What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/6/2019 - rest day but did float and splash at pool with grandsons.
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Rest day physically - coxed a novice 4. It was a challenge for a lot of reasons and now after that, coffee/breakfast, and a trip to farmers market, I'm very peopled out for the day.
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    Rest day physically - coxed a novice 4. It was a challenge for a lot of reasons and now after that, coffee/breakfast, and a trip to farmers market, I'm very peopled out for the day.

    Same here. It's a physical rest day today for me too. Kind of not looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow, but got to do it. People are starting to get sick at my gym with the weather changing, so I have to start being more careful now especially when I see a lot of people don't always wipe down the machines after they use them 🧐
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Livhere wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    Rest day physically - coxed a novice 4. It was a challenge for a lot of reasons and now after that, coffee/breakfast, and a trip to farmers market, I'm very peopled out for the day.

    Same here. It's a physical rest day today for me too. Kind of not looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow, but got to do it. People are starting to get sick at my gym with the weather changing, so I have to start being more careful now especially when I see a lot of people don't always wipe down the machines after they use them 🧐

    Exactly. I'm a bit anxious about going sculling tomorrow (rowing with two oars per person - I'm not especially good at it and it makes me nervous) but I have to do it. Not doing so will just make things worse. My rowing club started late fall/winter land workouts yet (all rowing machine all the time except for the weekends), but when we do we are very good about wiping down the rowing machines. The number of Clorox/Lysol wipes that we go through is staggering and people hold each other accountable. That said, when you have hundreds of people (my club and the juniors) using the machines multiple times a week you have to be.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,930 Member
    Usual 6.9k rowing a double, this time in bow with my former Big Ten champ rower buddy sitting stroke. Still steady state, but a little more energetic than usual, because li'l ol' lady gotta try to rep. ;) Technically, it's good for me to try to match her length through the water on the drive: Her technique is better in so many ways (duh! ;) ), and she's also a few inches taller.

    I'm noticing that the Great Blue Herons are tending to be a little more photogenic on average (though I have no photos to prove it), presumably because it's getting colder overnight, so they "pose" in a bit more stretched-out and fluffed-up position to sun themselves to better warmth in the morning. Being in the outdoors and seeing the sights is one of the things that makes on-water rowing so delightful.
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    aokoye wrote: »
    Livhere wrote: »
    aokoye wrote: »
    Rest day physically - coxed a novice 4. It was a challenge for a lot of reasons and now after that, coffee/breakfast, and a trip to farmers market, I'm very peopled out for the day.

    Same here. It's a physical rest day today for me too. Kind of not looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow, but got to do it. People are starting to get sick at my gym with the weather changing, so I have to start being more careful now especially when I see a lot of people don't always wipe down the machines after they use them 🧐

    Exactly. I'm a bit anxious about going sculling tomorrow (rowing with two oars per person - I'm not especially good at it and it makes me nervous) but I have to do it. Not doing so will just make things worse. My rowing club started late fall/winter land workouts yet (all rowing machine all the time except for the weekends), but when we do we are very good about wiping down the rowing machines. The number of Clorox/Lysol wipes that we go through is staggering and people hold each other accountable. That said, when you have hundreds of people (my club and the juniors) using the machines multiple times a week you have to be.

    You got this! One day at a time. Might need some kind of energy source to give you an extra boost tomorrow though. It's definitely hard to find the motivation to go sometimes.

    Clorox wipes & sanatizer are great to have around. That's good the people you're around use them. We're given a rag with some kind of cleaning solution & there are sanatizer dispensers all over the gym, but people don't always use them. I'm going to have to start breaking out my medical masks when I go till this passes. Last time I was at the gym during cold/ flu season I caught bronchitis a week before my birthday right before we were leaving for vacation. It was an awful experience.
  • angwright80
    angwright80 Posts: 9 Member
    Bike ride with my husband and kids 7 miles
  • mrsjar5311
    mrsjar5311 Posts: 514 Member
    2 hour walk, 60 minute yoga session.
  • jnomadica
    jnomadica Posts: 280 Member
    Dynamic warmup
    Squats 5x5
    Bench 5x5
    DB row 5x5
    20 burpees
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    edited September 2019
    A very good nearly 10k in a quad sitting 3 seat. We weren't the fastest quad on the water, but I was able to a lot of good work technique wise. I also got some useful coaching and apparently made good changes during the middle of our 21 minute piece (21 min variable rates).

    I'm suppose to have practice tomorrow and tuesday, however thunderstorms are also supposed to be a thing those two days. Hopefully I won't wake up to thunder tomorrow.
  • estepicursor
    estepicursor Posts: 500 Member
    A 7 mile bike ride that was supposed to be 15 or 20. Some idiot wore shorts unaware that someone pulled the plug on summer today. 🤣
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,002 Member
    edited September 2019
    Yesterday, I got a cheeky quarry dive in the morning. The visibility was only about 50 centimetres in places, but my buddy was a pretty decent diver, so we lasted 50 minutes.

    My drysuit was dry. I think the earlier leak I had was user error on the neck seal. It flares out, so I can only double it over a little bit.

    Today, I did 10k on the indoor rower. It took me 46.39 minutes, 2.20 pace. It is my best time yet, but objectively still pretty slow.

    Two hours after the rowing, I did 80 minutes' bouldering. It turned out that the rowing sapped my finger strength, so it was a pretty poor session.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,353 Member
    Elliptical and strength training machines
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Been stuck indoors most of the day but finally got out to do a very easy 30min sunset run. Only supposed to have done 10-15minutes to keep running steak going, but needed to get out and run a bit longer.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2019
    90 minutes of cardio at the gym today. Got carried away a few times on that rope thingy that you pull down in a constant loop. It's like a rope pulley that you pull down, almost like you're climbing a rope but it feeds you more on a loop. Tried to pull it so slow it didn't get my HR over 75% but then I got carried away and got the HR up to 90% max. The rest was rower, stairmaster and stationary bike at around 150 watts (the bike says I'm riding at 250 Watts but the gym equipment is so inaccurate).
  • hrvojecavar25
    hrvojecavar25 Posts: 3 Member
    Rest day, morning easy swim, evening relaxing walk
  • pierinifitness
    pierinifitness Posts: 2,226 Member
    9/7/2019 - at hotel gym.

    After breakfast treadmill 1 percent incline walk 1.0 mile in 16:27 - average HR = 85 bpm (47 percent) maximum HR = 96 bpm (53 percent) total 58 calories - no chest strap HR stats seem low.

    Later, splashed in pool with grandsons.

    9/8/2019 - at hotel gym mid-afternoon.

    KB 16kg - swing, clean and overhead press R then L for ladder of 1-2-3-4-5 = 15 each side every 5:00 - completed 10 rounds in 48:26 (total of 150 swing, clean and OHP each arm) - average HR = 123 bpm (68 percent) maximum HR = 150 bpm (83 percent) total 376 calories.

    Will slash in pool with grandsons later.
  • ceiswyn
    ceiswyn Posts: 2,256 Member
    14.7 miles of hiking in the gently rolling English countryside of the Cotswolds, trying out a new pair of hiking boots.

    Added a strength training element by carrying my existing boots in my backpack Just In Case...
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2019
    5 Tibetan Rites (11 rounds each rite working towards 21)
    Hatha Sun Salutation - 5 Rounds
    Handstand Pushup - GTG
    *On a Yoga Block
    5 x 3 (15)
    Pull-ups - GTG
    5 x 6 (30)
    Cossack Squat w/10lbs Medicine Ball- GTG
    5 x 8 (40)
  • Livhere
    Livhere Posts: 141 Member
    Today is leg day & have dance later today.