Coronavirus prep



  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    mph323 wrote: »
    They just cancelled my first cycling event at the end of March (Livermore CA)😔 The one at the end of April in Chico is still on but who knows for how long.

    Entry fees for both rides mostly go to the community, so I won't take advantage of refunds if offered. I'm hoping these kinds of precautions will slow the spread and help keep our health infrastructure strong.

    That's noble of you, not to take unnecessary advantage! <3
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    my dad in the last year has gotten pretty anti-social, not desiring to go out anywhere and staying home to work in his woodshop or read. While I worry about his mental state (he has depression problems, so this isolating isn't a good sign), this attitude had actually put him in pretty good practice if quarantine measures must be taken in our community.

    Speaking of our community - I live in a small, small rural town. My hometown had 942 people in it in 2010; I'm sure that number is down now. My town is mostly residential with a Family Dollar and a Dollar General and that's about it. A slightly larger town, with maybe 1200 people tops, is about 8 miles away, and this is where the local Krogers is located. There might be 30,000 people living in the 3 county radius around this town which use this grocery store - that's how rural this place is.

    Also, there still has not been a confirmed case in WV as of yet. Yet when I was in that Krogers tonight to pick up some things I was needing, I walked by the toilet paper aisle and saw maybe 3 packages of the expensive Charmin. There were a few more in a couple of displays at the end of the aisle, but otherwise, the store had been wiped out of TP and paper towels *shakes head* I'm guessing if the local Krogers is out of TP, that probably means so are the Dollar General and Family Dollars, too. And it hasn't even gotten close to us yet!
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »

    That was interesting. Still didn't answer the question of why toilet paper. This is not a new thing as those of us who live in the frozen north know well.

    I just figure it's one of those things that separates us from the animals. :D I think somebody else mentioned that early on in the thread... it's the mark of civilized society. ;)
    Where do bidets fall on the civilisation continuum? I'm thinking bidet > toilet paper > newspaper > corncobs (but really, isn't anything beyond poison oak/ivy/sumac greater than a corncob??)

    I want the things they have at the hospital for after you give birth (water wands?)! Is that similar to how a bidet works?

    Corncobs baffle me... who first looked at those and thought, "You know what that would be good for?" :D

    Someone with an itch...

    well, if you've got a hemoroid.........
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member
    Panic buying has set in here (eastern panhandle of WV) - the small, quiet grocery store I frequent was INSANE at 3:00 this afternoon and things like bread were all but cleared out. Dog food was sold out. There were a couple clusters of people chatting as I walked by and the topic for all was CV. The $32 packs of TP at Home Depot we’re leaving with nearly every person I passed...

    Channeling my past cloth diapering days (all 4 children, mostly with the “old fashioned” flats because we couldn’t afford the newer, fancier types), and at the recommendation of my husband, I just ordered 10 dozen flannel wipes to have, just in case. I have bleach for washing purposes.

    We were starting the planning process for summer trips and activities... not sure now what to do! I can get tickets for Hershey Park through a fundraiser for less than half the regular price, but still not cheap.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    lx1x wrote: »
    Md schools are being closed starting Monday the 16th..


    First community spread found in the county I work in..

    + Kentucky schools closing for two weeks
    + Ohio schools closing for three weeks
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I'm just thinking that if there were so many "unknown" cases because of lack of testing, wouldn't we be seeing people winding up very sick in the hospitals? I don't think we are, or I am incorrect? 20% of large numbers of sick people would be obvious, I would think.

    In my state of NC, at first there was a test shortage due to CDC dropping the ball, but the state took matters into its own hands. The state has obtained test kits from other sources, and are now opening up testing to anyone who shows the symptoms and has a negative flu test.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I'm just thinking that if there were so many "unknown" cases because of lack of testing, wouldn't we be seeing people winding up very sick in the hospitals? I don't think we are, or I am incorrect? 20% of large numbers of sick people would be obvious, I would think.

    In my state of NC, at first there was a test shortage due to CDC dropping the ball, but the state took matters into its own hands. The state has obtained test kits from other sources, and are now opening up testing to anyone who shows the symptoms and has a negative flu test.

    I wonder if it's still too early too see this type of fallout.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,996 Member
    @Chef_Barbell I think you hit the nail on the head.
    Look at New coronavirus cases per day in the US - see how it increases with time