Free Therapy: Another Open Letter!



  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member
    Ok, I can't seem to get the quote thing right. Either I try to put a quote in and I (or rather, my comments) wind up inside of it or I get the quote right, but there is no me in the post. Help!:huh:

    But seriously, 1 Corin - YOU GO GIRL!!!!!

    Hey Kristi:flowerforyou:
    I do that too sometimes and it bugs me like crazy when I look back at my thread:tongue:

    What I find to eliminate that problem is post your response either just before the very first quote on the post you're replying to or after the very last one on the post. I find sometimes I don't scroll down quite far enough and type before the last one and get caught in it:blushing:

    Hope that helps:wink:


    Ok, lets see if this worked......:huh:
  • stillkristi
    stillkristi Posts: 1,135 Member

    Thanks Fitness Chick!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member

    Thanks Fitness Chick!
    :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    This is a great thread!!!

    Dear Cheater,

    I realize maybe for some people, the promise of sex from the same person for the rest of your life isn't that exciting. Maybe you're one of those people. But if you are, I really wish you just would never have chased me with that beautiful engagement ring. And I'd like to know how you sleep at night after pulling all financial support and knowing how hard it is to pay all of my bills in this area of the country.

    Oh sleep with her.

    Well she can have you. I just hope she realizes that you are a cheater and liar - and that you were sleeping with me the whole time you were sleeping with her. What's that? She doesn't know? You LIED to her? Imagine that...I think I have another letter to write.

    Never Again


    Dear Person who does not deserve to be called a woman,

    I think you should ask your new boyfriend if he's been telling you the whole truth this whole time.

    That is all.

    More of a Woman than You'll Ever Be

    Kickass! Can I borrow that one?

    Thank you! And absolutely!
    Dang, sure wish I would have thought of the letter writing back in my dealings with that crap!:huh: :tongue: That's gotta be somewhat cathartic mailing off the letters! You're quite creative, but I shouldn't be surprised are a Writer:heart::happy: (and an awesome one at that!!)

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Dear Impending Migraine,

    Go away. You are not welcome. I don't care if your buddy, Stress, has invaded my life. You are not welcomed. Leave. Now.

    (ow ow ow) Me.

    Dear Previously Rotten to the Core Emotionally Unavailable Husband who has now realized his wrong ways and is truly trying to become Prince Charming,

    WTH? Why did it take you so long? Now I don't know whether to give you this chance or not. Again, WTH? I can't handle another heartbreak but I hate to give up when this time might work. WTH. Confusion has become my permanent mental status.


    Dear Workers Down the Hall from Me,

    I don't care about your husband's cholesterol and his new medication.
    I don't care about people continually asking you if our bank will fail and your annoyance with this.
    I don't care about the puppies you rescue and the toys they chew apart.
    I don't care that both Elliott and Meyer are "Jewish names" (in your idiotic opinion).
    I don't care that you believe your acquaintance Elliott Meyer is not in fact Jewish.
    I don't care about the delivery dates of your brochures or whether they've gone to print.
    I don't care that your cellphone is charged but dead.

    (I could update THIS rant every day with details like you wouldn't believe.)

    Worker at this End of the Hall, Just Wanting Some Peace and Quiet So I Can Work.

    Dear United States Government/ Internal Revenue Service,

    Thanks for taxing my meager bonus at 48% this year.
    I am thankful to have received a bonus, no matter how incredibly small it was to begin with.
    But after the taxation, I don't know if it could even be classified as a 'bonus'.
    I think you might be able to simply refer to it as an extra couple bucks in my paycheck.

    So thanks.
    Please apply that taxed amount towards all your great WELFARE programs aka Bailout Plans.
    I mean, I work my *kitten* off and go without extras all the time in order to pay MY MORTGAGE and bills.
    But I wouldn't dare expect you to expect the nation as a whole to do this.
    So please take my money and pay it forward to all the lame slacka$$es in this nation who were irresponsible in their spending, and remain irresponsible in their lives today.

    A Taxpayer With a Brain and Sense of Responsibility.

    GTO, thanks for making this thread.
    I am so utterly angry right now at so many things (hah, see above for a few!) that I can't begin to post on many of the threads on the boards today, for fear of being a total nitch (due to misdirected anger), but I can come to this thread and RELEASE.
    Thank you.
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    Dear Boyfriend...

    Why can't you put stuff in the trash instead of leaving it on the counter!? Don't you pass the trashcan when you leave the kitchen!? Yep, I'm pretty sure you do. I get tired of cleaning up after you and I have quit! Please don't strain yourself with putting stuff in the trashcan.... :laugh:

    Love your annoyed Girlfriend :heart:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Dear United States Government/ Internal Revenue Service,

    Thanks for taxing my meager bonus at 48% this year.
    I am thankful to have received a bonus, no matter how incredibly small it was to begin with.
    But after the taxation, I don't know if it could even be classified as a 'bonus'.
    I think you might be able to simply refer to it as an extra couple bucks in my paycheck.

    So thanks.
    Please apply that taxed amount towards all your great WELFARE programs aka Bailout Plans.
    I mean, I work my *kitten* off and go without extras all the time in order to pay MY MORTGAGE and bills.
    But I wouldn't dare expect you to expect the nation as a whole to do this.
    So please take my money and pay it forward to all the lame slacka$$es in this nation who were irresponsible in their spending, and remain irresponsible in their lives today.

    A Taxpayer With a Brain and Sense of Responsibility.


    Ditto that to the Canadian government. I got my bonus or half bonus... after the government gottheir bonus

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Dear ALL the family members who refuse to acknowledge my weight loss,

    Yeah you know who you are see how slim and trim and dedicated I am to doing this ..yet you refuse to say one kind word to me about it...44lbs You see cant even deny it!!...Im fitting clothes I havent fit in 5yrs!!...guess what I put on my fav shorts yesterday they are still a bit snuggie but I couldnt get them over my thighs last year....and oh you know my fav jeans the size 17 JUNIORS ..yeah those well I got them on as well and about 1 inch from a comfortable zip up......why do I even bother to try to get approval from you..whats even worse some of you are on a diet as well and I go OUT of my WAY to say something nice to you even if I DONT see it. Its called having compassion and caring about others and how they feel....I dont know how I got it considered I WASNT raised to have it. compassion for others that is.................funny how life works sometimes as a child I was always "too heavy" your words not seemed to notice then!! But you refuse to notice now....EAT MY DUST AND SCREWWWWW YOU!!

    PS: i will forever be greatful for your insensitive case you didnt know its part of whats been pushing me to succeed.
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    dear best friend,
    I adore you muchly, but the little things you do to get attention drive me crazy!!!! The way you flirt with every single male, the way you let them think there is a chance with you, the way you have to beautify yourslef for the gym just in case there is a boy to hit on... and the list goes on. I dont know why you are sooo in need of attention, you are pretty and have a great body you dont need to act that way... I dont like it when you flirt with my boyfriend... it really bothers me!!!! I just feel your flirting is out of control, i mean seriously you are engaged why do you still need the attention?
    It also bothers me when you complain about your "fat" you are not fat in any way and if you want to whine and ***** about it then freaking DO something about it!!!!!! I weight like 75 pounds more than you seriously just shut up already!!!!! Stop asking if your *kitten* is bigger than that random girl over there... cause i swear next time im gonna say YES IT IS!!! lol

    annoyed by the little things

    Dear boyfriend,
    Thank you for blowing off Jen and her flirting tactics ... makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside that you will get up and get me a drink or something when she starts flirting... like you dont even notice... when we have talked about it before and I know you do notice :)
    loving the warm fuzzies
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Dear Neighbor,

    I am so happy for you that you have finally come out of your depression. Your house and yard have been a mess for 5 years and I was truly sick of looking at the FEMA blue tarp partially attached to your roof and flapping in the wind.

    It appears you have somehow found someone crazier than you to move in and help repair your home.
    Why does this person need to turn a radio on full blast at 7 am?

    Or leave the SPOT lights on that shine right into my bedroom window and make it impossible to take my dogs in the backyard at night without feeling as if I am in a Law and Order episode being interrogated?

    The other morning at 4 am when he decided to run a saw for 2 hours, I had just fallen asleep for the night.

    PLEASE have some respect for those of us who did NOT report your stinkin rat infested yard to the city.


    Your Neighbor Who USED to like Country Music.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Dear Hot Girl on the Treadmill,

    You will not burn more calories by putting the incline on 15, and then holding on for dear life. Can you not see your body is in an unnatural position? When you walk up hill you are not leaning are leaning forwards.

    If you would like to get a good cardio workout, and engage your core at the same time, put the incline on 6 or 7 and let GO for crying out loud!


    Not a Know it All.....But do know THIS!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Dear Winter,

    Please, please, please go away. I will look forward to your approach next December or so, but I am so tired of snow. You have been particularly brutal this year, and I am ready for sunshine, warmth and green things growing again. Please make this your last hurrah for the year and go get rest up for next year. You don't need to remind us you are lurking any more. We appreciate the moisture, the farmers appreciate that there will be moisture in the soil for planting, etc. But the 9 degrees and 5 - 6 inches of snow are OLD!! Thanks for your consideration and cooperation in the matter!


    Montanan needing spring/summer to arrive so I can b*tch about it being too rainy then too hot :heart:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Dear GTO_Judge,

    I gave up negative thoughts and talking about people for Lent. So far it's not going well. At all. Thanks for starting this thread (even though it was months ago!) so that I can come here to read other people's frustrations and live vicariously through them! You're the greatest. :flowerforyou:


    Counting Down the Days til Easter
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Dear Husband,

    Instead of slapping the living daylights out of you, I thought it would be best to write here instead.

    I would just like to tell you to SHUT UP already about what I eat!!!! For instance, when we have rice for dinner and I have a WHOLE cup...don't make a comment about it. I HAVE already accounted for EVERYTHING on my plate. You do not need to point out that I have a whole cup of rice & you have maybe a half cup.

    Would you open your flippin' eyes and see what else YOU have on your plate. Yeah, I may have MORE rice than you but I didn't add 4 tablespoons of butter to mine...nor did I indulge in half a jar of tartar sauce for my baked fish. Yeah, I finished before you..but I had ONE piece of fish..and ONE roll...not 3. Maybe you are trying to make yourself feel better or what-not but it's getting OLD..FAST!!! So yeah...just shush..or next me you WILL be wearing my rice!

    Your Loving Wife.:bigsmile:
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    Dear Driver of the early 90’s Cyan Corvette with the license plate “IV play”
    The one who insists on cutting me off EVERY day on my way to work, right before we both turn left onto Deerfield road…
    (what a Manly color by the way! Way to go A-hole)
    I get the fact that you have a Corvette, and that may entitle you to a little more prestige on the road but it does not give you the right to be an *kitten* in the morning when all I want to do is get to work in one piece. I also get the fact that my “college kid” 1996 Nissan pathfinder with 100,000 miles on it does not look as pretty as your CYAN Corvette, but so help me God if you cut me off again I will ram my Nissan so far up your Corvettes rear-end your horn will be spitting exhaust fumes from your ugly Chevy shaped exhaust pipes…
    The Dude in your rear view mirror that may be larger than he appears!

    That feels nice…
    Dear Neighbor, who continually torments my dog… Yes you the guy who mows his lawn with daisy dukes, you might find it funny that your kid has taken up the same nasty habit as you, of tormenting my dog by throwing balls against my fence, and hitting a stick on it as you walk by… YOU and your son are the ONLY two human beings that my dog growls at, she does not bark because she is a husky, and they would rather howl however, she growls like there is no tomorrow and she has some wicked looking teeth when she shows them to you… and yes you are the only two humans who have ever had the privilege of seeing them… I do not torment that Rat that you call a dog, every time it barks (yaps) at me and charges across your yard “UNLEASHED” mind you and nips at my heels… I respect the fact that your dog is a member of your family and you love it (although I do not know why one would love a RAT) it is your dog. Respect the fact that my dog feels like she OWNS the fence that you insist on hitting, which in turn pi$$es her off… I might be inclined one of these days allow my dog to eat your dog, which I am almost guarantee she can do, without chewing too much… I have denied her the satisfaction thus far, don’t push your rats luck…
    Your very Angry Neighbor

    To the person who continues to complain about my posts 
    Instead of getting offended by something I say here is a novelty Idea… DON’T read ANYTHING written by me. I am pretty sure I have gained the reputation as being the “Bad Boy” on this website but that’s just ME, love me or Hate me either way I do not care, Just do NOT think that by complaining you will stop me from posting off the wall and outlandish things… I do not complain about your posts… nor would I even contemplate complaining about them.
    YES I know Tam I should just give up already… I will after this rant… :tongue:
    Thank you,
    The Bad Boy
  • skittlesoup
    skittlesoup Posts: 35 Member
    Dear Annoying Pomeranian Dog Across the Back Yard;
    SHUT THE HELL UP..really now...what are you barking at? There is nobody in my backyard and you look in my backyard and bark nonstop. Your owner seems to think that by clapping his hands at you, you will stop. It's not working. You drive me around the bend. I seriously do not know how you can bark for so long without getting laryngitis or some sort of bark muting condition that I wish was out there. I am seriously considering slipping you one of my pain killers in a hot dog so that you sleep for a week or 2. Do you think that you are being cute? Well you aren't. You aren't even a cute dog to begin with and this barking of yours is really not doing a thing for you. Enough is enough your chops dog.

    Your fed up neighbour
    TROUBLE2 Posts: 6,660
    Dear Annoying Pomeranian Dog Across the Back Yard;
    SHUT THE HELL UP..really now...what are you barking at? There is nobody in my backyard and you look in my backyard and bark nonstop. Your owner seems to think that by clapping his hands at you, you will stop. It's not working. You drive me around the bend. I seriously do not know how you can bark for so long without getting laryngitis or some sort of bark muting condition that I wish was out there. I am seriously considering slipping you one of my pain killers in a hot dog so that you sleep for a week or 2. Do you think that you are being cute? Well you aren't. You aren't even a cute dog to begin with and this barking of yours is really not doing a thing for you. Enough is enough your chops dog.

    Your fed up neighbour

    I can solve your problem... TWO WORDS

    Paintball Gun

    enough said!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    Dear Marines Who Work Next Door,

    When I walk in the basement on my lunch hour and I see you going about your daily business my heart rate instantly spikes. My heart rate monitor is very confused and I think that you're messing up my exercise calorie count. You're all extremely good looking and when you wear your 'dress blues' I have to cut my walk short for fear that I will slip in a puddle of my own drool. You're all very polite and I enjoy that you hold the door open for me when I walk by. You make my day!


    The Girl Who Now Enjoys Exercising on Her Lunch Hour Thanks for your service to our country. You're all amazing and I pray for you each night.
  • prayerfulmom
    Dear Marines Who Work Next Door,

    When I walk in the basement on my lunch hour and I see you going about your daily business my heart rate instantly spikes. My heart rate monitor is very confused and I think that you're messing up my exercise calorie count. You're all extremely good looking and when you wear your 'dress blues' I have to cut my walk short for fear that I will slip in a puddle of my own drool. You're all very polite and I enjoy that you hold the door open for me when I walk by. You make my day!


    The Girl Who Now Enjoys Exercising on Her Lunch Hour Thanks for your service to our country. You're all amazing and I pray for you each night.

    OK, that really cracked me up! Even as an old married ladey:wink:
  • Mireille
    Mireille Posts: 5,134 Member
    Dear Max,

    You have been shunned indefinitely.
