50+ with 50+ To Lose Group



  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Tue., Thu., Sat.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet: <1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    1. 933 total min of 500. Monthly goal met.
    2. Resistance Training: Monthly goal not met.
    3. Today:
    1485 calories – Daily goal met.
    1615 mg Sodium – Daily goal met.
    36 g Fat – Daily goal met.
    4. 300+ days to meet goal.

    No weight loss today.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Tue., Thu., Sat.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet: <1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    1. 933 total min of 500. Monthly goal met.
    2. Resistance Training: Monthly goal not met.
    3. Today:
    1485 calories – Daily goal met.
    1615 mg Sodium – Daily goal met.
    36 g Fat – Daily goal met.
    4. 300+ days to meet goal.

    No weight loss today.
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    :flowerforyou: KeriA... I hate to say it.... NO I don't.... I Told you someone would notice soon!!!! That is AWSOME!!!
    Congrats and keep up the good work!

    My short term goal is to loose 14# by the end of Sept..... that is becoming more and more questionable in the last 2 weeks ~ but I am going to keep trying!! I was hoping my birthday present to myself would be membership to "Onderland" :love:

    I went for a 2 mile walk this morning with a neighbor... and hubby riding (on his bicycle). It was a good burn but plan on riding the bike downstairs tonight to burn more calories. :happy:

    My standard weekly goals are:
    Keep within my calorie goal .... so far so good
    Dring 12-14 glasses of water daily .... sometimes closer to 10-12
    Ride the bike for 60 min every night before turning in .... missed 2 nights last week
    Walk on the weekends as well as riding the bike ... so far on track

    I hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!!!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    OK Mary (McYoung) you scared me for a minute when I read you were going to ride your bicycle downstairs until I remembered that that is where your stationary bike is located but after you talking about your husband tagging along on the bicycle while you walked I was thinking of non-stationary bikes. Otherwise like your weekly goals for the week. This weekend is going better than the week did so far for me.
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    LOL at least I am consistant ... I tend to confuse MOST people .:noway:
    Yep ~ stationary bike is downstairs.....
    The bike that Doc was riding was a 'real" 2 wheeler on the streets of West Valley :bigsmile:
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Tue., Thu., Sat.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet: <1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    1. 933 total min of 500. Monthly goal met.
    2. Resistance Training: Monthly goal not met.
    3. Today:
    1624 calories – Daily goal met.
    3821 mg Sodium – Daily goal not met.
    50 g Fat – Daily goal met.
    4. 300+ days to meet goal.

    No weight loss today. Crab cake for a snack killed the sodium goal for the day.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Well yesterday I was at my aunt's 80th birthday celebration and although I was under on my calories (barely and that includes my exercise calories as well) I did not eat healthy, so it is off for a 5 mile walk with the dogs this morning to get back on track!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Bisbeegal
    Bisbeegal Posts: 13 Member
    Just reading all the postive comments in this group really motivates me. I was struggling when I joined this group, and now my daily logs are coming in under or barely over. I actually had dinner at the Olive Garden (AKA "Fat and Carb City") last night and came in under goal. How? I knew I was eating there, and I ate very lightly eariler in the day, and I barely ate 1/3 of the food served to me.The meal still came in over 900 calories! I won't even talk about how much of my meal and the number breadsticks I ate before MFP.

    I envy the activity level of members here, and you have all inspired me to rejoin the local ladies' gym, and I'll be restarting on the 1st. I walk the treadmill, do circuits, and finish on the stationary bike there. Working out helped me so much when I first started MFP, and I'm tired of living on this plateau, so I'm setting a goal for the end of this year. If I lose 15 pounds, it will lower my BMI enought to not be "obese," but "overweight." Thanks to MFP, I've stayed firmly in Onederland, and now *I want to be overweight!* LOL. Only the people here could understand that.

    Once more, thanks to everyone for making this such a positive and supportive place. I love reading your comments and goals. It's very inspiring.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Well yesterday I was at my aunt's 80th birthday celebration and although I was under on my calories (barely and that includes my exercise calories as well) I did not eat healthy, so it is off for a 5 mile walk with the dogs this morning to get back on track!

    Have a great day everyone.

    Good idea, I think my husband and I will walk around Greenlake at least once maybe twice. I want to make my 100 mile challenge by September 1st. see below.

  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Bisbeegal I can't wait to be in Onederland and overweight too. I was hoping by the 1st of next year but my plateau hung on a bit too long but I will get closer by then. Great job with eating out this weekend. That is an accomplishment.
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Just reading all the postive comments in this group really motivates me. I was struggling when I joined this group, and now my daily logs are coming in under or barely over. I actually had dinner at the Olive Garden (AKA "Fat and Carb City") last night and came in under goal. How? I knew I was eating there, and I ate very lightly eariler in the day, and I barely ate 1/3 of the food served to me.The meal still came in over 900 calories! I won't even talk about how much of my meal and the number breadsticks I ate before MFP.

    I envy the activity level of members here, and you have all inspired me to rejoin the local ladies' gym, and I'll be restarting on the 1st. I walk the treadmill, do circuits, and finish on the stationary bike there. Working out helped me so much when I first started MFP, and I'm tired of living on this plateau, so I'm setting a goal for the end of this year. If I lose 15 pounds, it will lower my BMI enought to not be "obese," but "overweight." Thanks to MFP, I've stayed firmly in Onederland, and now *I want to be overweight!* LOL. Only the people here could understand that.

    Once more, thanks to everyone for making this such a positive and supportive place. I love reading your comments and goals. It's very inspiring.

    I know you can reach the "overweight" land I am striving to be there but I got about 60 more lbs or so to go. Exercise really is helping me, there is a monthly move you *kitten* challenge that I have done the last two months which really has keep me going. My goal was to walk 100 miles a month, i just reached 100 miles for August with my 5 .2 mile walk this morning.

    I find once I get into exercise, my body starts looking forward to it. I am sure you can do it too!
  • dfeledichuk
    dfeledichuk Posts: 371 Member
    Reached my August goal of 100 miles walked today! YAY!
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Reached my August goal of 100 miles walked today! YAY!

    Yay! I just walked around my lake twice to try to meet my 100 mile challenge. It is for the summer so not as great a challenge as yours but it really worked well with my C25K efforts. I am going to start the last week of that next week although it may take me into the week after to Complete the program. We are doing great here. I am proud of all of you.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    1. To walk 30 minutes, four times a week (Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.), 500 minutes per month.
    2. To workout with resistance bands for 30 minutes, three time a week (Tue., Thu., Sat.), 360 minutes per month.
    3. To stay within my diet: <1800 calories, < 2000mg sodium, < 60g fat, daily.
    4. To get off my diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol meds by August 15, 2012.

    1. 933 total min of 500. Monthly goal met.
    2. Resistance Training: Monthly goal not met.
    3. Today:
    1644 calories – Daily goal met.
    2099 mg Sodium – Daily goal not met.
    54 g Fat – Daily goal met.
    4. 300+ days to meet goal.

    No weight loss today, fourth day in a row at 252, but I didn’t gain any either. I was 99 mg of sodium over my goal. Shouldn’t have had the pistachios.

    That’s the way to kick those unhealthy calories! And congratulations on making you’re your August exercise goal!

    I try to log in all my meals for the day in the morning, that way I can plan healthy meals and play “how about this” with the food list, to keep me close to my goals.

    I agree, this is a good group. With some of the other threads that I logged onto (no longer), it seemed that they weren’t interested in anyone but themselves. You could post that, while you were exercising, you got hit by a bus and broke both hips and lost 5 pints of blood due to compound fractures, and you still wouldn’t get any feedback.

    Good luck on your “just overweight” goal. I was thrilled when I went from morbidly obese to just plain old obese. I’m still 43 pounds from “overweight” but I’ll get there.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Keri, you snuck in before me. Great going towards your 100 miles for August.
  • njbvass
    njbvass Posts: 1 Member
    Love this group because you all seem to be real and honest. I am 57 and trying to loss weight for the first time in my life. Menopause hit me hard and I have gained at least 20 extra pounds. I find I am slowing down with age and I can not eat what I use to eat. BUT I still try to eat all the things I use to and therein lies the problem.:(
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Welcome njbvass!

    Here is my checkin in for the week:

    I've been having back problems and have been taking it easy this week. I'm still tender, but I'm taking it slowly.

    -Walking 4+ times a week - two walks in this week. I'm planning to get this back on track.
    -Strength training 4 times a week - Last lifting day was last Sunday, on hold until my back feels better. I'll stick to the exercises I have from PT
    -Water - on track, at least 8 glasses every day.
    -My weight loss goal for the month is shot to pieces. I was working towards 192, but with my scale breaking and probably some weight gain, I'm reading 194.8. I know I haven't been exercising, so I'm plodding along. Next week is my September weigh-in, measurement, and photo day. Food and water have been good all week. I'm expecting to see progress this week.
    -C25K - On hold until I get to 175 pounds - my knees and back are bothering me. I'll reevaluate at that time.

    My goal this week is to do back strengthing exercises every day, and take a break every hour I'm at my desk to stand up and stretch.
  • I'll be 52 on September 22nd and have 80 to 100 pounds to lose. I start my diet tomorrow morning, Monday. It sounds like this group is a good fit for me. I could really use the support and motivation of this group and am looking forward to getting to know everyone. My goal for the first week is to just get use to eating healthy and becoming more active.

    1. Post my diary and exercise on MFP daily
    2. exercise 20 minutes (even if i go very slow at first)
    3. eat within my calorie limits
    4. drink 4 to 6 glasses of water daily
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Love this group because you all seem to be real and honest. I am 57 and trying to loss weight for the first time in my life. Menopause hit me hard and I have gained at least 20 extra pounds. I find I am slowing down with age and I can not eat what I use to eat. BUT I still try to eat all the things I use to and therein lies the problem.:(

    Welcome NJB. I hope you don't mind. I sent you a friend request.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Gwen sorry to hear about your back. It isn't fair. My old scale used to weigh me to heavy so i lost when I got a new scale. But it isn't a real weight gain and I think you will be seeing progress soon. Good job being flexible and working through these challenges. I hope all feels better soon.