The middle agers group. (Upper 30s,40s & 50ish folks)



  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Hello my name is Luisa. I'm new here and I'm 51.

    Hi Luisa :)

    I hope those that celebrate the 4th of July have a great one :)
  • NorthStar77
    NorthStar77 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Morning all!
    It's Frisky Friday! ;)
  • _Southern_Kev
    _Southern_Kev Posts: 18 Member
    Wishing you all a great 4th Holliday. Anyone got exciting plans?
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,408 Member
    Everybody have a great weekend and 4th July.
  • realnurse26
    realnurse26 Posts: 560 Member
    Good morning, all! Hope you have a great weekend. Those pitiful little workouts I’ve been doing seem to be paying off, along with just counting my calories. The scales are definitely going in the right direction! Do any of you have cookouts or family meals planned for tomorrow?
  • realnurse26
    realnurse26 Posts: 560 Member
    Hello, everyone! Hope you all have a safe, healthy, happy holiday weekend. 😊 I’ve got family coming over (with lots of food, ugh), but I plan to stay on track and keep the momentum going. (The scales are surprising me every morning!) I’m going to make the WW butterfinger dessert, we’ll see how it turns out. Thinking of you all and wishing you the best.
  • realnurse26
    realnurse26 Posts: 560 Member
    edited July 2020
    P.S. sorry for the double post, the first didn’t show up for over an hour, so I thought it never sent, lol. 🤦🏼‍♀️😆
  • DeadSkelton
    DeadSkelton Posts: 6 Member
    37 here feel free to add me!
  • emcoutermarsh
    emcoutermarsh Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! 52 and gained a ton during quarantine. Determined to lose 25 pounds. Gets harder and harder as I age.😳 please add me. Looking for support and friends in this journey. Thx!
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Hi! 52 and gained a ton during quarantine. Determined to lose 25 pounds. Gets harder and harder as I age.😳 please add me. Looking for support and friends in this journey. Thx!

    Quarantine was good to me. I ate less and worked more, so my weight didn't increase.

    But I'm sure you can do it. Calories In and Calories Out, and you'll be back to normal again.
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Got to visit with my mom today. Also greeted everyone who walked by since I realized when you're wearing a mask no one can see you smile.

    Now dealing with a broken fridge. Anyone want some food? Luckily we seem to inherit bar fridges so we moved one into the kitchen.

    Happy fourth of July to our American middle agers. To my fellow Canadians wear your masks and keep your distance! Well everyone please
  • jmike3644
    jmike3644 Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • tenazhsc
    tenazhsc Posts: 70 Member
    Hi Guys! I'm soon to be 40.
    I have a mostly sedentary job. But I try to squeeze at a least a walk everyday. I also have a bike trainer at home and a 1/2 acre yard that needs a lot of work so those are my main types of breaking a sweat.

    I have a 34 day streak going on here and I lost 9 lbs in the month of June.

    My profile pic is my inspiration pic. I'm not here to socialize much tho I do love making friends.
    I will always prioritize commenting on your health, food, wellness and fitness posts. Not so much on other posts.

    I recently read the obesity code book and I'm working on making adjustments described in the book. I'm also taking a Nutrition Basics class in college. And to eat more at home I'm reading the book "Salt, fat, acid and heat"

    Let's be friends. I like supporting and shooting the breeze with people of all ages, genders and ideologies. I just described myself above in case any of these stuff matters to you.
  • AvaEBerry
    AvaEBerry Posts: 161 Member
    Just joined and hoping to reach my goal weight by my 40th birthday next October. Feel free to add me!
  • alteredsteve175
    alteredsteve175 Posts: 2,718 Member
    Happy Independence Day! Last night, my son and granddaughter and I went to an early fireworks display on the Snake River at Marsing. It was great to get out and see some people. Attendance was much lower than usual.

    I recently heard someone discussing how the forced isolation is causing some mental health concerns for lots of people. People are more prone to depression and loneliness. On reflection, I realized that it was true for me as well. And I have continued to work and have contact with people there. But the lack of social interaction is starting to wear on me. Have you noticed this effect in your life?
  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Happy Independence Day! Last night, my son and granddaughter and I went to an early fireworks display on the Snake River at Marsing. It was great to get out and see some people. Attendance was much lower than usual.

    I recently heard someone discussing how the forced isolation is causing some mental health concerns for lots of people. People are more prone to depression and loneliness. On reflection, I realized that it was true for me as well. And I have continued to work and have contact with people there. But the lack of social interaction is starting to wear on me. Have you noticed this effect in your life?

    Happy fourth of July

    My neighbour and I were talking about this the other day because we both found it shocking the Quarantimes made people stressed. Both of us are very social. Personally for myself I found it nice to not have social demands on my time. With restrictions easing I am starting to feel the stress of people asking again for my time

    So personally I've enjoyed the down time. Ya when I visited my I'm I literally said good morning to everyone who walked by and I'm happy to engage everyone in convo but oddly I've liked having my time for whatever I want to do. I enjoyed homeschooling my son, I liked having to find ways to make due with watevee food i could get. Life's an adventure and this was just another chapter
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    mtaratoot wrote: »
    It has been a BERRY good day around here.


    That's about three pints of blueberries, a half pint of two kinds of raspberries, and three pints plus two quarts of Marion berries. I gave two pints to neighbors and put some on trays in the freezer to vacuum seal for when they aren't in season anymore. And those are my stained hands from the Marion berries.

    So LETTUCE give thanks.


    Because nothing BEETS fresh produce from the garden.


    The marion berries look like mulberries. 🙂

  • AliNouveau
    AliNouveau Posts: 36,287 Member
    Today we headed to a provincial park to the beach. It was beautiful and we went early so we could leave when it got busier. Adventures are good for the soul! I also found a new friend in the garden today. I guess Mr Hoppington has found himself a Mrs and had little baby Hoppingtons az6eabzsbyot.jpg
  • MrsScott1479
    MrsScott1479 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I’m 37, definitely could use some friends for my fitness journey. Feel free to add me.