60 yrs and up



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,564 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    (snip) for reply length
    . . . sometimes it is good to see things in print that you have seen before, and that I know in the back of my mind it is true, but then keep eating sugar and starches: helps to protect against insulin resistance is the number one factor,” he says. “The main driver of all the diseases related to aging is sugar and starch.” Minimizing consumption of these two ingredients is directly linked to aging well because they are both linked to insulin resistance as well as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and even depression. That alone should be enough for me to eat right, I am just 2 years free from Breast Cancer & diabetes runs in my family, but then I gain weight and eat starches & sugar!!!
    Thanks for listening to me vent, and thanks for being there for support!!!! Everyone have a great Friday!

    I'd urge caution about over-emphasizing starches/sugars' role in avoiding breast cancer recurrence (or initial disease). There's a risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. (I'm a 19+ year survivor of stage III locally advanced breast cancer: 5 tumors in one breast, some large; one tumor in the other breast; an underarm lymph node with metastatic malignancy. This is an area of research I've paid quite close attention to.)

    The mainstream advice (e.g., from American Cancer Society, American Institute for Cancer Research, etc.) is that we should attain a healthy body weight, get well-rounded nutrition, be routinely physically active, limit alcohol and specifically eat plenty of veggies, fruits, and whole grains. Those latter foods are important, and they all contain substantial amounts of naturally-occurring carbs and sugars. They're very nutrient dense foods, and most are relatively low in calories.

    Low carb diets limit veggie, fruit and grain intake. Some people who undertake a low carb diet find that they increase their vegetable consumption, and can include some fruit. But those who are accustomed to eating large amounts of veggies and fruits, will often find that they can't include their normal quantities and variety of veggies and fruits while still maintaining a low carb level. (This would be true for me.)

    What the major mainstream cancer authorities are saying is that it's a good plan to limit low-nutrient-density highly-refined carbs like baked goods, candy, soda, etc.: They're usually calorie-dense, not very filling, and can make it easier to overeat and therefore become obese, increasing risk. At the same time, they're suggesting we increase veggies, fruits, whole grains, lowfat dairy, and other common sources of carbohydrates, including both starches and sugars (inherent sugars, not added sugars!). The problem is not "carbohydrates", but calorie dense, nutrient sparse food choices becoming a major percentage of one's diet.

    For breast cancer specifically, it's looking like regular physical activity is a truly significant factor in long-term survival, in some sub-groups even more influential than chemotherapy, in statistical terms.

    Oops, meant to add this link: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/diet-physical-activity/diet-and-physical-activity.html
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hi from central Iowa. 30’s today..forecasting 60’s this weekend
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 & uppers :) We are getting ready to run some errands this morning so I will be brief ;)

    njag6393,Hurrah for good blood tests results :D I had blood drawn yesterday and am expecting a good report :)

    RetiredAndLovingIt, I hope you get your 60's this weekend B)

    barbiecat, it sounds as though you are living your dream <3

    AnnPT77, I agree with you :) I think one of the biggest culprits to health (as far as food goes) is highly processed foods. Luckily when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 15 years ago my rheumatologist did not prescribe drugs. She told me the best thing for me was to eliminate highly processed foods and eat a well balanced diet, exercise regularly and get proper rest. Congratulations on beating cancer (hug)

    n2gardens56, sounds like you are like most of us who struggle with weight (hug) It also sounds like you realize your particular problem foods and are doing a good job of getting them out of your house, so they won't be a problem :D Great job, keep up the good work, we can do this with the help and support of each other :)

    RCPV, thank you (hug) I had a good day yesterday, felt well and the doctor told I'd lost 8 pounds since seeing him last YAY B)

    bacpath, thank you (hug) I love the new profile pic :D

    lindagalbreath577, "Hey" right back atcha :D

    yukfoo, welcome... you're funny LOL

    mds1207, welcome to 60 yrs & up :D

    Evamutt, kardsharp, Fishwishing and anyone else I may have missed... have a great day and enjoy the weekend. Sorry I must run, so much for brief LOL

    Shout out to my friends <3
  • lindagalbreath577
    lindagalbreath577 Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning everyone! Well the rain is back! The sun shine was very nice for a couple of days. How is everyone doing? I have to go do blood work Tuesday also ‘‘tis the season for blood work. Lol . I am back on the loose again I have 5 more lbs to get below 200. Haven’t been there in a very long time! I am excited. When I reach that goal I am going to get a new outfit. Woo hoo!! Instead of looking at the long term goal I try to set small goals to reach then it’s not so overwhelming .so mine are 5 lbs at a time it adds up! Everyone have a great day 🤓🤓
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    lindagalbreath577, I'm with you in regards to setting small achievable goals ;) I find it makes the journey more fun to set small ones that are more easily reached.

    lois2077, welcome to 60 yrs & up (hug) You've come to the right place for motivation, if you measure it in support, encouragement and helpful information :D

    barbiecat, good for you getting out in the yard and pulling weeds B) If I was in the yard I could perhaps make snow angels LOL

    Have a nice weekend ladies and gentlemen <3
  • Fishwishing
    Fishwishing Posts: 26 Member
    Lois2077, I have also been trying IF (eating only during 8 hours a day, fasting for the other 16). I thought it was helping greatly the first month but results have tapered off this past month so not sure if it is working as well as I'd hoped. So far I've had no issue with low blood sugar but in the past I have felt weak and shaky when I've gone for long hours w/o any food. Of course, what I'm eating now is healthier and more well balanced so that may be making a difference. Linda577, I agree with approaching weight loss with small goals and nice rewards for success. In another life my rewards were always a food treat! LOL Kinda defeats the purpose. Now I reward myself with other things and life is much better. The sun is shining here today and it is 52 degrees! Yippee! getting ready to take my dog out for a long walk to celebrate Leap Day. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • n2gardens56
    n2gardens56 Posts: 74 Member
    Checking in with everyone, we woke up to snow flurries, and dusting on the ground, windy. When I got out to go to Yoga class it was in the 20's, warmed up to 40 (still windy) went for a couple mile walk with my dog after class. Today was my weigh-in day and I actually went down a pound and half...even after my doughnut overload on Thursday, (not doing that again even if the coworkers do bring them to work!!!!) My goals are more important. @AnnPT77 congratulations on the 19 yrs cancer free. I had read your posts in the past about your cancer journey, and you are an inspiration. After yoga class today we had a meeting about our May Yoga Retreat to Italy, so excited and got to know the other travelers a little more. I am getting excited, which helps my motivation. I am doing better overall with food because the last two days I logged all my food for the day into MFP, that way I know what I am eating (read where several of you on here do that). I did my grocery shopping yesterday based on my planned food for the week. It felt so much less stressful yesterday and so far today. I know what I have to eat for the day including treats and snacks and i will not be caught off guard going to the pantry wondering what I can snack on. Also posting here daily will help keep me accountable, thanks everyone for being there.
  • maryajones
    maryajones Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. I’m Mary. Not sure if this is where I’m supposed to be posting (if not could someone please elucidate me? Thanks!). I am new. My first goal is to lose 15 pounds. Good luck everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    maryajones wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I’m Mary. Not sure if this is where I’m supposed to be posting (if not could someone please elucidate me? Thanks!). I am new. My first goal is to lose 15 pounds. Good luck everyone!

    :)Mary if you are looking for a friendly supportive community of people ages 60+, ,then you have posted in the right place. We are in different places along the road to weight loss. I log food and exercise every day and seek every opportunity to be active

    <3 Barbie from NW WA
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Age 69..... have been using MFP since 2013.... and lost 2 pounds.... total... ... need to lose before hip surgery.... and fearful of brewing pandemic.....
  • lynnchristy
    lynnchristy Posts: 75 Member
    Good morning 60 & uppers :) My total loss, since January first is 8.6 pounds YAY I'll take it :D Total loss to date... 29 pounds and counting B)

    pat30725, Welcome to the group and bless your heart for being a caregiver <3

    Soloflyergirl2, Welcome and I can assure you, too... if you are looking for a supportive group of people... you've come to the right place :)

    maryajones, Welcome and yes you've come to the right place, just as Barbie said B)

    n2gardens56 Please tell us more about your "May Yoga Retreat to Italy" How do I sign up LOL... Seriously though, I would like to hear more about it :D

    Fishwishing, sounds as though you are doing well :) How did your walk go yesterday? B)

    Barbie, you're such a sweetheart, so warm and welcoming (((hug))) Thanks from all of us :D

    Have a nice day everyone and stay strong in the fight for fit :)

    Shout out to my wonderful friends <3
  • njag6393
    njag6393 Posts: 27 Member
    Getting ready to walk 4 miles at the lake that I love. I hope everyone has had a good and blessed weekend. Hearing all the input from everyone and their experiences helps inspire me as I can relate in some sort of way in my life experiences to most of you. I appreciate this group and hope everyone stays positive and achieves their goals.
    Welcome Suzywantsitall, I think you will find this group beneficial to your well being.
  • njag6393
    njag6393 Posts: 27 Member
    P.S. My mother who is 93 told me the other day that sunshine can sometimes dictate your mood and she was sure right. We’ve had a long streak of dreary days and It’s shining today in SW Va today! No negativity today!