Coronavirus prep



  • cosmiqrecovery
    cosmiqrecovery Posts: 171 Member
    I went to brunch at a small local restaurant, here in California last Monday and yesterday, Wednesday I developed a mild-ish sore throat. This morning woke up and still had it. No fever, but feeling rather tired. I called my Doc to find out if I could be tested and then heard that for regular people like me there are no test available. Doc's office called back and said test is only available for people with severe symptoms. So I plan to stay home, rest, and drink plenty of hot tea. Easy for me to do as I'm retired. I'm in good health and exercise regularly but at 74, it's concerning.

    Hubs and I are well stocked up on food and I'm trying to stay as far away from him as I can. Offered to sleep in a different bedroom for now but he wouldn't hear of it. But I'm not coughing much and hoping that if this is CV that it's a mild case.

    I have a feeling that CV is much more prevalent then most people realize. So please do yourself a favor. Don't go anywhere that isn't absolutely necessary. Will try to keep you posted about my progress or lack there of.

    that's so sweet about your husband. my fiance's the same way, very much an "if i die i die" mentality (which is probably easier for an almost-30-year-old to say). i hope it's just a cold or something mild for you. <3
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 701 Member
    Hubs and I are well stocked up on food and I'm trying to stay as far away from him as I can. Offered to sleep in a different bedroom for now but he wouldn't hear of it. But I'm not coughing much and hoping that if this is CV that it's a mild case.

    I have a feeling that CV is much more prevalent then most people realize. So please do yourself a favor. Don't go anywhere that isn't absolutely necessary. Will try to keep you posted about my progress or lack there of.

    I absolutely agree with this, I'm very sceptical of the numbers. Here in the UK the Chief Scientific Officer was talking about this today.
    590 cases identified but the real number 'is likely to be much higher', probably between 5000 and 10 000.

    The same is likely to be true everywhere else, even in places where there are tests available people with mild symptoms are probably not asking for them.

    Probably best to assume it's not far away and take whatever measures you can.

  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 17,404 Member
    edited March 2020
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    I hope everyone that was unable to purchase toilet paper, bought extra trash bags for whatever else that they'll be wiping with.
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2020
    mph323 wrote: »
    Just saw Governor Newsom is banning gatherings of more than 250 people.

    My daughter and son in law live in San Francisco with my two grandkids. She texted last night they won't be visiting until things settle down because my husband and I are in a higher risk group (we'll be 70 this year). They're pulling the kids out of school ahead of inevitable closures and both are so fortunate that they can work from home.

    I told my 91 year old dad the same thing, and I'm worried for his mental as well as physical health. He is very active and social, he goes to mass twice a week, the gym three times, organizes a senior bus trip twice a month and on and on. I dont know how he'll cope when he has to self isolate.

    I hadn't thought about the mental and emotional health risks to people who are used to being social, as well as the actual physical risk of becoming sick. It seems to me that the stress would make some people even more vulnerable.

    Does your Father've a computer, might he video chat with you and/or others?
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    San Francisco school district just closed schools for three weeks.

    And standing in line at Safeway (don't judge, I'm legit out of milk. I stocked up on TP last week), I saw this gem.

  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    I picked up supplies to learn how to make my own laundry soap and already soap bars ready to go as well as a mostly full bottle that I had from before that so I'm good on laundry soap.

    But this does have me thinking of stocking up on a few things now, such as cleaning supplies and cat food before it gets here.

    I do have the option from working at home if it comes to my area though it can be a little difficult if I need a print or something from the office. And I've found it to be distracting.

    What does frustrate me is that my company expects us to use vacation time and didn't offer sick leave until you've been out 5 business days. I'm hoping that catching this will still be covered under our short term disability plan if I catch it but am not sick enough to be hospitalized. The company pays for the short term disability insurance but didn't give us a list of what qualifies. With the long length of time that this thing incubates and it takes to get over it, it's definitely going to stretch sick leave plans for those who are lucky enough to have them. I feel really bad for the people who don't have them or work for businesses that could be forced to close temporarily and leave their employees without an income during that period.

    How long are those who have it expected to quarantine?

    It seems that businesses that've to close're letting go, of their employees altogether. I believe instead that they should've insurance, to cover their income.
  • mph323
    mph323 Posts: 3,565 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    Just saw Governor Newsom is banning gatherings of more than 250 people.

    My daughter and son in law live in San Francisco with my two grandkids. She texted last night they won't be visiting until things settle down because my husband and I are in a higher risk group (we'll be 70 this year). They're pulling the kids out of school ahead of inevitable closures and both are so fortunate that they can work from home.

    I told my 91 year old dad the same thing, and I'm worried for his mental as well as physical health. He is very active and social, he goes to mass twice a week, the gym three times, organizes a senior bus trip twice a month and on and on. I dont know how he'll cope when he has to self isolate.

    I hadn't thought about the mental and emotional health risks to people who are used to being social, as well as the actual physical risk of becoming sick. It seems to me that the stress would make some people even more vulnerable.

    Does your Father've a computer, might he video chat with you and/or others?

    Yes, he's actually on facebook. I'm really glad I got him on board to stay in touch with the grands (and great-grands 😊).
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2020
    Getting tons of emails from companies reassuring customers.
    Walgreens y Denny’s

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Getting tons of emails from companies reassuring customers.
    Walgreens y Denny’s

    Yes, I think I've got an email like that from all the companies that have my email address - banks, insurance, super market, etc.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I got one from my Daughter school she graduated years ago!
    I’m getting flooded with them from dentist offices to even some company that I think was spam so that makes sense.

    Getting harder to find my purchase receipt 🧾 to family emails with it all
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    They just cancelled my first cycling event at the end of March (Livermore CA)😔 The one at the end of April in Chico is still on but who knows for how long.

    Entry fees for both rides mostly go to the community, so I won't take advantage of refunds if offered. I'm hoping these kinds of precautions will slow the spread and help keep our health infrastructure strong.

    That's noble of you, not to take unnecessary advantage! <3
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    my dad in the last year has gotten pretty anti-social, not desiring to go out anywhere and staying home to work in his woodshop or read. While I worry about his mental state (he has depression problems, so this isolating isn't a good sign), this attitude had actually put him in pretty good practice if quarantine measures must be taken in our community.

    Speaking of our community - I live in a small, small rural town. My hometown had 942 people in it in 2010; I'm sure that number is down now. My town is mostly residential with a Family Dollar and a Dollar General and that's about it. A slightly larger town, with maybe 1200 people tops, is about 8 miles away, and this is where the local Krogers is located. There might be 30,000 people living in the 3 county radius around this town which use this grocery store - that's how rural this place is.

    Also, there still has not been a confirmed case in WV as of yet. Yet when I was in that Krogers tonight to pick up some things I was needing, I walked by the toilet paper aisle and saw maybe 3 packages of the expensive Charmin. There were a few more in a couple of displays at the end of the aisle, but otherwise, the store had been wiped out of TP and paper towels *shakes head* I'm guessing if the local Krogers is out of TP, that probably means so are the Dollar General and Family Dollars, too. And it hasn't even gotten close to us yet!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »

    That was interesting. Still didn't answer the question of why toilet paper. This is not a new thing as those of us who live in the frozen north know well.

    I just figure it's one of those things that separates us from the animals. :D I think somebody else mentioned that early on in the thread... it's the mark of civilized society. ;)
    Where do bidets fall on the civilisation continuum? I'm thinking bidet > toilet paper > newspaper > corncobs (but really, isn't anything beyond poison oak/ivy/sumac greater than a corncob??)

    I want the things they have at the hospital for after you give birth (water wands?)! Is that similar to how a bidet works?

    Corncobs baffle me... who first looked at those and thought, "You know what that would be good for?" :D

    Someone with an itch...

    well, if you've got a hemoroid.........