

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    GodMomKim wrote: »

    That's beautiful!
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Machka- bus y taxi sounds like the best route ! Who knows what caused it think of all the childhood things we’ve done from ball hitting our face to life in general anything could of caused it. Like usual I always wonder how Doctors miss these things for years? Like my inside out uterus! Inverted Uterus is rare but I went to tins of Doctors about bleeding after Daughter got pregnant with it not fixed! Only time I stopped bleeding was when praise God post menopause hit ! Here they all missed it! Think Doctors need to pay attention more. You went to enough Doctors it should have been discovered along time ago!
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Machka- bus y taxi sounds like the best route ! Who knows what caused it think of all the childhood things we’ve done from ball hitting our face to life in general anything could of caused it. Like usual I always wonder how Doctors miss these things for years? Like my inside out uterus! Inverted Uterus is rare but I went to tins of Doctors about bleeding after Daughter got pregnant with it not fixed! Only time I stopped bleeding was when praise God post menopause hit ! Here they all missed it! Think Doctors need to pay attention more. You went to enough Doctors it should have been discovered along time ago!

    Amber Tx
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,845 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,502 Member
    "Todo"s and "done"s
    Did: made it to church, dip turned out more like thick beer cheese soup, lots of it and veggies left over, will freeze some of the dip to use a soup base with broccoli (or potatoes ;). Monday will stay home ALL DAY :), transplant lettuces/mustards into raised bed, finish the tree, grind the almonds, make the cresent batter, walk/comb Tumble, update firehall harassment policy and email to board.

    lovely lights!
    “The choices they've made might be the best choices for them at this time.
    The frustration they are expressing could be because of stuff going on in their lives I know nothing about.
    Their feelings do matter.
    I may need to cut them some slack.
    And I hope people can look at me and my husband with the same compassion when we're going through a tough time.”
    This, and the Be Kind/Invisible Illnesses meme, really hit me. I'm too quick to knee-jerk react when people don't behave the way I expect them to. Thank you.
    Welcome tmbg1 on the E Coast
    Barbie “. . . and I have no schedule to meet . . .” neither have I today and I'm relishing it after a week of social interactions every doggoned day. Reminds me of Machka's “doing nothing” meme.
    Julie “...then complain (like me) about complainers...” :laugh:
    Katla best of luck and good parking karma to you!
    Michele your romantic bailing wire gift for Vince reminds me of my gift for Joe, a 100ft drop cord ;) How did you burn your mouth?
    Pip ((hugs)) for first non-golden Christmas. “...buttercup” made me laugh out loud.
    Rebecca what smiles!
    Cheri wow what a variety of snowmen in your collection!
    Kim :heart:; your tree skirt surprise.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    Word for 2019: "GOOD" good attitude, good food, good times, good choices, good enough, feel good, GOOD! Word for December: get up and go outside EVERY day!
    daily: steps=2853 :( vits=12.5 log=15 CI<CO=11 CI<250<CO=3 Tumble 5/10=8 mfp=15 AF=10 outside=7
    wkly: BBBorTC x2=5, rx=2 dance=2 pack walk=1.2
    mnthly: board mtg= grant= dog group email lilst= sew= play=
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 852 Member
    Hi all, been reading, but just haven't been able to formulate much in the way of comments, except in my head, but here goes for a few of you anyway!
    Kim, that tree skirt is breathtakingly beautiful!
    Lisa, you and Corey both look great!
    Katla, hoping you have a successful and safe trip to the bookstore!
    Allie, so sorry to hear about Chester.
    And my memory has now failed me.....
    Had a nice visit with older son and grandkids. Last time they were here (just over a month ago! and we live in the same area!) our granddaughter was cranky and grandson was in a great mood. This time, granddaughter was in a great mood and grandson was cranky. sigh. Oh well, did get some good hugs from grandson and got some play time in with him. Also got to cuddle granddaughter so I'm calling it a win. Their mother was having a craft day with her family, but we'll see all of them on Christmas Eve day. That could be a bit of a madhouse and there will only be 6 of us! lol Grandson is 3 1/2, so will be quite wired, I'm sure, about presents etc. Should be fun tho.
    House is as decorated as it's going to get, almost finished the quilt I'm making for granddaughter, need to pick up one thing for daughter in law, I've bought all I'm going to for the grandkids, but do need to get something for my boss. I'm thinking nice potted flower arrangement type thing. Or maybe some potted spring bulbs. Hmmmm, should have bought an amaryllis and got it started, then it would be getting close to blooming by now. Oh well, I'll figure it out. I bought myself an amaryllis last year, it bloomed beautifully. I tried chilling it for 6 weeks, just put it out on the deck under the bbq (protected by the bbq and the cover), it's sprouting leaves, we'll see if it sends up a flower spike or not!
    Anyway, must head to bed. Congrats to those celebrating, hugs for those who need them and welcome to the newbies.
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Rebecca Adorable, adorable, adorable!! Such Sweeties!

    Viv Your train ride sounds wonderful! Sinatra night, too! I raised my kids on Sinatra and they still love his music (along with every other kind of music).

    NYKaren I’m craving your pumpkin pie! I bought a can of pumpkin to try to make something sugar free. I think I will just try to make it with egg, cream and spices and no crust. I am crazy to try, but occasionally things that I try on my own come out tasty.

    Barbara I disagree – I think line dancing takes talent. I’ve seen people try to dance who couldn’t do it no matter how hard they tried. You also have teaching and leading talents, or you couldn’t run your classes. I think you are cutting yourself short!

    Machka Great lights and tree! Very festive! I also love the invisible disease images. I suffer from several unseen things and people don’t understand when I am not able to go places or do things, because I “look fine”. Glad you finally got the dx on the deviated septum! I have one from 5 broken noses…yes, I am that clumsy! Mine has fortunately not needed surgery since (as the doctor put it) I have one side and my mouth to breathe through.

    Hi tmbg1 Welcome to a great group of supportive women! We have probably all experienced the “joys” of weight loss after 40 not being as easy as it once was. Don’t be discouraged though, it can be done!! It just takes a little more effort and time than it used to.

    SuzyQ Beautiful flower arrangement and decorations!

    Lisa I’ve pulled up Fat: A Documentary to watch when I’ve finished reading everyone’s posts. Thanks for recommending it.

    Linda Glad you could drink water instead of eating when you finished talking to your daughter. I stress eat and have a really hard time not grabbing food mindlessly when I get worked up. I am not quite strong enough to drink water for it. I have gotten better at grabbing tea or coffee instead of food.

    Terri (and Cheri) “I’ve worked on changing from being a people pleaser to being a Terri pleaser. Very liberating!!!” I’m so glad you wrote this! I am going to work on being a Luci pleaser! A lifetime of people pleasing has been exhausting.

    Carol I like your word Compassion! I have met some great women lately who have been through a lot and I often try to put myself in their shoes to imagine why they feel the way they do. I think of myself as a compassionate person – maybe because of some of the trials I went through over the years. At the same time, I don’t think we can ever be too compassionate. Did your 2019 focus on Peace bring you new awareness about achieving peace for yourself and your family?

    Katla A bit jealous of your Powell’s shopping day. I would love to spend time in a good bookstore. I don’t know of any near me. There must be one somewhere, but I haven’t found it yet. I’m like you in that I want to touch the books and see them more than just the few sample pages on Amazon.

    Pip Sweet, sweet Yogi! What a great job he did on his solo Christmas shoot! I wish I could get my dogs to sit by the tree. They don’t sit on command (it isn’t easy to train a grey to sit…some, like mine, aren’t even able to sit normally).

    Cheri Your snowmen are great!

    Kim Beautiful tree skirt!

    2:30 in the morning...another night without sleep...ugh! So much nervous energy waiting for the baby to arrive!!

    <3 Luci in WNC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    Machka Great lights and tree! Very festive! I also love the invisible disease images. I suffer from several unseen things and people don’t understand when I am not able to go places or do things, because I “look fine”. Glad you finally got the dx on the deviated septum! I have one from 5 broken noses…yes, I am that clumsy! Mine has fortunately not needed surgery since (as the doctor put it) I have one side and my mouth to breathe through.
    <3 Luci in WNC

    Fortunately my specialist hasn't taken that approach. I can breathe through one side of my nose, but it's not ideal. I can also breathe through my mouth but I absolutely hate doing that ... my mouth gets dry within seconds, then my throat gets sore, then all the post nasal drip makes me choke, and I suspect that some of my teeth problems might be because I may sleep with my mouth open. I wake up every night with choking and a sore throat, and I choke frequently when I drink water or whatever.

    It's actually been a relief to be diagnosed! Hopefully they can fix it.

    M in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited December 2019
    exermom wrote: »
    Bananas – I don’t think I could do keto…I love my fruits and veges way too much.
    @exermom glad to know I'm not the only one. Congratulations on your SV! Different kids are different. My 2 nephews are close in age. weirdly, one is much more introverted but he was an awesome traveler (several intercontinental flights at a very young age) and enjoyed going out to cafés and the occasional tame concert with his dad or parents. the other is much more extroverted but was a miserable traveller - non strop cryer or fusser type.
    As for me, I did an intercontinental trip in late October at a busy work time and I feel like it took a major toll on my energy, and made the fall complicated. Though it was pleasant and fun at the time, I surely wouldn't do it like that every year.
    Enjoyed a pleasant walk yesterday and I'm grateful for the nice food shops all within a moment's walk. 2 organic grocery stores, another grocery store and a frozen foods store.
    Watched on Netflix over the past week : the irishman and 1st Ali Wong stand up (trashy but pretty funny when it's not too much). The Irishman was dark but I found It interesting as it must be somewhat representative of reality then even if it's fiction (so long though!) and Marriage Story and Virgin River series. The latter is very so-so in my eyes. Definitely getting sucked into online entertainment addiction (movies and late night show clips). I never even had a TV or Dvd (or previously VCR) player before age 40. Still don't have a TV but internet more than makes up for that.

    my weight up I feel like I don't want to get dressed, go out... I bought "bigger" clothes in September and they are all feeling tight again. I'm still not up with this. havent been to the gym in over a week, though I did amble a bit yesterday.

    Today each of my schools is having a pre-strike meeting. The meetings are small. At one people just assemble in an entrance hallway and vote to continue to strike. I don't know about the others. If they work on some specific requests they usually work to improve the conditions of those who have decent conditions and not those who have worse conditions. It looks like an agreement between the reasonably comfortable and the management to ignore the needs of those with most difficult (and even illegal) conditions.

    I feel under the weather and am having a hard time getting out of bed.
    No classes nor appointments today.

    I usually feel better when I go out though.

    I don't know if I'll strike or call in sick tomorrow.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Grateful: school vacations, weekends, mild temperatures this year, waterproof hiking sneakers, slightly tidier bathroom, wool socks, rather quiet apartment, big windows, healthy food options, fruit, frozen veggies, comfy bed, new comforter cover, dishes done, eye glasses that look ok at a reasonable price, countless cafés nearby, gym nearby...
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,940 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Our lights outside

    Machka in Oz

    The lights on the tree in the foreground are solar so that we don't use power. There might be $40 worth of lights on that tree, but they are LED so they last longer and we pay no power bills to light them up. :) They aren't very bright, but we wanted subtle because Australians don't tend to put out a lot of really bright lights. I can see them from our lounge room window in the evening and that's nice. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,582 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon or evening all,

    Am just happy to be alive today. No special reason, just grateful for the fact that I'm still here. Maybe it's just that I haven't had any form of sugar in more than four days. :smiley: My body is in shock! Raining like stink outside, and supposed to continue throughout most of the day--it's a good day to stay home and work...

    Pushing forward through my last week before our end-of-year break as well. Sixteen days to do what I choose... well for half of it. My husband says I have to shut up about it (jokingly), but between weekends and holidays, he's off for eight days of it!

    Off to Little Rock early tomorrow for a three-hour meeting set, with a varying cast of characters each hour. I'll then use the input from those meetings to finish a $1 million grant request structured in four phases of two years each--one that must be attractive to any number of large foundations, so we can urge them all to partner with each other to fund us, while together they support two-thirds of the initiative. Not complicated at all! :smiley:

    Off to the races, my chickens...
    Happy Monday! (Or a happy Ghost of Monday past, for those of you with it already in the books)
    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,292 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies -

    We had a great weekend. Our neighbors Christmas Dinner was Saturday night and a good time was had by all. We have it the second Saturday of every December. Yesterday was beautiful, hubs and I went for a drive enjoying the unseasonably warm weather (nearing 80). We also trimmed the tree over our driveway so that we could drive under it without it hitting our vehicles. I drive the UTV and hubs stands in the back of it and trims and paints the cuts. I drug a lot over to a burn pile for future burning.

    My glass bowls and plates arrived Friday so I need to get them set up (and the excess put up) today and put my kitchen back together. I also got my hair products that I accidentally shipped to my friends house instead of mine and need to make room for them in the bathroom. All in all a day of putting the house back together and watching Christmas movies.

    Happy Monday Ladies - Have a great one!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country