

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,410 Member
    69 years old female...5'5" ...I used to be 5'7" but arthritis hit and I lost two inches, so now that two inches is squished around my waist like the billows of a big accordion... :D...Oh, well. I'll just keep working on it.

    Had back surgery June 18th. Just getting back into walking and controlling what goes in my mouth.

    Heaviest: 192.2
    Aug GW: 142.0
    UGW: 132.2

    08/01 - 144.0
    08/05 - scale did not make sense this morning.
    08/12 - 145.8
    08/19 - 143.0 at 5:30 a.m.
    08/26 - 135.4 at 5:30 a.m. ...four days in the hospital helped this along.
    08/27 - 135.2 at 4:00 a.m.
    08/28 - 134.8 at 4:00 a.m.
    08/29 - 134.6 at 4:00 a.m.
    08/30 - 135.0 at 5:30 a.m. ...don't know why it took me so long to see I had this set up wrong!! :D
    08/31 -

  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    HSW : 257.8 lbs
    CSW : 237.8 lbs (15 Jan, 2018)
    01. R29 SW 237.8 EW: 233.6 (- 4.2 lbs)
    02. R30 SW: 233.6 EW: 230.2 (- 3.4 lbs)
    03. R31 SW: 230.2 EW: 228.4 (-1.8 lbs)
    04. R32 SW: 228.4 EW: 223.2 (- 5.2 lbs)
    05. R33 SW: 223.2 EW: 221.4 (-1.8 lbs)
    06. R34 SW: 221.4 EW: 218.4 (-3.0 lbs)
    07. R35 SW: 218.4 EW: 217.6 (-0.8 lbs)
    08. R36 SW: 217.6 EW:--- did not complete round.
    08. R38 SW: 218.4 EW: 216.2 (-2.2 lbs)
    09. R39 SW: 216.2 EW: ---- did not complete this round
    09. R43 SW: 219.4 EW: 215.8 (-3.6 lbs)
    10. R44 SW: 215.8 EW: 213.8 (-2.0 lbs)
    11. R45 SW: 213.8 EW: 213.4 (-0.4 lbs)
    12. R46 SW: 213.4 EW: 210.4 (-3.0 lbs)
    13. R47 SW: 210.4 EW: 207.6 (-2.8 lbs)
    14. R48 SW: 207.6 EW: 205.6 (-2.0 lbs)
    15. R49 SW:205.6 EW ---- on holidays in β€œmaintenance” if possible
    15. R50 SW:210.0 EW: 204.2 (-1.4 lbs)
    16. R51 SW:204.2 EW: 203.4 (-0.8 lbs)
    17. R52 SW:203.4 EW: 199.2 (-4.2 lbs)
    18. R53 SW:199.2 EW: 200.0 (+0.8 lbs)
    19. R54 SW:200.0 EW: ---- did not complete this round
    ----holidays - again! ----
    19.R57 SW: unknown EW: 198.8 (-1.2lbs)
    19.. R59 SW 198.8 lbs EW: ---- did not complete this round
    ----”Life” got in the way ----
    20. R63 SW:205.6 EW:206.0 (+0.4 lbs)
    21. R64 SW:206.4 EW:201.0 (-5.4 lbs)
    22. R65 SW:201.0 EW:202.2 (+1.2 lbs)
    23. R66 SW:202.2 EW:198.8 (-2.4 lbs)
    24. R67 SW:198.8 EW:198.8 (-- lbs) * welcome to onderland!
    25. R68 SW:198.8 EW:195.2 (-3.6 lbs) whole round in onderland!
    26. R69 SW:195.2 EW: --- had a shocking round, turned to comfort eating
    27. R70 SW:200.8
    --- so embarrassing, from R70 until now, i have not coped emotionally with the stresses in my life. I am now here I am back on it. Daily Tracking. GOT TO DO THIS!
    28. R86 SW: 215.8 EW: 213.6 - YES! pleased. I feel this is a proper actual re-start
    29. R87 SW: 213.6 EW: 212.6 lbs - ah, up down, up down - not a great round.
    08/10 - 213.6 lbs
    08/21 - 212.4 lbs
    08/22 - 214.0 lbs *red wine and Naan bread :sweat:
    08/23 - 212.6 lbs
    08/24 - 212.0 lbs
    08/25 - 212.6 lbs - grrr, come ON!
    08/26 - didn't weight
    08/27 - 212.0 lbs
    08/30 - 212.6 lbs

    I have 3 goals this round
    1) increase water intake. - needs to improve - NEEDS TO IMPROVE!
    2) home-cooked meals every night - 1 night out
  • mrs_sutsie
    mrs_sutsie Posts: 511 Member
    UK Female age 48
    Height 5' 3"

    Start Weight on 1st Jan '19 - 158.5lb
    End R64 - 154.9lb - Round loss 3.6lb - Loss to date 3.6lb
    End R65 - 149.9lb - Round loss 5.0lb - Loss to date 8.6lb
    End R66 - 149.9lb - Round loss 0.0lb - Loss to date 8.6lb
    End R67 - 148.0lb - Round loss 1.9lb - Loss to date 10.5lb

    End R70 - 150.6lb - Round loss 1.8lb - Loss to date 7.9lb
    End R71 - 149.7lb - Round loss 0.9lb - Loss to date 8.8lb
    End R72 - 150.6lb - Round gain 0.9lb - Loss to date 7.9lb
    End R73 - 144.8lb - Round loss 5.8lb - Loss to date 13.7lb
    End R74 - 144.2lb - Round loss 0.6lb - Loss to date 14.3lb
    End R75 - 141.6lb - Round loss 2.6lb - Loss to date 16.9lb
    End R76 - 140.2lb - Round loss 1.4lb - Loss to date 18.3lb
    End R77 - 141.4lb - Round gain 1.2lb - Loss to date 17.1lb
    End R78 - 143.5lb - Round gain 2.1lb - Loss to date 15.0lb
    End R79 - 139.1lb - Round loss 4.4lb - Loss to date 19.4lb
    End R80 - 137.8lb - Round loss 1.3lb - Loss to date 20.7lb
    End R81 - 140.4lb - Round gain 2.6lb - Loss to date 18.1lb
    End R82 - 136.4lb - Round loss 4.0lb - Loss to date 22.1lb
    End R83 - 134.9lb - Round loss 1.5lb - Loss to date 23.6lb
    End R84 - 133.8lb - Round loss 1.1lb - Loss to date 24.7lb

    Back from holiday - 3 weeks with our touring caravan from the UK through France, Germany, Austria and Slovenia for 2 amazing weeks in Croatia with a few days also in Venice. Lots of good food (including cheese and gelato!) and wine obviously. Not getting the "but it's nice to be home" vibe though :(

    But back to it - aim to get holiday gain off over the next couple of rounds!!

    08/21 - 140.1lb (+6.3lb) Ouch although did weigh only a few hours after getting home in the early hours!

    08/22 - 137.0lb (-3.1lb) Guess this is the initial whoosh from our road trip and a long couple of days in the car - leaves me with 3.2lb of holiday gain left to work on. Not too upset with this as a gain from a 3 week holiday though - feeling positive! Aiming to keep drinking plenty and get back to eating normally.
    Exam results day here for my 16 year old, college sign-up day and cheer try outs for a new team along with catching up with washing and ironing so going to be a testing day!

    08/23 - 138.0lb (+1.0lb) Daughter got the results she needed so all signed up for college to study Fine Art, Sports Science and Psychology #proudmum B) Ended up eating out last night and late as straight from college sign up to cheer tryouts which all seemed to go well - just the wait to hear on a team placement today hopefully.... so understand why and don't mind the 1lb gain. Long Bank holiday weekend here ahead to catch up with friends and family so just aiming to stay a bit focused as far as possible. Guess some sort of normality will return next Tuesday as I'm back to work and the following week youngest starts at secondary school and then college starts too .... Back to land of crazy :p

    08/24 - DNW
    08/25 - 138.6lb (+0.6lb)
    08/26 - DNW
    08/27 - 140.2lb (+1.6lb) Had a lovely long and hot bank holiday weekend here in the UK. Involved 2 BBQ's, a lunch and a family dinner at which the Gin &Tonic and wine was flowing nicely. Such a lovely weekend catching up with everyone and I know today's weigh in is a lot of water weight but I expected it and don't mind and actually wanted to get on the scales this morning to "reset".
    Do I feel any better for the weekend excesses ? No - do I regret it, no - but so ready to get back to "normal" eating after nearly a month of holiday and socialising! Back to work today and some part of normality, healthy food with me for the day along with my water bottle!

    Target for the rest of this round is to get back to some sort of "normal" eating, re-hydrate myself and then to get off the holiday gain over the next round or two.

    08/28 - 139.6lb (-.60lb) Scales don't actually reflect how much better I feel already. Back to the gym last night (which was tough as been a month!!!) ate well yesterday and drank plenty too and feel less bloated already despite TOM's arrival. Also have agreed to do a full 26.2mile marathon with a work colleague at the end of September (walking not running) so have a month to get walking the streets and get some miles in ready :#

    08/29 - 137.3lb (-2.3lb) Guess that's the whoosh to the wine and the BBQ Bloat. As usual 2-3 days to get rid of it. Now to get on with losing the holiday gain - good food day planned for today and gym session tonight so hoping for a reasonable finish to the round

    08/30 - 136.6lb (-.70lb) Yay - good finish to the round
  • laur4mar
    laur4mar Posts: 19 Member
    Name: Lauren
    SW: 208.4 (Aug 21 2109)
    GW this round: 205 204
    Ultimate GW: 160

    Goals: track daily to understand just what I am eating, 3km walk per day, Jillian Michaels 30 day shred 3x per week

    β€ͺ08/21 - 208.4‬
    β€ͺ08/22 - 207.4‬
    08/23 -

    β€ͺ08/24 -‬

    08/25 - 206.4 - motived to make some changes. Back to MFP, started the day with a nice long 5.8 km walk to get Starbucks with the kids and dog.

    08/26 - 204.8 - it’s nice to see how quickly I can bounce back with just a few changes but it’s also a reminder of just what a toll on my body the wrong choices make. Yesterday I was on focus until the end of the day. This morning started the day with a 2.6km walk with the dog. Healthy lunch packed for work - I got this!

    08/27 - 204.8 - have to admit I was a little disappointed not to see the scale budge but I also know it’s not going to do that everyday. Yesterday I stayed focused with eating and took the dog for another 1.7km walk. It was pouring this morning so I skipped the morning walk. Hopefully it will be nicer this evening, if not treadmill it is. Plan to do a 30 day shred video as well.

    08/28 - 204.2 - yay! I am down 2% of my starting weight. I’ll take it! Yesterday overindulged at dinner out of pure laziness but did take the dog on a 2.6km walk and did a JM 30 day shred. Started today with a 2.6km walk.

    08/29 - 205.4 indulgent dinner last night, shorter walk with the dog and a certain time of the month.

    08/30 - 204.9 - ok down but I have been lower however I really slacked on exercise and was up far to late working last night. Skipped the morning walk and not sure I’ll fit one in tonight

    Total loss - 3.5 lbs!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,109 Member
    ]8/29 157.2
    8/30 158.6
    Jeans fit, stronger, healthy


    8/31 157.9

    I’m making progress!
  • luismesk
    luismesk Posts: 6 Member
    astroamy wrote: Β»
    Went on a long (for me) bike ride. That makes me very happy. Forgot to check in yesterday but did good both today and yesterday.

    My biceps are still sore from strength training class on Thursday. 😁 That means I am building muscle right?

    08/21 - 194.7, no sweets, 40 min elliptical plus 10k steps, kept under calories.
    08/22 - 194.3, no sweets, 55 minute strength training class, 10k steps, kept under calories.
    08/23 - 194.1, no sweets, 12k steps, 25 cals over.
    08/24 - 194.4, no sweets, 18k steps, under cals
    08/25 - 194.0, no sweets, 17 mile bike ride, 8k steps, under cals.

    Yes you are . Which exercise have you done ?
  • luismesk
    luismesk Posts: 6 Member
    fraukazi wrote: Β»
    Stats & Round goals
    37yo/, 173cm / Amsterdam
    1st goal: 71.0 by late Aug //2nd goal: 69.0 by Sep 27
    UGW: 62-65kg by end of year?

    Daily goals
    🧘yoga 2
    πŸ’ͺFreeletics (Morpheus)
    πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈwalk 10k+steps 7
    πŸƒβ€β™€οΈrun / 🚴cycle 5+2
    πŸ“– all logged 8
    πŸ₯— within cals 5
    🍫no LNS 2
    🍷no alcohol 6

    R86 EW 72.2 // R87 GW 71.6kgβœ”οΈ

    Previous days
    Wed 08/21 72.1kg πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ6.7kmπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ13kπŸ“–πŸ₯—πŸ«πŸ·14:10.5
    Fast/eat: 20.30-10.30- 21.00
    Slow&steady... I'm a bit annoyed with myself, I looked back through previous rounds and I had been down to 70.7kg a few months ago. Need to work harder!
    I was super hungry today and worked from home, which basically means zero steps. I then went for a good run in the eve to "earn" my dinner and managed to avoid LNS.

    Thu 08/22 72.2kg πŸ§˜πŸ“–πŸ·14:10
    Fast/eat: 21-11-21
    Ah I was hoping for another 100g down to continue the trend.
    Busy and long day work day, quite a bit of snacking, below steps,over cals...
    Tomorrow will be a food heavy, catered for lunch, then out for dinner&drinks with work. I'll make it up over the weekend with exercise.

    Fri 08/23 72.3kg πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ3.9kmπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ13kπŸ“– 13.5:10.5

    Sat 08/24 72.2kg πŸš΄πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ11kπŸ“– πŸ₯—πŸ·πŸ«15:8
    Forgot to post yesterday. Day started well, with a run. But obviously went over at work, locked in a room for 7 hours and then went for dinner & drinks with the team. But that as nice. And back down today. DH is away for a couple of days, which means healthy choices for me and it should be a fairly active weekend.

    Sun 08/25 72.4kg πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ11kπŸ“–πŸ₯—πŸ·15:10.5
    Meh, this is probably Fri night showing up... It'll go away again. But I still have a long way to go and only 5 days to lose 0.8kg, which is 0.3kg more than at the beginning of this round. But being aware of this stopped me from LNS last night πŸ‘
    I didn't get to do my long run this weekend, temperatures have gone up and I decided to socialise instead and enjoy the weather, which may be the last of summer, including a swim in the sea, which was awesome.

    Mon 08/26 72.1kg πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ12kπŸš΄πŸ“–πŸ₯—πŸ·πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ3km 12.5:10.5
    Ok, 0.5 to go til goal weight. But I now see that I also wanted to reach 71.0 end of Aug. That's not realistic now, but my round goal of 71.6 is,so I'll work towards that.
    I had a stressful day, slipped up a little, but reigned it back in.. almost... Apart from an ice cream, which was within cals.
    No real exercise as I was too tired in the morning, this little heat wave is exhausting.

    Tue 08/27 72.1kg πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ3.5kmπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ13kπŸ“–πŸ₯— 12.5:10
    So, I just realised that I'm still the same as at the start of the round. So much for progress...
    Had an exhausting day at work, after a lovely run this morning, so had to have some wine and chocolate in the eve, but all within cals again πŸ‘

    Wed 08/28 71.9kg πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ6.8kmπŸƒβ€β™€οΈ13kπŸ“–πŸ·14:11
    Alright, this is nice, but i might have undone the small progress today as I had a very sugar fuelled day, working from home. Went for a relaxing run in the evening, before DH came back and we shared a pizza. 200 over cals, which isn't the problem, but I ate over 1000 cals in snacks, oops

    Thu 08/29 72.1kg 🧘12.5:13.5
    Blip up, I guess it's water retention from evening run and pizza (and no TMI). Other than that, let's not talk about today... Chocolate and wine were needed

    Fri 08/30 71.6kg😲
    That was unexpected! This means I made my round goal!
    But the day took a turn for the worse snack wise. Onto the next round

    Round result: 72.1-71.6=0.5kg

    Average weight & total steps per week
    Apr1 72.2 βž– total steps 70k
    Apr8 71.7βœ”οΈ total steps 92k
    Apr15 71.4βœ”οΈ total steps 73k
    Apr22 71.2βœ”οΈ total steps 91k
    Apr29 71.1βœ”οΈ total steps 71k
    May6 71.2❌total steps 62k
    May13 72❌ total steps 110k
    May20 71.8βœ”οΈ total steps 72.9k
    May27 72❌ total steps 65.9k
    June3 72.8❌ total steps 66.5k
    June10 72.8βž– total steps 67.9k
    June17 73.2❌ total steps 105.6k
    June24 72.8βœ”οΈ total steps 113.5k
    July1 72.7βœ”οΈ total steps 103k
    July8 73.2 ❌ total steps 78.6k
    July15 72.6βœ”οΈ total steps 110k
    July22 72.7❌total steps 92.6k
    July29 73❌ total steps 82k
    Aug5 72.7βœ”οΈtotal steps 93.9k
    Aug12 73.1❌ total steps 88k
    Aug19 72.2kgβœ”οΈ total steps

    βœ”οΈ10❌ 9βž–2

    Well done keep strong ! How is it going ?
  • abowersgirl
    abowersgirl Posts: 3,409 Member
    GOAL. This month I am planning a non stop dieting month. August 1-September 1 (5 day exception)

    Round 87
    OW 230
    Round 46 SW 178 EW 172.6 (-5.4) πŸ‘
    Round 47 SW 172.6 EW 170.8 (-1.8)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 48 SW 170.8 EW 168 (-2.8)πŸ‘
    Round 49 SW 168 EW 166.8 (-1.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 50 SW 166.8 EW 163.6 (-3.2) πŸ‘
    Round 51 SW 163.6 EW 161.4 (-2.2)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 52 SW 161.4 EW 157.8 (-3.6)πŸ‘
    Round 53 SW 157.8 EW 156.2 (-1.6)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 54 SW 156.2 EW 155.8 (-.04) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 55 SW 155.8 EW 151.2 (-4.6) πŸ˜„πŸ˜πŸ‘
    Round 56 SW 151.2 EW 149.8 (-1.4) πŸ‘
    Round 57 SW 149.8 EW 148.2 (-1.6) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 58 SW 148.2 EW 147.2 (-1) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 59 SW 147.2 EW 146.2 (-1) πŸ‘
    Round 60 SW 146.2 EW 145.2 (-1) πŸ‘
    Round 61 SW 145.2 EW 142.4 (-2.8) πŸ‘
    Round 62 SW 142.4 EW 142.4 (0) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 63 SW 142.4 EW 146.6 (+4.4) πŸ‘Ž my first gain since joining πŸŽ„
    Round 64 SW 146.6 EW 142.8 (-3.8) πŸ‘
    Round 65 SW 142.8 EW 141.8 (-1) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 66 SW 141.8 EW 140.8 (-1)πŸ‘
    Round 67 SW 140.8 EW 141.2 (+0.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 68 SW 141.2 EW 139.8 (-1.4) πŸ‘
    Round 69 Sw 139.8 Ew 138.6 (-1.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 70 SW 138.6 ew 138.8 (+.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 71 SW 138.8 Ew 138.4 (-.4) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 72 SW 138.4 EW 138.2 (-.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 73 SW 138.2 EW 136. (-2) πŸ‘
    Round 74 SW 136.2 Ew 139 (+2.8)πŸ‘ŽπŸ°πŸ£ Easter gain
    Round 75 SW 139 ew 139.8 (+.8) πŸ‘Žhaving trouble sticking to it
    Round 76 SW 139.8 Ew 141 (+1.2) double yikes πŸ‘Ž
    Round 77 SW 141 Ew 135.8 (-5.2) πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ
    Round 78 SW 135.8 Ew 138.8 (+3)πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ‘Ž
    Round 79 SW 138.8 Ew 138.6 (-.2) πŸ˜₯πŸ‘Ž
    Round 80 SW 138.6 Ew 138 (-.6)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 81 SW 138 EW 135.8 (-2.2) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 82 SW 135.8 EW 137 (+1.2)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 83 SW 137 Ew 138 (+1)πŸ‘Ž
    Round 84 SW 138 Ew 139 (+1) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 85 Sw 139 Ew 139 (0) πŸ‘Ž
    Round 86 SW 139 Ew 144 (+5)

    Round 42
    SW 144
    GW under 140
    UGW 125

    08/21 141 thank goodness for this drop

    08/22 don't know weight

    08/23 don't know weight three doubles in a row and late night eating. Hope this doesn't counter act my weight.

    08/24 139

    08/25 141

    08/26 141

    08/27 143

    08/28 don't know

    08/29 no weight I can't wait until August is over. It has been a great month but between the family events and late night eating because of work.. My body has taken a serious hit and I can't allow this incline to cointinue. Hopefully September is better 21/31

    08/30 144. Things will be changing now that September is here. This can't continue.