Just give me one month - September



  • donidaily
    donidaily Posts: 825 Member
    Starting weight 181.1
    Start weight this month 172.7
    Goal weight this month 167
    Target goal weight 154

    August loss: 2.2lb

    01 Sept: 172.7
    02 Sept: 173.8
    03 Sept: 173.8
    04 Sept: 173.8 lol come on scales!
    05 Sept: 172.9
    06 Sept: 172.0
    Now traveling for ten days and not sure if/how often Iโ€™ll be able to weigh in but will keep tracking and cheering on this thread!
    23 Sept: 174.0
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    Starting weight 198 lb ( January 15th, 2019)
    Start weight this month: 159 lb
    Goal weight this month: 155 lb ( -4lb)
    Target goal weight: 145-150 lb

    August loss: - 5.5 lb


    01 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    02 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    03 Sep- 159 lb. Feeling good!! Might still be holding water weight from TOM.
    04 Sep- 160.5 lb ( + 1.5 lb) ??? Not sure why the spike. I felt pretty dehyrated yesterday so I am making it a point to drink more water today. Maybe that's why. Just have to wait and see!
    05 Sep- 160 lb ( -0.5 lb) TOM weight is tappering off I think.
    06 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    07 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    08 Sep- 159.5 lb ( -1 lb) Heck yeah! The scale might not say I have lost anything this month so far.... But I feel like I have! Not sure what the deal is.... oh well. Just gonna keep on it and see what happens
    09 Sep- 159.5 lb ( 0 )
    10 Sept- 159.5 lb ( 0 ) I think my scale has gone on strike lol
    11 Sept- 158 lb ( -1.5 lb) WHOOP THERE IT IS!!!! I had a feeling I was going to see a drop soon *happy dance*
    12 Sept- 158.5 lb ( +0.5lb ) Does "slow and steady wins the race" apply here?? Lol I hope so.
    13 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    14 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    15 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    16 Sept- 158.5 lb ( 0 ) Errrrrrmmmmm. I need to start doing better if I want to get to -4 lbs!! I'm only at -0.5 lbs and we are over halfway through the month. *sighs*
    17 Sept- 159.5 lb ( +1 lb ) FML
    18 Sept- No weigh day (NA
    19 Sept- 157.5 lb ( -2 lb) Getting there. Frustrating ups & downs... but overall heading in the right direction..slowly.
    20 Sept- 156.5 lb (-1 lb) I was really good lastnight about not snacking on my kid's dinner... Trying out a new thing where I chew gum while preparing it. Can't snack with gum in my mouth lol Seems to be working.
    21 Sept- no weigh day
    22 Sept- no weigh day
    23 Sept- 157 lb ( +0.5 lb) Not bad for a Monday!

    September loss so far: -2 lb
    GOAL: -4 lb
  • youknowmatto
    youknowmatto Posts: 32 Member
    Starting weight 93.6kg
    Goal weight is 85kg, my previous lowest was 86.5kg, but I let things slip a bit.
    Goal weight this month anything <90kg. This is achievable!

    1 Sept - 93.6kg
    2 Sept - 93.6kg
    3 Sept - 92.4kg - Hey, I'm no longer obese...I can quit now.
    4 Sept - 91.8kg - Yesterday 1.25km (morning) swim plus 5km run (evening).
    5 Sept - 92.8kg - OK, so doing no exercise and having a not so great food day is not going to help this challenge.
    6 Sept - 92.4kg - 3km swim, and 20km cycle yesterday. Looking forward to a run this afternoon / tonight.
    7 Sept - 93.5kg - No exercise yesterday and I'm paying the price for beer and pizza. I messed up big dammit.
    8 Sept - 93.0kg - Not a bad day, given I was out of town again for most of the day, and had dinner out.
    9 Sept - 92.7kg - The rollercoaster continues, but it's a no-travel work week for me I hope.
    10 Sept - 92.7kg - Same same...I can live with that for a day.
    11 Sept - 92.7kg - Same again...maybe tomorrow it'll drop a bit.
    12 Sept - 92.7kg - It's not a typo. Can digital scales get stuck on one reading?
    13 Sept - 93.4kg - Yeah, so that was Friday 13th kicking me first thing in the morning. :# not happy
    14 Sept - 91.9kg - Yay
    15 Sept - 92.6kg - Dinner party last night. :-) But I'm OK with that. I had a busy day preparing (I'm the cook) and I still managed to get in an hour of cycling. I have a big celebration lunch today at church, so that'll be interesting. I'm not going to attempt to log the food as how of earth can you guess finger food....other than it's all high in calories!
    16 Sept - 92.8kg - Seems I wasn't too bad yesterday after all, though secretly I think the 10k run really helped!
    17 Sept - 92.8kg - In reality something has to change. Nothing has in the past 2 weeks. Not Happy.
    18 Sept - 92.4kg - Some right movement at last. I think I have found my enemy...carbs.
    19 Sept - 92.4kg - again
    20 Sept -
    21 Sept -
    22 Sept -
    23 Sept -
    24 Sept - 93.2kg. Sometime I wonder why I bother. This is just a stupid game of yoyo with my weight. I have zero support at home, it is a huge struggle with loads of sugary sweets, chocolate, ice cream, chips and takeaways, yet I know I am ultimately responsible for what goes in my mouth. Feeling down about this at the moment.
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    edited September 2019
    I turn 40 years old this month and I was really wanting to be at 140, but I don't see that happening. Maybe by the end of the month I can hit that goal.

    Starting weight: 178
    Start weight this month: 143.6
    Goal weight this month: 140 and to continue to drop my trend weight
    Target goal weight: 135

    May gained 1.1 pounds (EW - 149.3)
    June lost: 3.4 pounds (EW - 145.9)
    July lost: 2.2 pounds (EW - 143.7)
    August lost: 0.1 pounds (EW - 143.6) complete wash for the month

    1 September - NW - FIL Funeral in Texas 4 days
    2 September - NW - FIL Funeral in Texas 4 days
    3 September - 148.7 we are back and I am up about 5 pounds. I am sure a lot of water weight. Very stressful time.
    4 September 146.9 at least it went down. Did ok yesterday, but my motivation is not great at the moment. I need about a week of sleep right now.
    5 September - 145.1 Still working my way back down
    6 September - 145.1 wish it was a couple of pounds lower, but I'll take it. Haven't tried at all this week. kind of took a diet break!
    7 September - 143.8
    8 September - 144.5 not enough water yesterday. Tons of movement, cleaning, laundry, and tons of errands all day.
    9 September - 147.0 I thought I did better than this yesterday, but I guess not. Maybe I am just holding onto some water weight.
    10 September - 146.5 was expecting to be lower, but ok with this. I am 40 years old today!!!
    11 September - 143.8 not a real number. Drank way to much last night celebrating my bday. Will be back up tomorrow.
    12 September - 145.6 This sounds more like it. As of today I am back on it and looking to finally lose the last 10 pounds. Diet break officially over
    13 September - 143.8 :smile: On track for today so far. Maybe next week I can start seeing some lower numbers
    14 September - 143.2 this is the lowest this month so far. Still have about a pound to go to get back to where I was last month and now itโ€™s the ever so dreaded weekend.
    15 September - 144.8 maybe sodium, but did well yesterday
    16 September -146.3 TOM is showing up today and the chips and dip I decided to snack on all day probably didn't help.
    17 September - 146.3 Day 2 and feel like crap. Major water retention, my ring barely fit this am
    18 September - 145.7 a little movement, not much though. Hormones will be the death of me!
    19 September - 143.7 finally a whoosh. Now maybe I will see a decent drop tomorrow.
    20 September - 142.8 another great drop. Iโ€™m back to where I was before month long break. Now to get some progress made and get under 140!
    21 September - 143.7 up a bit today from restaurant sodium. Chinese for a surprise lunch date with the hubby.
    22 September - 143.7 drank to much yesterday so will probably be up tomorrow a bit, did well on food though.
    23 September -145.4 normal Monday fluctuation. Lower than last Monday so I am ok with it.
    24 September -
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -
    28 September -
    29 September -
    30 September -
  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    Starting weight 74kg
    Start weight this month 68.2kg
    Goal weight this month 67.5kg
    Updated goal for this month 66.2kg
    Target goal weight 55kg


    1 September - 68.2
    2 September - 68.4 Darned hormones - this week may not be great, but gotta just keep moving forward.
    3 September - 68.5 Grr!
    4 September - 67.6
    5 September - 67.3 - looks like I may need to review my goal
    6 September - 67.3kg
    7 September- didn't weigh
    8 September - 67.2kg
    9 September - 67.8kg :/ I am a bit sore after yesterday's workout
    10 September - didn't weigh
    11 September - 67.1kg
    12 September - 67.1 again
    13 September - 67.1 yet again
    14 September - 67.1 <sigh>
    15 September - 67.4kg boo
    16 September - 67.4kg
    17 September - 67.4kg - what is going on - my scale is never normally consistent from day to day
    18 September - 67.1kg
    19 September - 66.7kg ๐Ÿ˜€
    20 September - 66.3kg
    21 September - didn't weigh
    22 September - 66.8kg - pretty sore from yesterday's workout and hill climbing, so hoping some is water retention
    23 September - 67.1kg
    24 September - 66.6kg
  • CaitlinELaird
    CaitlinELaird Posts: 106 Member
    I just had to share because today was such a good day and I am so excited! I ate within my calorie goal for the day, I rode my bike to and from work, (5 miles total so not a big deal) but I went for a 3.5 mile walk with my family and did some strength training to boot.
    My diary completion said that, โ€œIf everyday were like today...โ€ Iโ€™d be almost 15 pounds smaller in 5 weeks. I am sure going to try! Lol!
    To make everything even better, I am still on a no soda streak and I actually have a ton of energy this week which I didnโ€™t anticipate!
    It just goes to show that small steps can make a big difference in how you look and how you feel!
  • kellyswimmer
    kellyswimmer Posts: 618 Member
    Starting weight 12.06
    Start weight this month 11.02
    Goal weight this month 10.10
    Target goal weight 9.10

    May lost 4 pounds
    June lost 6 pounds
    July lost 4 pounds
    August 4 pounds

    We can do this


    1 September - 11.02. Need to get back to 11.01.
    2 September - ๐Ÿ˜€ 11.01 will soon be 10 stone something i hope.
    3 September - 11.01
    4 September - 11.00
    5 September - 11.00
    6 September - 11.00 scales flashed 10.13 for a second
    7 September - ๐Ÿ˜ 10. 13 very happy with this.
    8 September - 10.13. 3 pounds to goal this month. Not been feeling well so not been eating much.
    9 September - 10.13 still not feeling too well.
    10 September - 10.12. Not eating a lot. Not well.
    11 September - 10.13 thought this would happen
    12 September - 10.13 not well chest infection.
    13 September - 10.12
    14 September - 10.12
    15 September - 10.12 chinese last night Hope for a loss in the morning.
    16 September - 10.12 getting a bit fed up of this number.
    17 September - ๐Ÿ˜ 10.11 yes. 1 pound to goal this month.
    18 September - 10.11. Friend today I have not seen for a while asked if i had lost weight. Good feeling
    19 September - 10.11 1 more pound to goal this month.
    20 September - 10.12 no reason why it has gone up. Need to see 10.10 soon.
    21 September - 10.11
    22 September - 10. 11 fed up of this number now.
    23 September - 10.11 still the same. Family birthday today and tomorrow.
    24 September - 10.11 not too bad after the birthday cake. Another birthday today though.
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -
    28 September -
    29 September -
    30 September -
  • MySlimGoals
    MySlimGoals Posts: 753 Member
    Starting weight: 121.7kg/268.3lb
    Start weight this month: 117.2kg/258.3lb
    Goal weight this month 112kg/247lb
    Target goal weight 65kg/143lb

    Loss so far this month: 4.5kg/9.9lb
    Total Loss: 9.0kg/19.8lb
    Height: 168cm (5'6")


    01 Sep - 117.2kg/258.3lb First day of September - I can do this!
    02 Sep - 116.7kg/257.2lb
    03 Sep - 116.3kg/256.3lb
    04 Sep - 116.7kg/257.2lb Not thrilled to be up for no reason. Did measurements and much smaller.
    05 Sep - 116.3kg/256.3lb Hoping for a drop tomorrow. Have been really good all month and sticking to 1200 calories.
    06 Sep - 116.0kg/255.7lb Happy!
    07 Sep - 115.7kg/255.0lb
    08 Sep - 115.5kg/254.6lb Losing four days in a row!
    09 Sep - 115.2kg/253.9lb
    10 Sep - 115.4kg/254.4lb
    11 Sep - 114.4kg/252.2lb Rushed all over the city yesterday looking for my new work uniform so did 20k steps!
    12 Sep - 115.0kg/253.5lb :neutral:
    13 Sep - 114.2kg/251.7lb
    14 Sep - 114.1kg/251.5lb
    15 Sep - 115.1kg/253.7lb bouncing up and down quite a bit.
    16 Sep - 114.1kg/251.5lb
    17 Sep - 115.0kg/253.5lb Still on this calorie counting - still bouncing.
    18 Sep - 114.2kg/251.7lb bouncing
    19 Sep - 114.6kg/252.6lb. Iโ€™ve been strict all month so disappointed progress has stopped.
    20 Sep - 114.2kg/251.7lb
    21 Sep - 113.5kg/250.2lb ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป. New low!
    22 Sep - 113.4kg/250.0lb
    23 Sep - 113.3kg/249.7lb ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Under 250 finally!!
    24 Sep - 112.7kg/248.4lb ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    25 Sep -
    26 Sep -
    27 Sep -
    28 Sep -
    29 Sep -
    30 Sep -

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Starting weight 223.6 (Originally 238.6)
    Start weight this month 208.0

    Goal weight this month 201


    1st Week Total Loss -3.6 (208 - 204.4)

    2nd Week Total Loss - .4 (204.4 - 204.0)

    3rd Week Loss -1.6 (204.0 - 202.4)

    21 September - 201.8 (-.6)
    22 September - 200.6 (-1.2)
    23 September - 201.8 (+1.2)
    24 September - 200.0 (-1.8)
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -

    Loss this week: 2.4
    MTD Loss - 8.0
  • Mom4diet
    Mom4diet Posts: 56 Member
    Starting Weight: 183.9 after giving birth in June
    Starting weight this month: 171.6
    Goal weight this month: 168 I hope that's realistic. (I've been having a hard time being on top of my eating and losing, and only lost 2.5 lbs in August. Going back to work this week, and that will be stressful.)
    Target goal weight: 140

    July loss: +1
    August loss: -2.5


    1 September 173.5! :( ate cookies and cookies on Saturday
    2 September 170.9 (really watched myself yesterday and stayed under my calorie goal, and BM help lol)
    3 September 170.4
    4 September 170.5
    5 September 170!
    6 September 169.6! :) a pound already.
    7 September didn't eat well, didn't weigh in. Will weigh in on Sunday, expecting weight to go to a bit from the weekend.
    8 September-
    9 September-
    10 September 169.5 :)
    11 September 169.4
    12 September 169.5
    13 September -
    14 September (ate a lot)
    15 September 171
    16 September 170.5
    17 September 168.8 :)
    18 September 168.6 :)
    19 September- I didn't record immediately, so don't remember exactly, but it was 169-something
    20 September -
    21 September -
    22 September - 171.4 (ate cookies and ice cream yesterday)
    23 September - 170.0 (I'd better really buckle down!!! My goal is 168 by next week!!!)
    24 September 168.6
  • mrdengue
    mrdengue Posts: 171 Member
    Starting weight 93.6kg
    Goal weight is 85kg, my previous lowest was 86.5kg, but I let things slip a bit.
    Goal weight this month anything <90kg. This is achievable!

    1 Sept - 93.6kg
    2 Sept - 93.6kg
    3 Sept - 92.4kg - Hey, I'm no longer obese...I can quit now.
    4 Sept - 91.8kg - Yesterday 1.25km (morning) swim plus 5km run (evening).
    5 Sept - 92.8kg - OK, so doing no exercise and having a not so great food day is not going to help this challenge.
    6 Sept - 92.4kg - 3km swim, and 20km cycle yesterday. Looking forward to a run this afternoon / tonight.
    7 Sept - 93.5kg - No exercise yesterday and I'm paying the price for beer and pizza. I messed up big dammit.
    8 Sept - 93.0kg - Not a bad day, given I was out of town again for most of the day, and had dinner out.
    9 Sept - 92.7kg - The rollercoaster continues, but it's a no-travel work week for me I hope.
    10 Sept - 92.7kg - Same same...I can live with that for a day.
    11 Sept - 92.7kg - Same again...maybe tomorrow it'll drop a bit.
    12 Sept - 92.7kg - It's not a typo. Can digital scales get stuck on one reading?
    13 Sept - 93.4kg - Yeah, so that was Friday 13th kicking me first thing in the morning. :# not happy
    14 Sept - 91.9kg - Yay
    15 Sept - 92.6kg - Dinner party last night. :-) But I'm OK with that. I had a busy day preparing (I'm the cook) and I still managed to get in an hour of cycling. I have a big celebration lunch today at church, so that'll be interesting. I'm not going to attempt to log the food as how of earth can you guess finger food....other than it's all high in calories!
    16 Sept - 92.8kg - Seems I wasn't too bad yesterday after all, though secretly I think the 10k run really helped!
    17 Sept - 92.8kg - In reality something has to change. Nothing has in the past 2 weeks. Not Happy.
    18 Sept - 92.4kg - Some right movement at last. I think I have found my enemy...carbs.
    19 Sept - 92.4kg - again
    20 Sept -
    21 Sept -
    22 Sept -
    23 Sept -
    24 Sept - 93.2kg. Sometime I wonder why I bother. This is just a stupid game of yoyo with my weight. I have zero support at home, it is a huge struggle with loads of sugary sweets, chocolate, ice cream, chips and takeaways, yet I know I am ultimately responsible for what goes in my mouth. Feeling down about this at the moment.

    Hi There!, don't give up, sometimes I feel the same, BUT if I stop trying I end up 15kg later feeling terrible and need MONTHS to get back... So keep trying, no support at home? maybe, but you have 100% support here.
  • mrdengue
    mrdengue Posts: 171 Member
    Highest Weight: 304lbs (nov 2013)
    Lowest Weight: 130lbs (June 2015) [I didn't like this weight)
    June Started with 196lbs and finished with 180lbs (16 pounds)
    July Started with 182lbs and finished with 173lbs (9 pounds)
    August Started with 173lbs and finished with 167 (6 pounds)
    September Started with 168lbs

    MSW: 168lbs
    MGW: 164lbs
    UGW: 160 (this is the weight I want)
    CW: 167


    1 September - No weigh in
    2 September - no weigh in
    3 September - 168 Weekend!!!
    4 September - 167 back on track!!!
    5 September - 166 Since today until Monday I will be working from home, so it's gonna be hard!.. It is easy to do IF when busy at the office. BUT from home it's like WEEKEND. Besides I hardly drink any water when at home.
    6 September - No weigh in
    7 September - No weigh in
    8 September - No weigh in
    9 September - No weigh in
    10 September - 166... WASNT EASY TO NOT OVEREAT WHILE WORKING AT HOME!!!... but I made it!... didn't gain anything
    11 September- No weigh in
    12 September - 165. A lot of things in my head right now, So I don't have time to worry about calories and for some reason this is working for me. I do IF and my eating window is 2PM to 8PM without worrying WHAT to eat.
    13 September - 164.6 lbs I started to record decimals in my weigh because now that I'm close to my goal is harder to lose 1 pound.
    14 September - Nada
    15 September - Nada
    16 September - 166 Stupid weekends....
    17 September - No
    18 September - No
    19 September - 165.5 A lot better than expected!!!
    20 September - Nope
    21 September - Nope
    22 September - Nope
    23 September - Nope
    24 September - 167 Definitely working from home is NO good for me, back at the office finally... A lot of water weight!!! I feel super optimistic... (don't know why)
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -
    28 September -
    29 September -
    30 September -

    3 lbs to my MGW!!
    7 lbs to my UGW
  • mrdengue
    mrdengue Posts: 171 Member
    I just had to share because today was such a good day and I am so excited! I ate within my calorie goal for the day, I rode my bike to and from work, (5 miles total so not a big deal) but I went for a 3.5 mile walk with my family and did some strength training to boot.
    My diary completion said that, โ€œIf everyday were like today...โ€ Iโ€™d be almost 15 pounds smaller in 5 weeks. I am sure going to try! Lol!
    To make everything even better, I am still on a no soda streak and I actually have a ton of energy this week which I didnโ€™t anticipate!
    It just goes to show that small steps can make a big difference in how you look and how you feel!

    Well done!!! I need a NO soda streak too.
  • CaitlinELaird
    CaitlinELaird Posts: 106 Member
    edited September 2019
    Starting weight: 166.6 lbs
    Goal weight this month: 162 lbs (?)
    Target Goal Weight: 135 lbs


    11 September - 166.6 lbs - as someone said earlier, better late than never!
    12 September - 166.0 lbs - Hanging in there. I'm going for my last camping trip of the summer tonight and won't be able to weigh in again until Monday. In the meantime, I am going to do my best and try to see a loss on Monday. Wish me luck! :smiley:
    13 September - No weigh in
    14 September - No weigh in
    15 September - 162.6 lbs - I feel like I am being pranked. How is that even possible? Iโ€™ll probably step on the scale tomorrow and it will all be back. ๐Ÿคฃ We will see I guess! I managed to get on the scale a day earlier than I thought! Woohoo!
    16 September - 164.2 lbs (-2.4 lbs) - Hey, I will take it. :)
    17 September - 164.2 lbs - Iโ€™m ok with that because I have a serious migraine and havenโ€™t been able to move since yesterday afternoon without wanting to be sick. Iโ€™m just going to sleep a lot today.
    18 September - 164.8 lbs - Thatโ€™s what I get for giving up soda and dealing with migraines for two days.
    19 September - 165.4 lbs - ... ... I am not even sure what to say. I've been so good this week, no extra sugar, no going over my calorie goal... and I'm still up. :'(
    20 September - 164.0 lbs - Itโ€™s Friday!!! Hallelujah!
    21 September - 164.0 lbs
    22 September - 164.4 lbs, that extra slice of zucchini bread didnโ€™t do me justice! Lol!
    23 September - 163.8 lbs - we are starting to get somewhere! (That 15 mile bike ride and 3 mile walk helped! LOL) I am also celebrating one week with no soda, no candy, one brownie but nothing else! I am so excited and I think that the headaches and crappy side effects are gone now!
    24 September - 163.2 lbs
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -
    28 September -
    29 September -
    30 September -
  • brittgreenlikethecolor88
    Starting weight 198 lb ( January 15th, 2019)
    Start weight this month: 159 lb
    Goal weight this month: 155 lb ( -4lb)
    Target goal weight: 145-150 lb

    August loss: - 5.5 lb


    01 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    02 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    03 Sep- 159 lb. Feeling good!! Might still be holding water weight from TOM.
    04 Sep- 160.5 lb ( + 1.5 lb) ??? Not sure why the spike. I felt pretty dehyrated yesterday so I am making it a point to drink more water today. Maybe that's why. Just have to wait and see!
    05 Sep- 160 lb ( -0.5 lb) TOM weight is tappering off I think.
    06 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    07 Sep- no weigh day (NA)
    08 Sep- 159.5 lb ( -1 lb) Heck yeah! The scale might not say I have lost anything this month so far.... But I feel like I have! Not sure what the deal is.... oh well. Just gonna keep on it and see what happens
    09 Sep- 159.5 lb ( 0 )
    10 Sept- 159.5 lb ( 0 ) I think my scale has gone on strike lol
    11 Sept- 158 lb ( -1.5 lb) WHOOP THERE IT IS!!!! I had a feeling I was going to see a drop soon *happy dance*
    12 Sept- 158.5 lb ( +0.5lb ) Does "slow and steady wins the race" apply here?? Lol I hope so.
    13 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    14 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    15 Sept- no weigh day (NA)
    16 Sept- 158.5 lb ( 0 ) Errrrrrmmmmm. I need to start doing better if I want to get to -4 lbs!! I'm only at -0.5 lbs and we are over halfway through the month. *sighs*
    17 Sept- 159.5 lb ( +1 lb ) FML
    18 Sept- No weigh day (NA
    19 Sept- 157.5 lb ( -2 lb) Getting there. Frustrating ups & downs... but overall heading in the right direction..slowly.
    20 Sept- 156.5 lb (-1 lb) I was really good lastnight about not snacking on my kid's dinner... Trying out a new thing where I chew gum while preparing it. Can't snack with gum in my mouth lol Seems to be working.
    21 Sept- no weigh day
    22 Sept- no weigh day
    23 Sept- 157 lb ( +0.5 lb) Not bad for a Monday!
    24 Sept- 156.5 lb ( -0.5 lb) Up, down, up, down, up, down..... As long as I still end up being down for this month, I'm happy!! Hopefully TOM won't screw it up too bad, cus it's around the same time... of course. I might hold off on my doing my "official" September loss weigh in total until after the TOM water weight comes back off.... super frustrating. I had to do the same thing last month lol Oh well. Life goes on!

    September loss so far: 2.5 lb
    GOAL: 4 lb
  • jenn990205
    jenn990205 Posts: 1,207 Member
    I turn 40 years old this month and I was really wanting to be at 140, but I don't see that happening. Maybe by the end of the month I can hit that goal.

    Starting weight: 178
    Start weight this month: 143.6
    Goal weight this month: 140 and to continue to drop my trend weight
    Target goal weight: 135

    May gained 1.1 pounds (EW - 149.3)
    June lost: 3.4 pounds (EW - 145.9)
    July lost: 2.2 pounds (EW - 143.7)
    August lost: 0.1 pounds (EW - 143.6) complete wash for the month

    1 September - NW - FIL Funeral in Texas 4 days
    2 September - NW - FIL Funeral in Texas 4 days
    3 September - 148.7 we are back and I am up about 5 pounds. I am sure a lot of water weight. Very stressful time.
    4 September 146.9 at least it went down. Did ok yesterday, but my motivation is not great at the moment. I need about a week of sleep right now.
    5 September - 145.1 Still working my way back down
    6 September - 145.1 wish it was a couple of pounds lower, but I'll take it. Haven't tried at all this week. kind of took a diet break!
    7 September - 143.8
    8 September - 144.5 not enough water yesterday. Tons of movement, cleaning, laundry, and tons of errands all day.
    9 September - 147.0 I thought I did better than this yesterday, but I guess not. Maybe I am just holding onto some water weight.
    10 September - 146.5 was expecting to be lower, but ok with this. I am 40 years old today!!!
    11 September - 143.8 not a real number. Drank way to much last night celebrating my bday. Will be back up tomorrow.
    12 September - 145.6 This sounds more like it. As of today I am back on it and looking to finally lose the last 10 pounds. Diet break officially over
    13 September - 143.8 :smile: On track for today so far. Maybe next week I can start seeing some lower numbers
    14 September - 143.2 this is the lowest this month so far. Still have about a pound to go to get back to where I was last month and now itโ€™s the ever so dreaded weekend.
    15 September - 144.8 maybe sodium, but did well yesterday
    16 September -146.3 TOM is showing up today and the chips and dip I decided to snack on all day probably didn't help.
    17 September - 146.3 Day 2 and feel like crap. Major water retention, my ring barely fit this am
    18 September - 145.7 a little movement, not much though. Hormones will be the death of me!
    19 September - 143.7 finally a whoosh. Now maybe I will see a decent drop tomorrow.
    20 September - 142.8 another great drop. Iโ€™m back to where I was before month long break. Now to get some progress made and get under 140!
    21 September - 143.7 up a bit today from restaurant sodium. Chinese for a surprise lunch date with the hubby.
    22 September - 143.7 drank to much yesterday so will probably be up tomorrow a bit, did well on food though.
    23 September -145.4 normal Monday fluctuation. Lower than last Monday so I am ok with it.
    24 September - 144.3 and back down we go. Really looking to finish this month strong. It sucks the last day is a Monday this month.
    25 September -
    26 September -
    27 September -
    28 September -
    29 September -
    30 September -