What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • JenObRN
    JenObRN Posts: 102 Member
    30 minute run, 30 min weight training, 10 min core
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    3.2 mile run today put me at 126.8 with a goal of 130 miles! Going to nail it this month plus some extra!
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Legs and an hour walk. Tiring work day but got it done!! Happy Tuesday.
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    Bodyweight exercises today

  • janicemlove
    janicemlove Posts: 459 Member
    Ran ~1 mile and did a lot of stretching. Allergy season + working a lot + just feeling yucky has meant my workouts have taken a huge hit.
  • sn2ess
    sn2ess Posts: 13 Member
    I took it easy today and just did some walking: 15 mins., then another 10 min walk and finished the night off with a 2 mile walk...all out in my backyard lol
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited April 2020
    Have only had one cup of coffee since I had the flu in late February. Since I've moved my rowing machine workouts on the deck to 5 AM, decided to get up a bit earlier today (4:10 AM) and had a cup of coffee. What was supposed to be an easy workout turned into an Anaerobic Threshold workout! Not a great idea. I need roughly 1500 meters to hit my target of 300K meters tomorrow for the month (averaging 10K meters a day).

    I decided to give myself a bit of a "reward" for tomorrow's workout and do an easy 2K warmup on the rower and then finish the hour on my Assault Bike. Haven't done that bike in a while and it's significantly easier than the rower. A lot of Masters rowers, world-class ones that I'm friends with, have told me that recovery on the rower is so hard they don't do it. They mostly bike for recovery. I find to do recovery on the rower, I have to sacrifice power or SPM (strokes per minute), one or the other.

    That was my issue today. Even at 20 SPM, I'm gaining muscle endurance. My average strokes, even at the end of the hour today, were close to 85 lbs average/130 lbs peak force. So that's similar to doing a 80/90 lb deadlift, 20 times a minute, for an hour solid. To get where I want to (and race regionally and be competitive again), the average force needs to be around 100 per stroke/peak forces around 145. According to my ErgData app, I also had tremendous "zip" today in my strokes, averaging 1.9 meters a second on my drives (how fast I move up the rail). That's gone significantly up in the last month. It was something like 1.7 or 1.6 at the same DF (drag factor). There's kind of an unwritten training rule of rowing -- never sacrifice your power per stroke, only your SPM average to do proper Steady State (easy cardio) workouts. I'm finding, as I get stronger, I'll have to slow my SPM down to 18 or so again to keep the HR down as I gain strength again (or not row on my recovery days, which I'm considering).

    Tempted to do an FTP test on my Assault bike on Friday. Last time I did it, roughly 6 months ago, I did a full hour test (my AD Pro has a 1% +/- calibration on Watts) and tested around 242, which is decent for a 55 year old, but not where I need to be to set my rowing goals. Most that can do a Sub 7 minute 2K on the rower have significantly higher FTPs than I do. Many can hold 275 or even 300 for an hour (many are strong cyclists as well!). I also need to hold around 200 Watts for an hour on the rower (2:00 pace) to get close to my long term goals. I'm not even close to that right now.

  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    Attempted rucking for the first time. 40 mins w 15lb. Not bad. Will run later.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited April 2020
    alexmose wrote: »
    Attempted rucking for the first time. 40 mins w 15lb. Not bad. Will run later.

    Okay not gonna lie @alexmose I had to Google "rucking" to see what the heck that was. Never heard that term before...

    My legs are still sore from the other day so did some body weight exercises and then ab/core work/yoga. Been enjoying the yoga lately.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    So yesterday I wanted to run 4 miles, but didn't know exactly how far it was. I ended at 6.7km. Today I felt annoyed that I stopped running 300m before 7km. So I went out again this evening into the mild drizzle to bag the 7km. Being the slow runner than I am I just realized that I stopped running a few seconds before 1 hour :s:# No, I won't run tomorrow. My legs need some rest. I also did a 35 minute barre workout over lunch. 35 minutes of slow squat variations and leg lifts basically.
  • ilenelynne
    ilenelynne Posts: 36 Member
    Orange Theory home workout this morning and this afternoon 2 mile walk.

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    4.7 mile run today!
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    So, yesterday I hit the gym for the first time in over a month for leg day. I knew I could not just pick up where I left off so I took 20lbs off my squat and 20 lbs off my DL. OMG I am sore today! lifters, beware!!
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    BlG_FN_ROB wrote: »
    65 lbers flipping


    I never know if to applaud you or say, "Oh God, please be careful!". I think the old overprotective parent instinct comes out when I see your videos. "A" for creativity. I don't know what grade to give you on safety, though!
  • BlG_FN_ROB
    BlG_FN_ROB Posts: 104 Member
    BlG_FN_ROB wrote: »
    65 lbers flipping


    I never know if to applaud you or say, "Oh God, please be careful!". I think the old overprotective parent instinct comes out when I see your videos. "A" for creativity. I don't know what grade to give you on safety, though!

    Thanks a lot! Lol😂 I definitely try to avoid injury and this was a progression move for me.
  • drmwc
    drmwc Posts: 1,028 Member
    edited April 2020
    I ended up working 15 hours on Tuesday, finishing at 2 a.m., and took the day off exercise. I've been working towards a client demo, which is later today, so hopefully my hours will come under control.

    I had arm and chest day yesterday:
    • Warm up of dynamic stretches, "hill" sprints on my stairs, band stuff
    • Bench, 55 kgs, 5 sets of 5
    • Overheard press, 40 kgs, 5 sets of 5
    • Bent over rows, 60 kgs, 5 sets of 5
    • Loads of dips and ring work. I am trying to work towards a muscle up on rings - I am way off it at the moment. I'm trying to get the hang of false grip as a starting point, which probably went OK.
    • Core stuff, like hanging leg raises
    • Yoga to end

    The lifts were below maximum, hopefully I can build up the weight over the next couple of weeks.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    I had to take some rest yesterday as it was 70 degrees out so lots of walking, 22k steps

    Today planning on some upper body work, at least chest, tricep, shoulders and some ab work. Just did a 2 mi run before the rain.
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    Finally stuck to plan today. Had planned an easy/recovery workout -- did 30 minutes on the rower first. Very controlled HR w/ it nearly all being under 135 and then 30 minutes on the AD Pro (Assault style bike).

    Haven't been on the Air Dyne Pro in nearly 3 months, so it felt nice to do something different. My two kids and wife much prefer the AD Pro over the rower. Great piece of equipment. If anyone is ever considering a low impact cardio piece of equipment, I'd get a Rogue Echo, but the AD Pro is also a great workout (I just don't like their customer service).

    Averaged around 2:31/19 SPM on the rower and 130 Watts/48 RPM on the AD Pro (really slow and easy).
  • MeganD1704
    MeganD1704 Posts: 733 Member
    Home wifi isnt working so posts will be sporadic.
    Monday/Tuesday- lifting and moving 68 boxes of flooring- great burn for a half hour of work around 362 cals
    Wednesday- one quick 2 km walk with the pup- worked till 9PM so that really ate away at my normal time.
    Thursday- TRX Lean Body tonight, 2 walks for the pup for about 5km total.

    I really want to do a kickboxing workout this weekend- anyone know of a good video available on youtube?