

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,140 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka, hate that feeling of constantly straining to see what I'm working with. Hope your glasses are in tomorrow. Perhaps time to order a spare pair?

    The pair I'm wearing are ... okay ... for short term wear. I was doing all right for the first couple days but I was taking more breaks. I could have made it till Monday as planned.

    I'd like an official spare pair, but for some reason my eyes are changing very quickly. My "good" pair are 5 months old and don't feel quite right anymore. But they are better than the ones I've got on which are probably 2 years old. In a year's time, my "good" pair will likely become my spare pair, and the ones I'm wearing now will be a back-up spare.

    As far as distance vision goes, I've reverted back to where I was several years ago. I can wear a couple older pair of glasses again. It's weird.

    And glasses are tremendously expensive, so I try to last at least a year before I order yet another pair. I've got a drawer full of them! Thousands of dollars worth of glasses I may or may not be able to wear depending on what my eyes decide to do just now. :neutral:

    It's frustrating!

    M in Oz

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,332 Member
    We learnt some new cha cha and rhumba moves at the class. DH is a little put out at one of the teachers (a dance host) as he doesn't like being bossed around by someone who isn't very good, but I keep telling him how grateful I am.
    We can practice again in two sessions tonight.
    Just recently we have sat near people who are on special diets. They order them in advance. I imagine there must be all kinds of medical requirements on a ship full of old people.
    Going to have a rest now before tea. There is a raffle for a cancer organisation. I'm never lucky at these things.
    Still have to pack. :sad:

    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Machka - just a thought, asI know there are some ongoing medical issues for you. You might want to get your sugars checked. My mother's vision improved unexpectedly, and we found out this is a fairly common symptom of uncontrolled sugar issues. Apparently, high blood sugar causes the fluid levels in the eyes to change.

    - it's been a pleasure taking your cruise with you. :)

    Off to write budgets and budget justifications, and IRB forms, which I had to shift over to my personal computer as I have to make corrections to the form itself, as it was so poorly constructed in Acrobat. :neutral:

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,679 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member
    edited October 2019
    Ate a huge bowl of popcast night, but was miraculously still under goal because of exercise calories ( a touch of the Heather’s there 😂) A slight uptick on the scale was the only consequence so far, probably because the popcorn was salted rather than toffee.
    Allie: Delighted that there are no obvious injury problems from your prang.
    Lisa: Hubba! Hubba! On the course and the niece. Many hands and all that!
    Ginny: Monitoring weight is a sensible idea. If I take my eye off the ball by not logging/weighing I invariably get slack!

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,790 Member
    Just got a call from adjuster and it is about 3600.00 of work. My car is paid off and only 31,000 on it so definently worth getting fixed.. bless his heart the young guy up there popped some of it out so I could open my door all the way. What a blessing.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited October 2019
    Rebecca - I know it drove my mama insane when I went to England the first time... by the time she got my letters, whatever I was upset about was weeks past, and there was no Internet, and overseas phone calls were literally a dollar a minute at that time, so were at most once a month. I wish I had some balm for your heart, dear one. I would have your chief read your sailor the riot act, and tell him that he WILL reach out to his mama every two weeks without fail, if nothing more than to say "I'm alive." It's important - when my kids were in Germany and in Saudi with the military, I got a little wigged out myself.

    Back to my doin's... almost got this cursed form created for the IRB, the university board that reviews all human research. I keep trying to flip it and say, "It's a great education, and will make this easy the next time you do a federal grant." My tired mind just gives me a raspberry, flips me the bird and goes off and sulks in the corner. *sigh* But still... there are worse things. :blush:

    Lisa in AR
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Heather Love your pictures! You both look so good. Cruising and dancing suits you!

    Allie So sorry the vehicle is so expensive to repair! Glad your body is okay!!

    Michele I will let you know as soon as my vision is okay to drive. I ordered glasses online. They take a while, but it was $62 for progressives instead of hundreds at the stores. (Zenni) It was my first time ordering them...hope I did it correctly. I have friends who order and my daughter, and they all say they are great.

    All you who are sick So sorry to hear about everyone catching things. Hope you are feeling better very quickly!!

    Amber - https://www.esupplements.com/best-cranberry-supplements/ My urologist had me taking supplements for quite a while. I was taking Ellure (expensive), but I have taken Azo with good results and this list has it as #2. Hope you can get your surgery soon! You deserve relief!

    SuzyQ Sorry to hear what you went through with your mother growing up. It's good she gave you smart advise even if she wasn't living it. My boys grew up to be awesome to their wives and my daughter is a very strong woman who would never put up with abuse, so I guess the cycle ended with me.

    Bedrooms I still like snuggling up to hubby even though he snores and kicks. I don't always go to bed at the same time, and frequently get back up after an hour of my head racing, but I love knowing he is there.

    <3 Luci in WNC
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Rebecca I can't imagine how hard it is going so long without hearing from your son. I sometimes don't hear anything from my kids in FL for a month and I start to go crazy. We text just a few sentences at a time, but I just feel better when I know everything is okay. I think getting a therapist or chaplain from the service with experience about separation during deployment would be good. I'm sure he is just busy and not thinking to call or write, but it would help to talk to someone who is familiar with what you are going through.

    I added back some carbs to my diet and it made me soooo happy! I have missed eating the foods I like. I was feeling really sick (ongoing stomach issues) and having some Cheerios with almond milk felt like having my Mom back...I even lost a pound. Yay! I have been keeping carbs super low and sugar as low as possible (although fruit adds a lot of sugar). I have been using Splenda which I know isn't great, but I haven't gotten to a place I can get rid of sweets altogether. My sugar levels are good. I have been taking a supplement called Curalin which dropped my BG by about 20 very shortly after taking it. My normal BG is 100-130 now. (Much improved from 363 in January!)

    Some of you ladies have jobs which are so over my head I don't know how to follow what you do. Ever since my head injury, I marvel at how difficult it can be to understand what I am reading. Add to it your technological expertise, and I am lost! I vaguely remember flow charts, programming in Basic, punch cards...now my grandchildren are coding at 12 and 10!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day, evening, whatever it is where you are...

    <3 Luci in WNC
  • cmsavells
    cmsavells Posts: 257 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rebecca - I know it drove my mama insane when I went to England the first time... by the time she got my letters, whatever I was upset about was weeks past, and there was no Internet, and overseas phone calls were literally a dollar a minute at that time, so were at most once a month. I wish I had some balm for your heart, dear one. I would have your chief read your sailor the riot act, and tell him that he WILL reach out to his mama every two weeks without fail, if nothing more than to say "I'm alive." It's important - when my kids were in Germany and in Saudi with the military, I got a little wigged out myself.

    Back to my doin's... almost got this cursed form created for the IRB, the university board that reviews all human research. I keep trying to flip it and say, "It's a great education, and will make this easy the next time you do a federal grant." My tired mind just gives me a raspberry, flips me the bird and goes off and sulks in the corner. *sigh* But still... there are worse things. :blush:

    Lisa in AR

    Lisa-when I was doing research at Ohio State I always said IRB was like a “four-letter-word” with only three letters. Good luck!!! Way more picky than any FDA blood bank inspector ever!! They can find the smallest detail and make you change everything!

    Connie in KY
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,939 Member
    Rho97070 wrote: »
    RVRita :/ Do you have family or community that can help to support the both of you?

    No. Several reasons. We have family but they don’t help. They are very self absorbed and only help if you live with them, but they don’t want that either. Lots of drama and problems in my family.

    Thanks for asking! The women here and my co-workers here at the park are my supporters.

    RV Rita
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,655 Member
    edited October 2019
    Hi Gals,

    Heather – great pictures of you and DH

    Allie –fender benders are drag! But I am glad that you are ok.

    Carol – Peachy - the baking apples are often on the tart side, and have a crunchy profile, a green pippen is my favorite but very hard to get here. The ones I use are a Jonathan or Granny Smith, as both are easier to find here.

    Rita – I hope you are able to get meds adjusted and are able to find a way to tamp down the depression.

    A long winded note about power, and fire in California
    In much of California we have electricity and natural gas from a company called PG&E (pacific gas and electric). There are a few areas that use propane and have it delivered and tanked on location. I am in one of the areas that is served by PG&E. Most of our electrical power lines are on Power/Telephone poles, not underground, this means the lines are exposed to weather, and are near plant material. Many fires over time have been started by power lines sparking and catching plant material. PG&E has been culpable in the major wildfires of the last 2 years … so they are being VERY proactive this year. And we are predicted to have high winds starting tomorrow, everything is dry as our last real rain was in June, the fire danger is also very high. {just an FYI this is typical CA weather in October}. PG&E has made the decision to turn power off to big areas when the dry air & wind make the fire danger gets too bad. So it has been announced that beginning tomorrow at 4am we could have power outages which could last up to 5 days. This could be a total drag, or something that doesn’t happen at all. The area for tomorrow could affect up to 600,000 people! I am sewing like crazy and am looking at supplies, I will be headed off in a few minutes to top off my car’s gas tank, pick up a couple of supply items, and do some banking. I will shower tonight so if I am without a shower for a couple of days I won’t stink too bad. I do have to say that a day or two with a book, and gardening in my own yard honestly doesn’t sound bad. BUT no fire please!

    Kim from N. California
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,813 Member
    Michele--Love the turtle, he does look ready to party.

    Heather--Love the birthday pictures, you both look like you are having a great time.

    About the sleeping arangements. DH and I sleep in recliners in the main living room. Have a almost new bed, but one of the dogs can not jump up on the bed and will jump down several times during the night and then sit by the bed and cry until someone gets up and puts him back on the bed. Our little one we lost last year couldn't jump back up anymore so we started sleeping in the chairs. Now the 2 we have can get up and down and go back and forth all night and not wake us up. Oscar (was my dad's dog) is a lab & dachshund and he likes sleeping under the blanket by my feet and Jake the pug sleeps with DH next to his side on top of the covers. Guess they are really spoiled. At night when the TV goes off they run for the door for the last trip outside and come back in and get in the chair. I keep saying I hope someday to sleep back in bed all night.

    Kim--You are a lot more understanding then I would be if they would decide to turn off my power for who knows how long. I understand about fires, but no power.
    Another 70's day with lots of wind. They are talking about snow on Friday. So will see.
    New lady started today. In class today, but did go to lunch with her and I have a good feeling. So pray she stays and is a fast learner.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3