

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Still catching up.

    Belated Happy Birthday Barbara, hope you had a wonderful day.

    Viv UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Thanks, Machka

    To clarify my previous comments: while it is nearly certain that COVID-19 does have a zoonotic (animal) cause, it is not yet proven. In the minds of millions of people around the world, COVID-19 originated in Chinese human beings in Wuhan. Regardless of what may be eventually discovered about an animal source, that perception is unlikely to change. Because the 2009 pandemic was actually called Swine Flu, the perception was that it came from pigs, even though the strains that caused the pandemic contained contributions from birds & humans as well. Pigs are like laboratory vessels for reassortment of flu viruses with contributions from humans, birds, pigs, and possibly other zoonotic sources. Fortunately, pandemic-potential strains are infrequently formed.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Rita Happy Birthday for yesterday, hope you too had a wonderful day.

    Still catching up, Karen in Virginia, your mum was so pretty, how old was she in the photo's, she looks so elegant in her Sunday best.

    Viv UK
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Viv I think Mom was in her late 20's.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Happy birthday Rita!
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,341 Member
    Just a quick read through before starting day. Work went better yesterday--was able to sort out the various issues. Not worth getting overly upset. Only two meetings scheduled for today so should be able to get some other tasks completed. Warmer here today but rain!

    Meet with trainer tonight for new workout. We discussed a couple of changes last night (had a shorter workout due to getting out of work late-but I went!). Not sure what changes she is making but we are continuing on core strength and balance. I will say after three months of this I am noticing changes-more muscle definition (or maybe I should just say I have some muscle definition!).

    Trying to find new swim suit-don't like any of the style in stores close to me-going through all of the selections on Amazon. Think I want to boy short type legs (help cover scars from hip replacements). Think I have found one piece I may give a try. I don't swim a lot but have found myself wanting to use pool when I stay at hotel for work and when with grandkids. I think buying a house was easier than a swimsuit!

    Corona virus-I don't think we have seen full extent of it. I think we need to be sensible about it. We have problems at work with people not staying home when they are sick. We have good sick leave accruals if you don't waste your time. I have seen lots of folks over the years early on use sick leave just like extra paid time off and then when they hit a true medical issue, they are left without. I have a comfortable balance despite hip replacements, etc. However, when I do have a fever (luckily rare event) I stay home.

    Need to get moving. Good day to all.

    Ginny in Ohio
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited March 2020
    I never got Swine Flu, that one missed me, but my brother and his wife had it for Christmas in 2009! They went down with it on Christmas Day and their son, who had come over, cooked the Christmas lunch. They couldn't eat it, of course. Everyone had it, except for their 10 year old daughter who had had the inoculation as she is asthmatic.

    Singing today. :D Wash my hands, wash my hands. Don't bite my nails. Only a very few people have it here at the moment, so I am not actively worried, but it costs me nothing to wash my hands. Unfortunately DH is not as careful as me and what he catches, I will catch. To be honest, if I went down with it I could cancel the cruise with a full refund. ;)

    Waiting for the blood test results.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    edited March 2020
    Good Morning,
    Happy Birthday Rita!

    For those in caregiver roles- please remember to take care of yourselves first. You need to be healthy to be strong in your care. Prayers!

    Ginny I couldn't find swimsuits I liked around here either when I won a trip to Punta Cana. I ended up going to Venus dot com and got several well priced suits. Just a thought. I hope your day goes smoothly. Congratulations on the muscle tone.

    Allie You've got this!!!!!!

    Machka Yay on the tooth!

    SuziQ I love that arrangement! My former employer did a lot exotic flower arrangements. They are my favorite! I haven't found another local florist that does them well.

    You ladies are such inspirations for exercise!

    Filling out medical forms.....record keeping is such a pain....Since there are really only 2 medical systems in place here, and I have been in them for at least 26 years, you would think they would have all of this! Luckily, I had paperwork for what surgeries I had when since I have met my husband. Just goes to enforce the need for an "in case of emergency" book. I reckon I will add that to my March list. My medication list is short, my husband's is not. What surgeries, what health concerns, family history, etc. Need to add speak with lawyer about wills and or trusts. Need to change my name on one of the titles of our rental properties. Need to check out deed for a property my husband and his mom own to make sure it is written correctly for it to pass to him. Will start with notebook as first step for known items.

    So my son in law was out sick yesterday. My SIL left at 10:30 for dr appointment as she is still sick. She has bronchitis. SIL will at least be at work for a short while today as we have at least 2 if not 3 semis coming in with equipment to unload. I have had to do it in the past, but I am neither fast nor expert in it. Darn it, I can do most anything at shop, I shouldn't have to do everything. I did get all the lawnmowers washed yesterday so that I could call them to come pick up.

    Welcome to the new ladies!
    Congratulations to all the daily NSV's

    Hugs to all just because! And they are virtual so safe! ;)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,510 Member
    edited March 2020
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BB&B, dogwalk with Joe.
    Get to do: invest 10 mins cleaning Living Room carry over clean Master Bth, Kitchen/Laundry, veg prep, board meeting minutes, massage, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, bake cheddar corn muffins and make chili for Lenten soup supper, call Diane, Carolyn D, get Shingrix vaccine, follow up with Doug for iCloud for Win10. Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.

    We were more mindfully wiping down equipment in exercise class today. Avoiding door knobs and handles when possible and washing washing washing hands. Think I’ll pick up some Lysol spray in town this afternoon. If COV19 comes to our county it will probably mean hiatus of dog group, line dancing and maybe even church. Thankful both Joe’s and my health is generally ok.

    Thanks again for all the birthday wishes, and Happy Birthday to yooouuuu Rita!
    LuciB is CBD legal where you are? I’ve heard that CBD offers some pain/anxiety relief.
    Katla neither will I ever put any burning thing in my mouth to smoke ever again never! Edibles, now, are another matter entirely, and the explosion of options is mind boggling.
    Rori thankful to hear of DH’s positive first Vet’s club, experience. Hope he forgets his reluctance to go two days in a row.
    Lisa beautiful weaving, Pat your owl made me smile.
    Allie “the Dr trying to get me to stay” it is to laugh! I am rolling on the floor having trouble keeping from p’ing!
    Margaret thanks for the “keeping wipes in the car” tip.
    Rebecca Athena Rose’s smile what a gift!
    Machka never thought I’d say this, but… “Hooray for the dentist!”
    Got2bjb Con VERY gratulations on discarding those 79 pounds. Well done!
    Karen in VA The Ross Sisters performing ‘Solid Potato Salad’ O M G!!!

    Welcome @mcbf42, @dcresider @paulab4me7982, Celia in TX, Anna in OK, welcome back @bettyann55

    Not a brilliant start to a “better than” month. Two days of overindulgence, done with that! Today calls for more fruit, veggies, H20, activity in the fresh air . . . and maybe a little cleaning ;)

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    February: better than January.
    daily: steps=3192 vits=1 log=1 CI<CO=0 CI<250<CO=0 Tumble & Shadow 5=1 mfp=2 clean 10 mins=0 outside=1 up hill=0
    wkly: BB&B x3=1, rx=0 dance=0 pack walk=0
    mnthly: board mtg=0 grant= review 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=0 play=0 sew=0
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    I still think part of why I got the Swine flu is about a month before it hit I got Montezuma's revenge and my gut was in bad shape. A reminder if you do get a high temp not to use aspirin to bring it down. I was lucky when I took aspirin to bring my fever down I did not get Reye's syndrome. Even for adults it is a problem when fevers are high. My spiked out at 105. I remember having a metal taste in my mouth when it was over. Common with high temps.

    Since I've worked to keep my gut healthy by eating lots of veggies and whole grains and a probiotic like unsweetened yogurt and/or Kombucha I have had fewer illnesses and their duration is shorter. Now I am upping my hand washing and using more wipes. I am also trying to work at decreasing mouth breathing.

    I think because I got so sick with Swine flu I try to be proactive.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :) Tuesday is my day for weekly Fosamax--the drug that fights the osteoporosis that resulted in a spinal compression fracture in 2018 that kept me in bed nearly all day for a month and kept me from dancing from July to November. The pill has to be taken first thing in the morning with a 6-8 ounces of water followed by being upright and not eating and drinking for 30 minutes. Fortunately for me, I walk the dogs right after that and by the time we get back and I fix my breakfast, more than 30 minutes has elapsed. Mobility is one of the usual entries in my gratitude journal.

    :) I am reading an interesting book, "A History of the World in 6 Glasses" by Tom Standage. It traces world history as it has been influenced by beer, wine, distilled spirits, coffee, tea, and cola. I just finished reading a section about how religious and civic leaders objected to coffee because it was considered "intoxicating".

    :) Today is "Fit and Fall Proof Class". After I walk the dogs, I'll change coats and shoes and walk over to the clubhouse for the class. I'm looking forward to it. Jake may go with me.

    :)Machka, I do the same thing you do, go through my friends list and delete the ones that haven't logged in for over a month. I just haven't had to delete a friend for behaviour I consider unpleasant or inappropriate.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,626 Member
    KETONEKAREN I just noticed your donation!! thanks!! <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen in VA: I agree with you about the sensationalism in social media. There have been cases of Corona Virus in Oregon that have been reported in the TV news and there have also been reported case in Washington State in local and national news. I can certainly see why there is a fear factor at work. I plan to go about my regular business from yoga classes to grocery shopping. I’m leaving DH a home for those excursions due to his many health issues. :ohwell:

    Barbara: You are smart not to put burning things in your mouth. I have had that same practice for decades. Edibles are, indeed, another matter. In truth, I haven’t had them in decades, either. In the distant past I fed my parents pot roast (literally) at my house. They were more mellow than I’d ever seen them and repeatedly remarked about how good it was. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I take my Fosamax on Sunday mornings before coffee or any other substance. The version I use is once weekly and I haven’t had a fracture since I started taking it. Prior to fosamax I had two wrist factures in separate falls on unseen ice. I’m very careful when it is icy outside since those falls. :star: I’d like to know more about your Fit and Fall Proof class.

    I have nothing on my schedule today but anticipate a trip to the grocery store. That seems to happen almost every day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    edited March 2020
    The singing was WONDERFUL today. We have our lovely teacher Jason back. :D We were singing through new songs for a couple of concerts the group is giving in the near future. We can't attend the concerts because we have other arrangements including the cruise. If we don't go on that, we can sing at the concert. The last one, in May, is to celebrate VE day WW2, 75th anniversary. We sang a lot of old songs that I used to sing with my mum and grandparents. I did have a tear in my eye a few times. Some were from WW1 and some from WW2. Plus some music hall, that we used to sing in the car and with my gran.
    Everyone knew all the tunes, so we made a big noise! :D
    Only eight of us stayed for Classical, but we were in good voice.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx