Coronavirus prep



  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    In IL, we are "shelter in place" but have food delivery. I assume this is to help restaurants get through this.
  • DecadeDuchess
    DecadeDuchess Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2020
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    Gisel2015 wrote: »
    mph323 wrote: »
    The CA bay area is a hot spot right now, but the beaches were still crowded yesterday. I honestly wonder if people think they can't get infected if they're outdoors?

    Well R. Paul the senator is infected but he did go to senate gym and swam in the pool while he was awaiting confirmation... >:) ( ), so there are a lot of stupid and ill informed people in this world and country that prefer to stick their heads in the sand rather than confronting the reality of the present health situation, and the consequences of their careless actions.

    And he's a doctor :neutral:

    And he lost part of a lung after being attacked by a neighbor a couple of years ago.... :(

    That neighbor'd face murder charges, if his lung damage via the attack contributes to his death.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited March 2020
    A question for states that have shelter in place in effect, ie: California, if people are going to beaches, are arrests being made for violations? Many, maybe all, states have only essential businesses open, with no formal, shelter in place, mandate. What’s the difference?
    On the bright side, no one probably wants to visit beaches here for at least 6-8 weeks at the earliest, when it will be warm enough.
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    It's all lies, pizza is cancelled too :'(

    Can you still pick up at least?
  • mkculs13
    mkculs13 Posts: 638 Member
    @SisterSueGetsFit You made me laugh--a baseball bat. I have 2 dogs, too, and they will probably bark wildly and then run away if I have trouble. One might pee himself. But he is big, with a big bark, and that alone cuts down on the willingness of people to get too close (or so I tell myself).

    I think about the type of people who are out there, defying CDC recommendations because they can. It's hard not to get mad, until I remember that they are acting as their own worst enemies. It will most likely be them or their family members who get sick, not us staying home and away from that type. That stirs a bit of compassion in me and I realize it is out of my control. I don't with this on them, but realistically, they are going to get it first.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I started a “Free Little Food Shelf” today. Community donations have been great. Not too many takers so far, but I hope that changes. I’m in Minnesota, USA.

    Honestly curious -- what's your rain contingency plan? There looks to be a lot of paper and cardboard packaging that wouldn't withstand a serious shower.

    It’s a good question. I’ll move it inside. I move it in each night. If things get desperate, it’ll all go to a food shelf, because frankly, I don’t want my house broken into. I’ll post a sign when it’s gone.

    And I’ve Individually wrapped the TP in Saran Wrap. 😉

    Oh, I hadn't even thought about the night. I guess you don't want to attract raccoons or whatever fills that ecological niche in your neck of the woods. I hope you've started getting some takers as well as donations. :smile:

    I don't think we've yet reached the point of societal breakdown where home invasions are more likely than they ever were, and I sure hope we don't ever reach that point. So far, in the past week since things the government officials in my neck of the woods started taking some serious action, almost all the people I've communicated with (online or at a suitable distance IRL) have seemed to be making extra efforts to be friendly, compassionate, etc. -- everybody saying "stay safe, stay healthy," being careful not to touch each other when they hand over a bag or make a payment in a retail location, giving each other distance when more than one person is waiting to pick up carryout, and looking for ways to help.

    My local shelter has started something similar for pet food. They have bins in a protected area near the doors and you can drip off donations or pick up food if you need some.
  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    A lockdown will save everyone. The govt. can plead people to stay indoor but many will continue to go shopping, to restaurants, to beaches and heaven know where else.

    There is also a danger that if everything would come to a halt, small business owners will be devastated.

    It is a lose-lose situation for everyone.

    It’s logistically impossible to shut down EVERYTHING.

    Look at the beaches in CA where people are defying orders.

    I don’t want to even think of what may happen