Women 200lb+, Let's Be Adaptable This April!!!



  • aliciap0116
    aliciap0116 Posts: 231 Member
    @MuttiNM I had not focused on your totals until just now, in terms of time and progress. Truly inspiring!!!

  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    @MuttiMN I too would love to hear about your journey ... awesome accomplishment!! and very Inspiring!

    @drbridgett67 Welcome. No better time than the present.

    @shorepine Maybe you could fit in a fun exercise with your kids? If you search - Exercise with kids - on YouTube you'll find several and may find one that your kids would enjoy.

    @KeriA I've never tried to leash train any of my cats. How difficult is it?
  • suziieq44
    suziieq44 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for those who replied about the water intake....the reassurance helps....all I keep thinking is if I drink a lot of water then I will be holding onto water weight too (grin). However, with the amount of times I am having to hit the bathroom, I am guessing that isn't true haha.... anyways thank you for the responses and the encouragement it is so very helpful.
  • duebedm
    duebedm Posts: 127 Member
    Today marks my 35th day in lockdown. My company issued their "Stay At Home" mandate on March 13th. I reclaimed my love of cooking, but packed on more than a few pounds. I am back on track and seeing the scale slowly tick down. (Started at 256.6 and weighed in as 253.2 this morning.) It's been hard. I never realized how much I sit behind the computer. While at the office, I could get up and run to the meeting. I no longer have that. The worst part for me is that I don't have the same human contact. Video chats are fine and all....but I miss sitting around a table talking with people.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    My Weekly Goals are:
    1. Get enough sleep and improve water intake I got more more sleep last night but I have been doing a lot today but not drinking enough yet.
    2. Log weight, food and exercise and stay under calorie goal :)
    3. Get some exercise 5 days a week and up NEAT :)Today I did my gazelle, did some exercises including a slow run or fast walk in my yard and then some stretching for 45 minutes.
    4. Get close to lower 250s this means my highs and lows get and stay below 255
    5. Make healthy foods at home. :) Had leftover shepards pie tonight

    I am happy about some other progress too. I signed up to get some food delivered from a local dairy but it may take some time for that to start. We have been avoiding going to the grocery store and go in the early mornings for seniors but I know that delivery would probably be safer. I plan to see if I can do delivery for other food next time we need groceries.

    I also went out to my back yard and did some sketching. My 1st degree was in art and for a good amount of time I had a studio and exhibited my art. I had to go to work as a planner (2nd degree) after my kids got old enough to go to school/preschool to help support our family. I really love my current planning job that I am on furlough from and we need me to work so we can get ready to retire. However I also loved doing my art and plan to do that when I retire. The problem is that my family has stored things in my art room so I can’t get in there to work. Goodwill is closed during this time so it makes it hard to clean it out. When I was exercising I realized that I was interested certain parts of my backyard to paint. But I can’t get to my paints but I decided to sketch and photograph what I wanted to paint for now. My bullet journal is helping me get organized to get things done during this time I am not working.

    @Terytha what I great non-scale victory.

    @shorepine You were talking about being grateful for your treadmill. I am grateful that I have my gazelle. I got it because we can easily put it away, it was also cheap. We have a small house and we don’t have any room for exercise equipment. We keep putting it away (Christmas, etc.) so I haven’t really been able to use it much but now I am starting to use it. No one can come over now anyway so who cares if it is in the living room. It doesn’t have any resistance but right now I have built in resistance (weight). It gets me going and then sometimes I feel more like doing more and get outside to do more. I still miss the pool and Aquafit but I think I needed to get used to doing other exercise.

    @MuttiNM Glad to see the progress you are making and that the pain is going away in your leg.

    @cesse47 it isn’t really working they are too scared to go anywhere but my daughter keeps trying. We have coyotes so there is no way we are going to let them be outside cats.

    @torihudson thanks for checking in. I can see how it would be hard to work and go to school right now. Remember that maintaining your weight is something of an achievement and something we will all need to know how to do when we reach our goal weight. If that is something you can do feel good about it. Monday I was down and just filed for unemployment and didn’t try to do much else. This thread is about unconditional love and support.

    @suziieq44 I lose weight really slowly. The only time I have lost more pounds was the time I drank more than 8 glasses of water. The other thing is getting enough sleep. I lose more on days that I have had a good night sleep. I like to drink some water but have a really hard time getting in 8 glasses. Oh actually drinking water will help water retention not cause it.

    @Rosie3579 What I hate the most is when someone has a health issue and the Drs don’t know what it is. I am glad your Dr knows what the problem is. However it is hard to wait for something important to his health. Good job taking a walk to face your feelings about this.
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    cesse47 wrote: »
    speyerj wrote: »
    @cesse47 - when I get into a cooking rut I browse through the New York Times Cooking Website and find something new to make. Right now I think you can access some of the recipes without a subscription. But of course there are countless other sites you can go to. Here's a link to the NYT site:

    Thanks! I did check out the link and found a couple of interesting dishes ... just have to see if I can scale them down for 1-2 people. I did find a link -- skinnytaste.com -- and found a few other recipe ideas. Most seem to be for 4 servings so I can easily cut them in half. Thanks again!!

    I often cook for six instead of the three of us and freeze the other half. It's very nice some days just to be able to throw a frozen casserole in a low oven and let it thaw and warm til dinner.