

  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member

    Currently cooking a shepherd's pie with cauliflower topping! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would love the recipe if you would care to share.
  • luscadero
    luscadero Posts: 92 Member

    Currently cooking a shepherd's pie with cauliflower topping! YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would love the recipe if you would care to share.

    Sure! I mostly just made this recipe primal:

    I cut the flour and sugar and used wine instead of beer, I just simmered it for about 15 additional minutes (which I think it needs, anyway, like a bolognese). I used grass fed organic cheddar and ground beef, and replaced the potato topping in the recipe with the following:

    1 head of cauliflower
    10 cloves of garlic
    3 Tbs butter
    Salt and pepper
    1/4 - 1/2 c sour cream to taste/creaminess

    Steam the cauliflower for 10 minutes or so, add the garlic to the steamer and steam until tender.
    Puree the cauliflower, garlic, and butter until smooth.
    Add sour cream and S&P until desired taste and consistency is achieved.
    6 servings, about 350 calories each.

    The topping is awesome, but it takes a few tries to get the consistency right. My husband said he wouldn't have known it wasn't mashed potatoes if I hadn't told him. He loves this recipe!

    Disclaimer: This is very time-consuming, but so worth it if you have the time.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Bump, for later.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Does no one else drink Almond milk?... I get the unsweetend vanilla it is a great substitute for traditional milk. I think it fits in nicely with the primal plan.

    I am happy with Unsweetened Almond Milk but I adore unsweetened So Delicious Coconut Milk. The MCFA's (medium chain fatty acids) make a huge difference in how much muscle I build and how quickly I burn fat.

    I also do very well with heavy whipping cream from grass fed cows.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Hey guys!

    I've been bugging numerous people on this site to start a thread where people doing any kind of paleo diet (whether you're Paleo Solution/Primal Blueprint) can jump in with ideas/recipes/support.

    I started Paleo this week in conjunction with a Cavewoman training programe, which is basically like Crossfit. My challenge is to compete in Tough Mudder next year!

    I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting headaches and I know I'm "withdrawing" from all those nasty sugary carbs... but if you're Paleo (or thinking about it, or have no idea what it is) jump on and join in.

    I'd love to hear from you!

    Coby x


    Thanks for starting the thread! We also have a paleo/primal support group at 'Palelo Support' here and yes, it is misspelled but that probably keeps out folks that only want to argue. We're a diverse group with different experiences of what Paleo/Primal means to each of us.

    I've made some seriously great friends there. Expect that will be true here as well. :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm here!

    I'm loving it! I read Primal Blueprint last week and I'm reading The Paleo Diet and The Paleo Diet for Athletes right now.

    I'm really enjoying this diet. Even though it cuts a lot of things out, I've found it to be oddly liberating. Once I cut out all the carbs I have so many calories left to eat!

    I did cauliflower rice last week with coconut curry shrimp. Probably the best curry recipe I've made at home. It felt so decadent! I agree, the cauliflower is def. NOT rice, but it did taste good and you can't really have curry without it! (and I can't live without curry, so there you go)
    edited to add: I added way more spices. Ginger, coriander and cumin.

    I am Paleo too and most people don't realize how liberating and freeing it is...................all people want to see is restrictive and then automatically think unbalanced. I call Hogwash..............

    Cauliflower is one of my go to foods...............

    Makes a great pizza crust and substitutes for rice in curries, asian inspired dishes, stuffed peppers, etc................
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    Hi folks. I thought I would reach out here for some support because I've been putting more and more thought into trying a more "paleo" or "primal" way of eating. (I dislike putting labels on any way of eating because it conjures up notions of fad diets no matter what the specifics are....)

    I already eat fairly low sugar and not a lot of flour (though the "cheap carbs" have been creeping back in more and more). But here's the thing, a little over a year ago, I was eating a lot of animal products -- lots of egg whites, chicken breast, etc. and I just sort of snapped! I didn't want to eat meat any more so I stopped in one weekend. My husband and I both started eating more of a plant based diet (lacto-ovo vegetarian, if you must). I started replacing animal protein with beans and legumes (which I LOVE). And now I guess I'm having a hard time wrestling with the idea of incorporating so much meat back into my diet. Has anyone else out there made a similar transition?

    Once upon a time, I read MacDougal and became a Vegan. I lost 100 lbs but destroyed my thyroid and fertility in the body just *could not* process carbohydrates, even whole natural ones. FF 5 years, I gained it all back and developed extreme anxiety and muscle weakness which complicated my asthma and other lung issues.

    In 2003, I started eating for my medical problems, I started eating to heal my mind and my body. That led to strength training for me and eventually to eating Paleo/Primal. This time I have also shed over 100 lbs but I have also healed my lungs, allergies and fertility. My daughter is almost 6 yo. I also have an amazing amount of muscle that being vegan and later being lacto-ovo vegetarian did not give me.

    I don't think that there is only one right way to eat. I do believe that anyone and everyone can have a healthy, strong body. What works for your body is what you ought to do. If what you're eating makes you have lots of functional muscle strength, a lean physique, flexibility, resilience and endurance, if it fills you with joy and lots of energy, than it's the right plan for you.
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I don't think that there is only one right way to eat. I do believe that anyone and everyone can have a healthy, strong body. What works for your body is what you ought to do. If what you're eating makes you have lots of functional muscle strength, a lean physique, flexibility, resilience and endurance, if it fills you with joy and lots of energy, than it's the right plan for you.

    ResilientWoman, I think that I might love you. That sums up my WHOLE food philosophy. Well said.
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I don't think that there is only one right way to eat. I do believe that anyone and everyone can have a healthy, strong body. What works for your body is what you ought to do. If what you're eating makes you have lots of functional muscle strength, a lean physique, flexibility, resilience and endurance, if it fills you with joy and lots of energy, than it's the right plan for you.

    ResilientWoman, I think that I might love you. That sums up my WHOLE food philosophy. Well said.

    Aw, love you too, Fab! (blushes) Looking forward to posting my version of your 'new before' in another year or so.
  • lemonyzest
    Hello to all. I am new here today. My doc suggested this kind of diet (probably because I'm such a tough case to crack) and I have read Primal body, Primal mind. It is a wealth of information.

    Well I made it 13 days and then totally fell off the wagon and face-planted in a bag of crackers cause I couldn't take the carb craving anymore. Having a hard time resisting the blueberries in season too. I know I can have some, but I have a consciousness problem and dont stop - working on that.

    Thank you for all the great info you post. I've bookmarked the recipe sites I read about, I bought the everyday paleo book and I'm giving it another go.

    Maybe I will be a tough old mudder down the road aways. What is a tough mudder by the way?
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    I don't think that there is only one right way to eat. I do believe that anyone and everyone can have a healthy, strong body. What works for your body is what you ought to do. If what you're eating makes you have lots of functional muscle strength, a lean physique, flexibility, resilience and endurance, if it fills you with joy and lots of energy, than it's the right plan for you.

    ResilientWoman, I think that I might love you. That sums up my WHOLE food philosophy. Well said.

    Aw, love you too, Fab! (blushes) Looking forward to posting my version of your 'new before' in another year or so.

    I look forward to seeing your progress! :D
  • FabCheeky
    FabCheeky Posts: 311
    Hello to all. I am new here today. My doc suggested this kind of diet (probably because I'm such a tough case to crack) and I have read Primal body, Primal mind. It is a wealth of information.

    Well I made it 13 days and then totally fell off the wagon and face-planted in a bag of crackers cause I couldn't take the carb craving anymore. Having a hard time resisting the blueberries in season too. I know I can have some, but I have a consciousness problem and dont stop - working on that.

    Thank you for all the great info you post. I've bookmarked the recipe sites I read about, I bought the everyday paleo book and I'm giving it another go.

    Maybe I will be a tough old mudder down the road aways. What is a tough mudder by the way?

    Good luck on your new lifestyle choice! Maybe for the blueberries, you could package them into individual servings as soon as you buy them. Then just grab one serving when you're ready to eat them? Other than that, I can't see a good reason to ever avoid a blueberry. :P Here is the link to check out Tough Mudder:
  • lemonyzest
    Thank you Fab! I am on my way and am becoming conscious of what goes into my mouth and I appreciate that suggestion.

    Thanks for the link to tough mudder - oh my goodness - I only wish. I'm too old to be a tough mudder but I will be thrilled to become a tough, fit, mother, and I am an ardent supporter of the W.W.P.

    Off to grill salmon for dinner.
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
  • CavewomanCoby
    CavewomanCoby Posts: 253 Member
    I'm 6 months out from Tough Mudder - thinking I should start a group with people who are also doing it??
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Im thinking about training up and doing it next year. Good luck to you.
  • kathytexas
    A Tough Mudder group sounds great! I am doing it Jan. 2012 in Texas and am nervous!
  • EvaJanes
    EvaJanes Posts: 37 Member
    Actually the calcium you get from green veggies is absorbed better by your body. My family has a history of osteoporosis and low calcium levels, and due to being mildly lactose intolerant i ingest very little dairy yet my calcium levels are better then everyone else in my family (even the ones who take supplements)
  • cbear017
    cbear017 Posts: 345 Member
    Hello all! I'm about 60% paleo/primal (I know there's a difference but not educated enough yet to know what that is) and I'm slowly working my way up to 80%. Of all the books out there which would you recommend I read? I've heard great things about the Primal Blueprint but I know there are others. I've looked at a lot of website info but I'd like a book (something consolidated, etc.) for the geek in me who doesn't wait for an excuse to hit the bookstore. :smile:
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Bump to read later.