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The official nightshift thread....



  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Yaaay for a 3 night workweek this week! A bit of a break finally. I had to do a training for patrol last week Thursday, which was a bit awkward as I kept my mask on and gloves on the whole shift since we couldn't really socially distance in a Ford Focus. When I got to the end of the night I was never so glad to rip that thing off my face! (Not the trainee co-worker Reed,... the mask :D )
    Hope you guys are all holding steady.
    Campgrounds start proper opening for overnighters June 1, but no out of province travel, in fact, it is suggested that we camp within our local area. Luckily tons of lakes and mountain trails to get to within a couple hours of our place, not that we'll be able to camp anytime soon. Too booked up and busy. Actually Covid-19 has made us richer, lol. We are so busy working, but have to place to go, no travel, no events or sports, no fancy dinners out or heading to the pub with friends, so no money is being spent.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    One more day off and then back to work. It's been weird this year having a week of here and there. I'm so used to working seven days a week most of the time. It has been nice to be home. The dogs love it too. :smile: They got a double treat yesterday. I took them out before people started getting up (6 AM) and then the wife and I went for a walk with the dogs in the evening after dinner (6 PM). Bonus walk for the dogs. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I've been riding with a friend who got an E-Bike. It's been really nice. Before when we rode I could count on an easy ride but now I can push it so I get better and she is the one taking it easy. :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Perfect on the E-bike trips! It makes it more of an enjoyable outing for both friends if something can even out their skills or fitness levels. I haven't even been out on my bike yet this year, or in the canoe.... hubby is working too much, we never seem to have a proper day off together that doesn't involve catching up with yardwork or housework or parent care. Our walks/cycles/paddles are getting pushed to the wayside - priorities, priorities. :(
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    WhooHoo! I have an appointment with my hairdresser on the 29th! I feel a bit like a sheepdog, but at least not like a Komondor, lol.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :smile: If you start wearing dreads, I want a photo posted. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    There are days I just want to run screaming. I had a relief vet in and she refuses to do records like I asked. Now I have clinics calling and complaining about the records. That just won't do. They are our lifeblood.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    LOL. :smile: If you start wearing dreads, I want a photo posted. :smile:

    That wouldn't take long, as my hair is naturally curly anyhow. I already have ringlets, lol.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    That was a long weekend in the ER. Between people letting their dogs eat stupid stuff to the dog fights between dogs that owners said, “He’s never done that before when they came to visit”, it was a busy busy weekend. And I found out one of the patients I thought I had turned around died Monday night. Not a good weekend. Maybe it’s time to switch careers to Homeless. There’s lots of programs for the homeless and there’s not near the pressure.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Going back to week nights. Guess I got too grumpy working 72 hour shifts. :smile:
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited May 2020
    @sufferlandrian, it takes me two weeks to do 72 hours.... I do think you need to stick to weeknights. Sorry to hear about your Monday night (ex)patient.
    BTW, ringlets/pre-dreads are now gone, I feel so much lighter and freer although hair is still curly.

    Not that I don't like a chat with sufferlandrian, but where are all you others?
    Missing your smiling (or not) avatars.

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I guess at some point I should change my avatar. I think it's been the same since like March.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    It’s been hell the last two nights. Off tonight. The other vet who just started working had been practicing shotgun medicine. You know, where you throw every test in the book at the pet and hope something shows up. The problem is since I’ve got the overnight shift she is leaving it to me to explain why she ran all the tests and I don’t have a good answer.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Back to work tonight. Changing up shifts. I'm on an eight day run and then I'll be on a 4 days one week and five days the next week. You would think with all the protests and Covid, we would be an ideal place for a vet to want to come work. I just can't seem to get one that will stick. We had one that had a breakdown, another that couldn't seem to accept how we want things run and another that we had to let go because needed a loan to move into a new building and the bank said we needed to cut payroll. So we're looking for another vet and can't even get an application. It's a bit discouraging.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Is it possible to get a list of recent grads from vet colleges in the states surrounding, @sufferlandrian? Maybe a newer grad might be more amenable to your clinic's way of doing things.... just a thought. More advertising needs to be done by vet colleges since there appears to be a shortage. It would certainly be an interesting job and one could specialize in farm, small animal/pet, zoo.... depending on where one chose to live.

    Hi @poland_diana hope you got the rest you needed.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    The past week and a half I haven't been working. Hubby had a workplace accident and his ladder kicked out and he fell from 20 feet up onto pavement - 'extensively comminuted forearm fracture' and comminuted fracture of his nose, several 4 cm lacerations requiring stitches on his nose and forehead, and a twisted knee and ankle that require tensor bandages to keep swelling down and support the joints. It's his dominant hand so there's a lot I have to help with and no way he can manage alone while I am away on patrol. Yet. We will get there, though. His nose no longer requires a splint and it's been straightened out and looks pretty well in line. Cuts seem to be healing well and stitches have dissolved. Ear/nose/throat specialist appointment tomorrow just over 100 km away, and on Tuesday he meets with the orthopedic surgeon again to check on his arm, that appointment is 45 km in another direction. Covid-19 means I can only drop him off at their doors/hospital clinics and can't go in to see how things are going myself. Feeling super stressed and NOT eating the way I should be to feel better, just gaining weight like crazy since March. I'm like 30 lbs over my goal weight again after being at goal for a few years. Ugh, this just sux!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Emergency work isn't for everyone. The demand for ER vets is so high and the number of people who find they can work the hours and deal with the high stress cases is pretty limited. A lot of new grads want to do emergency work but about the fourth week of putting down dogs for wonderful old ladies who just lost their husbands, they cave and quit. I had to come on once because the new grad was curled up on the couch in the fetal position crying and wouldn't come out of the office. She just put down a dog for a wonderful old gentleman. He mentioned during the euthanasia that this was his wife's dog and she died of cancer six months ago. Now the dog was dying of cancer and he was losing his last contact with his wife. This isn't a job for everyone. You have to care but be able to move on.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @canadjineh - You two have really been on a streak of bad luch when it comes to work. I really hope he heals quickly. Just reading about his injuries makes my bones hurt.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I think I might like going back to weeknights. I actually got a two hour nap last night it was so slow. I wish it had been in my bed instead of just falling asleep in my chair. However, I'll take what I can get. :smile:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Man it was cold biking home this morning. Yesterday the temp read colder on my bike computer but this morning it felt colder. 40 degrees yesterday and 42 this morning. We got 17 inches of snow outside Butte Montana but I'm not close to there. I'm outside Glacier. Glacier picked up 7 inches.