Women 200lb+, Let's Double Down This December!!!



  • VoicedJoy22
    VoicedJoy22 Posts: 15 Member
    edited December 2019
    @mmdeveau The self-care thing definitely hits home. It's part of why I gained nearly 40 pds back over two years- Taking care of sick family members and having a crazy job with ever changing hours. Things have finally settled down this past year and I'm trying to make my health a priority again.

    I also used to have a long commute- 1hour 40 minutes back when I worked in NYC. That was the worst for exercise, but it's great that you've found your routine! :-)

    @aliciap0116 Thank you for the advice! I think I'm stalling for a couple reasons:
    1) my exercise levels have gone down as it's gotten colder. I no longer intensely garden for hours outside on the weekend and I'm going on fewer walks on my lunch hour. I also was cleaning out my grandmother's house this summer and was spending whole days on the weekend lifting heavy garbage/furniture. I haven't done anything really active for about 3 weekends in the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. Although I needed the rest, it's definitely reflecting in my weight loss.

    2) I had set my calorie levels on MFP for 5 days of intense exercise a week, which doesn't reflect what I'm doing right now.

    To counteract this, I've reset my calorie calculator to reflect less exercise and to lose 1.5 pds a week instead of 1 pd. I'm usually going over my calorie count each day by about 30-150 calories, so I'm also actually measuring portions out instead of guessing and taking pre-portioned snacks to work. I'm also going out of my way to get at least one good workout in during the weekend along with my 3 regular workday workouts. This past weekend I walked two miles to and back from a parade on Saturday and I did yoga on Sunday. I'm going to start walking laps during lunch on different floors from my own at work, so I'm not just sitting through lunch. I'm hoping all of this will help me lose a little faster.
  • VoicedJoy22
    VoicedJoy22 Posts: 15 Member
    @Christine4695 Sorry you're going through so much. Both my parents suffer from health problems and it's definitely a lot of stress when they're hospitalized. I hope your surgery goes well. My sis-in-law had her gall bladder out a couple years ago and it really changed how she processes foods, so I hope it's an easy adjustment for you.
  • NewOR2015
    NewOR2015 Posts: 1,018 Member
    SW: 245.0
    Dec SW: 224.6
    Dec GW: 221.6

    12-1 224.6
    12-8 227.0 Two birthdays this past week. I indulged a bit too much. Gotta get back on track.
  • sweetirish
    sweetirish Posts: 70 Member
    sharpdust wrote: »

    @sweetirish I was also a compulsive weigher once. I became obsessed with the scale and would skip meals to try and get that magic number.It was very stressful. Now I officially weigh in once a week (Fridays this month). As far as stress busters, a short walk or mediation session help me out. Hikes especially have helped me regulate my stress.

    Thank you! I've never been a hiker but I will walk when I need to. I have an app on my phone for meditation breaks!
  • sweetirish
    sweetirish Posts: 70 Member

    @sweetirish, I use to weigh myself everyday but I got obsessive and had to stop. At one point I had to have someone hide the scales otherwise I’d weigh myself and it’d either cause a good mood or a really bad mood. I stick with once a week, also Wednesday’s normally! It’s good that it stopped you from beating yourself. Best of luck with IVF.

    Thank you! Things got pushed to just after new years so I might just hit my goal this month!
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Aww babies 🥰 good luck
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I agree...more sunlight.