

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
    I had way more brown hair than gray. I didn’t have as much gray as I would have liked. So, to start out my retirement I decided to color it
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,764 Member
    Yvonne ... you said "My diet has been a train wreck lately too. I'm tired of working and worrying about finances and being stuck in the house, and I'm lonely and kind of cranky lately. I think we just have to give ourselves permission to start moving again with baby steps." I absolutely agree!

    Pip ... your natural color is lovely!

    Karen VA ... I was reading your supplement/vitamin recommendations ... read where you said and a multivitamin when I remember to take it and realized I hadn't taken mine! Thanks for the reminder!

    Lisa ... I usually weigh every day and have this bizarre little dance I do to make certain the scale is "accurate." :D I need to stop. The scale and the number it displays does not define who I am. Bravo to you for putting the scale away! I'm inspired to do the same.

    Today it was very hot and then thunderstorms rolled through. Now it's wet and warm. Working at curtailing my snacking and just focusing on preparing and eating a nutritious main meal. I'm doing so-so on that ... :|

    Beth near Buffalo
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I miss having our cleaner’s help but we came to an impass over face masks. I offered to get her one and she declined. DH has health issues & having a cleaner from out if state who won’t wear a face mask put an end to her help. We’re on our own for now. 🙁
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Machka, as to Bali for 18, barley - r = Ba-ley, or Bali. At least that’s my reasoning.
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 2,996 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Welcome new ladies
    Pip- IF someone were to ask me to name someone who looks smart, classy, mischievous, energetic, vibrant with short hair- YOU are the person I that would come to mind first! You look beautiful with longer hair as well, but my vote would have to be for short hair.
    Margaret- Drew just sounds like a wonderful addition to your family! So glad everything is working out!
    Cheri and KarenVA-I am following your discussion on CBD oils. Now that I am going group, I am hoping to be able to buy something for Tim to try. I went to the website to read some reviews and am a little peeved that none of the reviewers state what their health problem is. Karen, do you know where I might find some reviews on the product from people with advanced RA or other chronic pain/auto immune diseases?
    Machka- I am so happy to hear that you are getting certain "smells". lol Sorry that some of them seem so intense. Hopefully that will calm as your nose gets used to being able to smell things again. I remember when my daughter had surgeries on her ears, (she had a 60% hearing loss as a kid); when her hearing was restored, everything scared her. Even the "quiet" sound of running water or fans seemed loud to her.

    Today is my first day of vacation and I woke up this morning extremely dizzy. Lying in bed, opened my eyes and the room was spinning. I closed my eyes and it stopped. So I sat up and almost fell over and promptly felt nauseous. Stood, held the walls and made my way to the bathroom and was sick. I was dripping with sweat. The dizziness lasted another couple of hours (as did the throwing up). Tim was pacing around me, like a nervous cat, wanting to do something. I had him put a pillow and blanket on the couch, bin beside me (just in case) and I went back to sleep for another six hours. I just woke up about an hour ago, a little lightheaded and slightly dizzy, but nothing like before. So far I have had some crackers and a bit of coffee. Hopefully that is the end of this "bug". Not the way I planned to spend my day, but sometimes it takes "forced action" to make me do nothing.

    Oh well, tomorrow is another day! love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    Kelly- hope you are feeling better- that sounds terrible
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did a low impact cardio leg blast DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a body pump uTube video.

    Went to Food Lion and got the ingredients for beef stroganoff in case Ken and Lynette decide to have dinner here. Browned the meat but if they don’t have dinner here I’ll just freeze it and make it for Jess and Vince when she gets home. Made some meringues for me and found out the cookie press doesn’t work as well as the Pampered Chef decorator I have so I’ll make another batch. Made more chocolate Rice Krispie bars for Vince since he won’t eat the meringues and what if Ken & Lynette decide to have just them? I don’t know that I have enough. Also made more chocolate bran muffins.

    Lynette – we have a WHY trap (this is for wasps, hornets and yellowjackets). So far, it’s worked quite well. I read someone suggested lunchmeat but I didn’t use any since I am afraid that the meat would dry out especially in our hot sun

    – I didn’t know that some wasps aren’t attracted to sweets! Maybe I will put some of the meat I just browned up in the trap. I’ll go in the pool and take the meat out when I get out of the pool. Thanks for telling me! I put the grease in a jar since we have a septic and when the jar is full I just throw it out. Maybe instead of the meat I’ll just use the grease.

    Picked up two masks for Denise. They have whales on them. Actually, it’s a fundraiser for the soup kitchen but I thought she might like the whales. Don’t know what kind of mask she has

    Faye – I like the Wuhan best

    Katla – my neighbor made 2 masks for me. It was a fundraiser for the soup kitchen. Then Jess took two masks from work for us. Truthfully, I’d rather the ones the lady made me. I can just pop it on when I go into a store and pop it off the second I get out of the store (did I tell you how much I hate wearing a mask?)

    Pip – love the haircolor. Makes you look so young

    @ day”. Lynette and Ken are coming over and I’m making the beef stroganoff. Not that *I* really like it. If there’s leftovers (and there probably will be), I’ll give some to Lynette to take home and save some for Vince’s dinner tomorrow.

    Michele NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,071 Member
    Pip looking good!
  • Sara628588
    Sara628588 Posts: 88 Member
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    Sara – It sounds like your body is craving protein. I always have boiled eggs ready for those times when I need something quick and/or body is calling out for it.

    Ooh hadnt thought of that. Good point

    I started today with two eggs.........
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Pip – I am so sorry ((((((((((((hugs)))))

    Great pictures everyone

    So yesterday I attended my first Zoom Funeral, it was uncomfortable…everyone in little squares looking at each other, some had never used zoom before I don’t think, one guy was using the picture to floss. The pastor was a well spoken man, but he referred to the death date as our “use by date” and kept reminding us that each of us had one and that it was closer each day.

    Kim from N. California
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Pip Sorry about your old kitty Bootz. :'(
    Pretty pretty picture of you. You're lovely.

    Kim The Zoom funeral - looking at each other & everybody watching somebody flossing. :D:D:D
    Not to mention the pastor talking about your "use by" date. :o You won't forget that experience. Bizarre.

    Karen in Virginia


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,293 Member
    I'm not having any kind of funeral, my body will be cremated when they have a spare slot, but I do want a wake dinner when everyone can say how great I am and eat delicious food. :D One of the tracks I want played is Enjoy Yourself It's Later Than You Think. >:)
    I did have a playlist, but it keeps changing. Some World Music, Jazz, Some Choral. A Show Tune. Wonderful food. Great wine. Intelligent chat. A few memories of me.
    I need to write all this down as I don't think DH will be entirely capable. I find it hard to believe anyone will miss me, but they assure me they will.

    Seeing my Portsmouth friend on Tuesday. We are going to wander down from the station and try for a table at Fatto. Outside if poss. :o She has already had the virus. If not we can get takeaway and walk down to the beach.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 854 Member
    Pip, I'm so sorry to hear of Bootz's passing. His time I guess. I am glad you were there with him
    Michele, the bathrooms at the Y are open, but the change rooms and showers are closed, can't even get to those areas.
    I was one of about 12 people at the gym yesterday morning, very easy to be socially distant! Walking with my friend this morning, so glad we are back at that, nice to get out and get a good visit in while getting some good walking in too!
    All this talk of housecleaning is reminding me that it's housecleaning day :/ not my fave, but it must be done. I despise dusting, fortunately our house doesn't get too dusty, but I do tend to vacuum the furniture instead of dusting it! And now I must get at it....
    Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies! Please sign off with a name that you would like to be called as well as a location that can be as general or specific as you feel comfortable with. This helps us keep organized as to who's who!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island where the air conditioner is very welcome overnight!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Evelyn, oh lucky you to be going back to the gym!💖. Our gym is located on base, and presently its for active duty personnel only, so retired military will have to wait. I so miss it, and the other retiree ladies I met there! I did see a gal at the commissary, and we caught up, but we were both on time schedules so we didn't chat long.😣
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,506 Member
    Pip. (((((hugs))))) with the passing of your dear cat.💖. It looked like mother nature stepped in and made it possible for your pets to stay together, if only in death.
    Love your haircut! It looks great!
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 393 Member
    Oh crap! just lost a whole page of posts due to copying something else between pages! The only thing I recall was telling someone to try glucosamine sulfate rather than chondroitin. I found it MUCH more effective in managing pain. Give it at least 2 weeks to begin helping. It’s cumulative in its’ effect.

    The other thing was telling Pip I’d love to see her hair that lovely color, but shorter.

    Oh! And telling someone else I too had compulsive behavior around numbers, mainly involved with counting things. Before meds, that is.

    It’s 81°F (27°+C) here in Issaquah. I believe from the 10-day forecast our summer MAY have arrived. I’ve opened the vents on the roof of my sleeping porch in faith that no drizzles will happen in the next few days.

    My walkway is also becoming overrun with weeds growing in the cracks between the bricks and concrete blocks. My kids house the weed eater I bought. They’re very prompt to help when I mention a need. I have been trying to resume cleaning kitty litter, but nearly fell while tipping up a 42# bag to refill one of my closed boxes, so have yelled for help via messenger. One small fly in the ointment is that Nicolas, my dear 8yo grandson is frequently using one or both of their phones to multi-task while watching a movie on his tv. Being autistic, he just loves streaming the same movie on multiple devices. He also looks up more astronomy facts and texts a couple of friends from school. He’s certainly began to really “get” what having and being a friend is about! My heart bursts with joy when he achieves something I see as vital to his future as a hopefully independent adult.

    I also had something in the post for Machka and Lisa but I have no clue now what it was, lol! Don’t think it’s age-related, just brain fatigue after tax season!

    sharon Near Seattle
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,226 Member
    edited July 2020
    18) BARLEY = BA LEY -> Bali