Daily Commitment Thread for 2020 -- JUST FOR TODAY



  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member

    1. Drink one water โœ”
    2. Stretch โœ”

    1. Drink one water
    2. Stretch
    3. 10 squats per bathroom trip

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 19,190 Member
    edited May 2020
    Today I feel enervated
    by the joyful exhilaration of existence


    I am grateful...
    • ...fire the welcome rain
    • ...for continued good health
    To all those essential workers still going out there....
    ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Thank you for your service ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
    Everyone else, please stay home!!!
    What am I doing to keep busy?
    To name a few...
    • working on a Memories Project for my grandson
    • Iโ€™ve joined a 14 day on line art challenge (search for painters on line on Facebook) I finished the 14 day challenge, but have been too busy to continue with the extended Challenge.
    • structuring my day
    • morning and evening meditation
    • Using the internet to โ€˜talkโ€™ to family
    • crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
    • HIIT videos off YouTube,
    • yoga/Taichi
    • Walks with DH
    • Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    • Decluttering
    • Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
    2020 Personal Discard Weight Challenge
    Name: Terri
    My plan is to weigh less at the end of each month than I did at the beginning
    SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
    GW: 147.1
    Jan: - 2
    Feb: - 1.3
    Mar: - 0.9
    Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
    Tue 31 Mar: 147.9
    Thu 30 April: 149.2
    Week 1:
    Fri 01: 148.9
    Sat 02: 149.2
    Sun 03: 149.2
    Mon 04: 148.6
    Tue 05: 148.6
    Wed 06: 148.6
    Thu 07: 148.5
    Week 2:
    Fri 08: 148.4
    Sat 09: 148.9
    Sun 10: 148.9
    Mon 11: 148.6
    Tue 12: 148.7
    Wed 13: 148.6
    Thu 14: 148.5
    Week 3:
    Fri 15: 147.9 ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ Ooo! A wee whoosh.
    Sat 16: 148.2
    Sun 17:148.1
    Mon 18: 148.2
    Tue 19: 147.9
    Wed 20: 149.2
    Thu 21: 149.2

    JFT Thu 21 May:
    Daily goals:
    Sleep: ๐ŸŒท
    Meditation:๐ŸŒทbreathing meditation
    Intentional exercise: > 50๐ŸŒท57
    Cardio: > 30๐ŸŒทWalking, gardening
    Strength: > 10๐ŸŒทCore/legs
    Flex: >10๐ŸŒทYoga
    Prelog: stay in the green ๐ŸŒท
    Weight: < 150๐ŸŒท
    Steps: > 7500๐ŸŒท8100+
    Fitbit > 6 active hours ๐ŸŒท10
    Mood: ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    Gratitude: I am grateful fir each new day
    Activities I got to do today:
    ๐ŸŒทmeditation๐ŸŒทgarden/buy plants๐ŸŒท
    ๐ŸŒทWatch virtual Chelsea Flower Show๐ŸŒท
    ๐ŸŒทwrite๐ŸŒทmore Laundry๐ŸŒทpuzzles๐ŸŒท
    ๐ŸŒทBirthday project for Grandson๐ŸŒท

    ๐ŸŽฏ Set your own daily goal ๐ŸŽฏ
    ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ Earn one ๐Ÿ’ for each day ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ
    โ—๏ธFrom 15 April to 31 May (47 days)โ—๏ธ
    Daily Goal:
    50 + minutes intentional exercise
    April: 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,
    ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ (16)
    May: 1,2,3,,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,589 Member
    JFT Friday
    1. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Balance work. Feed cats. Meds. Tea!
    2. Check email. Write everything down before it goes in the mouth. Call ER. AM run - 10 miles.
    3. Review papers by desk. File or trash. Check green room for paintbrushes and donations.
    4. Lunch: bibimbap. Yoga with core/balance work. Write a letter.
    5. Blog post. Recycling.
    6. 6:30 PM play practice. Color!
    7. Drink more water. No, more. Keep the pitcher in the fridge full. You're not actually hungry. Make some tea. Drink more water!
    8. Writing: Album post. Message Z.
    9. Gratitude journal. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Meds. Floss, rinse, brush teeth. ACORN TRIAL ENDS MAY 27. Check on free NAIE membership? Saturday garden; leave by 9:35. Turn in name tag.

    Scale goals
    End of 2017: 174.6
    End of 2018: 189.2
    End of 2019: 196.4
    End of January: 194.6
    End of February: 196.2
    End of March: 193.8
    End of April: 192.6
    Today: 193.8

    Ongoing plans/ideas behind the cut
    1. Purchases: Look for an "ugly Christmas sweater" and a long-haired doll at thrift stores. Practice French braiding. Go to used bookstore and look for On Writing (Stephen King), Dying for a Paycheck (Robin Hardman), The Prince (tr. Tim Parks, Russell Price, or Robert Adams), The Secret Adversary (Christie).
    2. E2: What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Create vocabulary lists for each unit that come from the texts used: Animal Farm, Julius Caesar, Wes Moore, I Am Malala. Find a way to incorporate changing words from one part of speech to another. Students need to know how to review multiple sources and synthesize information in order to draw a conclusion. Need practice with the difference between transitions and overlapping (at end of paragraph - "another issue is Y" vs "there are other issues besides X"). Quit using "in conclusion" and "I believe" and other writing-about-my-writing phrases. Confusion between direct/indirect objects and prepositional phrases. Use the UDHR and the Declaration of Independence to study paraphrasing; use that to front-load Machiavelli and how to deal with challenging texts. Confusion between everyday / every day and similar constructions.
    3. E1: Need practice with quoting & paraphrasing sources, identifying claims that would need support, use of last names for reference, and capitalization practice (common/proper nouns, titles). Difficulty using possessive nouns in their own writing. Honors: practice subject/object pronouns (my friend and I / my friend and me). Poetry: Revise "Songs are Poetry" handouts.
    4. Curriculum Development: Writing mini-unit. Review scholarly research on 5PE. (I think I can have this as an intro to the research unit so that they also get exposure to how quotes are integrated and cited.) Parallel structure; use of emotional language, specific detail. Use "Write About a Pebble" lesson from Atwell. How long should each unit take? Do research on characteristics: curiosity, persistence, resilience, creativity, responsibility, optimism, courage, integrity, authenticity, leadership, self-awareness, humility, compassion - others? Include grammarly check on essays! Review assessments. What is the purpose for each unit? What should the controlling ideas be in a study of world literature? Review world lit options. Schedule assessments for Fall 2019; plan out return times. Write 1 reflection weekly; type one in Classroom by Weds. Copy-paste to discussion board for comments due Friday. Homework: Online journal Mon due Tue; Reflection Tue due Wed; C&P journal in class Wed; Comments Thu due Fri. Bonus if you are the first response; further bonus if you respond to comments on your post. Grammar practice Mon & Wed; quiz Fri.
    5. Professional Development: Write blog post weekly. Comment on 3 posts each week - Tu Th Sun? Check with PSC. Talk with Z about articles and/or conference proposals. NOTE: ATTENDED PRE FLEX DAY.
    6. Medical: Dentist Apr 30 8 AM but check on meetings and RS. Onco Apr ???. PCP Schedule for July. ObG schedule for October. PCP - allergy shots? left toe joints. Sleep center 778 3316.
    7. Theater: 1984.
    8. House: Crawl space repairs. After that - siding? Or perhaps bathroom floor.
    9. Fun: Open beading on Thursdays. Coloring at library on Tuesday. Put jewelry away. Edney Hack Nights alt Weds. ASL? Spanish/Portuguese practice? Practice piano. ROL Secret Adversary. Buy bike rack for car.
    10. Volunteering ideas: Theater. Library. Animal shelter. Community Kitchen. Emerge Georgia training.
    11. Family: Google Hangout.
    12. Other: Practice hair braiding with D. Check on appts for drs. Remind D to ask his dad about the table and check with home repair contractors. START BLOGGING AGAIN. 3 posts/week? Create test for MLA format. Create test for infographics and visual information. Therapy exercises: lunges, push-ups, ankle lifts, box jumps, plank. Remember that M does not like surprises! Check dates of classes and update semester plan. She Should Run vision statement. Update standards on board. When to change bulletin board?

    WFTY: Progress.

    Thanks @jenwalkingfurther and @cschmitz110515! I still don't like running, but I do like how easy it is to measure progress. I mean, the PROGRESS isn't easy. But it's pretty straightforward. I can run further now than I did before. I can run faster now than I did before.
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    edited May 2020
    - Homeschool๐ŸŸข
    - S virtual class๐ŸŸข
    - E virtual class๐ŸŸข
    - Grocery list/grocery shop๐ŸŸข๐ŸŸข
    - Normal house chores๐ŸŸข
    - Log everything ๐ŸŸข/ stay green๐ŸŸข
    - Exercise (weights & cardio)๐ŸŸข๐ŸŸข
    - Prep pulled pork and coleslaw early๐ŸŸข

    Since my husband is no longer working from home, I canโ€™t go for a walk in the middle of the day like I had been doing. Iโ€™m working on getting up earlier again and going out before he leaves. I used to get up at 5:30 every day, but since the quarantine it just made my days too long!

    - Homeschool
    - Exercise (cardio)
    - Log everything / stay green
    - Chores
    - Enjoy the sunshine!

    To earn a flower, I must:
    1) Log everything 2) Stay green 3) Exercise
    APRIL 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,25,26,28,30
    ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒบ (11)
    MAY 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,21

    Be well!๐Ÿ’•
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 19,190 Member
    edited May 2020
    Today I feel enervated
    by the joyful exhilaration of existence


    I am grateful...
    • ...for the welcome rain
    • ...for continued good health
    To all those essential workers still going out there....
    ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป Thank you for your service ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
    Everyone else, please stay home!!!
    What am I doing to keep busy?
    To name a few...
    • working on a Memories Project for my grandson
    • Iโ€™ve joined a 14 day on line art challenge (search for painters on line on Facebook) I finished the 14 day challenge, but have been too busy to continue with the extended Challenge.
    • structuring my day
    • morning and evening meditation
    • Using the internet to โ€˜talkโ€™ to family
    • crochet, jigsaws, journaling, gardening, reading, writing .......
    • HIIT videos off YouTube,
    • yoga/Taichi
    • Walks with DH
    • Cleaning! Cleaning! Cleaning! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    • Decluttering
    • Stress relievers (search YouTube for Paul McKenna)
    Keep your chin up!
    Turning up is the ultimate success!
    01 Aug 2019: 170.1
    31 Dec 2019: 151.2
    Total weight loss: 19.9lbs
    2020 Personal Discard Weight Challenge
    Name: Terri
    My plan is to weigh less at the end of each month than I did at the beginning
    SW: 152.1 (02 Jan)
    GW: 147.1
    Jan: - 2
    Feb: - 1.3
    Mar: - 0.9
    Apri: +1.3 (not too bad, considering lockdown/Easter/Birthday this month)
    Tue 31 Mar: 147.9
    Thu 30 April: 149.2
    Week 1:
    Fri 01: 148.9
    Sat 02: 149.2
    Sun 03: 149.2
    Mon 04: 148.6
    Tue 05: 148.6
    Wed 06: 148.6
    Thu 07: 148.5
    Week 2:
    Fri 08: 148.4
    Sat 09: 148.9
    Sun 10: 148.9
    Mon 11: 148.6
    Tue 12: 148.7
    Wed 13: 148.6
    Thu 14: 148.5
    Week 3:
    Fri 15: 147.9 ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜ Ooo! A wee whoosh.
    Sat 16: 148.2
    Sun 17:148.1
    Mon 18: 148.2
    Tue 19: 147.9
    Wed 20: 149.2
    Thu 21: 149.2
    Week 4:
    Fri 22: 148.2

    JFT Fri 22 May:
    Daily goals:
    Sleep: ๐ŸŒท
    Meditation:๐ŸŒทbreathing meditation
    Intentional exercise: > 50๐ŸŒท98
    Cardio: > 30๐ŸŒทWalking, gardening
    Strength: > 10๐ŸŒทCore/legs
    Flex: >10๐ŸŒทYoga
    Prelog: stay in the green ๐ŸŒท
    Weight: < 150๐ŸŒท
    Steps: > 7500๐ŸŒท9330 and counting
    Fitbit > 6 active hours ๐ŸŒท12
    Mood: ๐Ÿ˜Ž
    Gratitude: I am grateful fir each new day
    Activities I got to do today:
    ๐ŸŒทWatch virtual Chelsea Flower Show๐ŸŒท
    ๐ŸŒทmore Laundry๐ŸŒทpuzzles๐ŸŒท
    ๐ŸŒทBirthday project for Grandson๐ŸŒท

    ๐ŸŽฏ Set your own daily goal ๐ŸŽฏ
    ๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒผ Earn one ๐Ÿ’ for each day ๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ
    โ—๏ธFrom 15 April to 31 May (47 days)โ—๏ธ
    Daily Goal:
    50 + minutes intentional exercise
    April: 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,
    ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’ (16)
    May: 1,2,3,,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,

  • jenwalkingfurther
    jenwalkingfurther Posts: 224 Member
    JFT- Friday
    15k steps ๐Ÿ‘
    Log everything ๐Ÿ‘
    Stay within calorie target ๐Ÿ‘
    7hrs sleep๐Ÿ‘

    JFT - Saturday
    15k steps
    Log everything
    7hrs sleep
    Make the most of the day

    Have a good Saturday all x