Rainbow Warriors: Getting Fit & Fabulous!



  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    *Raising her hand* Ooh Ooh pick me I wanna join too!!

    I'm not new to MFP... but since they upgraded the Android app on my phone, I have become more social. Which will hopefully will help motivate me as well.

    Welcome! I love my app. I'm probably on it too much, actually.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Goodness I have been neglecting this thread!

    I hope everyone is doing well and making good progress on their goals!!! :D

    I haven't recorded it yet because I want to see if it STAYS off for a while before actually putting down the number, BUT I stepped on the scale today and it was at 299.3. This is the first time I have been under 300 pounds in 4 years!
  • notebooksecrets
    notebooksecrets Posts: 36 Member
    Goodness I have been neglecting this thread!

    I hope everyone is doing well and making good progress on their goals!!! :D

    I haven't recorded it yet because I want to see if it STAYS off for a while before actually putting down the number, BUT I stepped on the scale today and it was at 299.3. This is the first time I have been under 300 pounds in 4 years!
    That's fantastic news :-D
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Goodness I have been neglecting this thread!

    I hope everyone is doing well and making good progress on their goals!!! :D

    I haven't recorded it yet because I want to see if it STAYS off for a while before actually putting down the number, BUT I stepped on the scale today and it was at 299.3. This is the first time I have been under 300 pounds in 4 years!

    Great job, that is so exciting. :) Keep up the good work!
    Calling all Warriors, are you ready to start this weeks challenge? I will break this into 4 weekly challenges and a few daily challenges as well for the week. So for starters lets go with:

    Daily exercise for week 1:

    1) 20 jumping jacks
    2) 20 lunges (alternating legs)
    3) 20 push-ups (floor or wall)
    4) 20 Captain's chairs: Sit at the end of a chair, bench,etc. Grip the sides to stabilize upper body, then slowly draw knees toward your chest holding it in place for a moment, then lower back down slowly. Try for 20, if you cant make it, get a minimal of 10.

    Drink, drink, and drink some more…water that is – let’s all meet our minimum 64 oz water requirement each day….since we will be exercising, this shouldn't be a problem.

    Weekly challenge:
    1) Get 4 miles in for the week (walking, running, cycling) If you can do more, awesome!
    2) 64 oz water minumin

    Still new at this so if you have anything you would like to add feel free. Since its Thursday, new weekly and daily challenges evey Thursday!

    Hey Kayla, I'm up for it! I shouldn't have any problem with the water (it's all I ever drink, and I easily get 100+ oz a day) or with the 4 miles a week, but the daily exercises are a good plan and I don't do all of those regularly. Starting this morning, though! Great ideas, thanks!!
  • Can I join you Warriors?!?! Pleeease??
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Can I join you Warriors?!?! Pleeease??

    Everyone is welcome!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Hi all of you new warrors, and not so new. I've been lagging behind on the discussion- sorry. I am not doing great on the excercise or food front, but I still lost more weight! I guess that even though I'm not perfect, I'm still better than I was.

    My A1c is down to 5.9 from 6.2. 5.8 is the beginning of the diabetic range, so that's a good thing. I like to walk the halls at work for excercise, but my rght foot has been killing me! So I've been sticking to multi-tasking excercises, like working in the garden, riding the staionary bike while I try to catch up on my 3 weeks of taped soaps before I switch from sattelite back t cable in a few weeks, cleaning house, etc.

    Hope al is well with you all. :-)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    OK, I'm finally back with the weekly questions, so here goes:

    Have you accidentally (or purposely) gotten a friend to start working toward being healthier? Who and how?

    I ask this because, for me, it's a resounding "yes" on the accidental front. I have an orange with breakfast every day. Somedays (most days), I wake up a bit late, though, so I have to take said orange to work with me and eat it there. Pretty much every week, I end up having a conversation with someone about how it's such a healthy choice. Anyway, yesterday, I was sitting there eating my own orange and one of my managers came wandering into the office. I wasn't really paying attention, at first, but then I looked over and he had an orange of his own which he'd just started to eat. When he saw me looking at him, he said, "You inspired me!". It was kind of awesome.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Ok warriors its time for another month. Although I didnt reach my goal of 10 pounds this month (I lost 3), I plan on a mini goal of 5 pounds but im shooting really hard for 10. :) So anyone up for a September challenge? We can do it by weeks? Anybody else wanting to add challenges are more than welcome to. Lets kick *kitten* this month.


    PS. Welcome new warriors!!!

    I am looking at running my first 5K this month (if I can get childcare) so that's a goal.

    I would like to lose two pounds this month (going sloow).

    I would like to continue to run 6+ miles per week and run another 4. I'd like to get better at desk pushups.

    Happy September!
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    In answer to thiks week's question:

    My partner isn't on MFP, but we are both working at getting to healthier weights. We are both trying to make better choices on bringing food into the house, but when I first started, she was still asking me for chips, cokies and. Brownies on a regular basis. Now, she is much more concientious about her choices in order to not tempt me and my weak willpower.

    I have another friend though who had gastric bypass about 5 years ago. She lost weight for a bout a year, but has consistently put it all back on. I am trying to subtly coax her to make better choices, but she craves sweets and chips and junk foos. When she visits, she brings thisstuff in tow ad likes to cook her fabulous pasta for us. She won't even consider substituting turkey sausage or turkey meatballs for the greasy ragu style sausage and beef meatballs she loadsinto it. She has been having some pretty major health challenges but refuses to make healthier choices to help her become more mobile and stronger. It's frustrating and heartbreaking for me t see her slowly harm herself with food. I don't push her though because she gets frustrated when I mention anything about it.
  • onlyonewilson
    onlyonewilson Posts: 9 Member
    OK, I'm finally back with the weekly questions, so here goes:

    Have you accidentally (or purposely) gotten a friend to start working toward being healthier? Who and how?

    I ask this because, for me, it's a resounding "yes" on the accidental front. I have an orange with breakfast every day. Somedays (most days), I wake up a bit late, though, so I have to take said orange to work with me and eat it there. Pretty much every week, I end up having a conversation with someone about how it's such a healthy choice. Anyway, yesterday, I was sitting there eating my own orange and one of my managers came wandering into the office. I wasn't really paying attention, at first, but then I looked over and he had an orange of his own which he'd just started to eat. When he saw me looking at him, he said, "You inspired me!". It was kind of awesome.

    Woo Hoo!

    I have a childhood friend that was attached to my hip all during jr. and high school. Because of my self-imposed dietary restrictions... she wouldn't eat any red meat because it grossed me out.

    I hadn't seen her for about 10 years. I had a party and she and her childhood sweetheart happened to be biking across the US, were in town, and came over. The very first thing he said to me when he walked in the door was, "Are you still not eating meat? Because this one over here still won't touch it and it makes it very hard to BBQ!" (we live in Kansas City... everyone stops here to eat BBQ).
  • Hello this is my first time on this blog so I hope I'm in the right forum! I lost 10lbs and shooting for 10 more.:glasses:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    OK, I'm finally back with the weekly questions, so here goes:

    Have you accidentally (or purposely) gotten a friend to start working toward being healthier? Who and how?

    My gf now brings her lunch to work every day, instead of fast food/panera/fazoli's/etc every day. Not only because it's healthier, but saves money, too. Just takes some planning ahead instead of grabbing whatever, whenever.

    Well a new month is here, therefore time for new goals!
    1. 1400 fitness minutes.

    2. strength train 2-3x week.

    3. track all food even on bad days, keep carbs lower

    4. Dog walks

    5. Bedtime of 10-10:30pm at the latest!

    6. Get up early enough to make breakfast, or make ahead.

    7. goal weight 185

    And, WELCOME to Roxyjag and any other new rainbow warriors!
  • amschulte
    amschulte Posts: 7 Member
    Calling all Warriors, are you ready to start this weeks challenge? I will break this into 4 weekly challenges and a few daily challenges as well for the week. So for starters lets go with:

    Daily exercise for week 1:

    1) 20 jumping jacks
    2) 20 lunges (alternating legs)
    3) 20 push-ups (floor or wall)
    4) 20 Captain's chairs: Sit at the end of a chair, bench,etc. Grip the sides to stabilize upper body, then slowly draw knees toward your chest holding it in place for a moment, then lower back down slowly. Try for 20, if you cant make it, get a minimal of 10.

    Drink, drink, and drink some more…water that is – let’s all meet our minimum 64 oz water requirement each day….since we will be exercising, this shouldn't be a problem.

    Weekly challenge:
    1) Get 4 miles in for the week (walking, running, cycling) If you can do more, awesome!
    2) 64 oz water minumin

    Still new at this so if you have anything you would like to add feel free. Since its Thursday, new weekly and daily challenges evey Thursday!


    Ah, it's good to be back. I was on vacation since Friday, August 26 and we visited New Hampshire and Maine (I live in Ohio currently but still call Missouri home). But, I didn't do fabulous heath-wise on vacation, and to be honest I didn't try. But I'm back at it now. I want to make practical health and weight goals (especially with the holidays approaching). I gained 7 pounds over the week but I do know some if it is water weight from swelling due to traveling and salty foods (my ankles disappeared!!!) but I wanted to be honest so I posted my weight this morning as it read on the scale.

    Thank you Kayla for posting daily/weekly exercise goals. I will start today and look forward to your updated challenges.

    I am at the max sizes I want to be (I have been saying that for years) but this time it's true. I'm in an XL shirt (my chest isn't that big) but they are getting tighter than I remember them being ever in the past but it's my hips that depress me. I'm in a 46 pants (men's) and it is utterly depressing. I have to do a little dance to pull up my pants in the mornings after they have been washed and dried. 46 is the max size that most stores carry and I hate shopping in actual stores anymore. I'm so ashamed. Women's plus sized pants don't fit me well. I'm 6'1" so most stores carry tall sizes but plus sized women are never taller than 5'7" - at least according to department stores. So if I get pants that fit my hips they barely reach my ankle. And they're this tight, stretchy material that loosens up over time and when I sit my butt and underwear are on display and it's AWFUL and I'm always tugging at my pants and it's completely unattractive. :( So now that fall is approaching and I won't be able to get away with my men's shorts for much longer (thank god for online American Eagle shopping) I really want to work on this so I can be comfortable in my own body AND my clothes. Also, I'll never have to buy clothes again if I keep working down through the sizes. I've got some awesome pants from high school. :) I've rambled enough about my problems...

    So, my personal goal for the month of September is to drop a pant size and to walk/jog/run at least 30 minutes per day.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my pity party and for everyone being so supportive. This group really rocks. :)

  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Daily exercise for week 1:

    1) 20 jumping jacks
    2) 20 lunges (alternating legs)
    3) 20 push-ups (floor or wall)
    4) 20 Captain's chairs: Sit at the end of a chair, bench,etc. Grip the sides to stabilize upper body, then slowly draw knees toward your chest holding it in place for a moment, then lower back down slowly. Try for 20, if you cant make it, get a minimal of 10.

    Drink, drink, and drink some more…water that is – let’s all meet our minimum 64 oz water requirement each day….since we will be exercising, this shouldn't be a problem.

    Weekly challenge:
    1) Get 4 miles in for the week (walking, running, cycling) If you can do more, awesome!
    2) 64 oz water minumin

    Still new at this so if you have anything you would like to add feel free. Since its Thursday, new weekly and daily challenges evey Thursday!


    I'm starting the daily challenges a little bit late but the weekly isn't so bad for me (I walked over 22 miles since Saturday - feet hurt! :sick: )
  • xo_jewel_xo
    xo_jewel_xo Posts: 696 Member
    Morning everyone (maybe afternoon where you are!)

    Kayla! Fantastic challenges and great exercises, I'll be getting started on those today (yeahhhhh, i'm running a little behind). Will be foing out for my walk in about 15 minutes.

    I made the horrific discovery this morning that trail mix is probably not my friend. Of course this happened after I ate a cup of it, hence being over on everything (except sodium) today *sigh*

    Any warriors - feel free to add me!

  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    As far as the weekly question goes, no,, I don't think I've influenced anyone. I love my co-workers,, but they are true work-a-holics and could barely be healthy to save their life.

    BUT gf and I started on this together and we influence each other a lot, in positive ways...


  • As far as the weekly question goes, no,, I don't think I've influenced anyone. I love my co-workers,, but they are true work-a-holics and could barely be healthy to save their life.



    Im a Work-a-holic too. I love my job and I love to work. Its the olny way to live now days. Maybe thats why im not as healthy as I should be.
  • xo_jewel_xo
    xo_jewel_xo Posts: 696 Member
    All work and no play is no good for you! You have to find that work/life balance - how cliche, but it's true. You need to have your down time to relax and rejuvenate yourselves.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member