How Has the Coronavirus Affected You?



  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    The answer to this question changes day by day. First there was fear but now it's sadness, a great deal of sadness. We're all trying to make do with what we have because we are bent on survival. We're going to bootstrap it, figure it out as we go and with MFP as our witness we won't let those around us go hungry. We'll give them a hand and share what we have. We will make it.
  • TarynF226
    TarynF226 Posts: 62 Member
    Posted earlier that I'm having trouble with stress eating but I suppose being on a lower calorie diet also means I won't be going through food as quickly as I used to. The extra is bringing me up to a 'maintain weight' calorie amount some days but at least that's not on top of the amount I used to eat.
  • XxFunctionalStrengthxX
    XxFunctionalStrengthxX Posts: 2,466 Member
    RAinWA wrote: »
    I have tried hard to be kind and patient with people during this but I am getting a bit fed up.

    My sister in Texas went to the store hoping to get TP. None on the shelf. Sees a lady with some in her cart and asked where she found it. The lady says "oh, this was the last package. We don't need it but since it was the last one I figured I should grab it." She then nicely gave it to my sister to buy. But, WTF? Why are you buying stuff you don't need?

    I had to stop at the store for prescriptions and milk. Went to get a cart and there is a guy with about 20 sanitizing wipes sanitizing his entire cart. And blocking the path to the carts so no one could get to them. He was seriously kneeling on the floor wiping around the cart wheels. ARGH! When I (politely) asked him to move he told me he was almost done.

    I think I am starting to hate people. Good thing I have wine at home.

    Why the hell are they doing the wheels and everything?! Ugh...

    I have to get out of the apartment this weekend. Haven't left since last Saturday when I went to the grocery store. I need to get some food for the next couple of weeks. Benefits of this is that it curbs my eating out. But, dammit, I want a frickin' cheeseburger! Since moving here, I've yet to find a good place in this state. Same with Mexican food. A lot of Korean and Chinese restaurants. But, it's like Mexican and good burger joints are almost non-existent.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,654 Member
    Honestly, I don't think it will other than the groceries I'm used to getting are wayyyyy more difficult to find.

    We just got the holing up in your house order last night but, since we can still exercise outside, that won't be affected.

    Apparently the profession I work in is an essential one even tho we can do most, if not all, of it from home (who knew?!) so I still get to come to work. I say it like that because if I had to stay in my apartment all day it really WOULD affect me. :)

  • mi_nina_lola
    mi_nina_lola Posts: 767 Member
    Based on all I'm hearing, here & elsewhere, I'm thinking of giving shopping for fresh produce a pass tomorrow. I also hear that produce is mostly what's available at most stores, still...

    Aside from a daily lemon or lime, I haven't had fruit in 1-wk & fruit's normally the bulk of my diet. I can hang on 2-wks, if that's still the suggested time we remain at home. Never eat canned food, but wish I had some canned peaches, at least.

    Not really the frightened type, but I do have asthma... & no meds or health insurance... so, I guess I'll just be happy with citrus... I've got enough for another wk, so I'm lucky.

    what about frozen blueberries other frozen fruits? those are a staple in our house for smoothies and to add to yogurt
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Based on all I'm hearing, here & elsewhere, I'm thinking of giving shopping for fresh produce a pass tomorrow. I also hear that produce is mostly what's available at most stores, still...

    Aside from a daily lemon or lime, I haven't had fruit in 1-wk & fruit's normally the bulk of my diet. I can hang on 2-wks, if that's still the suggested time we remain at home. Never eat canned food, but wish I had some canned peaches, at least.

    Not really the frightened type, but I do have asthma... & no meds or health insurance... so, I guess I'll just be happy with citrus... I've got enough for another wk, so I'm lucky.

    what about frozen blueberries other frozen fruits? those are a staple in our house for smoothies and to add to yogurt

    Sure, good idea... I just have to decide if I want to go to the market. But, I prefer fresh & heard that it's mostly fresh produce that's available... meat, cans & frozen meals are reportedly gone. We have such heavy traffic, heavier than usual, all day & night around here, so I've yet to venture out to even see what's going on at the stores.

    It's good that I'm a stress non-eater, cuz I'm having to force myself to each once/day.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Based on all I'm hearing, here & elsewhere, I'm thinking of giving shopping for fresh produce a pass tomorrow. I also hear that produce is mostly what's available at most stores, still...

    Aside from a daily lemon or lime, I haven't had fruit in 1-wk & fruit's normally the bulk of my diet. I can hang on 2-wks, if that's still the suggested time we remain at home. Never eat canned food, but wish I had some canned peaches, at least.

    Not really the frightened type, but I do have asthma... & no meds or health insurance... so, I guess I'll just be happy with citrus... I've got enough for another wk, so I'm lucky.

    I think if you go early in the day before the large droves of people are out you'll be fine. Take standard precautions, wipe down the cart handles, etc. Then, make sure you wash all fruits, veggies, etc before putting them away and again before consumption.

    Going in the early morning will also help ensure you get the freshest fruits. Best to you!

    Good advice, thank you. Didn't get around to it today & am wondering if I should bother trying to shop on the weekends, when so many more people usually do.

    I think I'll hold out 'til Mon morning. Thx again. Best to you, too!
  • Amanda_mermaid
    Amanda_mermaid Posts: 25 Member
    I am seeing too many people being laid off from jobs and upset. Also wondering when I get to go back to school
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    AquaMeow wrote: »
    Hey everyone if you do have symptoms make sure to take this. It helps build you immune system. 5i6ym26s405e.jpg

    Lolz. :noway:
  • XxFunctionalStrengthxX
    XxFunctionalStrengthxX Posts: 2,466 Member
    edited March 2020
    Based on all I'm hearing, here & elsewhere, I'm thinking of giving shopping for fresh produce a pass tomorrow. I also hear that produce is mostly what's available at most stores, still...

    Aside from a daily lemon or lime, I haven't had fruit in 1-wk & fruit's normally the bulk of my diet. I can hang on 2-wks, if that's still the suggested time we remain at home. Never eat canned food, but wish I had some canned peaches, at least.

    Not really the frightened type, but I do have asthma... & no meds or health insurance... so, I guess I'll just be happy with citrus... I've got enough for another wk, so I'm lucky.

    I think if you go early in the day before the large droves of people are out you'll be fine. Take standard precautions, wipe down the cart handles, etc. Then, make sure you wash all fruits, veggies, etc before putting them away and again before consumption.

    Going in the early morning will also help ensure you get the freshest fruits. Best to you!

    Good advice, thank you. Didn't get around to it today & am wondering if I should bother trying to shop on the weekends, when so many more people usually do.

    I think I'll hold out 'til Mon morning. Thx again. Best to you, too!

    If you can hold out until Monday morning that might help with getting new produce, depending on when they stock items. As to weekend shopping, it really varies. Last weekend, I went Saturday at about 7:00pm and it was packed. I forgot a few items and decided I'd go about an hour before they closed and it was almost empty. Went yesterday (Friday), at about 6:00pm and it was about what the levels were prior to people panicking.

    Here (Seattle) at my local grocery store, what I've seen typically as unavailable are TP, paper towels, napkins, disinfectant items. For food it's juices, bananas, certain apples (no one ate fuji apples before, now they're in low supply?!), frozen veggies/fruits and certain frozen meals. Rice, oatmeal, baking goods like Bisquick are also common items missing.

    It's unfortunate that these things are missing, and more so that some people are hoarding certain items. However, we also need to keep in mind that with businesses and schools being closed, that adds additional load on the store food supplies. I'd be interested to know what food distributors that do mass food deliveries to schools, restaurants, etc can do to shift it temporarily from those locations to stores, etc. I'm sure some are. But, some aren't equipped for the smaller packaging or retail aspects.

    I live alone, so if I need to shift my purchases to something else and make due, not a big deal. But, for families, not as easy.
  • TarryTaffyTwo
    TarryTaffyTwo Posts: 448 Member
    Based on all I'm hearing, here & elsewhere, I'm thinking of giving shopping for fresh produce a pass tomorrow. I also hear that produce is mostly what's available at most stores, still...

    Aside from a daily lemon or lime, I haven't had fruit in 1-wk & fruit's normally the bulk of my diet. I can hang on 2-wks, if that's still the suggested time we remain at home. Never eat canned food, but wish I had some canned peaches, at least.

    Not really the frightened type, but I do have asthma... & no meds or health insurance... so, I guess I'll just be happy with citrus... I've got enough for another wk, so I'm lucky.

    I think if you go early in the day before the large droves of people are out you'll be fine. Take standard precautions, wipe down the cart handles, etc. Then, make sure you wash all fruits, veggies, etc before putting them away and again before consumption.

    Going in the early morning will also help ensure you get the freshest fruits. Best to you!

    Good advice, thank you. Didn't get around to it today & am wondering if I should bother trying to shop on the weekends, when so many more people usually do.

    I think I'll hold out 'til Mon morning. Thx again. Best to you, too!

    If you can hold out until Monday morning that might help with getting new produce, depending on when they stock items. As to weekend shopping, it really varies. Last weekend, I went Saturday at about 7:00pm and it was packed. I forgot a few items and decided I'd go about an hour before they closed and it was almost empty. Went yesterday (Friday), at about 6:00pm and it was about what the levels were prior to people panicking.

    Here (Seattle) at my local grocery store, what I've seen typically as unavailable are TP, paper towels, napkins, disinfectant items. For food it's juices, bananas, certain apples (no one ate fuji apples before, now they're in low supply?!), frozen veggies/fruits and certain frozen meals. Rice, oatmeal, baking goods like Bisquick are also common items missing.

    It's unfortunate that these things are missing, and more so that some people are hoarding certain items. However, we also need to keep in mind that with businesses and schools being closed, that adds additional load on the store food supplies. I'd be interested to know what food distributors that do mass food deliveries to schools, restaurants, etc can do to shift it temporarily from those locations to stores, etc. I'm sure some are. But, some aren't equipped for the smaller packaging or retail aspects.

    I live alone, so if I need to shift my purchases to something else and make due, not a big deal. But, for families, not as easy.

    Thx for another thoughtful post. :smile:

    I live in Tampa Bay in a part of the city that's mostly seniors at the higher end of old age. I've noticed that seniors here tend to panic easily anyway, but I do understand. They're afraid they might not be able to get out, particularly if sicker than usual (many are already), so they're worried. I see so many that have great difficulty just getting to the front door of the store, let alone loading groceries into their cart/car... & elderly couples often take 1/2-hr just to p/u a few items from shelves because they're barely able to walk. Hoarding is common, as well, due to hurricanes.

    From the vids I've seen, I do know it's ridiculous in some places & I'm glad I don't see that. Last time I was at Costco (the day before the SofE was announced), people had multiple shopping carts & were buying multiples of everything. The energy was more frantic. Still, they might be buying for 8 household members or neighbors or family, so I try not to judge.

    Like you, I live alone & am already eating things I don't normally eat or particularly like (oats, dried beans & grains, pasta), because that's what was available & so that I can make protein stretch into 2-4 meals, rather than 1. No steak/chicken as an entree for a bit (just because I don't have enough)... it's now a stew, soup or casserole. I'll manage & am just happy I've got some food.

    And, I do know what you mean about produce. I dislike apples, but that's all that was good quality, so I have a bag... still, lol.

    On another note, I used to live in Capital Hill, a 1-min walk from Broadway Market. Loved it! You're luck to live there. I miss it.
  • TwitchyMacGee
    TwitchyMacGee Posts: 3,120 Member
    Food shortages and illness and an overwhelmed healthcare system are bad but for me coming home has been like coming home.
  • that_night_in_paris
    that_night_in_paris Posts: 457 Member
    edited March 2020
    Couldn't even offer free shipping.

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Report that seller on the app! That’s price gouging !