March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary I'll be cheering you on over here...
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,659 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary run it for the rest of us!
  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,541 Member
    So both next week's holiday and my marathon have been cancelled today - you can take your Friday the 13th and...
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @Camaramandy648 Just reading this makes me want to cry. I'm so sorry, sorry he's an idiot and I hope school doesn't get cancelled. I'm hoping the Marathon does not cancelled. Ill be crying right along with you, not as hard for me obviously, but still... I did not know you were planning The Rock 'N Roll Marathon (series). I've been eyeballing the San Antonio one in December of this year for several months now. We love San Antonio, especially that time of the year and every few years we stay in a cabin at KOA in San Antonio and roam the Riverwalk (extra beautiful during Christmas time). Running the Marathon is a strong consideration unless it coincides with my husband's work Christmas party. I'm glad you're stay sane and rational. I really am. Heaven forbid if this was a real, life-threatening epidemic, but it's not. Enjoy the movies with your baby boy and sweet of you to let your daughter have a sleepover. I let my daughter do this too often and because they think it's fun to stay up until the sun comes up, I don't get much sleep then because I hear everything.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I’m so sorry to everyone whose plans have been thrown off by coronavirus. We’ve had the anticipated postponement of the London marathon today, and all premier league football matches suspended for a couple of weeks. But schools still open and no bans on large gatherings as yet. I have a severely disabled niece with respiratory issues and parents in their seventies and we definitely have at least one case within the community at the school where I teach. I’m actually feeling quite on edge, and a run this morning helped take my mind off things at least.

    Seems everyone just has to ride this out. Not the best start to the weekend though.

    March goal: 36 miles
    March total: 29.8 miles

    2/3: 3.3 m
    3/3: 3.3 m
    4/3: 3.3m
    5/3: 3.3m
    6/3: 3.3m
    9/3: 3.3m
    11/3: 3.3m
    12/3: 3.3m
    13/3: 3.3m

    February total: 17.8m
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @LoveyChar haha YES Madison and Christina will be up all night which may turn out to be a parenting fail....

    @Faebert for those reasons - the people we care about - I understand how serious the situation is. If the kids' dad was vulnerable, exposed, etc., or if ANYONE there were, I would get it. But nobody is. He's just using this as an excuse to dip out on his parental responsibilities.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Just found out I am in the same boat as everyone else. My races tomorrow were changed to Virtual instead of being canceled outright. I need to go to the running store and pick up my medal tomorrow since I already have my packet. I am kind of dreading my run tomorrow now since I need to go out on my own now and plan out a route.
    My son's school was canceled for the next 3 weeks but they will be doing online learning instead. So he isn't happy and I am being encouraged to work from home as much as possible so not sure how that will go with him home with me LOL.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    The Shamrock Shuffle was canceled. I wore the shirt today - I had my packet mailed this year. They're issuing refunds, but I don't expect the packet mailing fee to be refunded. I feel conflicted about race shirts for races I didn't run. Or didn't run the full distance I signed on for, even - like the technical trail marathon in Las Vegas that I lost track of the markings and stumbled back into the aid station from an unexpected direction, and DNF. I estimate that I ran about 11 miles of that, and they had a 5k option, so I should have "earned" the right to wear the shirt. The shirt from the marathon in Alaska is also wrong. I noticed shortly after the race that I had been given a shirt for the Half Marathon, and went back to exchange it, but somehow still wound up with a shirt that now proclaims me to have run the Marathon Relay. I didn't notice THAT until the next day, at which point I emailed the race director, and have not, to this day, gotten a reply (I sent another few emails when I got home - to no avail.) That one, I'm disgusted with and don't wear at all. Other races, where I've paid for registration, but then had to DNS, I didn't bother to pick up the packet. If I won't wear the shirt, I don't want it in the collection. But I *paid* for it. I'm too cheap to be wasting money like that.

    The marathon hasn't canceled, yet, but we're still 7 weeks out. I don't expect this to be over, so it's probably as good as canceled. The registration and hotel were my husband's Christmas present to me this year. I feel like that's pretty supportive. He doesn't run. I asked if he knows what the hotel's cancellation policy is, but he hasn't checked. We've got other things going on taking priority. I didn't run today because I was busy taking 2 of the cats to the vet for their annual rabies shot, while the roofers were doing a complete teardown and reshingle. They also installed some vents and chimney-boxes and removed a satellite dish from a previous homeowner. I am surprised that they managed all of that in a single day. But they were in and out and it wasn't conducive to a treadmill run, even if I wasn't trying to keep the dog calm... Looks like I'll have all day tomorrow, though.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Hugs everyone!

    I think @ContraryMaryMary will agree when I say we are started to feel very isolated down here. Seeing everyone go into lock down, yet we continue as normal. One advantage of a small population and and easy boarders to close I think? We've been very blaise but it won't take long to change that. So while our government has technically been slow to respond, I think if they had to they would go all out. We've already banned flights from China, Italy and Spain I believe. Also we are going into flu season so I think everyone are hoping that we get lucky.

    I do worry a bit about goods, being such a small country, we do rely on imports. It's going to get harder to get things soon.

    Also I feel envious of people who work from home, as frustrating as that is. I don't have that option, xray machines aren't that portable. It's going to get very interesting at work I think if we do start having cases. Anyone who unknowingly comes in contact with a pt may have to self isolate for 14 days, meaning we will get severely short staffed. It's a little chaotic as we don't really have clear guidelines in place. And NZ doesn't test everyone, only people at risk, but then we don't test for the flu either.

    I went and did my 11.5k run this morning. Nice and gentle. Now with the kids at the local bike track again. Enjoying the last of summer
  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    March goal: get back to running 2-3 days per week. 5K April 25th.

    3/3 - Ran 1.76 miles (total run: 1.76 miles)
    3/4 - Walk 3.3 miles (total walk: 3.3 miles)
    3/5 - R 1.8 miles (total run: 3.56 miles)
    3/7 - Stationary bike for 20 mins - - - Week 1: Goal accomplished
    3/10 - R 2.01 miles (total run: 5.57 miles)
    3/11 - W 4.01 miles (total walk: 7.31 miles)
    3/13 - R 1.76 miles (total run: 7.33 miles)

    Have been using Hal Higon's running plans for a while, usually I just look them up & type them into my Google calander. However, after @Avidkeo said something about downloading the app, I thought "Hmmmmm...that might be easier?" Interesting thing, the app & the computer plans are different. (I'm cheap, I have the free app) Was "supposed" to run yesterday, but my day got busy, so I did it today instead. Another run planned for tomorrow, but we'll see. My right ankle has been sore for a while, but after today's run, it is even more so. I've had my TENS unit on, see how it is in the am.

    It really beggers the mind how the whole country is shutting down for This-That-Shall-not-be-Named. Just saw a story on the news on "How to Properly Clean your Cell Phone". During a video for another story there was a girl wearing a face mask using hand sanitizer....WHILE WEARING GLOVES.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    @ContraryMaryMary Good luck on your race tomorrow!

    Sorry for all of the new race cancellations. Hugs to everyone who needs them.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,354 Member
    Great pictures @shanaber . Hobbes expression is priceless.