Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-August 2011



  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey hot mammas.

    80lbs - keeping you in my prayers.

    Heather, hope you u/s goes well. How fun!

    smilegirl - you are a rockstar...running 4 miles at 39 weeks! I ran last Saturday. I thought I was doing good doing 5 minutes run and 1 minute walk for about 35 minutes. Way to go!

    Misti - You and I are close....I am 18 weeks today. I gained 1.5 lbs in the first tri and literally the first week of the 2nd tri I put on 2.5 and have gained every week since for a total of 5 pounds this tri. I have read it is normal to gain between 12 and 16 this trimester. I was freaking at first, but I'm over it. I saw the number on the scale yesterday that I haven't seen since January before I lost anything. Oh well. I'm growing a human!

    I've been feeling fine but a little crampy off and on. I reckon this is normal? Nothing excruciating; like mild period cramps from time to time. I figure my uterus is growing and doing crazy stuff. Still feeling the same kind of fluttering movement I have been feeling for a couple weeks which is super cool. I have read that the baby will start bending arms and legs this week so hopefully there will be more movement soon. I think I may have to buy some new clothes this weekend. I did put on one of my favorite denim skirts this morning and it sits low enough that I can put it under my bump. :smile:

    Got tons to do before I leave today so I better skidaddle. Since I rarely log on other than from my phone on weekends, talk to you all next week! I'll be keeping up though. HOpe you all have good weekends!

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    princesspurple, no worries about not catching up, I think most of use just want to hear what everyone’s up to. It’s exciting you only gained 31 lbs and stayed active! Great job!

    ofccat, sounds like you are doing fantastic, congrats on the trip! Your daughter is soooo cute btw!

    Welcome svgarcia! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

    Welcome steph, it will be great to have a veteran fit and pregnant mom around as many of us are first timers. Would be happy to hear any of your tips! Looks like you are an ER nurse? I am an ER doc, we should commiserate!

    heathercrist, I have to admit, I’m one of those that always finds pregnant women intriguing. I can’t wait till I have a bump of my own to obsess over. :laugh: In the meantime I am loving your new pic, you are looking so cute! I hope your sleep improves!

    Babeed, your US sounds adorable, congrats! You did lose a good amount of weight, time to think peanut butter/nuts and maybe lighter protein like chicken and egg whites would sit better in your stomach.

    kristy, I have no hurricane experience but I’m sure you’ll pull through just fine whatever you decide. you’ll be in my thoughts!

    deanie, I’m sorry you are struggling in so many aspects but it sounds like you are focusing on what’s important. Forgive yourself for not being perfect on the exercise, though you may find a nice walk/jog or elliptical, etc listening to music can be very therapeutic

    Ash, I can identify with your husband’s reluctance to see a child’s coffin when he is bringing his own into the world. Good thing your cousin is going. Even if your man can’t stomach it I hope you’ll understand and continue to treasure him for the wonderful hubby he is.

    sabrinafaith, as early on as I am I sometimes still get the scary raging appetite. I suppose it’s normal to help you gain, but it seems the response to it should be tempered by healthy foods and continuing to exercise

    80lbslost, sorry to hear about the mass. The majority of the time they don’t grow with the baby but rather disappear or eventually absorb. I certainly hope that is the case with you. Let us know what happens.

    ladydee, you can customize your nutrients when you change your goals. I agree with heathercrist, you should set your to at least 100g.

    H_82, sorry to hear about the mucus scare, I know how that is. I woke up this am with “I gotta poop” cramps and it frightened me! :laugh:

    Rayna, I find my workouts much more difficult now. I don’t know if it’s the low energy, extra pounds, or what. I hope you recover quickly from your cold. Halls is fine just be careful about cold medicine. Here is a good article for reference on meds in pregnancy Obviously you know this but always double check this type of thing rather than trusting people on the internet.

    smilegirl, the few times I do run I haven’t done less than a ten minute mile, so the fact you can do an 11 minute one at your size puts me to shame! :laugh: Do you get out of breath? Do you know what your heart rate goes to? Just wondering cause mine is like 160-170 and I am totally out of breath at that rate (I usually do an incline on the treadmill but still). BTW, one of my patients told me she got a 3D ultrasound for $80, including pics!

    jruekert, congrats about the future niece! I know how you feel with the tiredness, I just want to sleep all day but can’t

    mistibergman, if you don’t actually sleep much I think you will continue to be tired! :laugh: Sleep more! I know how you feel about the weight gain. I am still hoping this early 7lbs is mostly water. I was reading that in Japan women are discouraged from gaining more than 15lbs. Really gave me some perspective. I don’t think there is anything wrong with being careful about your weight gain AND having concern for your child. Most women in the US gain too much during pregnancy and are saddled with obesity. At the same time, I find it hard to let go of the idea of eating what I want.

    betterbalance, it exciting about your quickening and growing bump!

    After reducing my salt this week I ate like half a bag of potato chips while at work yesterday. I could feel the water retention building as the day went on :noway: Today I will aim to eat less, drink more water, and stay away from the outside food. I eat mostly organic at home and worry about the reports of chemicals affecting fetal development. I need to get a bigger water bottle since I seem to be thirstier recently – maybe 2L would be better for me instead of 1. I can’t wait until next trimester when I start to show. Right now I feel like my coworkers must think I am bloated and pimply and lazy for no reason.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Ladies, I really slowed down on my exercise at the beginning, now that I'm in my second trimester I'd like to walk & do some elliptical.

    I am not energetic anymore, so tonight I will try to Zumba for 30 mins or so.


    Have a good weekend to all!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    afternoon friends!

    Hope everyone is doing well and ready for the weekend!! it's awfully humid & hot here in texas! Whew! Glad I'm getting away for a few days.

    Hope everyone gets some rest this weekend, stay safe & sound!!

    I'll see you guys the first week of September, if I can find the new thread!! :laugh:
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member

    After reducing my salt this week I ate like half a bag of potato chips while at work yesterday. I could feel the water retention building as the day went on :noway: Today I will aim to eat less, drink more water, and stay away from the outside food. I eat mostly organic at home and worry about the reports of chemicals affecting fetal development. I need to get a bigger water bottle since I seem to be thirstier recently – maybe 2L would be better for me instead of 1. I can’t wait until next trimester when I start to show. Right now I feel like my coworkers must think I am bloated and pimply and lazy for no reason.

    Haha! I feel your pain!! I was just telling a friend today that I can't wait till I actually LOOK pregnant and not just super bloated and like I need to lay off the donuts. haha! I'm pretty pimply too and that sucks. It's mainly my forehead and my complexion is usually very clear. Hopefully the 2nd trimester brings clearer skin. :)

    As far as the hurricane goes, we got lucky and the Navy sent a bigger plane out with all the other planes that left and are bringing the guys back so they can be with their families during the storm. As a matter of fact, I just got a text from Eric that they're back now. So I'm happy I won't be alone! :) We're fairly stocked up on food and water and other random things we'll need in case of a power outage, which is likely. I think it's supposed to hit here tomorrow night or early Sunday morning.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Good afternoon to all my fit, fabulous and pregnant friends!

    Had my 39 week appointment today. Dr. confirmed my thoughts that bambino has dropped a bit since last week. All tests are WNL and things continue to progress as they should be. My doctor really doesn't want to let me go past 41 weeks, so she's planning to induce if needed. I am pretty sure bambino will come on their own before that, but I'm definitely going to keep up with the running and walking to see if maybe I can't help things along. Both my husband and I are August babies so I'd love to have this little one before the month is over, but I guess it's really not up to me right?

    jrueckert, ahhh....the first trimester fatigue. It's pretty amazing how incredibly wiped out you can be. I remember coming home from work and hardly being able to stay awake. I do think that keeping myself moving (I ran four days a week for first part of my pregnancy) did help a little bit, but things will definitely start to get better when you move into the second trimester. I know the 15th September seems like a ways off, but soon you'll get to see your little one on the ultrasound! Also very fun news about your sister in law!

    Misty, yep, the weight gain is so hard to wrap your mind around. Just remember how you have precious cargo growing inside, keep up with the exercise and healthy eating and the weight gain will be mostly baby. The numbers on the scale are tough to see - I've never weighed this much in my life! Heather often reminds us that a gain with healthy eating and exercise is much easier to take off post baby than weight that comes with a sedentary lifestyle and bad food choices. Good luck, I think you're doing great! At 16 weeks I think you should be turning the corner to more energy really soon.

    Ashley, love your attitude! The weight gain is tough for those of us used to being fit and without extra pounds, but I love "I'm growing a human!" The weight gain will totally be worth it when your healthy little one comes into this world. I would guess that the crampy feelings are probably just the growing of your uterus - if they become more pronounced or uncomfortable and consistent then a call to your practitioner would probably be in order. I bet you'll start feeling some real movements soon, it's way too cool of a moment when it happens :-)

    Brenda, I wish you luck with getting back into the workout groove. I know when I really don't feel like running I usually tell myself, okay, you only have to go one mile today, but as soon as I get moving I feel so good that I end up doing whatever distance that I had originally planned. For me, it's just getting out the door. Hope you shake it good with the Zumba tonight!!

    Cutmd, it's so funny that I can run three to four miles right now with hardly any difficulty, but going up the stairs in my house absolutely winds me! Running is such a natural thing for me that I haven't had any trouble with being out of breath. My HRM showed an average HR of 139 this morning. I'm usually in the mid 150's when running at an 8/8.5 minute pace non-pregnant. I'm thinking you probably feel bloated, pimply and lazy, but I'd guess the people around you have hardly noticed. We tend to be so much harder on ourselves and see things that no one else actually notices. With the workouts you are still logging, I bet you look great!

    Kristy, very happy to hear that your husband didn't have to leave after all. I'll be keeping you in my prayers for a safe ride through this hurricane. As I shared with cutmd, I bet you don't look as bad as you feel. I was about 26 weeks before I really "looked" pregnant so I do understand just feeling fat and feeling the need to explain that you are not just letting yourself go.

    Babeed, we've actually hit in the lower 80's the past couple of days and people here are complaining about how hot it is! I love it, but think it's hysterical at how others can hardly handle it. Most Seattle-ites would die in the heat and humidity of Texas. Hope you are heading somewhere fun for your vacation.

    One of the themes that I have noticed is that we are all committed to being healthy and fit during our pregnancies and that seems to mess with our minds and body image as we grow our little bambinos. Although I don't know any of you personally, I think you are all awesome and beautiful women!! I applaud you for being conscientious of your health for yourself and your growing baby. Try not to be too hard on yourselves okay?

    Happy weekend to all!
  • Clare_McGhee
    Clare_McGhee Posts: 9 Member
    Heya girls,

    I relatively new on here & pregnant with my 2nd child. ( Have a son who is 2 next Wednesday). I'm following my food diary etc but wondering what goals ye have set for yourselves? Is there a special one for pregnant ladies as I'm not trying to lose weight but don't want to pile on the pounds while pregnant either.

    Thanks, I'm from Ireland, by the way, nice to meet you all!
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Red Rubies! Congratulations and welcome!

    I believe most of us on this board set our calories goals to maintenance during our first trimester, then added 200 calories to that for second trimester and added 300 calories to maintenance for the third trimester.

    As for other goals, most of us have aimed to keep up with our workout routines, modifying as necessary for pregnancy. Nutrition is also a major goal for myself and many others here. Good, nutritious calories in for a healthy mom and baby.

    Feel free to jump in! Let us know your personal goals and when you need support. This board is full of fabulous women!

  • naveej
    naveej Posts: 73 Member
    all the best to all the mommies to be :flowerforyou:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    cutmd ~ I really didn't mean to scare anyone w/ pooping! ;) I just wish I had known that that was a possibility. I knew that could happen after sex, but not pooping! I'm still scared to poop, so I wait til it's ready to slide right out :laugh: So far, so good!

    red_rubies ~ Welcome! I set my goal to maintenence. I'm usually under calories, but at least I have a starting point of what not to go over. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of days that end up right on & even over....Those days tend to not get logged, but I just know. Especially when both me & baby get our own doughnuts! shhhh! All in all though, I've done pretty good throughout the first trimester w/ not gaining much. I'm 12½ weeks & have gained about 2-3lbs.
  • Clare_McGhee
    Clare_McGhee Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for the reply & warm welcome girls! I am the same - put on nearly 3 stone with DS & just rather not do that again! I was lucky that most of it came off but I was stuck with the last half stone, if I keep doing that every time I have a baby the weight will surely creep up!!
    By maintenance do you mean maintaining your weight? I'm usually under too at the moment but one day I had a malt in Eddie Rockets & nearly used my whole calorie allowance for the day!! Really opens your eyes!!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Heya girls,

    I relatively new on here & pregnant with my 2nd child. ( Have a son who is 2 next Wednesday). I'm following my food diary etc but wondering what goals ye have set for yourselves? Is there a special one for pregnant ladies as I'm not trying to lose weight but don't want to pile on the pounds while pregnant either.

    Thanks, I'm from Ireland, by the way, nice to meet you all!

    In terms of goals, I am aiming to maintain my weight first trimester (except I gained 7lbs out of nowhere which I hope is water but I set my cals to a little under maintenance for now), and then put on 20 lbs (1.5 stone?) by gaining a half a pound a week second trimester and a pound a week 3rd trimester. I am also aiming to stay active and eat healthy, organic foods. The most important thing is a healthy baby but no reason we can't care for ourselves in the process
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heya girls,

    I relatively new on here & pregnant with my 2nd child. ( Have a son who is 2 next Wednesday). I'm following my food diary etc but wondering what goals ye have set for yourselves? Is there a special one for pregnant ladies as I'm not trying to lose weight but don't want to pile on the pounds while pregnant either.

    Thanks, I'm from Ireland, by the way, nice to meet you all!

    Welcome and congrats on your pregnancy! :flowerforyou: This message board is phenomenal! Such great support from really wonderful ladies! :bigsmile:
    As for me, this is my first baby and I'm 3.5 months pregnant and I've gained about 6 lbs so far...I'm staying pretty active working out approx 4x's per week and trying to eat right. Hoping to not gain more than 25lbs throughout my entire pregnancy.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Been busy with landscaping and napping lol ;)

  • Clare_McGhee
    Clare_McGhee Posts: 9 Member
    God girls, you are all so motivated, exercise is a foreign idea to me at the moment (unless you count nesting & running around after my son!!)

    I agree cutmd, being healthy is the most important thing, but def want to keep an eye on my weight too. I think I have put on just over a stone so far (am 25 weeks) Don't know if that's good or bad!

    Congrats on your pregnancies too & I look forward to keeping motivated with all of you! If it would ever stop raining on this green Isle of ours I might get out for a walk every now & again!!
  • JulieWulie81
    JulieWulie81 Posts: 39 Member
    Hey Gals!

    Can I join your group? I'm about 12.5 weeks pregnant today and looking for motivation and support to stay healthy and fit during this pregnancy.

    I have been off from work since about 6.5 weeks pregnant due to severe "morning sickness". Right before finding out I was pregnant I was about 130lbs....lost about 8lbs from week 6-10 from being sick, and now I'm back up to 127 today. I was very active with running, gym-cardio, and weights before I got pregnant but then I laid on the couch for a month when I was feeling so terrible. I started feeling much better around 10 weeks and have finally been able to incorporate some healthy foods back into my diet. The exercise part though....well, I get so tired from just a walk around the block these days!! I can't believe how much fitness I lost in my month of couch laying! Yikes.

    Going back to work soon and kind of nervous about it. I'm a labor and delivery RN and I work 12-hr night shifts. My last night of work before I went on disability, I fainted after not getting a break for 8hrs while my poor laboring patient was getting an epidural! I think i'm past the whole fainting thing now (was really dizzy for a few weeks) but I just need to make sure I get more frequent breaks so I can keep my blood sugar stable. Wish me luck!

    How many calories do you guys aim for per day in your second and third trimesters? I haven't been keeping track at all but I want to gain the right amount of weight without going way overboard. Thanks!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    My belly "popped" out the past couple weeks. People still say I am small but my picture from 2 weeks ago and this week are like.. BOOM!!!!

    I can't breathe and my fingers are slightly swollen. I am so done being pregnant and am about to serve little dude an eviction notice soon.. I think I am 25 lbs up now.

  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hey Lexi, yes, my jump from week 36 to 38 was pretty dramatic! I too keep hearing that I am small, but my doctor says I am right on track. I haven't noticed too much with the edema except occasional ankle swelling at the end of the day. I'm not over being pregnant, but really want this bambino to come on their own so I am hoping something happens in the next week! I'm up 28 pounds currently :-) We are so darn close!! I'm also thinking your mom needs to re-think her stance that working out during pregnancy means we will have premature babies.....

    RootedRedwood, welcome and glad to hear you are starting to feel better. You've got lots of healthcare providers on this board, I wonder if that says something about us and our goals?? Sorry to hear about your syncope episode, that had to be scary knowing you were pregnant. Try not to let the fear and anxiety sink in with returning to work - can you have some good, healthy snacks and water at the nursing station that you can grab every couple hours? I usually take some kind of nuts and cheese, things that are easy to grab and eat a few of while also on the go. Try to shoot for an additional 200 calories (to maintenance calories) for the second trimester and 300 for the third. You should be starting to regain some energy soon - seems like it comes back somewhere between 14-18 weeks for most. I know for myself, pushing through the fatigue and working out helped to give me more energy, but I did not have any morning sickness to deal with. You sound like you've been quite active prior so I'd think you should be able to ease back into your exercise routine. I'm a firm believer in getting your practitioner's approval if you aren't sure and also listening to your body for clues that you are overdoing it.

    Hope everyone has a great end to the weekend!
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Holly - I have my moments when I am done being pregnant LOL... Like when I study all day and I guess I sit for too long and I retain water... maybe? then I can't breathe and feel bloated.. I just finished a round of zumba and feel a lot better. I guess it just shows how important it is to keep active through the pregnancy because just that little workout totally changed my demeanor and I feel like I can breathe again. I think I may do another round tomorrow morning before class. :) I definitely want him to come on his own but there are more days the past week where I was just miserable... being up by 0530 to work out, school by 8, I am there till 430 in the afternoon then I get home and study till about 9/10. Like I said though, the schedule is only like this the first two weeks so I am halfway done with frontloading, then we only have to be in class 2 days and one day at the hospital... 4 day weekends every week rockkkk :)

    Now that I am in a better mood and didn't just come on here to complain (LOL)...

    Rootedredwood, try to do some type of activity throughout. I used to run a LOT, then I started wogging, then now I find other ways to put some cardio in. If you read my message for Holly you will see that working out helps me not be cranky LOL :) Good luck and hopefully you stick with us :)

    Lexi :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hello to all of my fit and fabulous pregnant friends! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

    Took quite a while to catch up with you ladies! lol! Glad everyone is doing well. As for me I had a whirlwind of a weekend (well since Thurs actually). My 3d u/s was wonderful! And Holly we had to pay for it ourselves and actually drive an hour and a half to a bigger city that does them. They are so cool though. Unfortunately with my anterior placenta and the fact that my sweet little girl likes to dig down deep into my pelvis as well as cover her face with her little hands and arms it was quite hard to get good pictures. Regardless we loves seeing her. My parents and my husbands mother came with us. They were so excited to see her.

    *Anyone out there know how to post pics on here? I uploaded to Photobucket but none of the links would work when I posted them....aargh!

    Then we spent the rest of the weekend going to the birthing class, picking up stuff for her room and putting together furniture for her room. It was very busy but I felt like we got a lot accomplished. I ate horrible both Friday and Saturday and payed for it yesterday by feeling fatigued and my guts hated me! lol I feel much better after eating my normal healthy way yesterday and this morning that's for sure! I'm going for a nice hike this morning while the weather has cooled down for another day or so.

    Ash I was thinking about you this weekend. Hope you had someone to support you through the grieving process of losing your friend... :(

    Ashley come mild crampy feelings are totally normal. It is just that baby of yours stretching out her/his home!

    Kristy you were also in my thoughts this weekend. Hope everything is okay and the storm didn't do any damage.

    Holly I'm so glad everything went well at your appt.. 2 days left on your ticker!!! Oh my! Looks like you will be the first on our board to welcome a new member! :) I was thinking about what we will do after we have our babies?! Change the name? Start a new board? Hmm....

    Welcome to all the new ladies! Jump right in!

    Rootedredwood I am an RN as well! Welcome! I'd suggest keeping almonds in your pocket and snacks at the nurses station so that you have easy access to them. And sometimes it is hard for us to just ask for help...but asking for help (so you can sit and eat a snack real quick or go potty) is better than passing out again! :) Good luck back to work!

    Lexi hope you are doing well. I'm sure I will be in the same boat with already being uncomfortable now. I feel like there is "no more room at the inn" lol. And it amazes me and motivates me that despite the crazy hectic schedule you have, you still wake up at 530am to get your workout in! You go girl!

    To everyone else, I hope you are all doing well! Hope everyone has a wonderful and healthy Monday!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Heather, I hope you're able to get your pictures uploaded so we can see them! How exciting! :) Of course, I don't know how to do it though. Haha!

    The storm wasn't as bad as anticipated. It rained a lot all day and the wind picked up quite a bit at night, but it wasn't too bad. Our power went out for only a couple seconds at a time, but that was it. There are a lot of downed trees around us and of limbs all in the streets. There are a lot of people still without power, but luckily we're not one of them. :)
    My dogs did NOT like going outside to potty in the storm. Haha!

    I logged on to my OB's website to look at my medical records and there was an entry on Saturday that says my pap from last Monday came back as "Abnormal: Other Nonspecific." I'm kind of freaking out about that. I haven't heard from them about it yet. I haven't had an abnormal since 2007 when I had my LEEP done. I'm praying it's nothing.