TURBO FIRE 8/22: The Holiday Countdown!!!!



  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Today was my rest day I might have said that earlier...oh yeah with the stretching I normally watch the last few minutes of crap tv before I get going or do the TF stretch 10 but after awhile I tend to do my own stretching well lets be honest we know what we need to stretch etc.

    Are we all ready for tomorrow? I am I feel like such a bum from not working out today (guess thats a good thing??)

    Hope everyone is having a great day/evening

    Any big plans for the weekend??

    LOL- I always feel like bum on rest days! I think that is how I ended up doing TA: Post Preg workout! However, we gotta remember that rest days are good for our bodies and prevent injury! :)

    This weekend, actually tomorrow my husband and I are going up north to Flagstaff to do some hiking, mountain biking and to spend the night in a yurt! So, I won't be on the forums for a couple days! However, I will be tracking my food on my phone! :) I will be doing TFire55 tomorrow before we leave and on Saturday we are mountain biking the whole day. Then on Sunday we will be coming home and I will be doing Core20! LOL I will probably skip out on the stretch 40 or do something else, simply because I will have worked out so much!

    LOL Okay, making dinner! Brussel Sprouts! Who would have thought I liked them? I really do though, they are delicious and healthy! Also having some steamed broc/carrots/onions/peas/celery. My husband will have it over basmati rice, but I just want the veggies! LOL
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hello everyone! Just wanted to write a quick hello before I hit the road!

    Yup yup, so excited to go biking!

    Okay, so I am finshed with day 4 of Tfire and guess what?

    I burned 530 calories 55 minutes! Oh that Chalene is AMAZING!!!!!! :)
    Well, do your workouts and let me know how you are doing!

    Do you need an extra lift? More energy? more time? Have injuries you are working around?

    Let's talk it out next week!

    have a great weekend all!

    Oh and p.s. I have lost 7 pounds total, and 4 since my last weigh in... ON MONDAY! WOOT WOO!
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    I am starting monday but i am starting with the prep sched. I have not work out in forever and thought I would try the prep sched first. If anyone wants it , it is in the turbo fire book or I can post it on here!
    Lets get fit for christmas!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hi Amanor! That is great, the prep schedule is there for that reason, so do it up! :)

    I like the fire schedule and find that it gets more difficult from week to week. I mean it's 20 weeks, so you would hope it does that! LOL Keep it up and jump in for motivation!

    Well, drinking a smoothie and then going to get with it! I had my rest day yesterday and did stretching. I know it said to do some workout, but after riding some 36 miles in one day, I more than made up for the cardio missed on Saturday during tfire30! LOL Also Core 20 was the next day and well ummmm, the biking again downhill and uphill for 4 hours gave me all the core and arm and leg workouts I need! Soooo, off to start Monday strong again! I believe it's something like Tfire30 or Tfire45 off the top of my head... I will be adding in an extra 20 minutes of stretching because my body feels very tight (in a good way). Things are changing!

    Soooo, keep it up! Where are you guys with it? Going strong? Doing what you can?

    If so, good for you! If not, keep going! One day at a time! Live in the now! be positive and find motivation in my posts as opposed to getting afraid that you aren't doing enough or wishing you had more time... We are all blessed and amazing individuals! :)
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    I've been doing TF and just started week 5 with 55EZ. There's nothing easy about it!. My goal is to do 20 weeks of TF ( I have the advanced DVD's) and then move to the CE/TF hybrid schedule. Would love to join a group...just let me know.
  • adam4211
    adam4211 Posts: 1 Member
    Love all the inspiration. I just started the 5 - Day Inferno Plan today. Did the Fire 55 EZ class. It felt good!~ I hope I can keep on going!!
  • I kind of restarted week one...I didn't do much cardio last week I guess I am just a bum so I knocked out Fire 30 and Stretch 10 this morning...I have found out that I need to workout early in the morning it seems to work best for me...not a lot of time to talk myself out of it and I feel like I have done something and it makes me more motivated

    Go Kim and your amazing ride holy calorie burn there

    So I am scared I might be a little sore tomorrow I did my Tracy Anderson Turbo Fire and then thought hey you know what is a good idea is to move all the furniture in my bed room to vacuum and really clean it this took several hours ...yeah 1 one girl 1 king mattress and its box spring had a fight today and I am happy to say I finally won lol (I don't even want to know how many calories I burned there)

    Welcome Pretty hope you had a great workout today I want to get the advanced pack wish I would have just gotten that from the beginning its on my wish list lol

    Go Adam with the Inferno plan I believe I am going to do that at the end of September I do believe

    How was everyone's weekend? Mine was ok nothing all that exciting lol...I am on the countdown for my husband to come home, for us to take a vacation, and for us to move all things happening within the next six months lol so trying to keep busy and not stress about any of the above lol
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey fellow TurboFire-ers! I had some time in between doing dishes and getting my tofu baked and thought I would check in!

    PRETTY- welcome welcome! Come along! I think it's great youare on week 5! I have made it about week 7 and then gave up, so GO GO GO! Let me rephrase, I didn't give up, I just fell off the wagon! LOL It's a great program though and I was seeing great results! How are you doing with it? Tell us a little about yourself! :) Hey, I also have TFire and Charlene Extream and Brazilian Buttlift and wanted to try a hybrid, maybe let me know when you do it and I can switch with you? :) Or add on with you! I really want to make it through the 20 weeks! I am determined, it puts me working up until 2 days after the New Years, what a great time to be thin and THEN start something new! :)

    TEXAS- No worries, you are not a bum! LOL Do what you can! I think the purpose of the calendar is to take the guesswork out of it. But if you keep moving and keep burning calories, you will get to your goal! The TA method too is killer! ALthough with my biking this weekend, realized gripping on to dear life shooting down a mountain gave me a worse burn than her arms portion! I didn't think that was possible! in fact, I think thanks to TA my arms were OKAY during the ride since I have done it a few times a week for three weeks now! LOL Oooh, I also find that workouts in the morning are best! Do it when you can and are motivated! :) I waited too long today and now I am about to do it, but that means doing TFIre 45 followed by 30DS within the hour. LOL my own fault! :) And oh my, the stress of moving! Get it out! LOL Where are you going on vacation? :)

    ADAM- the Inferno plan! Done it! :) Good for you! I really think it's a great kick start to the program! Does that mean you are taking a rest day and then starting the series with us?!?! I hope so, feel free to jump in or add me as a friend! Motivation is key to success! From ourselves and others! :)

    *A TIP OR MORE: I know that we all get discouraged when life happens and we can't get in our workout or whatever have cramps, etc. BUT you have to keep going! :) I am a bit of an "over-achiever" so when I don't do what is on my calendar, I would get worried or feel bad. Not in an obsessive way, just in a "d;'oh I should've done it" way.

    Take camping this weekend. I wanted to do 30ds before I left on Friday, but only got in Tfire55. I wanted to go hiking this weekend, but instead did a massive mountain bike race. I wanted to do 30ds on Sunday, but NEEDED a rest day so I could continue strong this week. I guess I share all this, because a year or more ago I would have felt bad. Would've forced myself to do the workouts or start over or just I dunno- beat myself up mentally! Don't! No progress will come from that! Just keep going! I burned about three times as many calories in one day than I normally do in 4 days. So, when exercise motivation hits or events GO FOR IT! Don't worry about what the calendar says!

    Also, if you get really bored of something (for those on the later weeks) substitute something SIMILAR in. If I don't want to do TFIRE55 I'll do Turbo Jams punch kick and jab! Both are 55 minutes and bouncing around. If I don't want to do Tfire Abs, i'll do a different ab workout. Same goes with weights... maybe I'll throw in Charlene Extreme instead of Tfire upper... I guess all I'm saying is we are on a 20 week plan and you have to switch it up, then by all means do so! :)


    While I love working out and feeling fit and accomplishing things, keep in mind that EVERYTHING happens for a reason!
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    Well today is my rest day but i am going to walk at th park because it is so nice out. My eating has been very good. Hoping to see good results on Sunday!.. I love turbo fire it is great!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Well today is my rest day but i am going to walk at th park because it is so nice out. My eating has been very good. Hoping to see good results on Sunday!.. I love turbo fire it is great!

    That's awesome! :) Good for you! :) I have been switching my rest days around so I can have one on the weekend, but we'll see for next week.

    My workouts were REALLY hard to get through yesterday, but I did it! :) Now, have Tracy Anderson Mat workout and 30ds later this evening! Kinda a rest day! LOL

    Hope all is doing well! Where are you all? LOL :)
  • Didn't do the Hiit 15 yesterday (just not a workout for me lol I don't feel like I

    get anything out of it lol) did my Tracy and a Zumba DVD and I sweated a lot lol...I am trying to train myself to only step on the scale one day a week and not let it guide how I feel about myself or what I am going to do for the day lol

    per the TF scheduele today is a rest day lol...so I might just do another Zumba DVD and I need to do my Tracy today also I got up and went grocery shopping during my workout time we had a nice little rain storm coming in so has messed up my schedule oh well I did get some more Epsom salt for my bath this evening lol so gotta make sure I get my workout it...I am a type A personality I have a schedule everything is done at a certain time and I don't seem to have the flexibility to do it at a later time but I have to get over that one lol

    I hope everyone is having a good week

    Anyone have plans for Labor Day Weekend?

    Oh I was asked where we are going for vacation We are going to D.C. in October my Husband is running in the Army Ten Miler and then we are going home to Texas for a few days yippee lol going to be able to say y'all without getting crazy looks lol
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    I agree- HIIT 15 is pretty ummmm, well for beginners? By the time I'm warmed up I'm cooling down! I have HIIT 15 today and will bump that up to HIIT 20. Then I have TA Mat workout (again-LOL) and 30 DS at night.

    I have been pushing the workouts, getting to bed too late and trying to catch up on sleep and recovery from the bike race. I will be drinking my green smoothie any second here, then doing my workouts, getting some laundry going and then pretty much be laying around surfing the web (AKA MFP) and watching Mad Men on Netflix and hopefully resting and sleeping! I mean... I actually SMELL tired! LOL Not to be confused with dirty! I just feel tired! LOL

    Anyway, Labor Day? LOL I totally forgot it's this weekend but am having some people over for a big brunch this Sunday! After we will be playing games and just hanging out. I was inputting the recipe in for Sunday and holy cow it's basically 1000 calories for 1 serving of 1 dish! LOL Needless to say, I will be working out before people come and probably after! Anyway, it's a treat for a friend and well it's DELISH, just can't get too carried away! :) Luckily, i will be serving green smoothies and fruit too!

    Hope all is well! How are the rest of you doing with your workouts!

    Let's hear it! The good, the bad, the ugly, I didn't do its! it doesn't matter! We are here for support! :)

    Have a good day Ya'll! That was for you Texas! :)
  • LOL I love the Yall thank you for that :)....I did my Tracy Today and because I like to cause myself pain I added the PP on top of the Meta everything but the legs from PP and my abs and arms are feeling it right now...and I also did my Zumba I had all intentions of doing my TF this evening but I have been cleaning all day and all I wanted to do was take a bath and crawl into bed and so that is what I did lol

    Did everyone else run away?? I hope everyone is doing well.
  • prettywhitty
    prettywhitty Posts: 50 Member
    I did fire 30 and tone 30 today. I decided to use a lighter resistance band because I was having problems with my form using the red one. My goal is to use the red band for resistance training by the 20th week. I'm acutally working labor day (bummer). Tomorrow I have to get up and hit 55EZ. I'm finding it best to workout first thing in the morning. Logging in has definitely helped me to stay motivated.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey hey! Well, I did my workout! I was going to have an "easy" day today! Just Tfire 20 and then maybe some light housework...

    BUT it seems as if I scrubbed all the toilets, all the tubs and showers, did a bunch of laundry, dusted the meditation room and also did Tfire 30, Core 20 and also JMichaels 30 day shred! LOL I guess when you are feeling it, go for it! :)

    PRETTY- Ooooh, tone 30! I don't like those very much for some reason. i don't think I do them right, I am really sore afterwards and it slows down my progress! :( Not like sore in a good way, I'm making new muscles and toning way, I mean sore like I pulled something and my alignment isn't right... SO- I am going to use charlean Extreme I think when I come to that point. I dunno, we'll see. I have some other resistance band workouts that are cardio/weights and I tend to injure myself then too! So it's not the bands, it's me! LOL I LOVE resistance bands for Brazillian Buttlift and also pilates, but tone30, NO THANKS! I will try it again though! LOL And let you know! :) Week 5, I can't believe i'm only on week 2, but I'm happy about it!

    I totally agree that logging in has helped me stay motivated! It's amazing what a little "Great job" here and there can do for you! :) Before you know it we'll be at the holidays!!!! :) Hopefully, I'll be 20 pounds lighter! :)

    TEXAS- You are a killer when it comes to workouts! I have Zumba too! I tend to do those on days I JUST don't want to workout... i always have a good time and then tend to burn some 450 calories! So you better believe I will be working that in! Ya'll! LOL Glad you liked it! :)

    Good night everyone! Let's get moving together and make some of this weight fall off! :)
  • amanorr
    amanorr Posts: 58 Member
    All i can say is wow EZ 45 rocked. I am beat lol! keep it up girls. Can't wait to weigh in on Sun!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    All i can say is wow EZ 45 rocked. I am beat lol! keep it up girls. Can't wait to weigh in on Sun!

    Awesome! Great job! I love the music in EZ 45! It's so up my alley with the old school hippity hoppity! :) It's amazing though, I find that with her schedule you never get tired of any of them. Ask me again when I'm two months in, but I think i'll be okay! :)

    My workout kicked *kitten* today! I had so much energy and didn't feel tired and I just loved it! I feel great and i feel like I might be through the TOUGH part of the first two weeks. Granted, it's still hard, but my body is changing! :)

    Have a great weekend all! :) I mean YA'LL!
  • Well Y'all today sucked for me lets see I got up my husband had to work some crazy hours so I had to call him (he is away to make sure he got up to go back into work this morning) then I forgot that it was my Step-Dad's birthday in two days and my Mom's a few days later ran to target (here is the funny part) umm yeah ended up in the clearance section didn't get there cards or anything goodness then had to run errands out the tushy not even sure where those came from lol

    Came back got a bloody nose wtheck I am thinking sinuses (yep I guess I am venting here lol) ok so then got busy around the house went to heat something up and the microwave blew up kapow that was a bit scary luckily the fire went out quickly and did not catch anything else on fire....ok so cleaned all that up went back to target just to see what they had in stock for microwaves and got all the way back home and still didn't get my parents a b-day card or anything

    So it is not almost 7pm my time I just took a shower and crawled into bed as this has been one of those odd crazy days....tomorrow though I am pushing play between Kim amazing burn and amanorr kicking some tushy today I gotta get all caught up....and yes I know yall wanted to know all my business so that is why I shared lol

    I hope everyone has a great weekend and remember to be healthy but still enjoy the holiday weekend if you are fortunate enough to spend it with friends and family and try not to spend it with Ben & Jerry Just sayin lol

    Thats all for now Y'all :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Texas- I LOVE YOUR SHARING! Keep it coming!

    Well it sounds like it was stressful, but like you said, you have tomorrow! So just do the best you can when you can! I think half the battle of working out and eating right is knowing that when you have a stressful or "different" day that you are LEARNING to accept it and move on and not get derailed! As you said, there is always tomorrow! :)

    Well have a good night! I am off to bed! I am going to get up early tomorrow and workout and make a cucumber/corn/tomato salad and then go to the store so I can make Vegetable Pad Thai for dinner! Also, going to tackle the closet... which could take awhile!

    Everyone have a great weekend! Keep pushing play!

  • Hi Everyone!!

    I am going to start my Turbo Fire on tuesday and I am totally excited, but also a little nervous. I watched the first dvd to see what it was all about and to understand the moves that she has us all doing. It looks like a lot of fun and Chalene totally pumps you up, but I think I am going to have to do the first dvd a few times to get the moves down.

    I am hoping that meeting you all and being able to talk about the work outs will be kind of like meeting at the gym. It always kept me motivated to meet my friends there.

    I hope you don't mind me joining this late in the game, but I am really excited to try these work outs and to have some Turbo Fire Pals!! :happy: