
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    Good visit with Doctor today. Heart Echo shows no changes. Valves showing the slightest bit of leaking-may need to do something about that in about 20 years (in other words, very normal for 65). Cholesterol levels are all excellent. Since last year at this time (right before getting back to tracking), they have all adjusted into very healthy levels. Total cholesterol down to 177 from194. Triglycerides down to 61 from 78. LDL cholesterol down to 95 from 117. Thyroid stuff bouncing around like it usually does. Will see what Endo says about that. Only one test still going up slowly. May be indicative of bone issue due to cancer but have to have endo look at all of those specific numbers together.

    Doctor did confirm I have sinus infection. While sudafed was helping the pressure some, he could certainly hit the spots where everything is inflamed. Put me on an antibiotic (and he is not huge on prescribing them unless he thinks absolutely necessary). Felt fairly decent after work so did go to gym. By the end, I was worn out (the work out was work tonight!). Glad I did it though. Came home, took first med and heading to bed to get good night's sleep.

    Was up late last night (for me) for work function. Food was good and I ate the dessert. Hard time guessing calories, so I probably went over but not going to stress about it. Have a bit of deficit for the week and pretty sure of those calories.

    Sorry to hear of those dealing with Altzheimers. My cousin's mother in law passed from that and it was very difficult on the whole family.

    Machka-sorry husband is having issues right now. I hope docs are able to get a good evaluation in and the RTW stuff gets resolved.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.56min, 136mhr, 11.9amph, 1.57mi= 68c
    apple watch- 66c
    Floor exercises - 27.07min, 10 different exer., 114mhr, 5sets of 10ea, some w/8# weights= 57c
    apple watch- 148c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.34min, 140mhr, 16amph, 1.48mi= 47c
    apple watch- 55c
    bike ride puy 2 sumn station- 16.29min, 145mhr, 11.1amph, 3.04mi= 145c
    apple watch- 117c
    Jog sta 2 wrk- 5.31min, 10.14min mi, 150mhr, .53mi= 66c
    apple watch- 59c
    Jog wrk 2 sta- 4.42min, 10.18min mi, 152mhr, .45mi= 61c
    apple watch- 58c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.19min, 8amph, 163mhr, 2.58mi= 220c
    apple watch- 146c

    total cal 755
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Barbie- Fat slices of bread we call Texas Toast lol 😂.Its exspensive popular especially with butter y garlic powder on it some dried parsley flakes! Parsley flakes are the same area as the pepper to herb seasoning shakers. Can get big bottle cheaply. I used to make them for a spaghetti dinner treat or at restaurants I worked at. Use little tab of margarine goes a long way on the toasted bread.Only light sprinkle of garlic powder.Heavy in the parsley flakes!

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    They even name restaurant after the bread y it’s in every frozen food isle to restaurants here!
    Tastes great as a sandwich 🥪!

    Use a skillet to brown it!

    Amber Tx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • dianastarkekman
    dianastarkekman Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the kind welcomes. This sure seems like my kind of board. I am curious- what do people do here when you reach your desired weight? Does your diet change much, or do you try to stick to the same routine that worked for you for weight loss and just adjust calories? It'll be months before I need to worry about this, I'm sure, but I'm the type who likes to plan ahead.
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,387 Member
    @dianastarkekman -this group is very supportive and friendly. I am currently at maintenance. I keep logging (get a few more calories now), weigh daily still. Started at the gym in December. Still working on figuring out how that impacts my eating. Have stayed between 137-140 for a couple of months now (5'5", age 65)-except for a Christmas bump that went away running a slight deficit for a couple of weeks. After coming back here about a year ago (was tracking, lost, then after some surgeries, stopped logging and slowly put on around 20 pounds), I started back eating in a way I figure I can pretty much stick to. From what I have read, people can take a bit to find their best maintenance strategies. The maintenance board has some good information if you like to read and plan ahead (I'm the same way).

    Ginny in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Thanks for the kind welcomes. This sure seems like my kind of board. I am curious- what do people do here when you reach your desired weight? Does your diet change much, or do you try to stick to the same routine that worked for you for weight loss and just adjust calories? It'll be months before I need to worry about this, I'm sure, but I'm the type who likes to plan ahead.

    I spent most of my life at my desired weight. However, I have gained weight a few times in my life. I had very gradually gained weight in 2012-2014 and in 2015 I decided to get on top of things again. By the end of 2015, I had reached my desired weight.

    I was exercising a lot so I pretty much returned to normal eating with some slight modifications and maintained until 2018 when my husband had a bad accident.

    I've gradually gained weight through 2018 and 2019 again, so this year I've been trying to exercise more and keep a bit more control on what I'm eating. When I hopped on the scale yesterday morning, I was down about 2.5 kg from the beginning of the year.

    If you're not exercising much, you'd probably want to try increasing your calories a little and see how things go.

    Machka in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    MOrning all! Welcome new ladies! I have to scoot out and do my shopping and errand running, but then it is a weekend at the computer (paperwork and other things I have put off). I will check in again later and respond to the many posts that have intrigued me. But before I go:
    Michele- because I love a good bit of trivia..."What toy was invented by an engineer on a ship to keep equipment from moving"...I have two guesses. My first guess, which is Tinker Toys, I am thinking is wrong because of Karen VA's note that it wasn't her first thought. lol SO...I will go with my second guess which is a Slinky; because it reminds me of a bungee cord and it has always seemed to me to be a weird toy/not a toy I would ever think of giving a child.

    talk to you all later. ttfn KJ (kelly)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    annie another thought for your E-ticket besides a portable charge for your phone- print out the ticket as a backup