June 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - That is awesome! I can remember being in San Diego with my daughter and niece and seeing a couple of men staring at them. I walked over and very calmly said to them, 'you are old enough to be their father'. They mumbled something in embarrassment and left as well!
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    See if you can spot the moment when someone ignored this sign and tried to run me over as I crossed a marked crosswalk right in front of a sign that looks like this:

    Based on my HRM:


    ETA: Almost forgot my ticker.


    Gosh, that’s fascinating to see. It never did go down to the pre-adrenaline rush level. Glad you are not a pancake!

    Re: socializing while running. My husband and I are both introverts, with jobs from home, no kids, and basically no need to see other humans. So you might think we would avoid people while running. But I like greeting people on a run! I grew up in the rural south where people actually waved hello when passing in cars because it happened so rarely.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    edited June 2020
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner woah that's a cool graph! Glad they did stop, but honestly that's one confusing sign, never seen it before and I have absolutely no idea what it means. I'm guessing pedestrians have right or way or something??

    Now that could lead to an interesting conversation, road signs in different countries lol.

    Re: being recognised. I just found out that people in my neighbourhood know me. A nurse introduced herself the other day saying "you run in that light up thingy" (thanks noxgear lol). And I meet people all the time that I know from Parkrun, including my physiotherapist lol. I reassured him I wasn't stalking him haha

    Managed a 5k run again this morning. Can't wait to go longer!!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    @avidkeo They stooped about 25-30 feet after almost hitting me. Then backed up and tried to hit me again, and we were yelling at each other. The othe guy then threatened mw, called me a bxxch, and took off.

    This sign is posted in conjunction with a marked crosswalk (white lines on the pavement). It means Yield to Pedestrian in Crosswalk. Basically the difference between this and a stop sign is that one must always stop at a stop sign every time while they are required to stop and give the right of way in this case only when there is a pedestrian. If there is no pedestrian, they can go on through without stopping. Different states have different laws on pedestrian crosswalks. In my state, pedestrians only have the right of way in a crosswalk if there is a sign like this, which is why it is important. Just having white lines on the pavement doesn't give me the legal right of way, but this sign does.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner - that is interesting. Everywhere I have lived pedestrians have had the right of way in a marked crosswalk (in CA they have the right of way regardless of crosswalk). Good to know it is not so everywhere and probably lucky I have not gotten run over on any business trips.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,111 Member
    edited June 2020
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Glad you weren't hit. That's scary though. Now that I see that he tried to run you over twice, my HR would have stayed up too. I would have been tempted to get his licence plate # and report him.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    6-1 7k moderate
    6-2 7k moderate
    6-3 7k easy
    6-4 7k moderately easy
    6-5 7k easily moderate
    6-6 7k slow
    6-7 7k moderate
    6-8 rest
    6-9 7k moderately easy
    6-10 7k easy
    6-11 7k easy
    6-12 7k moderate
    6-13 7k thresholdy
    6-14 7k moderate
    6-15 rest
    6-16 7k easy
    6-17 7k easy
    6-18 7k easy
    6-19 7k easy
    6-20 7k moderate
    6-21 forced rest
    6-22 rest
    6-23 rest
    6-24 4k slow

    June Total: 130k
    June Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k
    May Total: 200k

    2020 Total through May: 900k

    Managed to eke out 4k today; back never did loosen up completely and I was afraid to try to push it for the full 7 k Amazed I actually did something smart.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020k in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
    10-11 Haunted Hustle 5k, Aurora, OH
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @T1DCarnivoreRunner So glad you weren't hit! I've only had one truly close call while running -- it was several years ago when someone making a turn didn't see me and I thought they had and were stopping. They managed to stop in time but it was waaaaaaay too close for comfort. I will never forget that feeling. I didn't have an HRM on, but I imagine I would have had a similar jump.

    @ABabilonia Well done on your new monthly record!

    6/1: 1.75m
    6/2: 5.5m
    6/3: 6m
    6/4: 5m
    6/5: 2m
    6/6: 10.5m
    6/7: 11.75m
    6/8: 1.75m, 1.25m
    6/9: 4m
    6/10: 2.25m
    6/11: 4m
    6/12: 2m
    6/13: 3m
    6/14: 8m
    6/15: 1.5m
    6/16: 3.75m
    6/17: 4m
    6/18: 3m
    6/19: 5.5m
    6/20: 2.25m
    6/21: 26.25m
    6/22: 1.75m, 3m
    6/23: 1.25m, 3m
    6/24: 6m
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    @janejellyroll Thanks 🤗 You have an impressive amount of miles.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    6/1 – 4
    6/2 – 5
    6/3 – 4
    6/4 – 4
    6/5 – 4
    6/6 – 3
    6/7 – 3
    6/8 – 5
    6/9 – 4 with Champ
    6/10 – 2 with Macy and Champ – walking
    6/11 – 5
    6/12 – 5
    6/13 – 5 miles trails with Champ
    6/14 – 3
    6/15 – 5
    6/16 – 3
    6/17 – 2 miles with Macy and Champ – walking
    6/18 – 5 + 4 with friend
    6/19 – rest have race in morning – might just walk the doggies
    6/20 – 5K Trail Race Bigfoot 5K/10K
    6/21 – 3 with Champ and Skip
    6/22 – 5
    6/23 – 3 with Champ
    6/24 - 5 with Skip

    94 of 100 miles

    @shanaber good for you, people are weird.

    Mother’s Day Virtual 5K – done
    Retro Run Virtual 5K – done
    Rona on the Run - Virtual for St. Jude benefit - done
    Keep Moving Huntsville - at least one mile a day 1 - 31 May - done
    The Big Run - June 3 - done
    NEGU virtual run - June - Team NEGU helping support kids with cancer - done
    Big Foot Wild Thangs Trail Race 5K/10K – June 20 on the trails…all together like a real race - done
    Run 4 on the 4th – Virtual 4 miles on 4th of July
    ISS Virtual 5K in July
    Pirate Challenge – 10 weeks mile challenge June – Sept
    Oak Barrel Half Marathon – October – postponed from April
    Flora-Bama 600K - Virtual race from Huntsville AL to the Florida Alabama state line in Orange Beach 50% there!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,025 Member
    June Goal: 100 Miles

    6/2: 6.55 miles
    6/3: 7.06 miles
    6/4: 6.72 miles
    6/7: 10.07 miles
    6/8: 7.04 miles
    6/10: 6.53 miles
    6/11: 6.05 miles
    6/14: 10.04 miles
    6/16: 7.02 miles
    6/17: 5.12 miles
    6/18: 6.02 miles
    6/21: 10.06 miles
    6/22: 6.02 miles
    6/24: 6.32 miles

    100.62/100 miles completed for June

    663.83/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    Today I ran 6.3 miles. It was foggy when I left the house. the temperature and the dew point were both 67° and it was 100% humidity. It was a good run though. I was glad for my noxgear vest. It wasn't terribly dark when I left, but it was foggy and I wanted to make sure that cars could see me. I headed west and the fog seemed to lift, but when I got closer to my house on the east side of town it was still foggy over there. I hit my goal of 100 miles for the month and Team Pavement Pounders got our 1300 mile bib.

    When I am running and I see people I usually greet them and smile or wave. If I see someone who looks sketchy I will usually turn sooner and change my route rather than run past them. Like most small towns in America we have a bit of a meth problem and there are a few people walking around that I try to avoid. But I don't see them often. I don't really see a lot of people, but usually when I do it is either someone I know, or others exercising that I recognize as people who are out exercising the same time as me. I am always surprised when I see someone somewhere and they tell me they saw me running. For some reason I always think that people can't recognize me when I am running, like I'm in disguise or something.

    @ABabilonia Congrats on hitting your June goal and your highest month ever!

    @Tramboman Glad the back is improving. Way to be smart and ease back in.

    @Teresa502 Great job on the Samaritan Purse Virtual 10K!

    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Wow! That was a close call! Glad you are ok.

    @Shortgirlrunning I'm glad your husband was able to come get you. I hope you get to feeling better!


    2020 races:
    11/7/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    edited June 2020
    @janejellyroll Congrats on the marathon. Impressive for sure doing it virtually! Now you are ready for another..!

    Last two days: 6.25 miles both days. Warm and muggy. Both runs the first and last miles were slow, middle runs were fairly ok pace given the conditions.
    I probably need to get up even earlier, but don't see how it would help when it's already 75 and 90% humidity at 6:00 am.

    @T1DCarnivoreRunner Whoa. Glad you're ok. I'm pretty sure they are the B**** and not you.

    I acknowledge most runners with a wave or a hello, and they usually do the same. Unless I'm going through one of the bridges that has some unsavory characters hanging around. That is the time I try out my speed...

    @Teresa502 nice run on the 10K!

  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    One place I run by every day always has security standing around by the front door - today one of the younger guys yelled out to me as I ran by, "You've lost a lot of weight!" :D

    How did that make you feel? I personally would never say that to a stranger. A friend that I knew was trying, I might, but even then I would hesitate. I have the impression that would be a hurtful thing to say or creepy in the case of a stranger.

    @noblsheep have you found this to be true? I have been told that Chinese culture is more open about discussing weight - I remember stopping to say thanks to the Chinese seamstress who helped me with my wedding dress, and she said, “You’ve gained weight, you must be happy!” Which absolutely would not be considered a tactful thing for an American to say, but she meant it quite sincerely. Of course, given her job as a seamstress, she may just be more used to having to discuss weight gain and loss with people!

    Huh... that created a lot of discussion. I nearly forgot that the concept of boundaries and privacy and whatnot are totally different in different cultures. Personally, I didn't think much of it at the time - China is a place where old ladies can come up to pregnant women in the street and say, it looks like a boy! and nobody would think twice about it. (This actually happened to my friend a few days back, she thought it was hilarious.)

    When I was growing up, most people lived in compounds attached to their jobs so nearly everyone was on at least nodding basis. I lived with my grandparents who were high school teachers, and all our neighbors also worked at that school. I'd be playing outside and all the adults walking past would know who I was, and I was always coming home with random stuff people had given me, candy, fruit, eggs etc. I'd get asked by people I may or may not know, did your dad come back from the business trip yet? How are your grandfather's chickens? It's just how society was back then.

    Nowadays in big cities people are slightly more reserved, but talking about things like weight, age, health is not much of a taboo. In rural places, pretty much everything still goes. I've had to explain to various elderly extended family members that no I'm not married and yes I do make a lot of money and yes I've got a mortgage on my apartment. The younger generation tends to have a little more tact than that.

    Having been born into a very reserved, stiff upper lip type of middle class British family I continue to be shocked by the way everyone shares pretty much EVERYTHING here in Spain. I am forever having to remind myself that members of my husband's family are not trying to offend me on purpose... they find it perfectly normal to comment and give opinions and unwanted advice on absolutely everything, physical or not and it absolutely horrifies me!
    I've suffered from severe psoriasis since my teens. Complete strangers regularly come up to be in public and ask what's wrong with my skin. It makes me want to dig a hole in the ground, crawl in and die but again, they don't think it's rude, it's just the way they are. In fact I'm considered to be rude and a weirdo because I try to avoid that sort of situation and I would never dream of commenting or asking people about stuff.
    For example: my physiotherapist confided in February at my last appointment before the lockdown that she was pregnant. When I finally got to see her last week I immediately looked and she didn't look any bigger. She didn't mention the subject at all, so neither did I, figuring it's none of my business and either she has a very very small bump or she lost it. My husband bawled me out for being an inconsiderate person for not asking, whereas to me it would have been really rude to do so.
    A lot of rambling there to basically say it's amazing how different customs are in different cultures, even when you wouldn't expect much of a difference.

    On the pedestrian crossing topic.... @T1DCarnivoreRunner man, glad you're ok!
    I can't remember (which is terrible, I had better brush up on my highway code!) whether it's still the case here, but I do know at some point cars were only obliged by law to stop for pedestrians once they had a foot off the pavement and on the crossing. Or maybe that was in the UK when I was a kid. Or something. My brain is fried. I'm blaming it on the heat!

    Brooks emailed me the other day to take a code to a sports shop in a neighbouring town. At some point I signed up for a virtual run during confinement, they sent us all medals. For free. I do love me some free bling! Photo on my wall. I know it's all marketing strategy but I think they've been really good during this pandemic. Makes me even more intent on buying a pair when I can afford them!