

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Oh! SuzyQ- I meant to tell you that I love the flower arrangments! Did you do those?! The tall one with the folded leaves and yellow/peachy roses is stunning!
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Amber- Hope you are feeling better, soon!
    Janet R- Sending peaceful calming thoughts your way! <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Went for my 5k. Gorgeous sunny day. The sea was roaring and white foam was surging. :D Of course, as it was a Sunday afternoon we had to weave our way around all the strollers and dogs. Thoroughly enjoyed myself.

    We are having Chinese chicken with mushrooms tonight. Haven't cooked it in ages. I nearly always use skinless, boneless thighs instead of breasts as I prefer the taste and texture. The book I use most for that kind of food is '100 Quick Stir fry Recipes' by KEN HOM. <3

    Window cleaner coming tomorrow. DH is going to ask him about cleaning the guttering as we have a plant growing out of one corner. :o

    Good tv tonight. The recorder will be whirring for a new series of Vera. There is so much on we can't watch it all. I'm also going to watch The Great Pottery Throwdown. Like BakeOff, but pots. I am a ceramics nut.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Used the recumbent bike today. The plan for tomorrow is to take the extremepump class.

    Margaret – do you know that Jess and Denise have NEVER had a cavity (no fair). The dentist told us that the reason is that I gave them fluoride pills when they were little. The fluoride was formed IN their teeth. Not like us who get a fluoride treatment on the surface of the teeth.

    Rebecca – thanks for the Athenia and Aurora fix

    M – I’m so sorry. I know how very frustrating that is.

    Welcome everyone new!

    We had a very bad rain storm last night. Actually, there was a tornado warning. But now it’s gorgeous out, short sleeves, no jacket and all.

    SuziQ – the person who signed me up probably wouldn’t know all the details of the Silver Sneakers plan (is it good for all classes or only select?) What I’m going to do come Sept. is talk with the membership person at each of the gyms I go to. I would think they’d know more. I do wish we had a yoga class around here at a time that works for me

    Allie – I usually start packing putting things in a bucket. Then, when I finally pack the suitcase, I make sure I have just enough and don’t overpack. But I must admit that sometimes I do overpack. Like I like to pack for everything that may happen.

    This may be TMI but I spoke to the MD a while ago about the fact that I don’t want to get athlete's feet. He suggested that especially in wintertime I should use my blowdryer on my feet before putting on my socks and shoes. He didn’t say it, but after my class in the pool, I usually use the blowdryer down under. Sorry.

    JR – so happy for you that your dd is near you.

    One food I learned when the kids were smaller is to take a 32oz container of plain (I found Greek to be best but, of course, they didn’t have Greek back when my kids were small) yogurt, a 12oz can of orange juice concentrate. Melt the concentrate but do not reconstitute it. Then mix the two together. I’ve put it in ice pop molds and in wintertime given it to the kids as is. High in calcium, low in sugar, high in vit. C and, best of all, cheap. Now I can make the yogurt in the IP and it would be even cheaper.

    Vince isn’t going to go bowling tomorrow. Like I told you, he hurt his back the other day. It’s getting better but he doesn’t want to risk reinjuring it.

    Michele NC
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Oh! SuzyQ- I meant to tell you that I love the flower arrangments! Did you do those?! The tall one with the folded leaves and yellow/peachy roses is stunning!

    Hi KJ. I take one or two classes a month. The picture is my version from the latest class I had taken Friday night.

    Yes, I know I'm not so young when I take a flower class versus going to happy hour Friday after work. LOL. Some were sipping wine during class, but I wanted to concentrate on the flowers and didn't have calories in my budget.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited January 2020
    Seeing as this weeks video was pretty short here’s a 35 minute deep dive into a German Army Ration Pack. Classic AATV review style!


    Anyone who is really nosey and interested can take a look at this amusing video by my son Tom. He is never so happy as when he is testing out army ration packs. :D I'm almost tempted to buy a French one on Amazon!

    Machka - DH does all the thing with the pillow and the mattress is a good one and only 4 years old. I gather that the night time pain is because the spine compresses and the anti pain hormone is dormant at night. I am really, really stiff in the morning until I loosen up! I feel very old.
    I think I just need to get on with the website. It's simple funk stopping me.

    Barbara - we've only lived here a year, so not too much hidden dust. When we moved out of the last house after 8 years it was a different story! :o

    KJ - oh those delicious photos.!!! He looks so much like his brother. I bet you can't wait to cuddle him again.
    We are going up the coast of Norway, into a couple of deep fjords. Plus an Art Deco town, Ålesund. And Trondheim. That picture is of Geiranger fjord, which is a UNESCO site. April is nearly here!

    Allie - You have probably already found out that Cusco is higher than Machu Picchu. Very high. Don't make the mistake that I did and celebrate your arrival with Happy Hour. :-( Stay off alcohol unless you want a blinding headache.! That holiday was the best ever. I adored Peru. I note you are going in the rainy season, so rain wear is appropriate. Nights can be chilly. Wishing you good weather. :-)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: It is fun to see the photos of Athena as she grows. The first tooth is a big deal. :bigsmile:

    Heather: Congrats on the mirror. Your next travel adventure looks like fun. :star::

    SuziQ: The floral arrangements are gorgeous! :flowerforyou:

    Machka: When I took my shingles shots I also had some swelling and a painful arm. Prevention is a LOT more pleasant than having shingles. My Auntie had shingles and so did a friend. They were both in excruciating pain. I had a bit of soreness from the vaccinations, but not bad at all. :flowerforyou:

    Taniwha: Welcome to a great group of supportive women! I hope you’ll post often. :smiley:

    Lisa: I have a morbid fear of snakes. If anyone dropped a snake on me I would either die or murder the sob who deliberately frightened me. :grumble:

    Barbie: We’ve been using apple products for a long time—phones, computers, ipads and laptops. I’ve been using this laptop since 2009. We’ve been happy with the products and with online, telephone, and genius bar support. I think that most of us stick with the products we’ve come to trust. :flowerforyou:

    Janetr: I hope your daughter feels better each day. I suspect that being closer to you will be a huge help for her. :star:

    KJ: The internet keeps me closer to my adult children and grandchildren, too. :heart:

    Carol in GA: We replaced our old dishwasher with a new one last year. DH did the installation himself because he wanted to have it done his way. It was an effort, but worthwhile. The first one arrived damaged and we didn’t even let it in the house. The second one was in pristine condition. Taking away the old dishwasher was part of the purchase price of the new one. :star:

    We had salmon for dinner last night. It was delicious, but it didn’t sit well for DH. I’ll have the rest of the salmon. He is able to eat canned tuna without trouble. Maybe we should try canned salmon.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Hello again lovely ladies.

    I am enjoying finally getting back to some normalcy after the holidays and corporate event. Breakfasts and lunches will be planned and packed up today and leaning towards chili for dinners. Regular exercise routine is getting back on track too.

    Pip – Hopefully you’re back on the mend and getting back in to your routine. Simply admire your consistency. I am only 10 miles from work and have considered riding a bike there, but with office dress it’s tough. Especially with the South Florida temperatures and humidity. My ideal job 1-2 miles away from home so I can walk. I have looked but the salaries and the right position have not yet materialized.

    Whew – I think I am caught up.

    Hugs to all and prayers to those in need.
    SuziQ - SFL

    I work in an office too. during the warmer months, after I ride to the gym, I take a shower there and then ride the 12miles to work. in wa, it's hilly so there's some sweat. so far what I've been doing works. during the colder months, I'll ride the train part of the way, then ride some.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    KJ- my goodness the baby looks more like it’s brother every day. Twins 👯‍♂️.

    Hubby made me stop organizing the garage too cold 🥶 get in the damn house y sit down he said. In the living room gloves hat on runny nose 👃 fighting the urge to go back in there he’s growling like a bear 🐻. You’ll get sick 🤒! Growl growl growl Wait till spring!! Growl growl growl. Lol Loosing battle he should give up I’ll be back in there tomorrow for sure lol 😆.

    Steak 🥩 2oz ,slice or half of 🍕 pizza, peas no salt 🧂,broccoli,y Diet Coke (I shouldn’t but darn it drank it).

    Dinner might be the same.

    Down 1 lb since yesterday. Got the kitchen hutch (actually a desk from China very very old with a bookshelf add on I use as a kitchen hutch) to another wall put the desk there. Moved paintings. It fit looks better now less cluttered. The tall items in the back lower items in front gives a more open feel. Hubby wants me to stop organizing lol good luck with that I got the urge. He’s not big on change I already redid the living room to baby bedroom y a part of the closet.

    JRs toothbrush down the toilets causing issues so Hubby thinking plumber .Maybe see if they can make sure previous owners (hoarders with babies 👶) didn’t shove stuff down there too. He feels 1 baby toothbrush shouldn’t stick it up so easily there most be more down there. I bet there is probably all sorts flushed for years . JRs flushed a toothbrush y a teeny tiny bar of hotel soap 🧼 almost all used up. Who knows what else is in there from years ago before we moved in. Here’s hoping it gets fixed the plumber can get it all out.Hubby said it will be worth the money to keep future issues away also.

    Amber Tx

    Cold darn day needs to move on.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Barbie: We’ve been using apple products for a long time—phones, computers, ipads and laptops. I’ve been using this laptop since 2009. We’ve been happy with the products and with online, telephone, and genius bar support. I think that most of us stick with the products we’ve come to trust. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    :)Katla, I have no real opinion about PC vs Apple in the computer market. For us, I thought the learning curve was the most important things. When Jake started reading about Apple products online he kept telling me about all the great speed and new features. I told him it was a lot like the year we traded in our 1995 Mercedes Benz for a 2007 Ford Edge. The Ford had so many great features that were purely based on new technology, not evidence that Ford was better than Mercedes Benz.

    Jake decided to go back to bed this morning because he wasn't feeling well. I planned to use the time to do income tax related paperwork, but have somehow drifted off into MFP instead. Now it's time to get busy.

    :)Kelly,snow and lower than normal temperatures are predicted here for next week and many people are in a disaster panic mode. I agree with you. This is winter and we live in the north of the US--of course there will be snow and cold temperatures.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Love these 2 sayings Machka9. They are so true. I seem to be slow to start and then go in several directions. So glad that I live alone and don't answer to anyone. Have a lot of reading to do but a little at a time.

    I will only eat Strawberry Twizzlers.
    Have a great day.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    SuziQ beautiful

    Reading Outer Order, Inner Calm. I like her approach in that you need to find what works for you to keep on top of clutter. I do many of the things she talks about already. I usually find what I need. Where I know some spaces need work is I can find what I need but I sometimes have to move too many things to get at what I am looking for. I also did have a drawer that was difficult to close. I went through it with some on her suggestions and now the things in the drawer are easily accessible and I am more likely to use them. I did throw some things and moved some things to be with a similar or like object that was stored elsewhere.

    It is helping with my Simplify word.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Suzy- That lizard 🦎 looks skinny hoping theirs lots of prey in your yard for it.

    Hubby fell asleep so GARAGE IS DONE ✅ !

    Next need to work on my closet y again the pantry.Got messed up during the holidays.

    Amber Tx
  • Metchosinite
    Metchosinite Posts: 5 Member
    Happy New Year to you all! I just came across this group and thought it might be helpful in my journey. I have been trying to lose weight for a long time now but have never gotten really serious about it until recently.
    I found out on Wednesday that I have been finally put on the wait list for hip replacement! There is a 6 to 8 month wait so I want to lose at least 30 pounds before July so recovery won’t be as hard. I figure 5 pounds a month is doable. Then after the surgery I can lose the other 20 pounds.
    I was using Lose it for a year. It is good but as I wasn’t losing any weight eating 1250 calories a day I tried to change it to 1000 but the app wouldn’t let me.
    So here I am. I just turned 68 so I am old enough to qualify, lol