
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Hello Ladies, <3

    OK, long epistle here of my last couple days. Working outside, Master Gardener stuff, Computer stuff. Feel free to skip.
    Kind of a busy week here. In prep for the HVAC guy to come clean/tune up heating/cooling system and install new thermostat, I helped DH trim back the camelia that was threatening to take over the outside unit and lift the corner of the roof, lol. DH cut, I loaded the branches into my wagon and hauled them to the brush pile at the back of the property. Half a dozen trips. Wednesday morning.

    A year ago, it would have been impossible to do this with my frozen shoulder AND painful midsection. (undiagnosed hernia). I was so, so grateful to be active again.

    Then on Wednesday afternoon, I decided to thin out the crocosmia which has been taking over the flower bed for 9 years. It was like digging in cement, but managed to tear out about half of the corms with the aid of the potato fork. I have 4 buckets full of sod and corms, will sift through them this coming week and plop them into pots and dirt and see if any survive for the Master Gardener plant sale next May.

    Another item for the gratitude list – digging, bending, lifting…. Again, things I was unable to do last year. Did them fine, no worse for wear.

    I’ve been assigned additional duties with the Master Gardeners, under faint protest, which is overseeing one of their tiny Demonstration Gardens. The gal who’s been doing is has to take a year off per policy and I’ve been her helper, so I was the logical choice. I don’t foresee it being a hardship.

    Today, I’ve been the computer queen. Decided to see if I could download Firefox onto one of the old computers – the spare in our office. But first, needed to make sure everything was backed up. I found a few family photos on DH’s user account, so pulled out the “big mama” backup thumb drive with all of the historical photos and documents we’ve collected over the years. Copied his photos on to it, then went to eject… and got the message that something was still open, if I took out the thumbdrive I might lose data. 20 gigs. There was nothing open, and it wasn’t changing its mind. :(

    Gulp. So, I decided to back up the whole she-bang onto the PC, and then download THAT onto a new, clean thumbdrive. So, if “big mama” was corrupted, no problem, I had a spare. Each download took over 2 hours.
    After all was said and done, “big mama” appears to be OK, and now I have a spare backup which is probably a good idea anyhow.

    Some of you would recommend backing up to the cloud, but we don’t have cloud access, nor do we want it. And we are on the low end of “high speed internet” so one back-up could take all day. We’ve had large downloads time out. :#

    If I was file sharing with someone remotely, it would make sense. And, it might in the future. But for now, I’ll store the #2 backup off premises.

    My brain is too tired to deal with downloading Firefox, will attempt that on another day.
    Have been skimming. I see everyone has been busy, hope to comment this weekend.

    Have a great evening! <3

    SW WA State

    I backup onto 2TB external harddrives these days. I've got one for photos and two (duplicates) for the rest of my stuff. One of the "rest of my stuff" harddrives is stored offsite.

    I also kind of backup photos onto Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/

    And I use both OneDrive and Google Drive for my Uni stuff and a few other things (which are also backed up in the external harddrive backups).

    Oh and I just recently backed up our "classical" music onto a 64GB usb drive!!

    A little bit of everything. :)

    I love camellias. :) We've got a bush with large dark pinky-red flowers and our neighbours have a bush about twice the size with smaller pink flowers. It flows over the fence into our yard. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,006 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up enjoying my tea, checking in with you all, and have Alfie on my lap, he likes the vantage point so he can look for squirrels.
    Ended up working until after last night as Dr P started a post core and crown 15 minutes before we were supposed to leave, I was the one that came in later so I had to stay..
    my dear friend who is a recreation assistant is looking for a job at the hospital, so I told her if she gets it let me know because I will apply for her job at the nursing home..you know how much I would love that..
    today my DD and I were supposed to go to the spa, got a call last night that the massage therapist called out sick, so we will have to reschedule.. oh well we have waited this long .
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Did a lot of skimming to catch up. Been busy this week and off now to town a bit of shopping then a couple of hours at my knitting group

    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Saturday --

    We were up at 5:30 am. Not easy for me!! I'm not fond of mornings at the best of times, but the 6th "early" morning in a row, and a really, really, really early morning at that ...

    Nevertheless 5:30 am it was, and we were on the road by 6:20 am. We hosted/ran/organised another cycling event today.

    Our soul rider set off at 7 am - chilly morning with a mix of rain clouds and sun. Several riders had indicated an interest in doing the ride, but the weather this past weeks was not good and the prediction for today was actually quite awful! I think it scared them off.

    Once he was on his way, we drove out to the first control (checkpoint) and, as we were there early, we wandered around the tiny little town and I took photos of the old churches and animals. Our rider came through about half an hour before anticipated. He was riding well and the weather was quite decent.

    Off we went to the next control, in a slightly larger town. Again, we were there early so we went for a walk and I took more photos. We weren't sure when our rider would get there ... he was faced with a couple decent climbs and a headwind for part of the way. I thin he struggled a little with that segment but still arrived about half an hour before expected. We had a brunch all set up for him and sent him on his way well fuelled.

    Off to the next control, and when we got there it was raining, very windy and tiredness was setting in. My husband took a nap for about an hour while I read some documents for my uni class. All of a sudden our rider appeared!! He had a roaring tailwind for about half that distance and was making really good time.

    And we were off again to the finish. We had made ourselves a cup of coffee and I was about half way through drinking it when our rider arrived. He covered that last 36 km in no time at all with that tailwind!

    Well done to him! 209.5 km in 9 hours on the dot. :)

    My husband and I returned home and got there about 5 pm ... and I went right to bed to sleep for about 1.5 hours.

    We relaxed this evening ... I needed that!

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Good morning Ladies -

    It's been a pretty uneventful week around here. Work is plugging along. Job 2 looks like our technology issues are about to be solved, I hope.

    Hubs is getting a day off tomorrow, his first one in 3 weeks. He is going to put the ficus tree in the shop and get the big Christmas tree down for me and get it set up on the back porch. I will decorate it and plug it in later. I think. I have been watching all the Hallmark and Lifetime Christmas movies so it has me in the Christmas spirit extra early. The lights are up on the house thanks to our handy man. I won't plug them in until Thanksgiving day. I may have already told you that, if so, I apologize for repeating myself.

    I better get my day started. Have a great weekend ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,596 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies! <3

    Machka - what a fun way to spend Saturday, even though it was a long day. Sounds like your soul rider did a fine job.

    Lisa - I'm happy your meeting went well, what a nice boost to be recognized and admired by others for doing a job you love to do.

    On the topic of a loaded pantry, I aim to keep a few month's worth of non-perishable food items we use a lot, and even products like laundry soap and cleaners. So I do shop sales when I can find them. I've discovered there are times the stores decide to no longer carry the brand or product we like, or that item remains sold out when I'm in the store, so that's even more incentive to load up. Wish they'd all stop carrying candy and Twinkies!

    Heather - that pink vase is lovely! Hope your DH can work out the loan/gift to his daughter. Good idea letting the rest of the kids know what's up with that and making it a legal transaction.

    - I'm amused that Tim is a "night" shopper - tho I know many folks who prefer to shop after dinner as the stores are less crowded.

    - crossing fingers you and your pie have a great Thanksgiving. B) Although I admit the lift I got from cleaning out the garage and shelves in preparation for the HVAC guy is ongoing. Can't wait to get at more boxes. It's making my DH nervous tho, I think he's afraid there's a treasure out there I'm going to toss. :)

    I've been over-indulging a LOT this past week, so looks like today will be a fast day, at least for most of the day.

    OK, time to feed dog #2.

    Make it a wonderful day, ladies! <3

    SW WA State
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,819 Member
    Oh Karen ... family dynamics are so very hard when special needs are involved. Hugs.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019
    Karen- My heart goes out to you. My moms family wasn’t understanding but my Dads side was. Mom survived it became a sweet soul in spite of it all. Your grandson is more lucky than she was he has an understanding mom y grandma he will draw strength from that. Your Son may actually blame himself deep inside even with intelligence no telling what he read or why a Parent blames themself. His suppressed feelings are coming out wrong y he may actually think he’s punishing correct he too hard headed not to tune everyone out. Of he’s not willing to listen especially to Women (If can find a guy who has a kid with it willing to come for dinner! Or hang out with son he may be more willing to listen) might need a Guys view on things who’s not related has experience because their kid has it (not a person without a kid with it). As a Woman when Daughter was born she had muscles that took exercise for a year to loosen (my inside out uterus was the cause no room to stretch like other babies have) I thought it was caused by my medication I had took in the 1st trimester with no one knowing the true cause of it back then I rationalized that it was my fault. I luckily had the cuddle y teach more knowledge book wise to her to make up for it response. Your sons having a it’s my fault now I must correct the autistic behaviors to make him fit the mold of normal response (more common then you’d think). Why even a smart rational person can have such a irrational response is more primal can’t be explained by rationality. Just find a guy willing to talk to him with kids in the same boat who I bet started out the same way. Late diagnosis hasn’t helped the situation. Theirs also Youtube channels with Dads talking about their experiences. https://www.youtube.com/user/FatheringAutism

    Just push play on a laptop watch it few seconds then walk away without it on loudest setting go to the bathroom 🚽 for awhile. So he glances or looks secretly then jumps away pretending he didn’t when you come back then finish watching like it wasn’t the plan.
    Reverse psychology


    There’s lots of Dads same boat learning best they can


    Amber Tx

    Soup day. Didn’t weigh skip weigh day. Walking still upping it.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited November 2019

    Dads discussing how they felt realizing something wasn’t right confused,complexed,guilt ,can’t understand it, can’t do anything right,was it our fault it must be us,ect lets you see through the Male perspectives which is zero like ours

    Turn it on walk away

    They had your son’s response in the beginning they admit that in the video
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning/afternoon all! Happy Saturday! I slept in until 8am! (I was awake until after midnight though) I do feel a bit "blah" from being off schedule. But I am on my second cup of coffee, my dishwasher and washing machine are humming away, and I have started my yogurt. It is a beautiful day outside, so I will try to get out and do some outdoor things for a while; but I will also be doing some baking of squashes and some other food prep as I go along. My butternut squashes, I will bake and freeze to make soup for Thanksgiving. My spaghetti squash I will bake to refrigerate for meals this week. I am also going to make another pot of vegetarian chili. That was yummy and made for easy lunches.
    Thank you all for your kind words of wisdom on my fellow provider. Like myself and a very few others in our group, she has 25+ years of providing care. She has a different style of teaching/caring than I do, so maybe I am just taking things that she says wrong. She is a very "tough love" kind of provider. Anyway, I got a very nice email from the trainer that was at our meeting. She is a teacher of early childhood care at one of our local community colleges, and asked if she could visit my home and see the things that we do. She likes my "energy". Of course I said, "yes". Our training was called : Music Boxes and personal bias. It was an interesting look at how our own personal bias affects how we care for our children. Such as: How do we think children should behave? What behaviour do we expect from them in public? With parents? With strangers? Should they be required to greet strangers? Should they be required to hug relatives? Should they be required to act with the same respect with their parents that we demand as providers? It was very interesting to see how our own upbringing brought different biases to the table.
    This week in my daycare, we will be making bread on Monday to celebrate National Homemade Bread Day (that is either today or tomorrow, I think). We will make a loaf to share, and also mini loaves to take home. We will also make a soft pretzel like breadstick to eat with our soup on the following day. We will be reading the book making Stone Soup on Tuesday. These two are annual activities that I like to do with the kids. The Stone Soup story is perfect for teaching them about sharing, compassion and working together to make something wonderful. We always make enough for lunch and then there is always enough so that each child can take a pint or two home with them. Good stuff.
    Lanette- I have three laptops downstairs that I need to charge and remove photos from. I think, if I get them charged, I will first go through and get rid of the photos that I don't really want. I am sure there are a LOT of football ones on there from games my hubby went to. Who needs hundreds of random photos of a football game? Good luck getting Firefox up and running again. AND my hubby is a night owl. Always has been. Now, he tends to head to the 24 hour grocery and walk and look around and maybe shop a bit. He used to clean at night. Like, do dishes, laundry, etc. I loved that part of it! It was like having a good fairy pop in and clean while I slept. He doesn't do that anymore. lol (I must have been a bad girl and lost cleaning fairy privileges :( )
    Barbie- Sometimes having that extra time in the morning to yourself is a wonderful thing! We are not big turkey eaters in my house; but our local grocery had turkeys on sale for $.33/pound! So, last night, I bought a turkey and it only cost me $5. I will cook it up and use the meat for meals for my family and kids. I made thanksgiving sliders for my inlaws last year with their leftovers and they (and my family) really enjoyed them.
    Heather- The meals and nibbles that you come up with, make my mouth water. Your DH and family are very lucky to have you cooking/fussing for them! I LOVE that Edie is a Rainbow girl/scout/guide, and that she is enjoying her time involved in it!
    Machka- Love the gratitude calendar and the photos of you on the "big kid" playground! lol
    Pip- Love your commemorative tattoo! <3 When did you get it? Where did you get it placed? (if not too personal) It is very sweet!

    More of you I wanted to respond to, but my brain is too fuzzy this morning. Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you are having a great Saturday. I have gone to the health center for my weekly weigh in and scale said I was DOWN .4 lbs. I'll take it as I've come down with the barking cough again and so this coming week I amm on extra prednisone and antibiotics along with new medicine for the nebulizer. Just going to stick with salads and what is in the freezer.
    I've got to find the time to clean the freezer and the pantry to see what I got
    Today I am going to watch my 9 yr. old granddaughter play basketball. She's also involved in a play that happens Thanksgiving weekend.
    My elbow is still the same. Dr. said the xrays showed there were NO breaks, which we already knew but he has to go according to Medicare rules.
    Have a nice weekend!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning/afternoon all! Happy Saturday! I slept in until 8am! (I was awake until after midnight though) I do feel a bit "blah" from being off schedule. But I am on my second cup of coffee, my dishwasher and washing machine are humming away, and I have started my yogurt. It is a beautiful day outside, so I will try to get out and do some outdoor things for a while; but I will also be doing some baking of squashes and some other food prep as I go along. My butternut squashes, I will bake and freeze to make soup for Thanksgiving. My spaghetti squash I will bake to refrigerate for meals this week. I am also going to make another pot of vegetarian chili. That was yummy and made for easy lunches.
    Thank you all for your kind words of wisdom on my fellow provider. Like myself and a very few others in our group, she has 25+ years of providing care. She has a different style of teaching/caring than I do, so maybe I am just taking things that she says wrong. She is a very "tough love" kind of provider. Anyway, I got a very nice email from the trainer that was at our meeting. She is a teacher of early childhood care at one of our local community colleges, and asked if she could visit my home and see the things that we do. She likes my "energy". Of course I said, "yes". Our training was called : Music Boxes and personal bias. It was an interesting look at how our own personal bias affects how we care for our children. Such as: How do we think children should behave? What behaviour do we expect from them in public? With parents? With strangers? Should they be required to greet strangers? Should they be required to hug relatives? Should they be required to act with the same respect with their parents that we demand as providers? It was very interesting to see how our own upbringing brought different biases to the table.
    This week in my daycare, we will be making bread on Monday to celebrate National Homemade Bread Day (that is either today or tomorrow, I think). We will make a loaf to share, and also mini loaves to take home. We will also make a soft pretzel like breadstick to eat with our soup on the following day. We will be reading the book making Stone Soup on Tuesday. These two are annual activities that I like to do with the kids. The Stone Soup story is perfect for teaching them about sharing, compassion and working together to make something wonderful. We always make enough for lunch and then there is always enough so that each child can take a pint or two home with them. Good stuff.
    Lanette- I have three laptops downstairs that I need to charge and remove photos from. I think, if I get them charged, I will first go through and get rid of the photos that I don't really want. I am sure there are a LOT of football ones on there from games my hubby went to. Who needs hundreds of random photos of a football game? Good luck getting Firefox up and running again. AND my hubby is a night owl. Always has been. Now, he tends to head to the 24 hour grocery and walk and look around and maybe shop a bit. He used to clean at night. Like, do dishes, laundry, etc. I loved that part of it! It was like having a good fairy pop in and clean while I slept. He doesn't do that anymore. lol (I must have been a bad girl and lost cleaning fairy privileges :( )
    Barbie- Sometimes having that extra time in the morning to yourself is a wonderful thing! We are not big turkey eaters in my house; but our local grocery had turkeys on sale for $.33/pound! So, last night, I bought a turkey and it only cost me $5. I will cook it up and use the meat for meals for my family and kids. I made thanksgiving sliders for my inlaws last year with their leftovers and they (and my family) really enjoyed them.
    Heather- The meals and nibbles that you come up with, make my mouth water. Your DH and family are very lucky to have you cooking/fussing for them! I LOVE that Edie is a Rainbow girl/scout/guide, and that she is enjoying her time involved in it!
    Machka- Love the gratitude calendar and the photos of you on the "big kid" playground! lol
    Pip- Love your commemorative tattoo! <3 When did you get it? Where did you get it placed? (if not too personal) It is very sweet!

    More of you I wanted to respond to, but my brain is too fuzzy this morning. Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    I got that on my 50th bday on my left side of my hip. can't see it with underwear on but can with a bathing suit. I should have lied and said I got it on my v...... lolol
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,089 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »
    Hi Gals,

    Thanks for the compliments on the embroidery, much of what I do is names on items, or school names/logos so when a client wants something more creative it is great fun. A small part of my day is the gardening even though I probably mention it more as there are more people in that part of my days.

    Pip – doing the embroidery is how I make my living (a very small percent comes from the gardening). I would be delighted to embroider for you – there are thousands of designs out there for art work, but sometimes names are just what you need. Private message me and I can help, after Christmas, as I am already almost fully booked.

    Kelly – crazy sour puss, that lady is not worth a bottle of wine. The great thing about folks like her is she shows off her true colors in front of everyone!

    Heather – well mixing up the Edie date is a drag but so much better that you were ready days early instead of the reverse.

    Yesterday was my garden club meeting and I do some of the announcements. I am comfortable in front of a group and can get my voice to carry to the far reaches of the room. We are a club of 200 gardeners. So I may not know you, but most members know who I am as I am up front every meeting. Well one of the gals stopped me at a break and asked about my plans for Thanksgiving I told her cleaning the garage, a number of others were gathered around, and I said I didn’t have family plans so was cleaning the garage and putting up holiday decorations, but I could make a great pie if someone wanted to invite me to dinner…. I pulled it off with a light but hopeful tone, the gal I like best from the group did say, I’ll get back to you. I realized in saying it there that I am really looking forward to getting that chore done.

    I read and write while eating dinner, and I am done, with a few more embroidery jobs to finish tonight.

    Kim from N. California
