March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 I always feel more confident running a course that I've run before. There's something about being able to visualize exactly where I am and what's coming that helps me out.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,739 Member
    3/2 – 6.56 miles
    3/3 – 3.10 miles
    3/4 - 5.01 miles
    3/5 – 3.25 miles
    3/6 – 5.07 miles
    22.99/100 miles

    March is certainly coming in like a lion in my part of the world. It was very windy on this morning’s run and now it’s blowing snow sideways outside. I’ve got 14 miles on my schedule for tomorrow so I hope this weather moves out soon.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    Welcome newcomers! This is a great place to be!

    Did 4 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Did seem needed incline/hill work.
    Would you say 5-6 incline is good for hill training?
    We have plenty of hills here in Raleigh, but I just wanted to do a structured workout.

    Rest day today. 3 more long runs before the HM. Another question:
    Do you try to run the course of a race (if possible of course) beforehand? Or do it that one time?
    This HM is on a different part of the green way and streets that I don't normally run - I mean it's local but in another part of town.
    I also would still like to do at least a 13.1 mile long run - to practice it as my last 2-3 are always ugh. LOL
    Good idea or know? And when considering only 3 runs left.


    I don't use treadmills so I don't know if 5-6 is good or not, but no matter what the setting, hill training on a treadmill misses what I consider the most important part, and that's the downhill. When you run a race or route with a lot of elevation, it's not the uphills that tear up your quads, it's the downhills. When going downhill your quad muscles are contracting even as they lengthen (eccentric contraction) and this causes microtears in the muscle fiber and leads to the pain. This is the same reason why it hurts more going down the stairs after a marathon or long run than it does going up the stairs.

    When I do hill repeats I make sure I run downhill as much or more than I run uphill. I see some published hill workouts tell runners to run uphill, then walk downhill as the recovery and I just have to shake my head. My favorite routine is at a spot where there's a valley. I run down the hill into the valley and right back up the other side, slowing to a walk at the top for my recovery. Turn around and do the same thing the other direction. Repeat as desired.

    Thank you...does make sense. So, running the hills of Raleigh is probably better :)
    And thanks for the shout out on my race!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 I always feel more confident running a course that I've run before. There's something about being able to visualize exactly where I am and what's coming that helps me out.

    This is my thoughts too. So, when should I do the 13.1 mile course - I have 3 long runs left before the HM..
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Welcome newcomers! This is a great place to be!

    Did 4 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Did seem needed incline/hill work.
    Would you say 5-6 incline is good for hill training?
    We have plenty of hills here in Raleigh, but I just wanted to do a structured workout.

    Rest day today. 3 more long runs before the HM. Another question:
    Do you try to run the course of a race (if possible of course) beforehand? Or do it that one time?
    This HM is on a different part of the green way and streets that I don't normally run - I mean it's local but in another part of town.
    I also would still like to do at least a 13.1 mile long run - to practice it as my last 2-3 are always ugh. LOL
    Good idea or know? And when considering only 3 runs left.

    I have a treadmill that is hooked into iFit-which allows me to map out a route on Google maps and the treadmill will adjust incline & decline to match the route and show the google street view as you go along.

    At various points, I ran (virtually) all of the New Orleans marathon route. It did help me have some idea what was happening and where I was and what was coming.

    If it’s a local event, I try to run as much of the course as it’s safe to do beforehand.

    That said-New Orleans is flat as a board. The treadmill incline auto-adjusted to 3.5% (and down to -3%) at times.

    Depending on the type of hill workout, I might up the incline some. If 3.5 happens for something that is virtually flat, I would think I’d want a little steeper than 5-6 for a hill.

    But I can’t support Lenny’s downhill comments enough. Up is hard on the lungs. Down is hard on the body. For at least 4 of the injuries I’ve had, running downhill was the last thing I was able to do comfortably-even when I was running upwards of 10 miles at a time.

    I don’t know the elevation profiles you’re prepping for, but a serious downhill early in a race can wreck your legs for later on.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    This year's finishers award for the Sandlot Marathon has been revealed!
    Finishers receive a miniature baseball bat!

    That is pretty awesome! Kinda sad I’ll be wandering around Moab instead.

    you'll be sad till you get there. i love that area.
    i had the best burger at Eddie McStiff's

    I’m only going for the long weekend this time :(

    For the other half in October I was there a week after and it was amazing!

    This company puts on some other races I want to do out there so I’m hoping to be back a few more times. It’s beautiful. And so much fun stuff to do!

    Is Eddie McStiff’s the saloon-looking place or the place up by Wendy’s? I can’t remember. I went to one last time and wanted to try the other this time.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,660 Member
    3.1 for me today. Still haven't done laundry. Ran a bit, noticed some chafing. Decided to try running commando under the compression shorts, then. Swapped the sports bra for a nearly identical one and smeared some vaseline on the insides of my arms. Arms were fixed, but I liked the new chafe sensations under the shorts even less, so I decided not to continue.

    WRT running downhill on a treadmill: I have propped an old step aerobics block under the rear feet of the treadmill deck. I very much enjoy running downhill on my treadmill. There are 2 additional sets of feet to raise the block, if I feel so inclined. Both sets make the arrangement feel very precarious. Usually, I leave the block where it is. I have ascertained, with use of a level, that "6" is the new Flat. 1-5 are downhill, and 7-15 are still uphill.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 I always feel more confident running a course that I've run before. There's something about being able to visualize exactly where I am and what's coming that helps me out.

    This is my thoughts too. So, when should I do the 13.1 mile course - I have 3 long runs left before the HM..

    Assuming you want to taper, I'd probably do it on your next long run.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Welcome newcomers! This is a great place to be!

    Did 4 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Did seem needed incline/hill work.
    Would you say 5-6 incline is good for hill training?
    We have plenty of hills here in Raleigh, but I just wanted to do a structured workout.

    Rest day today. 3 more long runs before the HM. Another question:
    Do you try to run the course of a race (if possible of course) beforehand? Or do it that one time?
    This HM is on a different part of the green way and streets that I don't normally run - I mean it's local but in another part of town.
    I also would still like to do at least a 13.1 mile long run - to practice it as my last 2-3 are always ugh. LOL
    Good idea or know? And when considering only 3 runs left.

    I have a treadmill that is hooked into iFit-which allows me to map out a route on Google maps and the treadmill will adjust incline & decline to match the route and show the google street view as you go along.

    At various points, I ran (virtually) all of the New Orleans marathon route. It did help me have some idea what was happening and where I was and what was coming.

    If it’s a local event, I try to run as much of the course as it’s safe to do beforehand.

    That said-New Orleans is flat as a board. The treadmill incline auto-adjusted to 3.5% (and down to -3%) at times.

    Depending on the type of hill workout, I might up the incline some. If 3.5 happens for something that is virtually flat, I would think I’d want a little steeper than 5-6 for a hill.

    But I can’t support Lenny’s downhill comments enough. Up is hard on the lungs. Down is hard on the body. For at least 4 of the injuries I’ve had, running downhill was the last thing I was able to do comfortably-even when I was running upwards of 10 miles at a time.

    I don’t know the elevation profiles you’re prepping for, but a serious downhill early in a race can wreck your legs for later on.

    I'm beginning to see that about the downhills - the last race which was a 5K, starts on a fast downhill, and yeah my legs did feel it when the uphills started. I for sure will go run this..maybe even twice!
    Here is the snapshot of the elevation of most of the course

    Looks terrifying, LOL
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @bearly63 That's miserable, I'm sorry. Thank you for sharing. I'll know what it looks like should I ever come down with it, as it is fairly common. I've known one person who had it and she said it was like being on fire and hot pins on her skin. I don't know if she was exaggerating or not, but it was how she explained it.

    @7lenny7 I appreciate the advice, even though it wasn't necessarily for me. I don't use a treadmill, either. After having run Austin Marathon (very, very hilly) I realize more of the work I need to do. My 5-6 days of runs per week are very hilly. I run up, I run down and I think I have extremely strong quads (I've made comments here about how strong these runs have made them), but...I still need to work on improving, especially since I'm already running this same Marathon next year and my goal is to shave 23 minutes off of my time from this year. For training I didn't walk uphill or downhill; I ran it. But during the Marathon, I did a variety of both run/walk between miles 17-22. I was telling my dad yesterday how so many of these people have "strategies" especially if they've run the course several times. I have so much to learn but this helps, so thank you. I won't perceive uphill or downhill as a "break" from here on out. People will tell you walk up this hill, walk down that one because then you have another big hill coming up, take mile 6 slow and then...oh, lots of advice given all at once becomes a jumbled up, lost in mess for me. I followed the crowds during hills; if they did it, I did too. But then there were the ones who pushed up the hills and ran down the hills; those were the superstars! I'd like to be one not intimidated by a hundred huge hills. I'm definitely going to hit more hills before the actual event just to be better prepared and more confident for anything. Now I'm going to look for more hills to run up and down!
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hills are all about attitude. You can hate them for the increased effort they require, or you can love them for the increased benefit they provide. I choose to love them during training runs for their benefit. How I feel about them in a race, particularly towards the end of an ultra, can vary, LOL.

    A word of warning for the downhills. When you run downhill there's an increase in the impact on your body for two reasons. First, your next footfall is going to be lower than your last footfall so that increase distance = increase impact. Second, because gravity is on your side there's a tendency to overstride, which increased that vertical distance between footfalls, and further increases the impact. When you get to that point you may start losing control and your now braking with your strides and that's not good. When I start trail running wasn't respecting the downhills like I should have, I had a couple incidents of being totally out of control and thought for sure it would end with me tumbling down or crashing head first into a tree trunk.

    To get good at running the downhills, and it is a worthwhile skill, practice with short, less steep hills and work your way up as you get comfortable with it. Use very quick, very short strides. Don't force yourself down the hill, but let gravity take you and go with the flow. Arms out for balance, still using good posture, eyes on the trail or road planning out your next few steps (particularly on the trails).

    Running uphill, while harder as far as effort, is easier on your body as there's less impact on each stride.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    My goals for 2020 are to stay injury free and healthy. I am also possibly going to try again for my first half marathon.

    3/2 - 3.1 miles
    3/3 - 3.9 miles
    3/4 - 2.6 miles
    3/5 - 4.1 miles
    3/6 - 2.5 miles

    Total- 16.2 miles - .8 miles behind for the month.

    Tired and my knees and back are tight and sore. Not injured hurt just tight.

    March goal : 80 miles
    Plan goal: 86 miles

    Allowing some leeway for bad weather and life happening.

    March 14:
    St. Malachi 2 mile and 5 mile
    May 16:
    Cleveland Marathon Half and 5k
    June 13 - 14:
    Run and Ride Cedar Point 5k or Quarter Marathon
    September 20:
    Cleveland Hero's Run 5 miler
    December 5:
    Santa Hustle Cedar Point 5k
  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    Hill training is hard and I find takes more out of me than a regular speed session, but it definitely makes you stronger at running hills!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,537 Member
    Happy birthday to your daughter @emmamcgarity

    Good to have you back @bigblues11

    The media make everything seem so much worse @LoveyChar just to sell "Killer virus on the ramapage". Come on people! What really gets my goat is those profitering by buying all the handsoap and gels and trying to sell them for five times the normal price, scum!

    Arizona sounds a great place to be @katharmonic

    Just over manfluenza myself and finally got a short run in tonight, not many weeks of training left and really mad that someone gave me that bug. Still a mucus machine but getting there.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I don’t have a lot of experience with hills living in Houston (AKA land of the flat) but my coach at the running clinic advised focusing on short quick steps in both uphill and downhill during our jog over the footbridge across the roadway. He said it would help me save my energy for the flats.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    Happy birthday to your kiddo @emmamcgarity !!!!!!!!

    I like hills for the challenge - granted - the only hill I regularly train on is on a trail and it is called the Bush Push. Love love love that hill because I always feel Rocky Balboa when I get to the top.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @TheMrWobbly Agreed and/or pure aGREED!

    And when is the big event? I/we will be cheering you on, sending you super positive, loving and motivational energy and you will feel it!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    I don’t have a lot of experience with hills living in Houston (AKA land of the flat) but my coach at the running clinic advised focusing on short quick steps in both uphill and downhill during our jog over the footbridge across the roadway. He said it would help me save my energy for the flats.

    It's not terribly hilly here but we've got enough. Austin merges into hill country, though. Downtown Austin has a lot of hills, not huge but definitely big enough and one right after another, it seems.
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Husband and little guy started a tradition about 5 weeks ago called Fryday or Fry-yaaay and they go out for french fries, burgers too but my baby won't eat hamburger meat yet. He just eats bread and fries right now. Anyway, it's such a pretty day and I'm going to try to get at least...6-7 miles in tonight while they're gone. I need to push myself and stay CONSISTENT...