JUST FOR TODAY -- One Day at a Time .... Daily commitment thread for 2019



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Hi all. I promise I’ve been reading everything but I am also struggling to find time to respond properly now I’m back to work. Sending you all big hugs though and hope to catch up properly this weekend. X

    Thursday goals recap:
    - morning run ✅ 6.5m
    - pack snacks and schoolbags ✅
    - print off P homework ✅ on arrival
    - update MTP ✅
    - home lunchtime for car and shake ✅
    - call locksmith ❎
    - N for coffee after work?❎
    - bed by 10 ✅

    Friday goals:
    - morning run ✅ 5.4m
    - pack snacks and schoolbags ✅
    - mention shelf idea to builder
    - buy yoghurt and milk on way to work
    - home lunchtime for car and shake
    - call locksmith!
    - health food store after work
    - eyebrows/tanning
    - bed by 10
    KIKITVP Posts: 217 Member
    Round 2 -
    SW - 185.6
    CW - 187.0
    The SW is the weight the day we started 2nd round. I managed to lose one pound last time. CW is my daily weigh in.

    JFT - Thursday Sept 5
    2L of water - ☹️
    Log all Food - 🙂
    Gratitude Journal - 🙂
    Active 15 minutes - 👿

    JFT - Friday Sept 6
    2L of water -
    Log all Food -
    Gratitude Journal -
    Active 15 minutes -

    My weight is going in the wrong direction and I can’t seem to get anything together my time on here, my meals, my time with hubby, my time to do crafts. Absolutely struggling. Yeah need a game plan and then I need to implement it.

    Don't beat yourself up. Slow and steady. Log accurately. Stay under your calorie limit and the scale will start to move SLOWLY in the right direction! You can do this!!
  • awhit4842
    awhit4842 Posts: 236 Member
    JFT Thursday
    1. Log all food 👍
    2. Gym👍
    3. Drink 150oz water👍
    4. Yogurt snack👍 actually didn’t have an evening snack at all which is even better!

    JFT Friday
    1. Log all food
    2. Gym
    3. Drink 150oz water
    4. Don’t eat everything at work party
    5. Healthy dinner and evening snack
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    JFT 9/6

    Make Healthy Choices
    No alcohol
    90 minutes intentional movement
    1 minute meditation.

    I am 44 as of yesterday. I had lost 30 lbs this year and then last month gained 7 lbs back and I was really feeling upset about it. I want to stay on the path to health this year and lose weight but in a slow and sustainable way. I'm back on the healthy path but I refuse to feel bad about having a setback of a month. There are days when it's easy and days when it's hard and that is just life. This is the mantra that I am going to repeat to myself!
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    Good morning! I need to be quick but I hope you all have a great day!

    Yesterday 9/5:

    1. Stay within calorie goal😔
    2. Finish work at 5:20😔
    3. Cook dinner😁
    4. Clean kitchen😁

    JFT 9/6:

    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Finish work at 5:20 EVEN IF THERE IS MORE TO DO
    3. WAIT AND THINK before reaching for all the snacks
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Thursday
    1. NO MORE AM RUNNING. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea!
    2. Before school: Check class websites. Update first directions. Find haunted house costume pic.
    3. Class 1: Prepositional phrases. Independent Act 4. Return student work.
    4. Class 2-3: Prepositional phrases. Independent Act 4. Return student work. ** Challenge book work day on Friday!
    5. Planning: A - Update class websites. B - Sub request for doctors. C - Update lesson plans. D - Grade 5 narratives. Get supplies for challenge book day. File papers.
    6. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. NO SNACKING. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! UPON ARRIVING HOME: PLAN AND LOG FOR TOMORROW.
    7. Running. Rehearsal. Prep cheese.
    8. Read 10 pages of Lady from the Black Lagoon. Update Goodreads Friday. Weigh and prep celery. Pack lunch.
    9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Alarm set for 6:00.

    JFT Friday
    1. NO MORE AM RUNNING. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea!
    2. Before school: Check class websites. Update first directions. Pull supplies for challenge book work. Arrange for sub.
    3. Class 1: Act 5 independently. Show HH costume pic. Rank characters in order of interest. Monday: subordinate clauses.
    4. Class 2-3: Challenge book work day. Alt: "How to Succeed." Have sub collect alternate assignments and put in my mailbox.
    5. File papers. Take narratives home to evaluate. Sub request for doctors. Prep progress reports for Monday and include info about PSAT. MUST BE SIGNED. Leave lunch in fridge for Monday.
    6. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. NO SNACKING. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water! UPON ARRIVING HOME: PLAN AND LOG FOR TOMORROW.
    7. NO Lifting. No rehearsal - text stage manager.
    8. Read 10 pages of Lady from the Black Lagoon. Update Goodreads. Check w mom about yoga tomorrow.
    9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. Alarm set for 6:00.
    10. Ask about how to support new AP. Practice hair braiding with D. Check on appts for drs. Remind D to ask his dad about the table. Check with D about ceiling. START BLOGGING AGAIN. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format, poetry. Create unit plan for Malala. Put jewelry away. Fold laundry. Complete bartending course. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Remember that M does not like surprises! Sign up for sub for doctor appointments. Check dates of classes and adjust plans.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    January 2019: 186.0
    February 2019: 187.0
    Today: 192.6

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie).
    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Schedule assessments for Fall 2019; plan out return times. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to PB for comments due Friday. PB usernames 6 digits, no 19 or 20s, no birthdates. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri.
    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week -Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals. NOTE: ATTENDED PRE FLEX DAY.
    6. Medical: Dentist Oct 29 8 AM. Onco Oct 22 9:30. PCP Sept 18 10:15. ObG Oct 22 10:30. GET MAGAZINES FOR COLLAGES FROM DOCTORS. PCP - allergy shots?
    7. Theater: Mamma Mia. Next?
    8. House: Mineral oil on tile spots. Check with D about ceiling.
    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy new bikes and bike night for car.
    10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter.

    WFTY: Climbing. I'm sick. Fortunately my students are being sympathetic. Even so, I'm taking half a day and heading home and going to bed. No lifting today!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    @korina75 Happy birthday yesterday! I hope you had a fantastic day. :flowerforyou: Also, thank you for the inspirational reminder. I think I really needed to read that today.

    My weight is going in the wrong direction and I can’t seem to get anything together my time on here, my meals, my time with hubby, my time to do crafts. Absolutely struggling. Yeah need a game plan and then I need to implement it.

    I am having the same struggles. I don't know what the answer is, but I think making it a priority to at least post my goals, even if I don't have time to read and respond each day, is vital to my success. So I'm trying to find that balance also. It's more definitely more difficult to find that nice balance for everything and everyone when you are working...

    I'd be interested in hearing how others prioritize it all... :blush:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited September 2019
    Darn it. I think I got on and read everything yesterday but never posted goals of my own. I think I did pretty good, so I won't beat myself up over it. I logged my food and drink, I took a walk at lunch time, I kept a smile on my face and was patient with others, and I had my first appointment with a counselor. It felt good just to talk to someone about everything going on and I think she will be able to give me some really insightful pointers in ways to better handle stress without expending so much energy trying to fix things that I cannot fix. So, I feel like I took a few positive steps toward self-care and healing.

    I'm so happy it is Friday! Tonight I am hoping to go watch one of our grands play in the marching band for her school's football game. She is a Freshman this year so this is her first time playing at a football game. How fun is that? I'm so excited for her. It's rainy today so I'm really hoping it clears up so I can go sit and watch not only her, but also cheer on the football team! I think trying to get involved in some of these fun things that the grands do might really be helpful in getting me out from shell I've been hiding under lately. I'm usually really tired on Friday evenings, but if I just get myself to go, I know I'll have fun!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Friday! xoxo

    Discard 5 lbs Round 2
    SW: 185 lb
    CW: 184 lb (went back up 1 lb)
    Challenge Goal: 180 lbs

    Just for today | Friday, 9/6
    1. Journal every single bite and every single sip--good, bad and ugly.
    2. Send my mom a 'good morning' email
    3. Run errands - condolence card for P, drawer organizers and shelf paper (Dollar Tree)
    4. Eye doctor - new Rx for computer glasses (send message)
    5. Intentional Activity - 30 minutes
    6. Meet with J to discuss what I missed at team meetings, and get through at least 35 of the 75 unread emails I'm still behind on
    7. Go to football game tonight to watch C if weather holds up
    8. Start writing down ideas for a good evening routine. This will be a work in progress until I find what will work for me.
    9. Spend time reading scripture.
    10. Journal before bed about anything on my mind...good or bad...worry or troubleshooting, whatever is on my mind I will write down.
    11. Bedtime: Gratitude Journal, Inspirational readings, Calm App or Bible.com daily inspiration, read more of the mystery I started.

    WOTY 2019: Tenacity. I will never give up.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    edited September 2019
    My interview is an hour after I get out of school at an office about 45 minutes away so I have to leave RIGHT on time or I will be late. I wore my interview clothes to work except my suit jacket which is in the car. And my makeup and a copy of my resume. Keep your fingers crossed, say some prayers, and send me good vibes.

    Good luck, Hannah! I'm praying for you! o:)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    My daily goals may be repetitive (very) but I really feel a sense of accomplishment when I can mark them with a smiley. I'm definitely a list person. Truth be told, sometimes my JFT list is the only reason I do some of those things!

    Recap R 9/5
    1) Finally! Up in dark, dressed & out front door 5:59 a.m. & walked dog 3.52 miles 1:06:09 before work... haven't been able to crack that 6 a.m. in weeks, and it's only going to get darker! Happy dog & happy me :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings = Fitbit 15,442 steps, 250+ 14/14 boom! 45 floors :smiley:
    3) Prelog meals & snacks / net calories zero / 14c water = Had to revise planned supper (see #5) but did ok. Net cals -25 :D , sodium -671, sugar ZERO :D , fiber ok, protein good, 14c water :smile:
    4) Complete PA-CA 6 month f/u :smiley: details took way longer than I expected but final report issued late in day, even got TY email from Controller ~ yay! / complete promo files testing / update program & rate sheet no time
    5) Evening: grill chicken sausages thunderstorms / check bins in fridge :smile: not so bad as I thought / kitchen compost bucket out to bin :smile: only light rain at this point / watch Packers game :smiley: after lackluster start, WIN! / review recipes+meal plan+grocery list :smile: excited to start cooking some things again ~ I don't bake or cook much in summer to avoid heating up the house / declutter 5 min. :smile: / other? gas in car on way home :smile:
    6) FLOSS :mrgreen: / retainers :smile: / bed & tv off 15 min. after end of game :s since I got my 2nd wind & was wide awake I watched post-game interviews & news & some more tv... oops

    JFT F 9/6 ~ Another dreary, cloudy, damp a.m. so when early alarm went off, I reset & sacked in another 1+ hour. No dog walk or x-train workout before work. Sad dog.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    2) Prelog meals & snacks / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Complete promo files testing (return 1 file to S.T.) / update program, rate sheet & report grid / usual required weekly status updates (GAH!) / check chapter email account & forward/reply to messages as needed
    4) Pick up race packet / grocery shop / prep clothes+stuff for 5K & farmers market / balance bank accounts / bank transfer / schedule bill pay / update budget s/s / declutter 5 min. / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & tv off 10:00 (5K starts 8 a.m. need to figure out what time to leave home to park & walk to start ~ love this event which honors & supports our military veterans)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    JFT F 9/6 ~ Another dreary, cloudy, damp a.m. so when early alarm went off, I reset & sacked in another 1+ hour. No dog walk or x-train workout before work. Sad dog.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    2) Prelog meals & snacks / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Complete promo files testing (return 1 file to S.T.) / update program, rate sheet & report grid / usual required weekly status updates (GAH!) / check chapter email account & forward/reply to messages as needed
    4) Pick up race packet / grocery shop / prep clothes+stuff for 5K & farmers market / balance bank accounts / bank transfer / schedule bill pay / update budget s/s / declutter 5 min. / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & tv off 10:00 (5K starts 8 a.m. need to figure out what time to leave home to park & walk to start ~ love this event which honors & supports our military veterans)

    I have a question that I keep forgetting to ask you! Curious how you came up with a x-train workout to do at home. Is it set up kind of like Curves?

    Good luck at the 5k tomorrow! I didn't realize we had one this weekend. :smile:

    P.S. And I really should add YAY PACKERS! They pulled it out! :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,499 Member
    edited September 2019
    JFT F 9/6 ~ Another dreary, cloudy, damp a.m. so when early alarm went off, I reset & sacked in another 1+ hour. No dog walk or x-train workout before work. Sad dog.
    1) Move hourly / stairs breaks / 5 somethings
    2) Prelog meals & snacks / net calories zero / 14c water
    3) Complete promo files testing (return 1 file to S.T.) / update program, rate sheet & report grid / usual required weekly status updates (GAH!) / check chapter email account & forward/reply to messages as needed
    4) Pick up race packet / grocery shop / prep clothes+stuff for 5K & farmers market / balance bank accounts / bank transfer / schedule bill pay / update budget s/s / declutter 5 min. / other?
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & tv off 10:00 (5K starts 8 a.m. need to figure out what time to leave home to park & walk to start ~ love this event which honors & supports our military veterans)

    I have a question that I keep forgetting to ask you! Curious how you came up with a x-train workout to do at home. Is it set up kind of like Curves?

    Good luck at the 5k tomorrow! I didn't realize we had one this weekend. :smile:

    P.S. And I really should add YAY PACKERS! They pulled it out! :smiley:

    For x-training at home in my basement, I googled beginner circuit training, home or no equipment versions, and picked what was do-able for me. Of course I added my own stuff from decades-old workout routines I used to do, some with hand weights. Hubby has nice weight machine (which I gave him years ago ;) so glad I did) that I use too. I started with about 10-15 minutes (so many unused muscles :D ) and worked my way up to 25 minutes. I haven't been doing too much x-training, because in summer I'd rather be outside walking dog. Winter is when I'm forced indoors for my workouts.

    The 5K tomorrow starts by East HS and ends at the old City Stadium (2nd home field of the Packers in 1920s - 1950s) which is behind the school. City Stadium Run for Veterans is an awesome event, and veterans greet every single participant at the finish line. Last year, I got to shake the hand of a gentleman who was on Iwo Jima when they raised the US flag. He just recently passed away.
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    JFT Thursday
    - Up at 4:00 to shower (shave) then head to CrossFit. :( Just didn't happen
    - Work by 8:30 :)
    - Protein bar & fruit for breakfast :/ Forgot my apple at home
    - Lunch in the cafe - chicken breast over lettuce (kinda like a salad) :smile:
    - Work until 5:30 or 6:30
    - Long walk 3 to 6 miles with hills or hike 3 miles in the woods (without getting lost on the trails - not guaranteed.) :smile: 4 miles
    - Dinner at home - maybe I'll cook instead of husband, maybe not :( brought home Chines
    - No alcohol :smile:
    - No ice cream :smile:
    - Bible reading :( Just too tired to read
    - Bed by 10:30 :( Watched tennis until 11:00, took a shower, then talked to hubby about things until late.

    Discard 5lb challenge Round 2.
    Name: Nikki formerly nlmackey98 (didn't want my email out there)
    SW: 147.2
    CW: 145.2 -2.0#
    GW: 142

    JFT Friday - late, but in
    - 5:30 CrossFit Class :(
    - Work by 8:00 :)
    - Cover the lab, skip meeting :)
    - Take Tim to get his car :smile:
    - Finish up lab work & enter results :smile:
    - Leave by 4:00
    - Nap 1 hr
    - Walk
    - Dinner
    - Bible
    - Tennis
    - No alcohol
    - No ice cream

    Totally missed goal number one, but it was a conscious decision. I got up. I got ready. I drove 30 min to the gym, but I was just too tired to do it so I drove home and crawled back in bed for an hour. I could barely stay awake to drive. Lifting heavy things or doing complicated motions didn't seem like a good idea. Even if it weren't a bad idea, I don't think I could have physically done it. I stayed up way to late to get up at 4:20am. I don't know how @Faebert does it. Everything else today is sort of falling into place, but even the extra hour I spent in bed this morning isn't helping. I am painfully tired today. My eyes hurt, my head hurts, my joints even ache. I have walking on my agenda (after an hour nap), but I just don't feel like I can do it. I just don't feel like I can which usually just means it will be miserable. I'll tell myself to do the full loop and half way through I'll realize I have to go back. I felt weak and tired yesterday too. I did cut the walk from 6 miles to 4 miles. The 4 mile route skips the big *kitten* hills. OK I know I can do it, I just don't know if I should.

    I guess the question is... When should you push through and when should you just let it go until the next day? I feel no guilt over missing CF, but the thought of wimping out on a walk seems kind of sad. I mean really, I can walk drunk with blurry vision at 3:00am, I can certainly handle groggy and achy at 5:00pm. Maybe the problem is emotional fatigue. I just can't imagine being able to push myself to keep going. I don't know. I'll feel bad if I don't do it, I might feel good if I do it, but even then it may take more out of me than I have to give right now. Does that even make sense? Sorry for rambling.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    For x-training at home in my basement, I googled beginner circuit training, home or no equipment versions, and picked what was do-able for me. Of course I added my own stuff from decades-old workout routines I used to do, some with hand weights. Hubby has nice weight machine (which I gave him years ago ;) so glad I did) that I use too. I started with about 10-15 minutes (so many unused muscles :D ) and worked my way up to 25 minutes. I haven't been doing too much x-training, because in summer I'd rather be outside walking dog. Winter is when I'm forced indoors for my workouts.

    The 5K tomorrow starts by East HS and ends at the old City Stadium (2nd home field of the Packers in 1920s - 1950s) which is behind the school. City Stadium Run for Veterans is an awesome event, and veterans greet every single participant at the finish line. Last year, I got to shake the hand of a gentleman who was on Iwo Jima when they raised the US flag. He just recently passed away.

    That sounds very doable. I have some light hand weights, a couple different sets actually, that range from 2 lbs to 5 lbs that might work for starting out. I have a step I can use kind of like Curves has. I'll have to dig around and find out what else I've got downstairs collecting dust...all which were boughten with high hopes and dreams of a bikini bod. hahahaha! If you knew me, you'd know that's hilarious! :mrgreen:

    That run sounds absolutely amazing! My husband and I are very supportive of the vets and have much respect for them. Meeting the gentleman who was on Iwo Jima had to be such a precious moment! I think I would have gotten tears in my eyes. Maybe if I work real hard, I can do this one next year! I have no clue how far 5k is (I know...I'm terrible...) and I would have to walk it because I can't even run the length of my driveway on a city block without getting a sideache, but this sounds like one that I would absolutely love to participate in!

    Thanks for the tips and filling me in! Good luck tomorrow! I'll be cheering you on!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    I guess the question is... When should you push through and when should you just let it go until the next day? I feel no guilt over missing CF, but the thought of wimping out on a walk seems kind of sad. I mean really, I can walk drunk with blurry vision at 3:00am, I can certainly handle groggy and achy at 5:00pm. Maybe the problem is emotional fatigue. I just can't imagine being able to push myself to keep going. I don't know. I'll feel bad if I don't do it, I might feel good if I do it, but even then it may take more out of me than I have to give right now. Does that even make sense? Sorry for rambling.

    Well, we all know I'm like the last person to give advice on exercising since I seem to have an allergy to it, but I firmly believe that when our body is telling us that loudly that it is in pain (eye, head, joint pain) then I think we should listen to it. I've worked through pain and fatigue and illness and I ended up really, really sick. So I have learned to listen to my body. On the flip side, a person could potentially talk themselves out of walking every single day if they really wanted to, so I think the best thing to do is weigh out just how loudly your body is screaming for rest.

    P.S. I love your analogy of walking at 3 a.m. blurry-eyed drunk with no problem... Hahaha! Been there, done that. Made me chuckle.
  • korina75
    korina75 Posts: 297 Member
    JFT 9/6 Recap

    Make Healthy Choices :)
    No alcohol :/
    90 minutes intentional movement :)
    1 minute meditation. >:)

    I had a glass of red wine before dinner, not terrible really. And made pretty decent choices today food wise. Got lots of movement and exercise in. Can't seem to get my head around meditation. Didn't have it on my list but drank lots of water today too! Now, off to pop an aleve (so sore!) and get some shut eye.

    @PackerFanInGB Glad it helped you! I think I needed to hear it too. :) Hope you had a fab time at the football game!
  • pridesabtch
    pridesabtch Posts: 2,352 Member
    Just crashed on the couch when I got home. Took a nap, but still dog tired so I skipped the walk.