November 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,526 Member
    edited November 2019
    @martaindale very cool you and your husband did the Disney HM!! So jealous. Some kind of Disney race is on my bucket list. I'm sure it was fun. Even though you pushed the pace for your husband, I know he appreciated it. Hope your knees feel better soon!

    @kristymn I thought I congratulated you on your race and AG place, but I don't see it posted. So CONGRATS!!!
  • durhammfp
    durhammfp Posts: 494 Member
    kirstymn wrote: »
    ...Did my race registration and bag drop, then had about an hour to kill. I ended up walking about 4km around the marina where the race was starting. I should've taken a later shuttle, but I hate the feeling of being rushed so I'm always early to everything!...

    ...The next 9km were a loop around an estuary. I run this loop all the time as it's really close to home so I know it well. I started passing a few people. At one point it sounded like there was an actual zombie behind me. A girl was making this horrible gurgle/cough weird noise every few minutes, I'm not sure what that was about, but I sped up a bit and left her behind! I started picking off people, the "sports bra girl", the "backpack guy" (he looked like he was carrying a daypack on holiday), the "bad BO guy" - seriously. I could smell this guy from about 20 metres away and it took me about 4km to be able to finally pass him. So gross.

    Now we're around the estuary and have to re-cross the same road and go back over the little foot bridge. Then it's up and over the harbour bridge. By this stage it's about 25°C and people are struggling. We have a long straight to run for about 6km that has no shade. At this point the 11km runners are starting to merge with us, so I'm now being passed by these fresh looking gazelles that glide past me as I slog along. At this point I happen to glance up and see my mum on the side of the road! I hadn't expected anyone to come out to see me at this race so that was a nice surprise....

    ...Unfortunately the end is over about 200m of soft sand! I don't know if the race director is a runner, but I can't see how anyone can think that's a good idea?

    After the finish I was knackered! My mum was there at the end too! So we went and got a nice cold drink and a huge icecream sundae....

    Thanks for the vivid descriptions. I felt like I was there.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner - Congratulations! I am amazed you were able to run after those cramps. I have had them exactly once and I could barely walk for almost a week my calf was so sore! Fantastic run and a PR too!
  • kirstymn
    kirstymn Posts: 90 Member
    November Goal: 285km

    01/11: 3.26
    03/11: 21.15
    04/11: 6.52

    Total KM run: 30.93

    Very slow recovery run this morning. I was a little surprised at how sore and stiff my muscles are after yesterday.

    @ContraryMaryMary @PastorVincent @Tramboman @emmamcgarity @zeesparrow @martaindale @Scott6255 @durhammfp @shanaber THANK YOU ALL for your kind words about my race :)

    @katharmonic Happy birthday! What an amazing list of accomplishments you've had this past year. You should be so proud of yourself!

    @eleanorhawkins Awesome job! That sweeper cop sounds pretty frustrating though! That was very kind of you to stay with the struggling lady.

    @martaindale That sounds like a super fun race! I hope your knees feel better soon and it's nothing serious

    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Congrats on the marathon PR!!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    @emmamcgarity you are awesome! Great report too! Stairs are a great substitute for hill training. Some like to use a high incline on a treadmill but I don't recommend that because you don't get the downhill training, and that's important. There are other ideas here:

    @RunsOnEspresso I do home that ankle mends quickly.
    @rheddmobile cool story about the bird. Nice job!
    @kirstymn awesome work out there! The ship passengers would have made me scream, and the sand at the end...that's just cruel! What a beautiful place to run though.
    @dory_42 welcome!
    @katharmonic I hope you know that you're pretty much a beast.
    @eleanorhawkins that is so awesome of you to help out that gal. That's better than a PR any day.
    @martaindale congrats on your first HM! Sounds like you two had a wonderful time.
    @chris_in_cal is that you in that photo of the NYC marathon?
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner way to get that PR! Those cramps the day before must have been quite a concern.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner well done!