

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @auntiebk what is burn barrel? lasagne salad and wine sounds great! ha, ha! busted by the pastor. sounds like they were understanding. the leeks were ok, not bad. a bit of parmesan can do wonders.

    @ginnytez true that excess work hours doesn't help. sleeping well is great.

    @kjlamore I used to like to make bake bread and other things, long ago.
    I don't know if they have precut veggie here (other than frozen).

    @cityjaneLondon happy anniversary! what is your favorite fish dinner? what are your DH's mini presents (it it's not too indiscrete a question)

    made it through the day with a light lunch (1 oz cheese, a carrot, soy yogurt, applesauce, half piece raisin bread) and just a sweetened yogurt for 4pm snack.(about 1/3 of daily allotment) now have calories available for dinner.

    I even went for a short walk to the nearby park at lunch break. I hadn't even realised this huge park is 10 min walk from one of my schools that I've been working at for ages.

    I was SO tired during my 3rd class at about 3:45 pm. I felt just exhausted. fortunately I had a 30 min break and had the yogurt and a cup of tea. I had prepared a 16 min video very well previously and had (with different steps and related exercises) in my store of things and pulled it out for last 5pm class as I was just so beat. it works well.

    I think I will have some frozen veggies and shrimp and maybe a glass of wine.

    I will definitely veg out a bit too. taught 4 classes, 6.5 hours in higher ed in 2 schools from 9 am to 11 am then transport and then 13h30 to 3, 3 to 4:30 and 5 to 6:30 then about 35 min scooter home.

    hungry and beat, but glad to have managed w light lunch and gotten little walk in.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member

  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy World Toilet Day!

    "World Toilet Day is about more than just toilets; it is about sanitation as a whole, which includes components such as hygiene and the management and treatment of wastewater. The day's goal is to inspire action to address the global sanitation crisis. ... Why are toilets important enough to have their own day? Put simply, they save lives. Exposure to human waste, which happens more often without proper toilet access, can affect many facets of existence. It can impact public health by spreading disease. It can affect nutrition, living and working conditions, education, and economic productivity. Toilets are also important because they provide human dignity, as well as safety, especially for women. ... As of 2019, there were 4.5 billion people in the world who didn't have a safe toilet to use—well over half the world's population."

    Oh, dear, I am so far behind... here goes!

    Michele - I agree with you on the caramel M&M! Philip always has a stash of them in his office and it takes great restraint for me not to grab a couple whenever I'm in there.

    Barbara - How lovely that Tumble and Shadow are getting along.

    Lisa - I like having backups of supplies too. Even though I can go to the store anytime, I'd rather not have to make a special trip because we ran out of something.

    Rebecca - How wonderful for you to to have a little piano time!

    Okie - Philip teases me about the "Christmas schmaltz" but I watch all of the Christmas movies too! I just said "don't judge me" and stuck out my tongue at him.

    Janet - So sorry your family is dealing with drama. There always seems to be an extra helping of it around the holidays, too. I hope they can manage to make peace with each other.

    Tere - Congratulations on the new job! That must be a huge stress relief!

    Meg - My heart goes out to you. My oldest friend died while I was out of the country a few years back, and we were friends for such a long time it didn't seem real for ages. She also died without leaving a will. The ensuing hassle and expense for her husband and brother were what drove Philip and me to finally get our own wills updated (although it's time to do it again now). Her birthday is coming up on the 2nd, and I still find things in the shops and think, "Rose would love this."

    I'd never thought of it until World Toilet Day, but I'll certainly be adding clean water and indoor plumbing to my list of things to be grateful for today!

    I started out the week a couple of pounds up. They're still with me and I can't figure out why, since I was pretty good over the weekend. It is what it is... I'm just making sure to get plenty of fluids in. I did have to go to the outlet mall Sunday to buy new jeans because I couldn't walk in the old ones without them falling down, so overall things are trending in the right direction.

    We're heading to College Station this weekend for our annual Friends Thanksgiving, and I'm looking forward to staying on campus so I can see what's changed since I was there last. I told the greyhound group we could foster again once we get back. It'll mean taking an extra dog along on our weekend trips in December and January, but I've been missing the pointy dogs since our last foster was adopted.

    Taking off now to get ready for our gym workout. We've been doing the same basic whole-body routine for about three weeks but I guess we'll need to think about separating "arm days" from "leg days" eventually. So far Philip is hanging in there with me for our workouts.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,103 Member
    I appreciate all the prayers he has had a long road to find wellness. I plan to encourage him to take the lead in coming up with a new plan for his health. The current treatment has too many pit falls. My observation with this chronic illness. Is the medical system because of their rules and regulations cannot respond to our sons needs in a timely manner, and he is the one who suffers. We suffer because it is so hard to watch this process.

    Do others of you with a chronic illness or a loved one with a chronic illness have the same problems as us?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,380 Member
    (((HUGS))) Vicki. <3 You have such a big heart.

    We did some fun moves at the dancing. A bit more fancy 'styling' as we are slightly more experienced now. DH got a bit lost and a bit dizzy with all the spinning. :D I think I grasped it by the end.

    Looking forward to tomorrow. <3

    Bananas - We usually have blinis with creme fraiche and faux caviar for starters and then Dover Sole for a main. Both of these are super easy to assemble/cook and we love them. We will have the bottle of Jura vin jaune that my son bought me last Christmas. I adore it. It is oxidized and tastes a bit like dry sherry.

    We watched Rick Stein on 'Secret France' when we got back. Yum! :o:p Makes me very nostalgic for my old French holidays in the depth of the French countryside. Where I learnt to love the French way of eating. We used to spend a couple of weeks in the middle of nowhere, pretending to be French. It was the highlight of my year. For a long time I wanted to live in France and believed I had a French soul. :laugh: Now I'm very happy to be living in Hove. B) Actually it feels like France much of the time!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,750 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym, windy- 8.16min, 138mhr, 11.5amph, 1.58mi= 80c
    apple watch- 58c
    treadmill jog- 30min, 136ahr, 149mhr, 9.52min mi, 6.0-7.0sp, 5k= didn't record
    apple watch- 323c
    bike ride gym 2 dome, misty n sprinkles- 5.33min, 133mhr, 16mph, 1.48mi= 76c
    apple watch- 48c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station, sprinkles/misty- 16.07min, 143mhr, 11.3amph, 3.04mi= 189c
    apple watch- 110c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.41min, 146mhr, 9.53min mi, .57mi= 74c
    apple watch- 59c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.33min, 9.50min mi, 145mhr, .46mi= 63c
    apple watch- 62c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 13.49min, 11amph, 142mhr, 2.54mi= 204c
    apple watch- 113c

    total cal 1009
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2019
    Maritill- I would add exercise to give you a little buffer. I suggest weight bearing with progressive overload. I use the Kettlebell for that. Just don’t go overboard with eating. You are the only one in control. The key is moderation and correct portion size. And, log every bite!


    Mary from Arizona/Minnesota
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    Maritill wrote: »
    Good evening everyone. I am very frustrated with myself. Have been watching the food I put in my mouth and have been eating a lot of salad. No matter how hard I try I go over the 1200 calories. Have been trying to cut down on sugar. Do any of you have suggestions for me to try?
    Tomorrow will be tough as I'm going to DGD school for Thanksgiving lunch, so my day will be as follows:B-yogurt, L-thgvg meal, & s/D-salad. I bet it will be over 1200 again.
    :) I hope you are eating a good balance of foods including enough protein. Your diary isn't open so I can't see what you are eating. Seek every opportunity to be active, don't sit for too long, add some structured exercise to your day. Do not be discouraged.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Maritell- Found my salad dressing was a main oopsie calorie for me to other items soade food changes.I occasionally go over but sometimes I’m under.

    0cal Gatorade zero (sugar frees!)
    70-100cal ice creams sugarfree
    Read meat calories on labels 4oz 100cal y under like fish is your friend.I don’t fry anything anymore just steam,bake,broil,air dryers,or microwave ,stove,anything that’s least calorie still tastes good!
    G Hughes bbq sauce 10calories
    Veggies to fruit that are least calories I googles them all!
    Lowest cal on every item we could
    Special K cereals
    Sugar free almond or cashew mills 25-30cal a glass
    Ect Ect

    Walk indoors in circles for hours as exercise.

    Amber Tx

    Trying time purge JRs toy chest of holiday cards he hides to baby toys. I can’t remember what’s his age group or not tho so uggghhh slow going. Trying to purge his tiny tents to make room for big ones that he can’t out grow.
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Just made my diary public. Thanks for your help.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,247 Member
    Maritill wrote: »
    Good evening everyone. I am very frustrated with myself. Have been watching the food I put in my mouth and have been eating a lot of salad. No matter how hard I try I go over the 1200 calories. Have been trying to cut down on sugar. Do any of you have suggestions for me to try?
    Tomorrow will be tough as I'm going to DGD school for Thanksgiving lunch, so my day will be as follows:B-yogurt, L-thgvg meal, & s/D-salad. I bet it will be over 1200 again.

    Do you pre-log your food?

    Do you weigh your food with a food scale?

    What is thgvg meal?

    What do your salads consist of?

    Do you exercise?

    Machka in Oz