Coronavirus prep



  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Totally with you, Gisel2015. I ask this all the time.

  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @spiriteagle99 Ayup. It's the older cowboys who are stubborn as mules. They'll literally stare you down and give you the stinkeye. I have no idea how they're going to enforce it but some of the bigger box stores have guards dressed in black at the door a few towns away from me. :# My teeth are on edge.
  • moonangel12
    moonangel12 Posts: 971 Member

    Short story: KY couple tested before traveling to MI, woman has Coronavirus and is asymptomatic. Refused to agree not to travel, so they made them wear monitoring devices.

    BTW, this is another case where everybody getting tested helps.

    I read this article earlier and they seem to be wording the headline to make them out to be the villains, but reading their couple of quotes they gave, I think they were OK with the necessary quarantining, she just didn’t agree with some of the wording in the paperwork that they wanted her to sign...

    Like so many other things, two sides to every story, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Gisel2015 wrote: »

    Short story: KY couple tested before traveling to MI, woman has Coronavirus and is asymptomatic. Refused to agree not to travel, so they made them wear monitoring devices.

    BTW, this is another case where everybody getting tested helps.

    Cases like this one may just drive more people to not get tested when they expect they may test positive.

    With the way the known positive cases are increasing in KY we know if we shop we are going into places with positive employees and shoppers daily.

    It seems like the 15-40 age group more and more are 'assuming' they are going to test positive regardless of what they do and think letting COVID-19 spread like wild fire may be a good thing.

    Self isolating it becoming harder and harder but now is about the only option for we seniors. Locally a family of 4 with two minor kids returned from FL vacation to test positive. The ankle bracelet story may be counter productive.

    UPS and FedEx drivers coming to the house are very concerned but not enough to wear masks yet it seems.

    I wish this stress factor was not in the news so often.


    If that couple had not gotten a test before visiting family, they would have infected all of them. Good for them for getting the test, but bad for even thinking in visiting anybody. Just stay home (I know ii is hard), so everybody will be safer and the spread of the virus more controlled.

    In my area UPS, FedExp and USPS drivers wear masks and gloves. I thought that it was a requirement for all of them. Maybe not...

    Very sorry to hear about the family returning from Florida with COVID-19 infection, specially the children. But why in the world they went on vacation to such a HOT state? Did they think that they were immune, they didn't think about the children and on how many other people they probably infected in Florida or on their way back home?

    What is wrong with people???? Vacations are fun and good, visiting friends and families is fun and good. I-get-it. Being in the hospital, the ICU, or hooked to a ventilator or coughing your lungs out is NOT FUN and NOT GOOD.

    Stay home as much as possible, wash your hands, wear a mask when going out, keep your distance. Be smart and thoughtful.

    OK, Sunday rant over..., back to my chores.

    @Gisel2015 not sure the Dumbing Down of the USA is factual or not but could be a factor. Your post reminded me of what was said by a judge on America Idol that I heard today. It was from 2015 the last season planned for the show.

    The judge remarked how much more talent showed up at the start in 2000 and the early years compared to the talent that tried out in 2015. Critical thinking must not be subject studied in schools of late or required in the work place. Tina Turner, Britinty Spears and many others from those eras got their start singing at smaller churches that have been replaced to a large extent by mega churches with fewer performance slots for kids.

    I think the younger generation just want the 2020 Pandemic to be over with and do not grasp we will be lucky if the Pandemic is done with in 2022 we read today. Asia is getting warm count wise again so we know hard lockdowns do not stop COVID-19 in its tract long term and in the USA leadership thinking is short term at best.

    Hospital bed shortage I expect is going to become a major health risk for some of us.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    I'm getting more and more frustrated at the number of people not wearing masks. They have been mandatory in Pennsylvania for months. Thanks to rising Covid numbers, the state has recently added restrictions that are likely to bankrupt a lot of businesses (25% maximum capacity for restaurants, no bars can sell liquor unless they serve meals, etc.). Despite the rising numbers, about half the people at Lowes weren't wearing masks, and about 1/4 of the people at the 'good' grocery store. At Sheetz (a minimart/gas station) probably 3/4 had no masks. All the stores had signs out front saying they were required. Nobody was enforcing the rule. I wanted to say something, but didn't want to deal with possible violent confrontations, so kept my mouth shut. There were a lot of folks over 70 who were maskless.

    Wow, I find this shocking. Where I am everyone has always worn masks in stores. I've never been to a grocery store or any store for that matter where 100% of the people weren't wearing masks since before May.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    edited July 2020
    lokihen wrote: »
    I just learned that we still can't be tested here in South Dakota without symptoms. My hair stylist (a friend even though I'm isolating and not getting hair cuts) tried to get a test after her son got sick and was confirmed positive. Even though she's in a close-contact service job, no test.

    I am flabbergasted that somebody who is a household contact of a confirmed positive case does not qualify for testing. :o

    OMG, that is absurd. Here, anyone can get free testing done who even thinks they may have come in contact with someone positive in the past! I had no clue it was like this in other states. No wonders the numbers are skyrocketing elsewhere....

    Have they tried just doing a virtual online visit? Pretty much all telehealth online visits let you get free testing if you say you've been in contact. They order the test to your local lab. I've had numerous family members in other states do this. (Not sure if they lied and said they had any symptoms) None of them were actively having symptoms. offers at home kits. You don't pay and it goes through your insurance.
  • ElioraFR
    ElioraFR Posts: 91 Member
    I see someone disagrees with my experience of being in an apartment building where it is impossible to social distance when trying to go out. What is it you disagree about?