

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    My guess to the solution to Heather's puzzler:


    -A few years ago, I got 2 well-seasoned cast iron skillets at Goodwill for $25 for both (different sizes), which may sound like a lot for thrift store items, but to buy a pre-seasoned cast iron skillet of the same quality would have been triple that price for one skillet, so I paid at most 15% of fair market value, since cast iron skillets in good condition appreciate with time. My favorite cast iron skillet, however, is a very expensive gift from my spouse; it is a LeCreuset enameled cast iron skillet. Lovelovelove my LeCreuset. One of my prized possessions.


    Karen in Virginia

    Many years ago my hub was working on his project car and came in and said why don't you get that new cookware you've been looking at. I knew he was getting ready to spend a lot of money on the car because it was a set of Le Creuset. I LOVE it. I have been using it for over 25 years and it still is in great shape. I have added misc pieces over the years, including the baking pieces. They work great for neighborhood get togethers because they hold the heat for so long after taking them out of the oven.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Shonafreshstart
    Shonafreshstart Posts: 20 Member
    @cityjaneLondon Thank you. I'll try and take a leaf out of your book. You've done really well!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    edited May 2020
    The answers are correct. :D
    My son and Max got it wrong. :o:o Max found the right answer with a little of our help. <3
    Going for a 5k in a bit. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, whichever is appropriate for you,

    Welcome to those who are new - we're glad you're here!

    Regarding the coming meat shortage in the U.S., I think I mentioned a few weeks back there were going to be issues in meat supplies when the Smithfield plant had to close due to the virus in South Dakota. I've been in more than one meat processing plant, and keeping workers at any kind of distance with the speed of the lines they work on is not even slightly reasonable. They will have to retool the lines completely to keep workers safe--which takes time and money. And it's happening across all items, including beef, chicken and pork.

    There was a lot of supply in the pipeline to grocers at that time, but it will be running low quite soon as they shut down and retool. Then it will take another space of time to get the production moving again. Right now, farmers are "depopulating" millions animals that they simply can't afford to feed (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/apr/29/millions-of-farm-animals-culled-as-us-food-supply-chain-chokes-up-coronavirus). "Depopulating," by the way, may possibly be the biggest weasel word ever.

    I ordered a freezer at that time after going to our local Lowes, as they had sold out of everything on the floor, and literally had people in line waiting for the truck to come in bringing another dozen (two weeks ago now). Ours should be in next Tuesday, if they hold to their word. We had to order one that was smaller than some, as our footprint for where we want to put it is relatively small. We have our small chest freezer packed right to the top, and I'm in the process of filling our small freezer above the refrigerator now. I don't go often, but when I do go to the store, I buy meat as well as whatever I went for.

    When the new freezer comes, we'll move all that to the new upright freezer, put the small chest freezer out in the outside storage room and use it for larger items only, like hams.

    Honestly, I eat very little meat these days. Don't know why, I just go off of it every so often--the only meat I can stomach right now is tuna or shrimp. But my husband eats beef, chicken or pork for lunch and for dinner every single day--and needs that protein level to do his very physical job.

    Off to the races, kiddos. Today is more writing of grant applications that are unachievable to send to the unwilling, and a bunch of research in the afternoon. I've resigned myself to a coming flood of rejections--but I need to go find my armored underwear to survive the onslaught. Where DID I put those? :wink:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,077 Member
    I inherited my mom's cast iron skillet with a cover love it!

    We got a treat at our bird feeder today. A rose-breasted grosbeak. Not common in this area anymore because of climate change.It really is a beautiful bird. He was gone before I could get a picture.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Monday ...
    Work from home

    One of the things I've had the opportunity to do while working from home is to delve deeper into some of the things I do to try to understand what's going on better.

    Background: 8 months after my husband's accident in 2018, just when I was settling into work again and ramping up my education to try to finish sooner, one of my coworkers moved into another department and I was given most of his jobs. Fortunately, he wasn't far away and was able to run through things with me. But just about everything I've done has been reactive ... "Quick, we've got this deadline coming up ... do this".

    It took a year before I felt sort of comfortable doing some of the stuff without much help.

    Just before the shut down and moving home, we raced to get a large project done and were then left with a little bit of down time to work on some other things. And so I've been taking my time working through this and that and figuring out a few things. :)

    In a couple weeks, we'll be back into the midst of another big project (they're quarterly). But hopefully I'll feel slightly more ready for it.


    I took a midday break to walk around the house (outside) with Rhody. He does the rounds now ... but takes a long time get all the way around because he's got to sniff at this, and chase that, and climb things. Nevertheless it means I get to stand and walk a little bit which is better than sitting all day!

    Then I went downstairs to walk on the treadmill with my new trail shoes! I was hoping to get to the trails, but it was raining over the weekend and looked like rain today and I didn't know what kind of condition the trails would be in.

    So ... on the treadmill, with Zwift:

    Distance: 6.11km
    Pace: 10:59/km
    Moving Time: 1:07:08
    Elapsed Time: 1:07:52
    Calories: 200

    It was raining through part of the walk in the Zwift world!

    Cycling Club

    I did not want to spend this evening working on cycling club stuff. :angry: But other States are anxious to get riding again and want an announcement from the National Committee that we're opening things up. My State can't open things up. We're not allowed. But over-enthusiastic members from other States want to make a grand announcement this week. So I ended up editing their document and arguing points in it. As it stands, it is a weird document with so many phrases that have me wondering "why????"

    There's a big meeting tomorrow night ... oh joy ... where we're voting on this thing and if it goes up as is my vote will be a firm "NO". And then I might hang up because I've said my piece tonight and really don't want to argue it tomorrow too!

    Deep breath!

    Tomorrow I've taken the day "off" to work on university stuff. I need to watch a bunch of lectures.

    M in Oz

    Cycling Club

    Well, in a happy turn of events the NC President came in and modified the document to the way I thought it should have been in the first place. :) Essentially, we need to follow the laws of our own states both to the letter of the law and intent of the law. :)

    So the meeting tonight went very well and actually ended early.


    I took today off work to catch up on uni stuff. I've watched 3 long lectures so far, and will do one more tonight. I'm just giving my ears a little rest ... they've been in headphones all day!

    The last lecture tonight should get me caught up in one course and will hopefully put me in a good place to write my next assignment.

    In this course, the lectures I've been watching and the next assignment is all about Quantitative Analysis.


    As posted earlier, I ran 8K on the treadmill tonight in 1 hour and 10 minutes. Hoping to do a 10K soon! Of course the treadmill is easier than outside, but I figure if I can do that, then can start building up some speed on the treadmill, when spring comes, I might possibly be comfortable to head outside and run 10Ks. That's kind of the plan.

    Tomorrow ... class in the morning and back to work in the afternoon. I see there's an email questioning the formatting of some data. <<sigh>> 60% of the data I send out wants it in a certain format, 39% wants it slightly differently but all 99% of them don't want headers. Evidently this place wants headers! Oh well.

    Machka in Oz
  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,082 Member
    Michele things are still closed pretty tight here in Delaware. Last I looked, cases are still rising.My Dad can't get hold of his dentist. My cousin's hair salon won't open because they could only do half the hours with distancing and it would end benefits for everyone who works there. My parents are starting to think wearing a mask makes them invincible, but we know that's not right. I haven't left the house in two weeks. I am going to the drugstore today - big outing!

    I was doing better on my diet, but last night I got into the cookies again.

    Annie in Delaware
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,633 Member
    i'm seriously considering cancelling my membership at the gym. since it's been closed, i've been riding to work, i haven't gained any weight and i dunno, still some bugs to work out. this is good for this time of year but i won't be able to ride in during the winter sooooooo, i could workout at home before going to the train station but that means i won't ride to work with kirby which i don't like.

    the thing i do like about the gym, is it gives me variety to do other machines if i want. i know all the different exercises i could do at home that doesn't need a gym, that's not the problem. oh and i get to use thier shower/water :) i dunno, i still have time
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,301 Member
    Done my run. :Do:)

    Squid stew tonight! <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- She seems fine to me wasn’t sure if you spotted something that alarmed you tho. I did ask Daughter to take a look she didn’t find anything except she’s new account in a legalized pot state (she saw 2 containers of it in her MotherDay pic she assumes it’s from a medical dispensary). I’ll take Daughter word for it my eyes aren’t good enough to see that. Her ex husband y son still involved in her life in a healthy manner which is great. If you knew her from the past she probably lost the weight had to restart to regain traction happens to many in life.

    Pip- If you think you can train without a gym would save money in the long run can always join silver sneakers later on . You seem to have enough activities like running to at home workouts can try without it if you miss it go back when it’s open.

    Amber Tx

    Allergies got a grip on me. Working out y eating in my calories again.

    BeUncommon- Nice professionalisms with your pics! I love them definitely frame worthy.
    Yeah had to stand up for my Mom a lot. American nursing schools wouldn’t accept mom after regular college. Canada 🇨🇦 did she learned beside a Doctor y stayed in their home. She was taught to sit with patients y care for kids. Dad helped her by taking her to more programs to learn to take care of kids. Helped her feel confident she could help church members by sitting with their family. Dad was a preacher so opened doors for her to use her talent to help others for free.
  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Barbie > I love the pic of your parents :) Your Dad was a sailor! so cool.

    Amber > Thank you very much. Some people are to ignorant to see the beauty in others, it is very sad because they miss out on the most incredible things in life! Your Mom got what she wanted because she was brave and went after it. Due respect! Can I ask you a question, it is probably just message board chat but why do you use just a Y in areas? I would think it means why but doesn't seem to fit in the sentence..lol
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,048 Member
    BeUncommon wrote: »
    Machka > Lovely pic of your mom. she was a nurse i take it? love the hats they used to wear then.

    Wow, I agree with the specialist, how is it that it was not diagnosed along time ago. It must be such a relief to you to finally have something being done about it. You are going to feel like a new person :) Even if the GP's didn't know what they were looking for the should have at least sent you to see a specialist that does!

    Yes, my mother was a nurse and spent most of her nursing career as an emergency room nurse, on night and weekends. She liked the variety!

    Everyone tells me I'll be able to breathe better! I'm a long distance cyclist and am now getting into running, but one of the difficulties I've had is how difficult it is to breathe and how much it hurts. Perhaps, once I've recovered, that might be better. :)

    But I am strangely a little sad about my nose shape. I like my nose. I don't know what it's going to look like after!

    Machka in Oz
  • BeUncommon
    BeUncommon Posts: 116 Member
    Machka > I wouldn't think it would make much of a difference but have they told you it will? Once you get the surgery and you realise how much different and better it is for you I'm sure you won't even worry about that! I had chronic bronchitis and used to be a smoker so I know what it is like to have difficulty breathing. Obviously, not the same situation as you but I have been smoke free for 11 years now and my breathing is so so much different and I no longer get lung infections (used to pretty much live with them) I told myself, when my daughter is old enough to know what I am doing (smoking) I will quit... that day came when she was 4. She said to her Grandma "Mummy doesn't leave the house without her camera and her smokes" The next day I quit smoking and I had smoked for 28 years (2 packs a day).
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited May 2020
    BeUncommon- Y means “And” in Spanish I’m concentrating on what I’m going to say forget to put all of it in English is all. Habit since I was little — had to go back on school papers change it to AND before elementary teachers put me in time out for it. My son is Emilio JR y Daughter name birth certificate has to be in English but her true spelling isn’t. My name Amber is just the color of the day I was born.November the desert 🌵 is Amber colored. Cousin Heather was born in October on a heather colored Desert day

    Machka- My grandma was head nurse for the whole hospital back in the day.Had her main floor but went floor to floor to assist y finish their paperwork even assisted in surgeries.

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Saw this in the news thought 💭 well then now I e heard everything lol
    Amber Tx