Lose 5lbs + in April 2020



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Original starting weight - 338.8 lbs (Jan 01, 2016)
    April starting weight - 189.6 lbs (Mar 28, 2020)
    April goal - 184.6 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs

    29 - 190.6 😒
    30 - 190.6 😒
    31 - 190.2 😔
    01 - 189.4 😏
    02 - 190.4 😢
    03 -
    April 04 -
    05 -
    06 -
    07 -
    08 -
    09 -
    10 -
    April 11 -
    12 -
    13 -
    14 -
    15 -
    16 -
    17 -
    April 18 -
    19 -
    20 -
    21 -
    22 -
    23 -
    24 -
    April 25 -
    26 -
    27 -
    28 -
    29 -
    30 -

    Total loss for April + 0.8 LB
  • juniormints74
    juniormints74 Posts: 60 Member
    Count me in again! :) March was a bust for me. I ate over my calories way too many days. At the very least, I maintained but I wanna do much better in April. <3 I weigh myself once a month so I'll post my results the first of each month.

    Original Starting Weight: 182.4 lbs.
    April Starting Weight: 137.2 lbs.
    April Goal: 132 lbs.
    Ultimate Goal: 125 lbs.

    April 1st: 137.2 lbs.
    May 1st:
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    edited April 2020
    Original starting weight - 257.7 lbs
    January starting weight - 218.2 lbs
    April starting weight - 212.8 lbs
    April goal - 20x.x lbs
    Ultimate goal - under 150 lbs

    1st - 212.8 lbs
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -
    30th -

    Total loss for April -
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,095 Member
    March Loss~ 2lbs (187 to 185)

    •Lose 5 lbs in April 2020•

    Original starting wgt: 253
    April starting weight:
    April goal: Lose fat!
    ☔Updating every day through April

    •Monday Updates•📍
    Last weigh in - 185

    4/01 - 185

    4/02 - 185.5

  • syreina
    syreina Posts: 548 Member
    edited April 2020
    Everyone, wishing you well and stay safe during these trying times!

    FYI: My BF has been back and forth between 33% and 35% for 4 months. My goal is 30% and we will see what happens. I tend to carry my weight around my waist and hips.
    I have seen 32% once in March - on my way!

    MFP Starting Weight: 140 lbs - February 2011
    Current Starting Weight: 147.4 lbs - November 2017
    April Starting Weight: 115.8 lbs
    April Goal: 112.8 lbs

    Height: 5ft

    Ultimate Goal: 110 lbs ... May 2020? 1 Year Wedding Anniversary
    Maintenance Goal: 110 to 115 lbs

    Weigh-In Days: Monday and Friday

    April 3:
    April 6:
    April 10:
    April 13:
    April 17:
    April 20:
    April 24:
    April 27:

    Total Loss for April:

    Gym Days in March: [Monthly Goal: 15] --- Our local gym is closed until further notice.

    Overall Loss from Nov 2017 to March 2020: 31.6 lbs
  • Cassandraw3
    Cassandraw3 Posts: 1,214 Member
    Original starting weight - 167.2 (April 2018)
    April starting weight - 155.8 lbs
    April goal - 151
    Ultimate goal - 147 lbs

    2nd - 155.8 lbs
    15th -
    22nd -
    29th -

    Total loss for April -

    With my gym closed for the time being, I am back to running. Going for a morning mile with my dog every day. I am setting a goal for myself to hit at least 30 miles this month. As well as incorporating some sort of strength training at least 4 days a week.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Original starting weight - 249lbs
    April starting weight -196.2lbs
    April goal - 187lbs
    The ultimate goal - 143lbs

    1st - 196.2lbs
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -

    Total loss for April -
  • Original starting weight - 210lbs
    April starting weight -206lbs
    April l goal - lose 8lbs so 198lbs
    Ultimate goal - 130lbs

    1st -206lbs
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -

    Total loss for April -
  • Parkalexa
    Parkalexa Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm Alex or Alexa

    This is my first Challenge. Yaaaaaaayy. I'm hoping to have great results. Always need a little more motivation!!!

    I don't weekly weigh, I do monthly. The scale is not everybodies friend, but I'll try. Let the fluctuation frustration begin. Lol.

    Highest weight - 320
    April starting weight - 305
    April goal - 290
    Short goal - 260
    Lifetime goal - I don't know yet...

    1st - 305
    14th -
    21st -
    28th -

    Total loss for April -
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Original starting weight - 338.8 lbs (Jan 01, 2016)
    April starting weight - 189.6 lbs (Mar 28, 2020)
    April goal - 184.6 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs

    29 - 190.6 😒
    30 - 190.6 😒
    31 - 190.2 😔
    01 - 189.4 😏
    02 - 190.4 😢
    03 - 189.8 😒
    April 04 -
    05 -
    06 -
    07 -
    08 -
    09 -
    10 -
    April 11 -
    12 -
    13 -
    14 -
    15 -
    16 -
    17 -
    April 18 -
    19 -
    20 -
    21 -
    22 -
    23 -
    24 -
    April 25 -
    26 -
    27 -
    28 -
    29 -
    30 -

    Total loss for April + 0.2 LB
  • rmwb529
    rmwb529 Posts: 85 Member
    Original starting weight - 228
    April starting weight - 168
    April goal - 163
    Ultimate goal - 149
    57 years old

    1st - 168
    3rd - 169
    10th -
    17th -
    24th -

    Not happy about the weight gain. Tracking, exercising and drinking my...water, Silly's! At the end of this month the goal is to be at my April goal weight and feel strong. I did hill repeats with my son yesterday at the park reserve. I would have never done that 60 pounds ago! I'm a work in progress. :)

    Stay safe and healthy everyone!
  • lizziebtothec
    lizziebtothec Posts: 402 Member
    Original starting weight - 231 lbs (12/2/19)
    April starting weight - 214.6 lbs (3/31/20)
    April goal - 211.6 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 160 lbs

    4/3: 215.8 lbs :#

    Total loss for April:

    I gained a full pound just overnight. What is going on?!?! Honestly, right now, I'm just trying to not gain any weight. It is really hard for me to loose right now with the stress and working so close to my kitchen. I have been keeping up with my exercises though. I've done lots of running, walks, streaming boot camps.

    Happy friday!!
  • Jenna__XoXo
    Jenna__XoXo Posts: 117 Member
    Original starting weight - 218
    April starting weight - 175.2
    April l goal - 172
    Ultimate goal - 155

    3rd - 176
    17th -
    30th -

    Total loss for April -
  • javacreek
    javacreek Posts: 310 Member
    Lose 5 lbs in April

    Apr 01: 167.2
    Apr 04: 166.7.
    Apr 15:
    Apr 22:
    Apr 29:
    Apr 30: