Serial Starters



  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- I was only able to get Wal Mart shoes, for the time being. So, just under $20. I really wanted to save and get a good pair... Skechers Health Care...I just couldn't stand it... they did have Gel Arch Support Inserts.. I just didn't see the point in wasting money, inserts never seem to help... so far, shoes are really helping...I still ache, but not near as bad... so nice to not be miserable only 2 hours into my day.. hope your week gets better... new jobs are so incredibly stressful for me... what will you be for Halloween? :)

    Lynn- i've never heard the water bottle thing... DH has mentioned doing the ice bath.. he doesn't think I could handle it... I'm a wuss...I have used foot bath with hot water and that helped tremendously...I should really try that, again...

    Lana- be safe traveling. Hope you are able to enjoy visit...

    Skinny- good job working out! Trying to get back to walking now that its cooled down.

    Kathryn and Missy- good to see you!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi All, just a quick stop in for me. Wanted to say that the suggestion about the ice really really helped my foot so I'd give that a go before paying for anything else.

    Had an absolutely lovely time with my friend last night. He didn't mention weight specifically but did say I looked good, though I think he always does! He's been my closest friend for the last 22 years. Was so good to spend a whole evening face to face catching up and not just talking on the phone whilst we are driving in opposite directions!

    Anyway yet another school event to go to and then my check in with my diet lady to keep me accountable in person. I weigh every day but it's nice to have another person cheering you on.

    Waves to all and will catch up properly later on.

    Thank you for letting me know the ice helped you... may have to suck it up and do it
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Went to park yesterday to try out new shoes. I made it 1 lap, feet were good. But. I got a really uncomfortable feeling and left quickly. As I was walking, a young guy pulled into park. I try not to overthink. Watch too many Crime shows. I was on other side of track, furthest from my car and the guy. He pulled in behind my car, at an angle...a bit of distance between... no one ever parks that way, the parking area is really small.. not to mention, the front of his car was almost on walking track. Worst part, I had to walk past him, to get to my car. I tried to act casual as I walked by. I did look at him. He looked at me, mumbled something and got real fidgety. I quickly got in my car and locked the doors. He started his car and left. Come to find out, he was back within 20 minutes. Co worker went to park and saw him. She didn't get out of her car. I didn't tell her about my incident, until after she got back. I had no idea she was going to park. I feel I should stay away from park for a bit. Which is a real bummer, since weather has changed.

    Seems I am coming down with whatever sickness is going around. Have had cough/ tickle in throat for couple days. Now, coughing more and stuffy nose. I don't feel bad... but, a little off... trying really hard to fight it... my weekend to work and, of course, boarding is full... seems to happen every weekend I work, lately... ugh
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member

    Good morning,

    Windows open getting a little musty in house. High winds blowing - and dry conditions - we would use a little rain.

    Dawn- animals and humans between harvest and rain season allergies to "leaf dust" is huge. Hope yours is just allergies. Hot water on feet feels good but try freezing water in a water bottle and alternate which one nightly. I have also between jobs had to buy the best price shoes - I am so hard on them they do not last long so its hard to know if I have to buy 2 pair in the same time as 1 more expensive pair....have to stay in budget first and foremost. Hang in there and good instincts on weirdo in the park. I have purchased tear gas that sprays/stains green and wore it around my neck in the past.

    Two NSV yesterday - did not have 2 pieces of chocolate coworker offered, stuck with 1. Didnt raid kitchen after dinner - brushed teeth and put in night guard. Forgot dogs med, so night not a complete success.

    Coworker's suggestion that I "clear my mind" while I work is helping greatly.

    Will try and lurk from work. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member
    Good morning Ladies.

    Today is dentist day. Yick.

    I hope everyone here avoids weirdos at the park has a good day with feet not too achy.

  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    All-just a quick stop in. Still in the middle of serious work deadlines! 4th day in a row for me to do elliptical+resistance band workout. I really hope it helps to build strength!

    Lana--Being at the dentist is no fun, but think of how great your smile will be after.

    Sara--Great NSV's! Hang in there with the training. Being new is hard!

    Lynn and Dawn--thank you for the encouragement!

    Dawn--So scary about the park guy. Trust your instincts and, seriously, don't be afraid to call the police and have them check it out. If he's up to no good, well, you'll be glad. If he's just an innocent idiot being creepy, maybe it will teach him a small lesson about not being creepy. I hope you can find a way to keep walking!

    Missy--great job on getting your Zumba in!

    Waving hi to all who follow, Lynn, Nik, Kathryn, Tracy, Luna, gosh, I know I'm forgetting people. Stay safe out there to those of you in or with loved ones in N. CA!

    Gotta go! Bye!
  • Twiley510
    Twiley510 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning, all,

    I'm still not back to proper protocol. Ridiculous bingeing and don't care enough to stop.

    Today is also dentist day for me. Getting my impressions done for my crowns - - next to last step in the implant process.

    Wishing everyone a calm and pain-free day!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    Tracy - when you are done in your marathon eating, get back on the wagon and let us know how we can help you.

    Both Lana and Tracy get extra points for going to dentist. Many health related issues are from avoiding dentist.

    Meeting starts in minutes, need to clock in and scoot.
  • skinnytacular
    skinnytacular Posts: 159 Member
    Tracy--offering extra hugs. It's so hard to be in the midst of a binge and feel powerless to stop it. We are here to support you. Lynn's right--do something kind for yourself (self-care) if you can. Maybe get out of the house and get a manicure or something.

    Good luck with your meeting Sara.

    Lynn, you know that blip on the scale is just temporary!
  • BonnieP824
    BonnieP824 Posts: 7 Member
    Back again and serial starters is still the most suitable place for me. Recently retired and hoped being home would be easier (no lunches out) but it has actually turned out the opposite. I did add a 3 mornings a week yoga class to my exercise routine, so that will help, but since I'm out and about most days I am still eating out and need to start tracking again.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    edited October 2019
    Sara- good luck with meeting... great job with NSV... even though you forgot Miss T's meds, still sounds like a pretty successful evening..

    Lana/ Tracy- good luck at dentist...I dread dentist and eye Dr visits...ok, honestly, any kind of Dr hope all goes well for you both..

    Skinny- the park is right behind nursing home. It is a smoke free facility. So, many employees, sit in park to smoke. My friends sister works at nursing home and I'm going to ask if the sister has noticed anything strange. Bad part, many people use the park for drug deals. So, you really don't know what kind of weirdos you might come across. Great job with your strength training. It will help. Just don't give up.

    Lynn- you still have plenty of time in October. Just a minor step in wrong direction. You got this!

    Bonnie- welcome! Serial Starters is a great place to be!

    Unfortunately, this is definitely the cold or whatever is going around. Head hurts, nose stuffed and coughing getting worse. I don't feel terrible. I started taking Dayquil/Nyquil tablets last night. I think that's why I don't feel terrible. I have to make thru the weekend.

    If anyone is interested, Scentsy has added some new stuff to Clearance Section.. also, Holiday Collection is now available...

    Nasty, rainy day here. But, I got to wear my new skull sweatshirt and leggings... love cooler temps ..

    Have a great day everyone! Bash
  • gemwolf110
    gemwolf110 Posts: 1,344 Member
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Went to park yesterday to try out new shoes. I made it 1 lap, feet were good. But. I got a really uncomfortable feeling and left quickly. As I was walking, a young guy pulled into park. I try not to overthink. Watch too many Crime shows. I was on other side of track, furthest from my car and the guy. He pulled in behind my car, at an angle...a bit of distance between... no one ever parks that way, the parking area is really small.. not to mention, the front of his car was almost on walking track. Worst part, I had to walk past him, to get to my car. I tried to act casual as I walked by. I did look at him. He looked at me, mumbled something and got real fidgety. I quickly got in my car and locked the doors. He started his car and left. Come to find out, he was back within 20 minutes. Co worker went to park and saw him. She didn't get out of her car. I didn't tell her about my incident, until after she got back. I had no idea she was going to park. I feel I should stay away from park for a bit. Which is a real bummer, since weather has changed.

    Seems I am coming down with whatever sickness is going around. Have had cough/ tickle in throat for couple days. Now, coughing more and stuffy nose. I don't feel bad... but, a little off... trying really hard to fight it... my weekend to work and, of course, boarding is full... seems to happen every weekend I work, lately... ugh

    That sounds like a scary experience if you see that guy again make sure to write down the make, model and license plate and description of the guy. Hopefully it was nothing more than a guy wanting to smoke.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member

    *snapping fingers for Cabana Boy to bring a brush and soothingly brush Miss Tillies coat.....* She is So cute!

    It's only a bit after 5, and I am feeling needy......


  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member
    edited October 2019
    Dawn placed an order - thank you the containers are smaller so I got one of the last "original" sizes.

    NSV - smelled doughnuts at work and ate my hard boiled egg much to the confusion of my new trainer, she is not trying to lose weight so it made no sense to her.

    I was having a 'mental' moment at work eating chocolate, told my trainer I needed to enjoy it not just eat it so I was savoring it reading this website. oops got caught not working. Never get between a woman and her chocolate.

    Wishing all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,332 Member

    Good morning,

    So nice to write that day- TGIF.

    Lana - safe trip tomorrow.

    I have been given the job of making a "chalk board" with mathematical equations on them (google time) for our Halloween door decoration at work - so with any luck I will get it with enough time to not rush it.

    Also discovered Palazzo pants online - clothes shopping this weekend - would rather go to dentist.

    That said, wave to all who follow. Will try for more sleep.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara- thank you for your order...I appreciate it :)
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,846 Member
    Holy moly!
    Those poor trees....
    And you! Wow 😯

    Tracy - hang in there love. This will pass.

    Nikki - sorry to hear about DH. I really applaud you for sticking with your challenge and being on program through this stressful time. You are inspiring !!

    Sara - Keep on Truckin’ !

    Waving to Missy and Skinny and Lynn and Bonnie and Dawn and Laura and Tracey in Edmonton and Ama and Runa and Kathryn and.... i’m doing this on my phone and don’t have my little cheat sheet !
    So waving to anybody whose name I left off !


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