Labor day losers July 11th - September 5th (closed group)



  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    i am back up on the scale but i think that i am ready to get back on the wagon....................again!!! i am determined to beat this!!! i MUST do it!

    you can do it!!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    You ladies rock!!! Great weigh ins!! Kristyn i am so happy you broke the 150's :happy: i now know it is possible!!! Mimi, it has to be rough sending your little one into the world :sad: stay strong! I am still teter totering at 154-155 no change...but ladies i really think its me...i am happy until i remember my weight loss goals, lol! i eat at a maintainence level, if i want to break this plateau i have to eat less, point workout is not strong enough to eat 1800 calories and lose..i can maintain, but not lose..sighhhhh...ugh; harsh reality! either workout more or eat less..ill let you know what i decide...and by the way...the weekly challenge wasnt mentioned, so i will make one food after 9pm monday that to harsh?:devil: lets do it mommies!
    i love our group too :heart: :heart: lets make this next weigh in amazing...we are almost there!!
    Hmm - no food after 9pm. I already broke that one. I usually don't exercise until about 8pm or after and then have a snack so it's usually after 9pm. I'll give it a shot though --- :happy:

    HUrley- You might be an exception to this rule since you do your work outs so late at night.

    Latoya!!! 153!!! So happy for you!! My scale said 148 yesterday but i figured it was a fluke, jumped on this morning, 148 again!! This week have proven to be good in the weight loss department for all of us!

    I broke our new mini challenge last night! HUbby has wednesdays off since he works 4 10s so we were up watching movies till 1am! He had a huge bowl of ice cream, I opted for an apple with peanut butter.... kept me under cals still and hey got in one more fruit serving!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I am really starting to get sad that this group will be over in a week and a half... any of you plan to start up another Mommy challenge??? I love our group!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Good Morning Ladies -

    It has been a very rough week. I have been sick since Thursday and with school starting, a wedding this weekend, many family gatherings, and my daughter having surgery today - excercising was not in my forecast for the week and it reflected on the scale. I havent been able to take care of myself feeling sick and i think the stress of today is definitely a factor but i wont let it get me too down. I will be happy when today is over and can get back on track. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Please keep my daughter in your prayers today - she is having tubes put in her ears. I know its not an uncommon procedure but for me it is - especially since they have to put her under and she is my little peanut! Anyway - here are my stats sad to say.....

    SW - 175.4
    7/18 - 172.4
    7/25 - 172
    8/1 - 170.4
    8/8 - 167.4
    8/15 - 166
    8/22 - 163.4
    8/29 - 164.6 :explode:

    I WILL get this off and then some!!!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Sorry, this is has to be quick. Weigh in this morning of 163.5! I'm going to be pretty close to my goal of 160 so I'll take that!! Hope you all have a wonderful day! :bigsmile:
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning Ladies!
    I know I have been slacking on posting my progress or lack there of, but I am back :) I didnt lose any weight these past two weeks, if anything looks like I gained a lb or so. Im not going to lie, I haven't been on top of my game with the food and the exercise, still trying to make healthy choices even during these crazy/hectic past weeks.
    Hope everyoneis doing well, and I look forward to our last weigh in next Monday! Hope that I can get back on track and break the 150's REALLY REALLY soon :)

    Week 7/11/11-- 155 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 154.7 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 154 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.9 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 153.4 lbs
    Week 8/15/11-- 152.6 lbs
    Week 8/22/11-- XXXX
    Week 8/29/11-- 153.6 lbs :(
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: __1.4____lbs
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 325 Member
    Good Morning Ladies -

    It has been a very rough week. I have been sick since Thursday and with school starting, a wedding this weekend, many family gatherings, and my daughter having surgery today - excercising was not in my forecast for the week and it reflected on the scale. I havent been able to take care of myself feeling sick and i think the stress of today is definitely a factor but i wont let it get me too down. I will be happy when today is over and can get back on track. Hope you all have a wonderful week. Please keep my daughter in your prayers today - she is having tubes put in her ears. I know its not an uncommon procedure but for me it is - especially since they have to put her under and she is my little peanut! Anyway - here are my stats sad to say.....

    SW - 175.4
    7/18 - 172.4
    7/25 - 172
    8/1 - 170.4
    8/8 - 167.4
    8/15 - 166
    8/22 - 163.4
    8/29 - 164.6 :explode:

    I WILL get this off and then some!!!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Your daughter is in my prayers! like you said, it is a common procedure. Just keep us posted :)
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 166.8
    Week 7/18/11-- 166.9
    Week 7/25/11-- (7/22/11) 164.6
    Week 8/01/11-- 164.4
    Week 8/08/11-- 163.0
    Week 8/15/11-- 167!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wt*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok not going to let this deter me. yeah last week wasnt that great but it wasnt that bad either. or i didnt think it was. guh!
    (8/17/11- ok reweighed today: 162.6. must have been all that sodium from sunday lunch weighing me down... :)
    Week 8/22/11-- 164
    Week 8/29/11-- 164.5
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: _____lbs

    ok so i ate horrible this weekend or else i think i would have seen 162's bc friday i was 163.7. i seemed to have hit another stall but this week i am going to do this and hopefull weigh in next monday at 162! good luck ladies
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Hi Mimi!!! Keep on trucking! Ladies you are doing amazing! I know some of us are starting to hit a slight stall, but one week doesnt discredit the many weeks of hard work and weight loss! I cant believe this is our last week!!!!! Lets make it an amazing one! I think the challenge of the week should be to incoporate all of the challenges this week in efforts to acheive maximum weight loss! So drink your water, do your jacks, cut kitchen lights off at nine, eat your fruits and veggies, and stay within your caloric limit!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    152.8 this morning :happy:
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/18/11-- 153.7
    Week 7/25/11-- 153.1
    Week 8/01/11-- 152.5
    Week 8/08/11-- 151.6
    Week 8/15/11-- 152.3
    Week 8/22/11-- 149.5 (bye 150s!!!!!)
    Week 8/29/11-- 149.1
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss= 4.6

    Up a bit from friday but down from last monday. Cant believe next monday is our final weight in....
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Angela- Praying for your Daughter!
    Mimi- Praying for your Mama!

    These have been a rough last couple of weeks for us. But lets all pull together and hit this week hard. We all need some good numbers next week for our final weigh in!!!

    Latoya- How is the new eating plan going for you??
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    Good morning to all you wonderful mommies out there... I hope everyone's well and safe. I apologise for not being around lately. I've been trying to get my apartment ready for us to move in... we're doing a lot of the work ourselves cause we are over budget and way over time. My 17 year old son has been amazing in the helping department.. and I have been trying to do as much as I can do myself.

    Other than the apartment, I've been dealing with a personal issue that I allowed to get somewhat out of hand, and dealing with the emotions as a result thereof. Thankfully, i have not resorted to eating my stress away, so I have not put on any weight but I've not had the motivation to workout so I have not lost any either.

    Hopefully I am coming back out of this rut and should be exercising today... if I dont get into the apartment and do work there... but either way, I have to start back working out and not allow this crap to get to me any longer.

    For the record.. my current weight is still at 131.5 llbs.

    Sorry for the rant or ramble.. I hope you ladies have a great week!!

    Btw... my family is off to a 5-day staycation at a beach house this Wednesday to Sunday and I'm sorta looking forward to it. Hoping we get internet cause I wouldnt want to lose my "day count"..
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Week 7/11/11-- 239.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 236.8 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 231.0 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 229.6 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 227.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11-- 223.8 lbs
    Week 8/22/11-- 222.0 lbs
    Week 8/29/11-- 221.0 lbs
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: 18 lb loss

    Two weeks in a row of a 1 lb loss. I think I see a plateau coming, UGH!! But a loss is better than a gain. I will keep plugging away. I just have to remember that I have hit my goal of the 15 lbs by Labor Day so I just have to relish in that glory and not worry about the 1 lb. Hope you all have a great week.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Angela- Praying for your Daughter!
    Mimi- Praying for your Mama!

    These have been a rough last couple of weeks for us. But lets all pull together and hit this week hard. We all need some good numbers next week for our final weigh in!!!

    Latoya- How is the new eating plan going for you??

    day 2 is so far so good...eating low carb is hard, but i need the reduction. I really want to get into day to day clean eating with rice krispy treats and twinkies being occasional treats :happy: i think by now u guys know that my addiction to candies and treats is crazy!!! im hoping my the end of september to only have good carbs in my diet on a daily basis (brown rice, wheat pasta, fruits, and veggies) and only have the sugary treats maybe once a week.
  • lovecola06
    lovecola06 Posts: 180 Member
    Happy Monday Fellow Mommies!

    Everyone is doing really well staying dedicated in the last days of the challenge.

    Here's my numbers:

    Week 7/11/11-- 149.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 151.2 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 148.2 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 145.0 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 144.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11-- 145.2 lbs
    Week 8/22/11-- 144.1 lbs
    Week 8/29/11-- 143.0 lbs
    Week 9/05/11--
    Total weight loss: 6.0 lbs

    I can't believe we are down to our final week! Am I the only one who wishes that we could do another Mommy challenge??:flowerforyou: Working with you guys has been a big motivator for me to get my workouts done when I don't feel like doing it..

    Angela & Mimi - I am praying for you and your family today

    Nicole - you are doing amazing at maintaining your weight loss during a very stressful time. you should applaud yourself for that. I truly hope that you are able to get back to working out for the stress relieving benefits, which it sounds like you could definitely use. Enjoy your vacation at the beach house - sounds like a perfect opportunity for some much-needed R&R:wink:

    Lisa - One pound lost per week is a very healthy rate of loss. I am sure that you are also building muscle & losing inches, which slows your weight loss progress a tiny bit. Congrats again on hitting the big 1-5 lb goal for our challenge.

    Kristyn - Congrats on saying goodbye for good to the 150s.

    Latoya - congrats again on reaching your high school weight! you might wanna think about just going cold turkey from sweets for a little while, just to get over your addiction. I know it sounds extreme, but that was the ONLY way I was able to stay away. I think that sometimes having a tiny bite of something sweet just makes me crave more sweets. I now allow myself sweets (in moderation) on Saturdays, but I can't do it during the week- I don't have enough willpower. It took about 2 months without sweets before I trusted myself on Saturdays to indulge again:tongue: Good luck! You're making really great positive changes to your eating habits already- remember that progress counts, even if it's not yet perfection.
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Hello All! I am sorry I too have been MIA lately. I am a teacher and went back to work and my days have been crazy busy and then by the time I get home I have been totally beat. My eating has been okay, working out - non existent, water good, not eating at night good (since I am asleep soo early!). Getting back on track and definitely doing the 30 Day Shred with you Kristyn!

    7/11 159.6
    7/18 156
    7/25 155.4
    8/1 154.3
    8/8 155.9
    8/15 155.9 (NOTHING!)
    8/22 153.2 (NO IDEA HOW THIS HAPPENED!)
    8/29 154.2 :(

    Kristyn and Latoya congratulations on your loss! You motivate me to keep going!
    Angela and Mimi I hope everything is going well with your families.
  • Becreed
    Becreed Posts: 83 Member
    Congrats to everyone for sticking with it! Cola great job, you too are motivating me!
  • angelacasey736
    angelacasey736 Posts: 249 Member
    Ladies - just a quick check in - my daughter did beautifully yesterday! After much sleep she was back to her normal self in no time. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Now that the kiddies are settled it is time to re-focus on me. I have been sick for quite some time now and with no time to take care of me - my symptoms are at an all time high. I have been doing my best to stay within calories but excercise has not been an option unfortunately and it is definitely taking its toll! I am heading to the docs this morning and hoping he can give me something to get back on track. Not the way i wanted to end this month - thats for sure. Have a wonderful week ladies and thank you again!
  • KristynStephens15
    KristynStephens15 Posts: 843 Member
    Angela- So glad to hear your daughter did well! Now I hope for a speedy recovery. Thanks for keeping us posted!

    Becca- Can't wait to start the shred with you Monday! Thanks so much for joining me.

    Latoya- Sweets are tough! But you are tougher! Your doing great! I like the idea of finding a low carb sweet bar of some sort and using it as a reward. Slim Fast has a bar that is basically a Snickers, when i want a treat i go for those! =]

    Lisa- Congrats on hitting your 15lb goal!!!! Sorry it seems your about to plataue but 1lb a week is still great!

    Nicolerah- Hope your apartment comes together fast for you and other problems you are dealing with work themselves out.

    Cola- You are amazing!!! You motivate us all so well and are so encouraging!!! I too am really not looking forward to this challenge ending. If anyone wishes to start up another challenge, slim by turkey day, skinny by christmas, Im down!! haha =]

    Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lisafred24
    lisafred24 Posts: 306 Member
    Okay Mommies, we are headed into the last 1/2 week of the challenge. Finish Strong!! I will be leaving this evening for Dale Hollow Lake and am not sure if I will have internet access or access to a scale while I am gone; therefore, I am posting my weight today as the final. If I can update it on Monday, I will. If not, please go with this one. Have a great holiday weekend every one.

    Week 7/11/11-- 239.0 lbs
    Week 7/18/11-- 236.8 lbs
    Week 7/25/11-- 231.0 lbs
    Week 8/01/11-- 229.6 lbs
    Week 8/08/11-- 227.0 lbs
    Week 8/15/11-- 223.8 lbs
    Week 8/22/11-- 222.0 lbs
    Week 8/29/11-- 221.0 lbs
    Week 9/01/11-- 219.0 lbs
    Total weight loss: 20 lb loss