50+ Women for the Month of March



  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Welcome Pattygirl. I hope you enjoy this website. I know you'll get plenty of support and good advice. Good luck in your weight loss. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • amy49
    amy49 Posts: 18 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE. Thank you Ester,I think that is a good idea to set a goal for the end of march.
    My goal is to lose 6 pounds.I have lost 3 pound since I started MFP.

    I weigh 182
    End of March 176 :drinker: :smile:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    tonight I am not going to eat anything for the rest of the evening.
  • I feel the same way.
  • Thanks for the support, it means alot to me.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning All,

    I am going to the gym this morning. It's cold and I hate leaving the house. Hope all have a good start today.

    Breakfast: Shredded Wheat

    Lunch: A huge Salad

    Dinner: I'm going to make some breaded Chicken Breast with a sliver of Aseago Cheese rolled into it covered with caramelized onions. Veggie: Spinach and Spaghetti squash.

    My husband loves this. I give him more cheese. :bigsmile: I also use the spray Olive Oil. No butter

    Chat later
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning-
    Kathy, I know what you mean. It's sunny here, but looks very cold. I'm not going to the gym until 11 tho so hopefully won't be so frigid out.
    I haven't exercised in about 2 weeks. My legs finally feel better even tho not 100 %, but I still have tennis elbow (and I don't even play tennis!!! so frustrating). I am just going to go to my exercise class and do as much as I can. I'm still waiting for the results of my blood tests. I find it hard to believe that all these joint and muscle aches (even when I do NOTHING) have just been triggered by menopause, but that's what my dr. seems to think.
    Anyway, welcome to the new ladies on this thread. :flowerforyou: It's comforting to have a place where we're all in the same boat age-wise.
    The Today show recently had a segment on why it's harder to lose weight at our ages. Turns out it's not the hormones (or lack thereof) associated with menopause; it's actually that our body composition is shifting to more fat, and fat burns calories slower than muscle. So, that's why we have to consume less calories than younger people (as verified by the BMI tool on this site). It's also important to do more strength training to build more muscle to burn more calories. It's great unless we have too many aches and pains to do that strecgth training!::laugh: What a vicious cycle.:grumble:
    At least we have some great company on this journey. Enjoy today and watch those calories and lift some weights!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning all
    I didn't get to do anything exercisey yesterday but I only went over my cals by 29. I only drank 4 waters but thats better than 0! Thanks to you ladies who make me realize that I am worth this. I stray so easily these days. I can feel my motivation creeping up on me!! I feel kind of silly making goals and failing to meet them but there always a first time right? This might be the time that I meet my goal. I can picture myself slimmer and I like it:laugh: I also can picture my life with more energy. Things will be so much easier and I won't be declining invitations to go places because I don't want to be the biggest person there. The obvious challenge here is to 'visualize' this into reality!!
    Today I will walk for 30 minutes, drink 6 water and eat my veggies.

    Take care all

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Heather, you've lost 30 pounds already! :flowerforyou: I'd say you are well on your way to visualizing reality. Keep it up - you can absolutely do this!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good morning-
    Kathy, I know what you mean. It's sunny here, but looks very cold. I'm not going to the gym until 11 tho so hopefully won't be so frigid out.
    I haven't exercised in about 2 weeks. My legs finally feel better even tho not 100 %, but I still have tennis elbow (and I don't even play tennis!!! so frustrating). I am just going to go to my exercise class and do as much as I can. I'm still waiting for the results of my blood tests. I find it hard to believe that all these joint and muscle aches (even when I do NOTHING) have just been triggered by menopause, but that's what my dr. seems to think.
    Anyway, welcome to the new ladies on this thread. :flowerforyou: It's comforting to have a place where we're all in the same boat age-wise.
    The Today show recently had a segment on why it's harder to lose weight at our ages. Turns out it's not the hormones (or lack thereof) associated with menopause; it's actually that our body composition is shifting to more fat, and fat burns calories slower than muscle. So, that's why we have to consume less calories than younger people (as verified by the BMI tool on this site). It's also important to do more strength training to build more muscle to burn more calories. It's great unless we have too many aches and pains to do that strecgth training!::laugh: What a vicious cycle.:grumble:
    At least we have some great company on this journey. Enjoy today and watch those calories and lift some weights!

    Zaza, :flowerforyou:
    You are not kidding about weight training and aches and pains. I am going slow on my weight training not to hurt myself. But, I am going to continue getting my body stronger.

    I came home from my morning run (driving a special needs child to school), and my hubby wants to go to the gym with me. He said, he needed my motivation. Now, that is a switch. :bigsmile:

    Hope all are doing well.

    We can do this.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning all
    I didn't get to do anything exercisey yesterday but I only went over my cals by 29. I only drank 4 waters but thats better than 0! Thanks to you ladies who make me realize that I am worth this. I stray so easily these days. I can feel my motivation creeping up on me!! I feel kind of silly making goals and failing to meet them but there always a first time right? This might be the time that I meet my goal. I can picture myself slimmer and I like it:laugh: I also can picture my life with more energy. Things will be so much easier and I won't be declining invitations to go places because I don't want to be the biggest person there. The obvious challenge here is to 'visualize' this into reality!!
    Today I will walk for 30 minutes, drink 6 water and eat my veggies.

    Take care all


    Good Job, You can do it!!!!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Thanks ZaZa but I had those pounds lost by last summer and have just been jerking around gaining and losing the same 5-8 lbs since then. Don't get me wrong I am happy about that loss but that's only about 1/3 of my way. It proves to me that I can do it but that's more frustrating because I know it works and I still don't do it!! So I'm making March my month and I will do it!!!!!!!

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Thanks Kathy. I sort of envy you a husband who is involved - good for him and for you!

    I have a plant to join a gym when I reach a 50-60 lb loss I say that because until that point, i think I'll just be wasting my time and money. I can currently only work out at all for about 15 minutes. I have a selection of DVD's and an Nordic Trac elliptical trainer so until I can use those with some consistency and loyalty I'll forgo the membership costs.

    Here's to losing 3 lbs. this week.:drinker: :drinker: Oh that reminds me I have to drink my water now:laugh:

  • Hi everyone. I'm new here as of this morning but I'd love to join your challenge. I'm also in my 50's. I would like to loose 5 pounds by the end of March. I also hope to get in at least 4 days of exercise. I wish us all good luck. I'll check back in on the 31st. :smile:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    We are having record high temperatures in West Texas so instead of walking on my treadmill I was able to get outside. Why does 20 minutes on the treadmill seem like an hour, and an hour walking outside or with a friend seem like 20 minutes? I find myself envying those of you who have husbands who exercise with you. Mine won't.

    Today makes two weeks at MFP and for the first time my scale hasn't budged. So long as I don't start gaining I know I should be happy... but I have lost the same 3-5 pounds so many times over the past two years it is a bit unnerving for me. Measure day is Friday. Hopefully I'll see some progress there.

    Thanks to everyone who has sent me messages and encouraged me here on this thread. My doctor says to expect it to take a full year to get down to where I want to be so I'm going to be needing alot more of it in the weeks and months to come.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • :flowerforyou: It is a beautiful day in southwest Louisiana. With encourage from this website and determination, feel really positive about my endevour. Even worked my rosebeds and went and bought some new roses. I forgot how happy it makes me. The exersize and the reward of a pretty yard is great.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    I have to agree with your doctor. It will take time to lose it. We just have to keep moving. That is all. I have been on this site for one year now and I have tremendous support here. I just think of it as a life style.

    Yea, I wish I had lost more but, I feel so much better then I did one year ago. No, I don't think I will ever look as I did when I was in my twenty's and thirty's but, I don't care. I want to feel good. I want to walk more, not sit, I want to enjoy my garden again, not watch the weeds grow. I want to smile more. Not cry and feel sorry for myself. That is what I want now.

    We have to keep going.

    Well, I better get off this computer and start living.

  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    I had my fat percentage measured today at my Y. In the two weeks since I started using MFP, my percentage has gone down 2%. YAY!! I have not lost any weight (BOO) but knowing that some of the fat has been replaced by muscle is good news. Now, if I can just get that muscle to start to work burning the calories. I love feeling stronger but I'd also like to start to see some weight loss.

    I'm keeping to my goal of lots of cardio and weight training 3x a week.

    There's still snow on the ground but the sun is out today here in Philadelphia. I hope everyone has a chance to exercise today.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Good Morning, Everyone,
    The chicken soup I made yesterday turned out great. After weighing and measuring everything it turned out that our midday soup and salad meal was huge and still stayed under 500 calories. My husband was playing golf and didn't get home until 2:30 so I had a modest vegetable snack at noon so I wait for him. I froze some broth and vegetables for a meal in the future and froze some pints of broth to use as a starter for making other soups in the future,

    Today was my favorite line dance class and the sun is shining. It doesn't get much better than this.

    Thanks for sharing all you successes. I don't think I'd do well going to the gym so I admire all of you who do. Thank God for my Nordic Track bike in the living room. I'll be on shortly after lunch.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Good Morning, Everyone,
    The chicken soup I made yesterday turned out great. After weighing and measuring everything it turned out that our midday soup and salad meal was huge and still stayed under 500 calories. My husband was playing golf and didn't get home until 2:30 so I had a modest vegetable snack at noon so I wait for him. I froze some broth and vegetables for a meal in the future and froze some pints of broth to use as a starter for making other soups in the future,

    Today was my favorite line dance class and the sun is shining. It doesn't get much better than this.

    Thanks for sharing all you successes. I don't think I'd do well going to the gym so I admire all of you who do. Thank God for my Nordic Track bike in the living room. I'll be on shortly after lunch.
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:
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