September 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @kristinajeang Gosh, you really rolled it! Ouch! Hope you continue to improve and feel better soon.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member

    Got my chaski swag yesterday, except the medal, which I ordered the day before the shirt, so I expect it to arrive soon.

    i will reply to posts when I'm not in the middle of month-end for August at work.

    BUT! This is important:

    Vincent's wife would like to know where she and her son can go to see our random acts of kindness in memory and in honor of Vincent. Do you want me to invite her to the MFP FB or do you want me to track them in some way for her? Thoughts?

  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,733 Member
    9/1 – 7.02 miles
    9/2 – 5.03
    9/5 – 18.02
    9/6 – 8.13 (walk 1.78)
    9/7 – 6.13
    9/9 – 5.27
    Total – 51.46/Goal – 130 miles

    VM for @PastorVincent – 11.50/26.2 miles

    Another beautiful morning for a run outside. I started at 6:00 am so it was still dark for the first couple of miles. I was going to try my new Amphipod light that I bought but I didn’t charge it in time. Stay tuned for a review!

    I need to plan an act of kindness for @PastorVincent. It’s harder to contemplate since I’m working from home this week. Has anyone else performed their act yet or made plans? I figure when I make it to town on Saturday, I can always pay for the person behind me in a fast-food drive-thru if I don't come up with anything else. Please share your ideas and plans!

    @polskagirl01 – you’re job sounds heavenly (pun intended)!

    @shanaber – every time I hear about the Santa Ana winds I think about that movie The Holiday with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz and Jude Law. I love that movie! Sorry about your AC – sounds like it had quiet a workout the last few days. I hope the fires out there are under control soon. Very scary stuff.

    @hanlonsk – Your weather is unbelievable for September! Good job toughing it out on the treadmill!

    @kristinajeang – Ouch! Glad you are taking the time to heal. Hopefully by Monday things will be good.

    Happy Anniversary @WandaVaughn!

  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 I love that. :)

    @WandaVaughn yes! Of course!

    Where are we all from? I know we've got London, New Zealand, Kentucky - where else? All over the world, I know - but I think it will warm Kristi's heart to know the impact that @PastorVincent had, quite literally, all over the world.
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    Went to bed late after a late supper and watching a movie with the hubby. Had to make myself get out of bed but when I got to the track, a weird notion hit me. I ran 10k today! Must've been the spaghetti I had for supper. :smiley:

    Tomorrow is our 32nd wedding anniversary! I'm not sure if I'll be running tomorrow or not. We have a dinner date planned at our favorite German place. Yum!

    9/1 5.55
    9/2 5.21
    9/3 5.23
    9/4 Helped with Mom's yard sale all. day. long.
    9/5 Bass fishing tournament with the Hubs. We didn't win, but I caught fish!
    9/6 4.35
    9/7 10.17
    9/8 4.25
    9/9 6.2

    September miles = 40.96 so far.
    Space Race 400K = 120.65 (Just 127.85 to go!)

    Happy anniversary!!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @WandaVaughn happy anniversary and very nice act of kindness
    @Hamsterwheel6 I'm waving to you - sorry about the hamstring

  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    I live in Somerville, Alabama!