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  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Faye is headed east upriver to the watermelon capital of the PNW >>> Girl roadtrip >>>>>>
    >>>>>>>3jdhz4n2uzyr.jpg >>>>>
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    I enjoyed my afternoon just listening to my languages on YouTube. :D I've found a good German site. My German is definitely better than my Norwegian.
    I've found that, if I like the presenter, I'm much more likely to turn to it. Their personality is very important. It should be fun! :D
    Karen - How are you getting on with Pierre?

    I hardly slept at all last night, for some strange reason, but felt ok most of the day. I did succumb to a short nap this afternoon.
    I was in the middle of writing this morning when my lovely brother rang to see how DH was. <3 My bruv is having a kidney stone op on August 4th and the whole household, wife, two children and one boyfriend, are in isolation for 14 days beforehand. His granddaughter had a gallbladder op today and her whole household of 5 adults and a baby had to isolate for the same time. Not allowed to go out at all. Not even to walk the dog. They have a niece who is walking the dog!
    My DSIL resigned her teaching job through anxiety and has just got a new part time one helping out at a blood donor centre. Starting end of August. She is 16 years younger than my bruv.

    Then I went onto Google to research some of the things my diary entries were referring to that I couldn't remember. All places in Brighton in 1965. I found a defunct department store and a famous coffee house. :p Talk about memory lane! I had the receipt from Wades, the department store, tucked into the pages. Shame those are dying out. There are none in Brighton. It was in a beautiful 1930s building that is now a Next. People were reminiscing about going to see Father Christmas. :'(
    I also must have gone on the train with my girlfriend. The direct train line from Horsham to Brighton was cut by Dr Beeching in 1966. Now you have to go a longer way round. The girlfriend I went with was Shirley, who died 18 months ago of a horrible degenerative disease of the brain stem.
    So many memories! We had a Wimpey and chips (fries) for lunch.
    Brighton figured largely in my teenage years and my youngest was at university here. Our move here was obviously meant to be. :-)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,684 Member
    Barbara I will take a photo of his Lego city when he leaves for duty.👍
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,131 Member
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    It is the end of the day- you still have about 300 cal to use. What would you eat/drink???
    I am at 728 now and just finished dinner.

    I would drink water and call it a day.

    Tina in CA

    Tina- I have done that too often- think I am keeping my calories too low most days- do not go over 1000 , even when I have extra to use after exercising.
    Trying to find a happy balance where I start loosing again. Staying at 1000 for the past year+ and haven't lost any weight since Jan.

    We are all different. I'm mostly at maintenance and want to keep it off. So if I have a day where I am significantly below allocation and am not hungry, I don't eat more just to hit my allocation. I call that a semi-fasting day. I sleep better on an empty stomach, so I would not push my limits.

    When I was trying harder than I am now to build muscle, I would have used those 300 calories for a high protein snack such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or scrambled egg whites.

    Good luck.


    I am trying to loose 10 pounds, would love to loose 15 that would put me at 125 which I haven't been in years.
    I can NOT sleep if I am hungry- I toss and turn until I get up and get something- usually just a few crackers or a little peanut butter but have to have something.
    I did really good about keeping it balanced but lately seem to be obsessing too much and eating too little. I will figure out a balance where I start loosing again.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 966 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    It is the end of the day- you still have about 300 cal to use. What would you eat/drink???
    I am at 728 now and just finished dinner.

    I would drink water and call it a day.

    Tina in CA

    Tina- I have done that too often- think I am keeping my calories too low most days- do not go over 1000 , even when I have extra to use after exercising.
    Trying to find a happy balance where I start loosing again. Staying at 1000 for the past year+ and haven't lost any weight since Jan.

    We are all different. I'm mostly at maintenance and want to keep it off. So if I have a day where I am significantly below allocation and am not hungry, I don't eat more just to hit my allocation. I call that a semi-fasting day. I sleep better on an empty stomach, so I would not push my limits.

    When I was trying harder than I am now to build muscle, I would have used those 300 calories for a high protein snack such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or scrambled egg whites.

    Good luck.


    I am trying to loose 10 pounds, would love to loose 15 that would put me at 125 which I haven't been in years.
    I can NOT sleep if I am hungry- I toss and turn until I get up and get something- usually just a few crackers or a little peanut butter but have to have something.
    I did really good about keeping it balanced but lately seem to be obsessing too much and eating too little. I will figure out a balance where I start loosing again.

    I have struggled with sleeping for about 20 years. I always thought it was related to allergies. I live where allergens are ever-present. I have changed up medications and nothing really worked for that. However, it took me 20 years, but I found out when I was doing a fasting period to lose a few pounds and hence drinking a ton of water, I was able to sleep a lot better once I convinced myself I was not hungry. I started remembering my dreams, which had not happened for decades. It took a lot of mental preparation to ignore the hunger, but sleeping is a very nice thing. I didn't realize how much I missed dreaming!

    Tina in CA

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Annie, what Rebecca said! The guy is a total scammer! Run away and don't look back!
    Lisa, your cleaning strategy is similar to mine! lol (looks like there's been a struggle!)
    Sharon, I love the stained glass in your door's window. I saw a few suggestions for a strategy for cleaning that I try to implement myself. One that works for me best is assigning a time limit, usually only 10 or 15 min "I'm going to do dishes for a certain length of time, not just I'm going to clean, that's far too ambiguous, but a specific task for a specific length of time. Good luck!
    Thanks all, for the birthday wishes! Getting the food at the trattoria with no parking was a bit of an adventure, but I only had to go around the block twice, then parked in a "residents only" spot, figuring that by the time someone realized I was there and called bylaw enforcement and they showed up I would be gone. And I was only parked there for about 5 min, so no harm done. The food was good, but I wouldn't go all that way for it again. I ordered a lasagna that was supposed to be made with a bechamel sauce as well as the tomato sauce, but I didn't find any bechamel! I had one last year when we met up with friends up island, OMG!!! it was so good! I would go back there for their lasagna, but that is a few hours away so definitely a very occasional thing.
    Camping, never with my parents, a few times for Girl Guide projects or badges, but really did not develop a love of sleeping outdoors. Now, being out in the shrubbery during the day, well, that's fine, especially if there is at least an outhouse nearby, but I need my bed to sleep in. I was fortunate to find a man who feels the same way!
    I have started tracking again, not sure why I stopped, lazy I guess. Anyway, the weight is creeping up again. I know part of it is because it is so warm here (well, warm for here, lol) and I'm not drinking enough water but my salt intake is up. I could really feel it a few days ago, my hands felt so tight, not just the rings, but the hold hand. Uncomfortable for sure. They feel better now, but rings are still too tight, a sure sign that water is at least part of the problem. I haven't been doing a lot of overboard eating, definitely a few things that shouldn't have passed my lips, but..... Anyway, back to tracking!
    Hope everyone has a great day/evening/night! Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    A quick lunch and we are headed out of here! High today for this desert place is 104. We had planned for Thursday but the high predicted for that day is 109. It is 92 here now and no breeze. I always like to get my melons direct from the farm. Faye heading back west nap6cr2eg48w.jpg


  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Lisa - most fiber is from psyllium, but Heather's tummy fiber is from acacia instead. My tummy likes it better! Amazon carries it.

    I'm bummed today. I had been texting a guy I met online for maybe a month. He said the sweetest things, to the point where it was really too much, but flattery always feels great. Now he asked me for money.

    So I guess I will block him, even though I half believe his story. I do not do banking with people I barely know, even if he says he loves me. Scam or not, the relationship was one-sided and going nowhere.

    Oh well, there is already a new guy on the horizon. I just hate to be rude to the old guy. Guess I will have to put my big girl panties on and just block him.

    Annie in Delaware

    Thank you, Annie!

    I really appreciate the suggestion - and yes, my system does not react well to psyllium fiber even in very small doses. Pity, because it's cheap.

    Regarding the money asker, yeah, you've gotten the advice already. I hate people who scam for money and thieves - I swear they'd work less hard if they'd just get a real job.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,131 Member
    edited July 2020
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    sh0tzz99 wrote: »
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    It is the end of the day- you still have about 300 cal to use. What would you eat/drink???
    I am at 728 now and just finished dinner.

    I would drink water and call it a day.

    Tina in CA

    Tina- I have done that too often- think I am keeping my calories too low most days- do not go over 1000 , even when I have extra to use after exercising.
    Trying to find a happy balance where I start loosing again. Staying at 1000 for the past year+ and haven't lost any weight since Jan.

    We are all different. I'm mostly at maintenance and want to keep it off. So if I have a day where I am significantly below allocation and am not hungry, I don't eat more just to hit my allocation. I call that a semi-fasting day. I sleep better on an empty stomach, so I would not push my limits.

    When I was trying harder than I am now to build muscle, I would have used those 300 calories for a high protein snack such as cottage cheese, yogurt, or scrambled egg whites.

    Good luck.


    I am trying to loose 10 pounds, would love to loose 15 that would put me at 125 which I haven't been in years.
    I can NOT sleep if I am hungry- I toss and turn until I get up and get something- usually just a few crackers or a little peanut butter but have to have something.
    I did really good about keeping it balanced but lately seem to be obsessing too much and eating too little. I will figure out a balance where I start loosing again.

    I have struggled with sleeping for about 20 years. I always thought it was related to allergies. I live where allergens are ever-present. I have changed up medications and nothing really worked for that. However, it took me 20 years, but I found out when I was doing a fasting period to lose a few pounds and hence drinking a ton of water, I was able to sleep a lot better once I convinced myself I was not hungry. I started remembering my dreams, which had not happened for decades. It took a lot of mental preparation to ignore the hunger, but sleeping is a very nice thing. I didn't realize how much I missed dreaming!

    Tina in CA

    I drink a LOT of tea- hot tea only because iced tea(anything cold)gives me an asthma attack instantly-all day long. I have my cup full from the time I get up til I go to bed, switching from regular to herbal by 2PM so I can sleep. Drink the herbal until I go to bed(then up every few hours to use the bathroom)- I have trouble getting to sleep most nights but worse if I am hungry. Thankful my daycare kids don't come in super early like they used to so I can at least sleep in some. Used to take melatonin and will if I know I am taking it early enough- if not, have some other stuff I take that is quick acting and no groggy feeling- works great most of the time.

    Napa Valley, CA
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Sharon Gorgeous stained glass

    Heather French is hard. I got discouraged. I'll give it another go. Spanish and German are easier.

    Katla They are caladiums. I paid $18 and they sent me way more than I expected - more than advertised - that container is only 4 of them! It's about 1/5 of the total plants I received! Bargain. Caladiums Direct in case you are interested. Very pleased. I planted them one month ago.

    Karen in Virginia
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,976 Member
    Annie ,just watch 90 day fiance....and you will see the lengrhs some of these guys go to.
    I was catfished in the early 90s before i divorced my first husband,you cant be to careful...
  • donnamaltz101
    donnamaltz101 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All, I just started on Saturday. Really helps to have the calorie counter with the drop down searches for food.
    Day three- still within my goals- what to do for dinner....Biggest problem- I do not like to cook!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DeliaFaye: Hermiston melons?! YUM! Unfortunately MFP doesn’t have a drooling icon. :wink:

    Debbie: My favorite tea is peppermint. It is all herbal and no caffeine. :star:

    Sharon: Your stained glass is beautifully done, and a piece of art in my opinion. I love the colors. :flowerforyou:

    Karen in VA: I don’t know a thing about caladiums. Do they like shade or heat? :huh:

    Allie: What does “catfished” mean? It is a new term for me. :star:

    We took the dog to the vet and got his advice. No surgery for the foreseeable future. Schooner is an old dog and surgery could be risky. The vet wants us to put cortisol ointment on the lesion on Schooner’s backside every day. I’ve been to the pharmacy and already put some on his backside where the lesion is located. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful 90 degree NW Oregon
    I’m thanking my lucky stars for air-conditioning!
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,131 Member
    edited July 2020
    Katla49 wrote: »
    DeliaFaye: Hermiston melons?! YUM! Unfortunately MFP doesn’t have a drooling icon. :wink:

    Debbie: My favorite tea is peppermint. It is all herbal and no caffeine. :star:

    Sharon: Your stained glass is beautifully done, and a piece of art in my opinion. I love the colors. :flowerforyou:

    Karen in VA: I don’t know a thing about caladiums. Do they like shade or heat? :huh:

    Allie: What does “catfished” mean? It is a new term for me. :star:

    We took the dog to the vet and got his advice. No surgery for the foreseeable future. Schooner is an old dog and surgery could be risky. The vet wants us to put cortisol ointment on the lesion on Schooner’s backside every day. I’ve been to the pharmacy and already put some on his backside where the lesion is located. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a good outcome. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful 90 degree NW Oregon
    I’m thanking my lucky stars for air-conditioning!

    I like peppermint(and for a nice treat, use a piece of candy cane to make it- former brother in law got me hooked on that, I buy extra during the holidays to get me through the year) or I use fresh from the garden.
    My favorites are Good Earth Sweet and Spicy- nice strong cinnamon tea, Celestial Seasonings Bengal Spice or Prince of Peace ginger tea. Not a big fan of most of the fruit ones or chamomile. Will drink Sleepytime-some of them.
    LOVE Celestial Seasonings other teas too- We actually went to their factory twice and bought so much- had to have them ship it home for me- wouldn't fit in my suitcase. LOVED their peppermint room- smelled so good.

    Napa Valley,CA
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Sharon - You spurred me into action this morning so thank you. I have a workbench in the garage (that hubs constantly takes over even though he has a shop!) that I cleaned up. Hubs stuff got tossed or put where I thought it should go. He has a habit of using a disposable shop towel to wipe his hand off and then putting it on the work bench. Then he does it again. And again. I tossed them all and voila, I have a counter visible again. :smiley: I need to clean out and organize the drawers, but that will be more involved.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • caratrevett4431
    caratrevett4431 Posts: 2 Member
    Just joined the community as a newly 50 person. Want to stop the spread of the waist in this new hormonally imbalanced time! I must say I love the mud pictures. I always used to say you can tell when a kid has had a good time by how mucky they are! Brilliant!

    Cara UK
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,684 Member