps. will give my feet a rest.

    36 state jobs applied for total

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    TGIF!! First of all and most of all. Phew on this week.

    Audit at work. May spend rest of day fixing claims, oh well at least I am working......

    Scale not quite my friend but steps are there. Neighbor moved last night and luckily stopped around 10pm. While I was trying to fall back asleep I was thinking about aromatherapy and they sell it in "roll on" form that you can stick in your purse for those moments when spraying the room is just not possible.

    Back on the salad trail for awhile.

    Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Good morning Sara -
    I'm glad that you've been scouting around for more Cabana Boys!

    Lynn - thank you for that good advice!

    Everyone have a good day.

    I've got to scoot to get out there before the temps get impossible. I fell hard off of my balance beam, and the scale scolded me this morning.


    252.0 today
    250.0 highest
    179.0 goal
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Good morning!
    Sara - you made me smile all the Cboys!
    Lana - hello!
    mgals - great job on the gym action!
    Davis...- good luck on weigh in. I weigh in often - track it daily or every couple days. Shows some patterns, etc. Allows me not to beat myself up too much for a bad weigh in because I can see the downward trend(at least at this time I have a downward trend) .
    Have a great Friday!!!!
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Saltine -is any of this stress related? read the postings we have lately on aroma therapy, it cant hurt.......
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Saltine?!?!?! ugh - that sounds dreadful! I am glad you got treatment that worked! I hope you continue healing. I agree - worry about the scale later....Take care!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Saltine- HUGE HUGS! Don't take this the wrong way, but when I started reading your story, I immediately thought "You need to go see Dr Pimple Popper!" I'm sorry, I love that show and she is so good at diagnosing people that had seemed un-diagnosable.. I'm glad you finally got help.. hope you continue to heal and worry about scale later..
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Mother of Pearl Miss Saltine, I cannot believe what you have gone through! How terrible. We are all relieved to hear that you are on the mend.
    Congratulations on your new home!

    Dawn - I had to look that doctor up. Holy crow. What a name! I don't think I could watch that show; it's a good thing I don't have regular TV. Oy. LOL!

    Time for bed. See you all tomorrow~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    Will focus on more healthy vegetables and less fruit (lower sugar intake). Hard to do with everything is in season. Have asian noodles, so if I can get some good vegetables, I can make my own stir fry.

    Got selected for Jury Duty on "stand by" next month. Will have to tell employer. I am lucky I am not often called it has been 10 years and I have never been selected while with this employer, so I dont know what the process is. Will take envelope into work.

    Remember lady where I live who passed out and we sent her to ER this past spring? Well this was her last week at work, no details just met person who will fill in for the next couple of weeks. Another young man - must be my week!!!

    Find one thing today to help your health - me eat more veg/drink water. oops that's two but I need to drink more water anyway.

    Wave to all who follow.