

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Pip - Yogi's eyes look like he is saying, "really mom, do I have to wear this sweater?". He is adorable.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Do any of you know about MFP getting hacked and millions of people’s info was compromised. My DGS looked up my email address on some app that tells you if your email has been hacked. It said mine had been hacked with the people on MFP. knew it had and I had to change all passwords. Just wondering if you knew about it.
    Lisa- love the picture of you and Corey. You look great.
    Still in Dallas until tomorrow.
    SueBDew in TX
  • BrownSugar174
    BrownSugar174 Posts: 311 Member
    @suebdew It looks like it happened a few times most recently back in February...

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele NC- Yeah anxiety not good make you feel terrible. Hopefully it can be remedied for her. Known Women who refused to move with a Husband y kids not healthy (yes they were bitter women cause eventually the Husband moved without them)

    Amber Tx

    Just thought the house was in fire realized neighbors behind us really need their chimney cleaned it looks like a fog rolled in our house smells of smoke again!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Michele, What hours are your holiday decorations lighted? There are many nice decorations in my neighborhood--none as ambitious as yours--and it is so sad for the dogs and me that many people light them only in the evening. We walk between five and nine AM (sunrise is at 8 AM).

    5 to 11


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    I was wrapping some of the presents for PJ, and I noticed that the one toy that Denise asked us to get is for children 3 and up. He isn't even one!!! Well, I got it for her. She said that she got him this car that you can push (he isn't walking yet) or ride in (again, he isn't even walking yet). Well...not my child

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    suebdew wrote: »
    Do any of you know about MFP getting hacked and millions of people’s info was compromised. My DGS looked up my email address on some app that tells you if your email has been hacked. It said mine had been hacked with the people on MFP. knew it had and I had to change all passwords. Just wondering if you knew about it.
    Lisa- love the picture of you and Corey. You look great.
    Still in Dallas until tomorrow.
    SueBDew in TX

    Yep ... that happened some time ago.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- The age labels anymore are suggestions only . Some claim they go up to age 6 but kids get bored by age 2 or too big for them fast. Think it’s a marketing ploy. I go by did we play with it at that age or my other kids I raised. Some of the toy cars are made to learn to walk or push then ride...others aren’t tho would sit for awhile in a closet unless your a giant like JR lol. Guess she’s wanting things to grow into if it’s not the push first type. Half the toys now baffles me bought JR a dog stuffed toy thought ih how cute. Then I spent days trying to figure out how to download content into it cause it wasn’t like a teddy ruxbin like I thought at all! Had to make a computer sign in account.Hook iPad up to the dog with a cable. Go through a program answer questions try to find his name or a version of it that sounds similar (was lacking in Hispanic names!) . Wait for it to download try again when it failed a lot! Then unplug switch it on. Then he could play with it. All that darn work for it to talk him get scared boo-hop up a storm! Lol 😂 now it sits in the toy box with talking Elmo . His favorite toy 🧸 the plain stuffed Winnie the Pooh Bear 🐻 ! Reminds me of a hundred dollar toy the kid plays with the box y bows lol 😂 while the toy sits to rot!

    Amber Tx

    Machka love the invisible illness post! So true as a kid folks would get mad at my mom for having a disability plaque- she had cancer,special needs, strokes,etc etc we found they missed her lung cancer the lymphnotic cancer spread too she had an oxygen tank at home only at first later to drag. Folks felt she looked fine here she was coming back from chemo.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Love the snowmen cute!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Machka I too love your post.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Allie – Sorry to hear about Chester, he will be missed you and his other humans gave him a great life.

    Katla – If I lived closer I’d love a trip to Powell Books, could you find some one in your area to go with you?

    Lisa – You and Corey are an adorable couple!

    SuziQ – looks like the bike building was a hoot and not like something the other gals would have fit in with. I’m not sure if picking was random or not but the choice of you was a good one!

    Heather – I had never heard of sprats so I googled them – but misspelled it as sparts and that is a grass- fried grass sounded too weird, found the spelling error. LOL! We have sardines but I have never heard of sprats.

    Best wishes to all! Peace and kindness to everyone.

    My home is tiny, so there is not much space to move furniture around, but when I had the ½ house power outage, I was moving things to area’s with power and ended up with an idea that I am looking forward to implementing it will require the moving of 3 pieces a large bookcase, a highboy dresser, and a desk. All currently full! The bookcase and dresser will swap rooms and the dresser will move within the same room. The dresser has been sorted within the last 6 months, but the desk and bookcase need a serious look at. It is hard for me to part with books. But some are just “old” paperbacks that I have not re-read in many a year. A serious examination and a donation trip to the thrift store is in my future. And if I can do it in the next couple of days I might be helping someone else’s Christmas.

    This weekend was nice, I made a good dent on the rest of the “due by Christmas” embroidery, got my tree in the stand and in the house, not decorated yet (but the rest of the house is) and did my outside lights, which is the icicle lights on the eves and that is that. Takes about 30 minutes to do. Spent time with 2 different friends, one last night and one this afternoon. I also finished a tree skirt I was making for my mom for Christmas, and surprised her by bringing it to her to use this year, she has the Christmas party for her bridge group on Tuesday and wanted it to be perfect, and the sheet she puts around the tree wasn’t “ok” without the gifts piled on it. I’ll post a picture separately.

    Kim from N. California