What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 2,008 Member
    rest day, but I ended up doing 40 min on spin bike.
  • surfbug808
    surfbug808 Posts: 251 Member
    15 min stretching/warm-up
    60 min ocean swim, a little over a mile
    50 min strength training, upper body/abs/back, and PT on legs
  • Finafoshizzle93
    Finafoshizzle93 Posts: 157 Member
    Yesterday: 45 min spin class

    Today: 40 min swim this morning and hoping to do weights tonight
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Day 0004:

    Bear with me, trying to type up my notes I entered on the fly over a 2 hour workout session.

    14:13 - 1.04 Miles

    Benchpress - Medium Grip
    3 x 8 Reps - Bar + 90lbs

    Dumbell One-Arm Upright Row
    1 x 20 Reps - 25lbs

    Shoulder Press
    3 x 15 Reps - 2(25lbs)

    Bicep Curl
    2 x 15 Reps - 60lbs
    1 x 15 Reps - 30lbs

    Tricep Press Machine
    3 x 15 Reps - 100lbs

    Tricep Rope Pull
    1 x 15 Reps - 33lbs

    Indoor Row
    2 x 15 Reps - 2(25lbs)

    Stationary Leg Lifts
    3 x 10 Reps

    Was well into muscle exhaustion and the few others I tried had me risking sloppy reps and I'm not into that. Waste of time to do a bad set. So I walked a bit and then headed on home.

    Good day. Legs tomorrow.

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    30 minute lower body workout.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Water aerobics 1 hour, swim 20 minutes
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    morning workout Pilates ball and core, walk to and from work plus 3k run
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Yay its monday.
    Mentally been a bad place the last few days so I took it out on the gym.

    Started with a 30min sprint session with my PT, and she pushed me hard.

    Then took myself to the gym.

    Started with 20min very high effort on the rower. Didnt look at pace, had dampener on 6 and simply pulled as hard as I could keeping good form. Average hr was 160, peaked a few times >200, garmin kept beeping that I was above my theoretical max. Yes it was high effort, I couldnt have said more than a word, and could feel my heart pounding, but it felt so good to push to my limits again. Elbow was fine too.

    Then moved on to my shoulder and arm workout. Kept all weights the same as the last few weeks, but upped reps to 12. Because of my elbow I've been slowly upping the reps (by 1 a week) and adding in new exercises. Once I get the reps up to 15 then I'll up the weight a little. Added in shrugs and farmers walks today. Next week I'll add in reverse flies and then I'll be back to the routine I was doing before injury.

    Finished off with a little cardio session. 1500m on the ski erg, 1000m on the rower and then on the minute every minute on the air bike to get to 200Cal for the cardio.

    Circuits class in the evening, tough as per usual.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited November 2019
    8 X 500m / 1' (one minute) rest on the rower today. Spint session that has aerobic capacity work as well because such a short rest time. Averaged around 1:56.6 average. That was a 3 second improvement since end of July when I did that same workout. So, improvements are coming, but slow.

    Did 20 minute AD Pro afterward at a decent but slow enough pace to recover after -- around 135 to 140 Watts.

    Someone from my group put up that an Australian female Indoor rower just broke the 5K WR -- 16:54.2 -- Just absolutely ridiculous for a female. She's not in my indoor group but a lot of the women are friends with her. That's a 1:41.4 pace, just incredible. Some of the World Class women are SO strong now. I will never average 1:41 pace for a 2K, let alone a 5K!! Wow!

    BTW, she started off doing indoor rowing around 2016 (edit, it was actually 2017 she won the Australian Indoor Championship and was recruited to join the national OTW team) and won the Australian championship. The Aussies are now looking for fresh talent based on their indoor rower (erg) scores. She's now on the Australian national rowing team and has won Gold several times just two and three years later. I'm sure the learning curve was a steep one but wow, what a strong woman! Her main competition is Olena Buryak, who is the current 2K Indoor Rowing WR holder (6:22.8, also formerly a Ukranian Olympic rower and in my indoor club).
  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    Weightlifting class this morning (squat, bench, deadlift) followed almost immediately by erging. 4 x 12min/3min rest. My HR averaged out to 156 which felt more or less fine. I would bring the split up when it got around 158.
  • flotek72
    flotek72 Posts: 500 Member
    In a few ours I will be doing a push workout.

    Chest press machine - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Tricep overhead extensions - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Front dumbell raises - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Dumbell flies - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Lateral shoulder raises - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Tricep push downs - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 998 Member
    edited November 2019
    I went bouldering for just over 2 hours. I got two long term projects I've been working on for weeks.

    My climbing has been described as making easy routes look difficult, and making difficult routes look nails hard as well. I think this session was in the same vein. I was shaking all the way up on one of the sends - the holds were awful. It was probably a success for the brute force and ignorance school of climbing.
  • jhanleybrown
    jhanleybrown Posts: 240 Member
    edited November 2019
    45 minute Peleton powerzone spin.

    Weird intervals today at zone "3+". Zone 3 is what I would call "aerobic but intense aerobic". Zone 4 is "aerobic threshold"
    ..so it's the inflection point where you start producing lactate.

    Anyway, the "3+" intervals were way easier than expected. Felt reasonably fresh after.

    I just posted a separate rant in another thread. But sucky weigh in this am. My Monday morning weight is always the highest of the week despite higher cal deficits over the weekend. Think I know why but it's still annoying!!!
  • surfbug808
    surfbug808 Posts: 251 Member
    Active rest day.
    Some warm-up stretches.
    5 minutes rowing machine.
    60 minutes stretch class - foam roller/fascia work
  • omarpedroza96
    omarpedroza96 Posts: 3 Member
    Didn't have time to work out much today but I raced my brother in a mile in a track. I'm a lot slower than where I used to be but hopefully, I can keep myself accountable for my workouts
  • CentaurusSoter
    CentaurusSoter Posts: 433 Member
    Day 0005:


    Recumbent Bike
    3:13 -- 1 mile

    3 x 15 -- 2(45lbs)

    Standing Leg Press
    3 x 15 -- 4(45lbs) + M=167lbs

    Standing Calf Lifts
    3 x 15 -- 2(45lbs)

    Smith Machine Deadlift
    3 x 15 -- Bar + 2(45lbs)

    Leg Curl
    3 x 15 -- 90lbs

    Hanging Leg Raise
    3 x 10

    3 x 15

    Glute Press
    3 x 15 -- 120lbs set per leg

    0.75 miles

    RDR2 PC all afternoon.
    Rest day tomorrow. Likely no cardio either, just an actual rest day.
  • alice_climbs_rocks
    drmwc wrote: »
    I went bouldering for just over 2 hours. I got two long term projects I've been working on for weeks.

    My climbing has been described as making easy routes look difficult, and making difficult routes look nails hard as well. I think this session was in the same vein. I was shaking all the way up on one of the sends - the holds were awful. It was probably a success for the brute force and ignorance school of climbing.

    Awesome! I worked on some projects of my own at the gym today, some 6A's and 6A+'s . Sent a couple but not without falling a few times. 😆
  • Lolinloggen
    Lolinloggen Posts: 466 Member
    Non run day Workout in the morning with weights and a longish walk to and from work the long way (16k steps)
  • flotek72
    flotek72 Posts: 500 Member
    Pull day

    Lat pulldowns - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Rear delt face pulls - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Bicep curls - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Seated rows - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Barbell shrugs - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Hammer curls - 4-8 reps, 3 sets
    Forearms (Twist a barbell in hands) - 3 sets