60 yrs and up



  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    RCVP, thanks so much for the additional info. Sounds like something I would enjoy. Plan on giving it a try. And I agree with so many of you -- pre-planning is the key! I like to fill in my food diary the day before so I know in advance what I'm planning to eat and don't go off-track. I have a problem getting in enough protein as I've been vegetarian for the past couple of years. I do occasionally eat fish/seafood (so maybe I'm really Pescaterian?) but mostly its plant based protein. Trying to maintain 1200 calories a day while eating whole grains, pulses, legums, is challenging but it is so helpful to use MFP to enter food and try to make it all balance.
  • RCPV
    RCPV Posts: 342 Member
    @Fishwishing, I have the same problem. At home we eat vegan because my husband has microscopic colitis and if we eat vegan he has no flare-ups. The only time I get meat is when we go out to a restaurant to eat. He usually has a vegan dish and I have whatever the menu has to offer. :)

    It is difficult to eat enough protein. I usually fall short, so I've been thinking about trying a pea protein supplement. I can't use whey because it bothers my stomach. Have you ever tried a plant based protein powder?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    RCVP, thanks so much for the additional info. Sounds like something I would enjoy. Plan on giving it a try. And I agree with so many of you -- pre-planning is the key! I like to fill in my food diary the day before so I know in advance what I'm planning to eat and don't go off-track. I have a problem getting in enough protein as I've been vegetarian for the past couple of years. I do occasionally eat fish/seafood (so maybe I'm really Pescaterian?) but mostly its plant based protein. Trying to maintain 1200 calories a day while eating whole grains, pulses, legums, is challenging but it is so helpful to use MFP to enter food and try to make it all balance.

    Do you eat dairy?

    I'm ovo-lacto veg for 45 years now, and sympathize with issues around veggie eating. I'm in maintenance now, getting 100g+ protein daily (I'm 5'5", for context), but was willing to let that drop down to mid-70s grams while losing, if I really had to.

    Some folks find plant-based protein powder or bars really helpful, but I don't personally find them tasty or satisfying. I'm fine with using soy products or eating gluten (I know some aren't). Some things that help me hit protein goals are tofu (in many forms, including noodles and smoked), tempeh, occasionally seitan.

    Even without those things, there are now black bean, pea, and lentil pastas that are helpful, in case you haven't tried them but would consider them OK to eat (some people might not consider them whole foods, but in that they're generally just beans and other vegetable ingredients, maybe some salt, I don't have a problem with them). The black bean ones tend to have a texture unlike wheat pasta, so I prefer those in soups or in Asian-style preparations. The chickpea/pea/lentil ones are more similar to wheat pasta in texture, but I think a bit flatter-tasting, so I prefer them with a hearty sauce. Particularly good (and high in veg protein) is one another user here recommended, where one blenderizes dried mushrooms to powder, then combines with lentils, tomato sauce, and herbs/seasonings of choice.

    Because I'm ovo-lacto veg, I do use quite a bit of dairy (such as nonfat Greek yogurt, cottage cheese), but I'm pretty confident that I could hit protein goals entirely plant-based without protein powder or bars. (I don't eat many eggs, but will sometimes.)

    Best wishes trying to work this all out on low calories!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    judy0149 wrote: »
    Hi - I've used MFP on and off for several years, but now I really want to get very serious. I am 71 years old and I need a lot of help, especially when it comes to exercising. Very isolated where I live, so have no friends to walk with or do anything with, so I'm on my own. My granddaughter just got engaged and is getting married in the fall of 2021, so I have plenty of time to be presentable for the wedding. Will need a lot of encouragement? Thank you

    :) I am isolated by choice. There are very few people I want to spend time with. I walk every day for about two hours and listen to podcasts and audio books that I have downloaded to my phone, thus I always have good company. Indoors, I have a recumbent exercise bike and ride it while watching favourite programs on TV.

    :) Barbie from NW WA
  • Siberian2590
    Siberian2590 Posts: 57 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    judy0149 wrote: »
    Hi - I've used MFP on and off for several years, but now I really want to get very serious. I am 71 years old and I need a lot of help, especially when it comes to exercising. Very isolated where I live, so have no friends to walk with or do anything with, so I'm on my own. My granddaughter just got engaged and is getting married in the fall of 2021, so I have plenty of time to be presentable for the wedding. Will need a lot of encouragement? Thank you

    :) I am isolated by choice. There are very few people I want to spend time with. I walk every day for about two hours and listen to podcasts and audio books that I have downloaded to my phone, thus I always have good company. Indoors, I have a recumbent exercise bike and ride it while watching favourite programs on TV.

    :) Barbie from NW WA

    Please be careful!! I carry a cell phone in one hand and a collapsible baton in the other when I'm walking, but I trust hardly anyone. :#
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    judy0149 wrote: »
    Hi - I've used MFP on and off for several years, but now I really want to get very serious. I am 71 years old and I need a lot of help, especially when it comes to exercising. Very isolated where I live, so have no friends to walk with or do anything with, so I'm on my own. My granddaughter just got engaged and is getting married in the fall of 2021, so I have plenty of time to be presentable for the wedding. Will need a lot of encouragement? Thank you

    :) I am isolated by choice. There are very few people I want to spend time with. I walk every day for about two hours and listen to podcasts and audio books that I have downloaded to my phone, thus I always have good company. Indoors, I have a recumbent exercise bike and ride it while watching favourite programs on TV.

    :) Barbie from NW WA

    Please be careful!! I carry a cell phone in one hand and a collapsible baton in the other when I'm walking, but I trust hardly anyone. :#

    Thanks for the caution. I walk with two dogs and my cell phone in a safe private community and have done so daily for 15 years.
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,397 Member
    I used to carry my phone but since there have been lots if attacks by me I dont just carry a torch to shine in eyes but my dogs probably put some off although last year someone threw a ice drink at us
  • bacpath
    bacpath Posts: 326 Member
    Hi all. Had a very good day exercise, carbohydrate and calorie wise. But my dang metatarsalgia is bad today. I looooove getting old🥴. But as they say, better than the alternative. Welcome Judy0149 to this group. I check in and read all the posts everyday. I find it very inspiring. It looks to me like you have 80 weeks until that wedding. I’ll bet you can and will accomplish a lot in that time. Best to all.
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    Good morning. Hope all are well. Today's weigh-in was just what I expected and I'm so happy with the filling food thats keeping me on track. Eating right, moving more, getting stronger and my home has never been cleaner too. Keep up the good work everyone.
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 and uppers :) I am having my go-to breakfast this morning a sausage sandwich. It consists of one piece of 12 grain bread, 1/2 sausage patty(chopped up into little pieces) 1 tsp of jalapeno mustard and a tiny bit of butter on my toast so it doesn't soak up all the mustard. I know it sounds weird but, it make me feel like I'm cheating and helps me get my fiber :p

    Wow, I am happy to see all the posts :DRCPV thanks for your kind words (hug) I am usually up but, do have an occasional down day. Encouraging others is my own encouragement. Good luck with the pea protein. bethe or should I say Rosie LOL the night on the USS Lexington sounds amazing. Sometimes we need to indulge and have a fun time. No harm done just get back in the saddle, right? aecjones Oh, it is so frustrating when that happens, been there, done that. Keep going girl and it will finally go down and stay down (hug) judy0149 You've come to the right place for encouragement and support :) We will be here and you just do what you need to do and you will be the most dazzling grandma at your granddaughter's wedding when the time comes (hug) AnnPT77 I truly enjoy your advice and am in awe of how you do what you do. Keep up the good work. Fishwishing You'll get there, don't get discouraged. We all have to find our balance when trying to eat right for ourselves. I had a time trying to get enough fiber, that's why I occasionally have a piece of 12 grain bread. You'll figure it out ;)bacpath You go girl :)j29t WTG girl YAY Hey, if you get bored you could come clean my house LOL.

    Have a blessed day everyone ;)

    Shout out to my friends <3

  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning! Have the day off and trying to decide what I will be doing today. Yesterday it got up to about 55 so I went for a great hike, started out with no energy, so told my son I may only do a mile, but as it got warmer I got more energy and ended up hiking 4 miles. Felt wonderful, the sunshine was great. Also got in some early yoga, oh and arm weight workout. I was doing so good with food, made a great salad and baked chicken breasts for dinner, but after my son left for an event, I started eating!!!! toast, raisins, cheese, grapes, I added it up and I ate about 1000 extra calories. Got to stop the mindless eating. So today it is chilly again in the 40's but want to get outdoors for some walking. Will report back on my "success" in not snacking tonight. Just got to do this to lose the weight.
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    It is difficult to eat enough protein. I usually fall short, so I've been thinking about trying a pea protein supplement. I can't use whey because it bothers my stomach. Have you ever tried a plant based protein powder?[/quote]
    Fishwishing and RCPV I have had the same problem and investigated some Pea Protein powders, found a good one that tastes great in Vanilla, Orgain Organic Protein, it was also very economically priced. I use it in my oatmeal in the morning instead of Almond milk and just use extra water. I think I found it on Amazon, it lasts a long time, came in a giant 2 lb container. I have also used it in smoothies as well.
  • RCPV
    RCPV Posts: 342 Member
    @n2gardens56, thanks for the tip! I'm going to look for that locally first and then on Amazon if I can't find it. :)
  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks for the ideas, RCPV, AnnPT77 and n2gardens56. I've not considered pea protein powders. I'll have to visit our local health market and also check on some higher protein pastas. I definitely AM a pasta lover! I do eat dairy and eggs and cheese are my stand-by proteins. And n2gardens56 I can definitely relate to the late-night snacking. That is the worst time of day for me.
  • gary92067
    gary92067 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2020
    I'm 68, 182 lbs., 5'7". Plan to lose 30+ lbs. by midyear (2 lbs a week). I have competed in triathlons, marathons, cycling events 10+ years ago but now out of shape. Cancer survivor for 16 years...hurray! Healthy now. Have gone through medical trials measuring the impact of diet and lifestyle on disease...it's pretty big. No medications currently but mildly elevated blood pressure. Going to get blood pressure down with weight, activity and some diet stuff (beet powder, green hibiscus tea, etc.).
  • RCPV
    RCPV Posts: 342 Member
    gary92067 wrote: »
    Have gone through medical trials measuring the impact of diet and lifestyle on disease...it's pretty big.

    Hi @gary92067 and welcome! I'm really interested in the above statement in your post. Can you tell me where to find the results of the trials or just flesh out a little for me what the findings were (i.e. what kind of diet and what sort of lifestyle changes)? Thanks in advance!

    I also have HBP. My doctor fairly recently cut my meds in half. The main reason, I believe, was exercise. I'd only lost 5 lbs. at the time, so it really couldn't have been the weight loss, and I eat mainly the same things I always did, just less. The only difference was I was extremely sedentary and I added exercise.

    Good luck with the weight loss and congrats in your triumph over cancer. I look forward to seeing more of your posts. :)

  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I'm interested in that also.
  • bethe
    bethe Posts: 79 Member
    I hope everyone is doing well today. As for me, I'm slowly figuring out how to balance my macros and calories versus exercise, but I'm not there yet. Yesterday I got over 12,000 steps in but didn't eat near enough calories, and today I walked circa 6600 steps and went over on calories. The macros today are closest to target so far, but I'm not there yet. I'm actually kind of enjoying trying to figure out how to get everything balanced correctly - it's sort of a juggling act. Lol - I'm really missing my sodas and beer, but they throw everything out of whack, so bye bye to those for the most part.
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 and uppers :) Is anyone else having problems with the site the last couple days? Things just keep spinning and going no where :o I am having a problem with getting enough calories in lately. Any suggestions that are not carb related? bethe Hang in there it is a real trick to get a balance everyday, especially if you are eating real, or trying to (hug) RetiredAndLovingIt Good to see you and hope you get the info you are looking for :)RCPV Keep up the good fight (hug) gary92067 Welcome and congrats on beating cancer :D I am sure everyone would appreciate hearing the impact of diet and lifestyle on disease, I know I would. I hope you are back to your triathlons, marathons, cycling events before you know it. (Big thumbs up to you and a hug) Fishwishing I have actually gone to bed to avoid those late night eating sprees :'(n2gardens56 I just had a thought (sometimes I do that LOL) perhaps you are getting hungry later in the day because you're not eating enough and your doing all that hiking. Hiking 4 miles can burn up a lot of calories. Just a thought :)

    Hello and welcome to any newbies I may have missed :)

    Shout out to my friends <3

    Have a blessed day everyone ;)
  • j29t
    j29t Posts: 228 Member
    edited February 2020
    Good morning group. Hope y'all are doing good and have your healthy food on track for the day.

    @bethe I'm doing a juggling act too. Often I come up in the red on fat and protein and wonder if that will cause problems even though I'm in total calorie deficit.

    @lynnchristy I too am having MFP problems with the spinning and error messages. I close out and log back in and usually what I've entered is in place. I have a problem with evening hunger and often plan a smoothie with spinach, chia seeds, almonds, almond milk, frozen fruit, greek yogurt (*edited) and ice which does fill me up and is not terribly high in carbs. Found I simply can't get to sleep hungry.

    Time to get moving for the day. Make it good everyone. Om....