Serial Starters



  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    It’s my birthday🤗🤗 so on way home to open champagne, call my lovely French man and then lie in a hot bath with bubbles from nice smelly expensive potions. 🍾🍾 had to work as have no holidays left but it wasn’t too bad a day. I closed a deal which has taken months so pretty chuffed with self and wearing new dress that hides my awful stomach. Just need to lose the pounds now!!

    Waves to all and will post later when read all updates xxx
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Hello all!
    watching trees being cut down outside my office for building expansion. Sad. but amazing machine with a huge saw doing the cutting!
    Skinny - I think you asked about weekends. My weight loss efforts mimic yours. I can pack and bring good snacks etc for work and keep on a schedule, but weekends - cook outs, get togethers, drinking, etc etc. It was so much easier when I was young to work all week and lose weight and the weekend didn't affect it much. Not so much anymore! When I do well - I have cut up veggies ready to grab so I don't have to grab unhealthy stuff due to my schedule being crazy on a weekend. And I eat with thought - think about why I am picking up something to eat and decide if I am really hungry or just eating because it is there!
    Sara and Lana - enjoy the eye candy! LOL you guys made me laugh, along with all the comments :smiley:
    Nikki - everytime I read your posts I imagine your accent :) Love it. I hope hubby is doing good today.
    Waves to all who follow.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Happy Birthday Laura - you pamper yourself and great job with getting the deal closed.

    ** cboys - send Laura a care package......**




    cover my bases

  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Love all bases covered:) xx
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Just waving hi to all. Will try to read more later. Baseball party tonight, so, not sure how much time I'll have.
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Happy birthday Laura!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    It’s my birthday🤗🤗 so on way home to open champagne, call my lovely French man and then lie in a hot bath with bubbles from nice smelly expensive potions. 🍾🍾 had to work as have no holidays left but it wasn’t too bad a day. I closed a deal which has taken months so pretty chuffed with self and wearing new dress that hides my awful stomach. Just need to lose the pounds now!!

    Waves to all and will post later when read all updates xxx

    Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning,

    First day in the week I can open my windows and I am enjoying the breeze.

    Had my ergo eval and my work chair got changed and getting up off the chair now my hip joints are not frozen like they have been, so that would make walking easier, so I am increasing my step goal very soon.

    New Sup Tuesday - she has warned me to get the training I need while I am getting it as this department does not tolerate repeating the same questions. Fair warning. Have 2 notebooks to keep info.

    Today is my Friday, so only 2 more work days. Seems I get to keep my Karma Queen sup for another month. She gets her digs in when she can even now. My goal is to look so good after Tuesday that the last 6 months would look like a road bump in an otherwise smooth highway.

    So Question of the Day is - what are your plans for exercise this weekend? How can we encourage you and keep you accountable?

    Lurking from the land of Karma Queen (is that a character from Game of Thrones?? >:) I have heard the show title but have no clue - I have the Harry Potter series coming on Netflix - just dont have that kind of time to invest in a TV show).

    Wave to all who follow.
  • fatoldladyonamission
    Happy belated birthday Laura! Glad you had a good day!

    I’ve read back and my brain has just forgotten everything I read! Congrats to Skinny for the goal being reached, I did retain that at least!

    Lynn I think you mentioned me having an accent 😳 don’t you know it’s you guys who have the accent 😂😂😂 I’m perfectly normal lol. Not sure how I’d describe my accent though, it’s not the London one, nor is it the posh upper class one they’re try to put in movies either. I think I’m just normal though 😂 Must Armit I do love the Southern accent from that side of the pond but I don’t know anyone who has it!

    Life here is hectic, hubby is doing okay, his big cut in his head has stayed glued thank goodness but he’s trying to be more careful, I hope! Work is manic and I feel like I’m not getting anywhere. We have our financial year end at the end of September and because I do a lot of purchasing and payments for beneficiaries I have to get all my credit card statements, purchase orders and expenses in order. It's given me a headache and I think I need my eyes tested. Gutted. Got to 42 without any glasses whatsoever now I’m losing my near vision. Not sure if I’ve mentioned it or not but I’m actually hard of hearing. I have only about 30% of the hearing the usual person has so the thought of my sight going is actually really terrifying. Carefully burying my head in the sand to avoid dealing with it but it’s not going away. Big sigh 😔

    Anyway onto the good news, I did one of those give me one month threads and set my goal at a ridiculously optimistic weight and I’m only 2.2lbs off it today! 😲 can’t believe it! Actually delighted with just that loss to be honest but it makes the next 4 days a real challenge! Think I might set next months a bit less ambitiously though! I hate not making my goals so don’t want to go into a tailspin if it goes wrong!

    Enough about me, sorry to anyone I’ve read the posts from and haven’t retained. My brain is soup from lack of sleep! Waves to all and hope everyone has a good day. Roll on tomorrow! I don’t work Fridays so the weekend starts tonight for me! BBL all being well but have a meeting at daughter’s school tonight!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Laura - I hope you had a wonderful birthday yesterday!! I am so jealous of you that you have a French Man!!!! 💖

    Ama and Skinny - Congratulations on your scales heading downward!! 🎉

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member

    Nikki - it is completely normal unfortunately for people with good vision to lose their near vision in their mid-40s and need to have magnifying eyeglasses to read books and papers, etc.
    People who are nearsighted and have needed glasses to see mid- and far-distanced things will still be able to see up close without their glasses.
    🎉 Congratulations on your success with your One-Month Thread!! 🎉

    Answer of the Day - Yesterday the ladies from my Wednesday Meetup walking group enjoyed the Pumpkin Loop trail so much that we've decided to walk it again tomorrow. I give one lady a ride to this location, so I am committed to going!! Saturday and Sunday I will be on my own, but I will be walking a different trail that starts at the community center. Yay!

    I managed 9 hours sleep last night. This is a major good big deal. When I have rest, I can do everything--especially staying on program-- so much better~~

    Waving to all who stop by later on~~


    252.6 today
    255.0 highest
    179.0 goal
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Happy belated birthday Laura! Glad you had a good day!

    Lynn I think you mentioned me having an accent 😳 don’t you know it’s you guys who have the accent 😂😂😂 I’m perfectly normal lol. Not sure how I’d describe my accent though, it’s not the London one, nor is it the posh upper class one they’re try to put in movies either. I think I’m just normal though 😂 Must Armit I do love the Southern accent from that side of the pond but I don’t know anyone who has it!

    LOL - I guess that is true! I have a Wisconsin accent which until not too long ago I did not know existed :)
    Happy Thursday.
    Waves to all.
  • ama3387
    ama3387 Posts: 242 Member
    Good morning!
    I’m so tired the itching has kept me up all night. I started steroids today in hopes it’ll help relieve the discomfort. Hopefully I can stay on track food wise I’ve heard that steroids can make you extremely hungry.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Quick drop in--good morning all!

    First, thank you to all of you who have given me suggestions for managing my weekends. I haven't had time to read them carefully and really absorb what you all have said, but I will...before Saturday! Thank you so much.

    Second, happy birthday again to Laura. Champagne once in awhile should be enjoyed!

    Sara--all sounds moving in the right direction re: your work life. You are in the final stretch! And how fantastic that your ergo situation will improve and reduce your pain!

    Nik--I'm so impressed with your fantastic, aggressive weight loss! I've never popped into that thread, but maybe I should!

    Lana--thanks for the good wishes re: scale success. Am a little up this morning --as expected--after my baseball party last night. Cest la vie, I guess!

    Ama--sorry about the itching and exhaustion. Hang in there.

    Lynn--yes, there's a WI accent ! I noticed it when I first moved to MN (from CA).

    As for me--weekend fitness goals: I really want to get some good time on the elliptical as well as try at least ONE strength workout. How to hold myself accountable? Well, telling all of you, of course!

    Have a great day everyone! Wave to all who follow!
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,885 Member
    ama3387 wrote: »
    Good morning!
    I’m so tired the itching has kept me up all night. I started steroids today in hopes it’ll help relieve the discomfort. Hopefully I can stay on track food wise I’ve heard that steroids can make you extremely hungry.

    Ama - I feel so bad for you. I hope that the steroids hit your bloodstream quickly and you get almost immediate relief.
    It's a good thing that you are aware of the steroid-appetite situation. Now is the time for the fruits, veggies, and clean protein along with tons of water.

    Hang in there~~

    Big hugs,

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Coworker let me borrow onesie in a minion custom to go to new sup who is a big minion fan and tell her I am ready for work. Luckily the Sup laughed. I was so quick about it not many people saw me, and there is a picture, but oh the rumors- this one will be true. Know how Superman comes out of a phone booth, I came of of the bathroom... figures.



    That's great! Glad Sup has sense of humor